sample of publications
- A constitutive model for rate-dependency analysis of open hole woven composites under compression loading. COMPOSITE STRUCTURES. 343. 2024
- Experimental study of off-axis compression behaviour in dynamic loading: The open hole effect. COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING. 173. 2023
- Impact performance on industrial scalable graphene reinforcement composites. Aerospace Science and Technology. 141. 2023
- Solar power tower plants with Bimetallic receiver tubes: A thermomechanical study of two- and three-layer composite tubes configurations. Energy. 283:1-19. 2023
- High velocity impact response of carbon/epoxy composite laminates at cryogenic temperatures. COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING. 168:1-9. 2023
- Longitudinal supports shape influence on deflection and stresses in solar receiver tubes. Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal. 20:204-209. 2022
- Lifetime optimization of solar central receivers via linear actuators. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES. 226, 107388:1-17. 2022
- Artificial bird strike on Hopkinson tube device: experimental and numerical analysis. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IMPACT ENGINEERING. 138:1-13. 2020
- Influence of longitudinal clips in thermal stresses and deflection in solar tubular receivers. Solar Energy. 198:224-238. 2020
- Numerical model of solar external receiver tubes: Influence of mechanical boundary conditions and temperature variation in thermoelastic stresses. Solar Energy. 174:912-922. 2018
- Numerical study of composite fragment impacts onto rigid target. COMPOSITE STRUCTURES. 203:172-181. 2018
- Experimental analysis of an attenuation method for Hydrodynamic Ram effects. MATERIALS & DESIGN. 155:451-462. 2018
- Numerical methodology to analyze the ice impact threat: Application to composite structures. MATERIALS & DESIGN. 141:350-360. 2018
- Experimental and numerical analysis of step drill bit performance when drilling woven CFRPs. COMPOSITE STRUCTURES. 184:1147-1155. 2018
- The influence of laminate stacking sequence on ballistic limit using a combined Experimental/FEM/Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) methodology. COMPOSITE STRUCTURES. 183:299-308. 2018
- Experimental analysis of high velocity impacts of composite fragments. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IMPACT ENGINEERING. 103:231-240. 2017
- Experimental analysis of ice sphere impacts on unidirectional carbon/epoxy laminates.. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IMPACT ENGINEERING. 96:1-10. 2016
- Numerical analysis of the influence of tool wear and special cutting geometry when drilling woven CFRPs. COMPOSITE STRUCTURES. 138:285-294. 2016
- Experimental study of the impactor mass effect on the low velocity impact of carbon/epoxy woven laminates. COMPOSITE STRUCTURES. 133:774-781. 2015
- Analysis of Ice Impact Process at High Velocity. EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS. 55:1669-1679. 2015
- Experimental analysis of normal and oblique high velocity impacts on carbon/epoxy tape laminates. COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING. 60:24-31. 2014
- Numerical prediction of delamination in CFRP drilling. COMPOSITE STRUCTURES. 108:677-683. 2014
- Numerical analysis of high velocity impacts on unidirectional laminates. COMPOSITE STRUCTURES. 107:629-634. 2014
- On the influence of filling level in CFRP aircraft fuel tank subjected to high velocity impacts. COMPOSITE STRUCTURES. 107:570-577. 2014
- Numerical analysis of CFRP fluid-filled tubes subjected to high-velocity impact. COMPOSITE STRUCTURES. 96:286-297. 2013
- Analysis of high velocity impacts of steel cylinders on thin carbon/epoxy woven laminates. COMPOSITE STRUCTURES. 95:623-629. 2013
- Analysis of strain rate sensitivity of carbon/epoxy woven composites. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IMPACT ENGINEERING. 48:54-64. 2012
- Numerical Analysis of the Hydrodynamic Ram Phenomenon in Aircraft Fuel Tanks. AIAA JOURNAL. 50:1621-1630. 2012
- Numerical modeling of ice behavior under high velocity impacts. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOLIDS AND STRUCTURES. 49:1919-1927. 2012
- Numerical modelling of partially filled aircraft fuel tanks submitted to Hydrodynamic Ram. Aerospace Science and Technology. 16:19-28. 2012
- Experimental study of CFRP fluid-filled tubes subjected to high-velocity impact. COMPOSITE STRUCTURES. 93:2598-2609. 2011
- Analytical Modelling of High Velocity Impacts of Cylindrical Projectiles on Carbon/Epoxy Laminates. COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING. 40:1223-1230. 2009
- Impact Behaviour of Preloaded Glass/Polyester Woven Plates. COMPOSITES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 69:711-717. 2009
- Numerical Modelling of the Hydrodynamic Ram Phenomenon. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IMPACT ENGINEERING. 36:363-374. 2009
- Free Transverse Vibrations of Cracked Nanobeams using a Nonlocal Elasticity Model. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. 105:44309. 2009
- Experimental Analysis of Fluid-Filled Aluminium Tubes Subjected to High-Velocity Impact. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IMPACT ENGINEERING. 36:81-91. 2009
- Influence of Conical Projectile Diameter on Perpendicular Impact of Thin Steel Plate. ENGINEERING FRACTURE MECHANICS. 75:2946-2967. 2008
- Prediction of the Behaviour of CFRPs against High-Velocity Impact of Solids Employing an Artificial Neural Network Methodology. COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING. 39:989-996. 2008
- Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Normal and Oblique Ballistic Impacts on Thin Carbon/Epoxy Woven Laminates. COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING. 39:374-387. 2008
book chapters
- Soft Impact. In: Encyclopedia of Continuum Mechanics . Springer Berlin / Heidelberg. 1-15. 2019
- Multiscale FE Modelling and Design of Composite Laminates Under Impact. In: Comprehensive Composite Materials II. ELSEVIER B.V.. 219-238. 2017
- Analysis of high-speed impact problems in the aircraft industry. In: Constitutive Relations under Impact Loadings: Experiments, Theoretical and Numerical Aspects. SPRINGER. 137-207. 2014
- Analysis of Dynamic Loading of Long Fiber Reinforced Composites. In: Fiber-Reinforced Composites. NOVA SCIENCE PUBLISHERS INC. 497-526. 2012
- Analysis of dynamic loading of long fiber reinforced composites. In: Fiber-Reinforced Composites. NOVA PUBLISHERS. 497-526. 2011
conference contributions
- Longitudinal supports shape influence on deflection and stresses in solar receiver tubes. 204-209. 2022
- Carbon/epoxy laminates loaded with graphene related materials. 27. 2019
- Compression after impact test on woven CFRP laminates: the effect of ply clustering. 23. 2019
- Graphene Related Materials enhancing polymer composites: An application to aerospace structures. 27-28. 2019
- Thermal stress variation in a solar central receiver during daily operation. 030038-1-030038-6. 2019
- Análisis experimental de impactos de alta velocidad de fragmentos de material compuesto carbono/epoxi. 109-114. 2018
- Estudio experimental de la influencia del espesor y la secuencia de apilado en laminados de tejido sometidos a impacto de baja velocidad. 100-107. 2018
- Influencia de los soportes longitudinales en los tubos de los receptores solares térmicos. 301-308. 2018
- Influencia de los soportes longitudinales en los tubos de los receptores solares térmicos. 301-307. 2018
- Thermal and mechanical stresses in a solar central receiver. 528-532. 2018
- Impact of soft body materials, an experimental and numerical approach using a Hopkinson tube: application to substitute bird. 1-9. 2017
- Numerical Simulations of High Velocity Impacts of Composite Fragments. 140-147. 2017
- Numerical modelling of the Fluid Structure Interaction using ALE and SPH: The Hydrodynamic Ram Phenomenon. 1-11. 2017
- High velocity impacts of composite fragments 2016
- Impact performance optimization of CFRP plates using a combined experimental/FEM/Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) methodology 2016
- Influence of ply clustering on residual strength of 5HS woven composite laminates subjected to low velocity impacts 2016
- Numerical Analysis of low velocity impacts on 5HS woven composite laminates P. 2016
- On the study of high velocity impacts of carbon/epoxy fragments against a rigid plate: Experimental and numerical approach 2016
- Out of plane impact on woven composite plates: effects of thickness, ply sequence and ply clustering 2016
- Analysis of carbon/epoxy composite laminates subjected to high velocity ice impacts 2015
- Analysis of obliquity in the high velocity impact of carbon/epoxy fragments 2015
- CFRP fluid filled tubes subjected to high velocity impacts: experimental and numerical analysis 2015
- Impactos de hielo sobre laminados de carbono/epoxi a alta velocidad. 1129-1134. 2015
- Numerical study of carbon/epoxy woven laminates submitted to equienergetic impacts 2015
- Statistical and numerical analysis of wear tool geometry in drilling CFRP. 1-10. 2015
- Effects of impactor mass in carbon/epoxy woven laminates under low-velocity loading 2014
- Failure envelope for ice based on Burzynski criteria 2014
- Implementation of a numerical model to define a bending manufacturing process. 36-41. 2014
- Influence of tool geometry in drilling of CFRP. 1-8. 2014
- Numerical study of the effects of metallic plates in the attenuation of the HRAM phenomenon. 511-516. 2014
- On the influence of filling level in CFRP aircraft fuel tank subjected to high velocity impacts.. 570-577. 2014
- Simulations of High Velocity Impacts of Ice on Carbon/epoxy Composite Laminates. 505-510. 2014
- Experimental analysis of an attenuation method for hydrodynamic ram effects 2013
- Experimental analysis of high velocity impacts on tape carbon/epoxy laminates 2013
- Experimental and numerical analysis of ice sphere impacts 2013
- Numerical analysis of high velocity impacts on tape laminates. 2013
- CFRP Plates Subjected to Sphere Ice 2012
- Numerical Modeling of High Velocity Impacts on Composite Laminates 2012
- Numerical Modeling of Woven CFRP Partially Fluid Filled Tubes Subjected to High Velocity Impact 2012
- Drucker-Prager Model for Ice at High Strain Rates 2011
- Numerical Modeling of Fluid-filled Woven CFRP Tubes Subjected to High-velocity impact 2011
- Modeling high-speed impact on CFRP's with an energy balance equation. 1-8. 2010