Impact performance on industrial scalable graphene reinforcement composites Articles uri icon

publication date

  • October 2023


  • 141

International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)

  • 1270-9638

Electronic International Standard Serial Number (EISSN)

  • 1626-3219


  • Carbon fiber reinforced epoxy laminates are widely used in the design and manufacturing of aeronautical structures. Among different manufacturing procedures, resin transfer moulding (RTM) has emerged as a cost-effective alternative to prepregs manufactured in an autoclave. However, the laminate obtained by RTM exhibits approximately 20% lower mechanical properties. To address this limitation, the addition of nanoparticles has been suggested as a solution. In this study, graphene particles were obtained by in-situ mechanical exfoliation in the resin and directly injected into the mould. The major achievement of this study is that the entire manufacturing process was performed at an industrial scale using the same tooling used to produce aircraft structures. Laminates with varying concentrations and dispersion times were manufactured using RTM and subjected to compression after impact tests, resulting in a 7.6% improvement. Furthermore, analysis through SEM techniques revealed the role of graphene in the bear capacity of the laminates. Finally, to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed methodology in an industrial environment, a real aircraft structure was manufactured with graphene, without any modifications to the actual industrial process.


  • composites; compression after impact; graphene; resin transfer moulding (rtm)