publication venue for
- Assessment of Energy Poverty and Alleviation Strategies in the Global South. 17:1-26. 2024
- Fault Detection on Power Transmission Line Based on Wavelet Transform and Scalogram Image Analysis. 16:7914. 2023
- A Review of Protection Schemes for Electrical Distribution Networks with Green Distributed Generation. 16:7586. 2023
- Proximal Policy Optimization for Energy Management of Electric Vehicles and PV Storage Units. 16:1-20. 2023
- Advanced Characterization of 1 eV GaInAs Inverted Metamorphic Solar Cells. 16:1-13. 2023
- Sequence Control Strategy for Grid-Forming Voltage Source Converters Based on the Virtual-Flux Orientation under Balanced and Unbalanced Faults. 16:1-24. 2023
- Challenges in kinetic parameter determination for wheat straw pyrolysis. 15:1-26. 2022
- Effect of working fluid-filling ratio combination on thermosyphon performance as add-in enhancer for indoor air conditioning devices. 15:1-15. 2022
- State Estimation Fusion for Linear Microgrids over an Unreliable Network. 15:2288-2312. 2022
- Entropy-Based Anomaly Detection in Household Electricity Consumption. 15:1837-1858. 2022
- Influence of Nanoparticles on the Degradation Processes of Ester-Based Transformer Insulation Systems. 15:1520-1532. 2022
- Three-dimensional unsteady aerodynamic analysis of a rigid-framed delta kite applied to airborne wind energy. 14:1-17. 2021
- Multichannel detection of acoustic emissions and localization of the source with external and internal sensors for partial discharge monitoring of power transformers. 14:7873-7893. 2021
- Short-term forecasting of wind energy: A comparison of deep learning frameworks. 14:7943-7969. 2021
- A Survey on Energy Efficiency in Smart Homes and Smart Grids. 14:1-16. 2021
- Small-signal modeling of phase-shifted full-bridge converter considering the delay associated to the leakage inductance. 14:1-23. 2021
- Comparison of Two Energy Management System Strategies for Real-Time Operation of Isolated Hybrid Microgrids. 14:1-15. 2021
- Use Performance and Management of Biodegradable Fluids as Transformer Insulation. 14:6357-6374. 2021
- Endogenous Approach of a Frequency-Constrained Unit Commitment in Islanded Microgrid Systems. 14 :1-22. 2021
- Two-stage stochastic model to invest in distributed generation considering the long-term uncertainties. 14:5694-5705. 2021
- Open dual cycle with composition change and limited pressure for prediction of miller engines performance and its turbine temperature. 14:1-25. 2021
- Contribution of wind farms to the stability of power systems with high penetration of renewables. 14:2207. 2021
- Energy efficiency in smart homes and smart grids: editorial. 14:2054. 2021
- Microgrid and Distributed Energy Resources Standards and Guidelines Review: Grid Connection and Operation Technical Requirements. 14:523. 2021
- A Single Scalable LSTM Model for Short-Term Forecasting of Massive Electricity Time Series. 13:5328. 2020
- Air temperature forecasting using machine learning techniques: a review. 13, 4215:1-28. 2020
- Wind power long-term scenario generation considering spatial-temporal dependencies in coupled electricity markets. 13:1-19. 2020
- Event-Based Simulation of a Decentralized Protection System Based on Secured GOOSE Messages. 13:3250-1-3250-17. 2020
- Analysis of the converter synchronizing method for the contribution of battery energy storage systems to inertia emulation. 13:1-18. 2020
- Improving prediction intervals using measured solar power with a multi-objective approach. 12:4713. 2019
- Quantification of efficiency improvements from integration of battery energy storage systems and renewable energy sources into domestic distribution networks. 12. 2019
- Microgrid infrastructure compendium analysis with a model creation tool and guideline based on machine learning techniques. 12:1-18. 2019
- Microgrids literature review through a layers structure. 12:1-22. 2019
- Sustainable Water Generation on a Mediterranean Island in Greece. 12:1-17. 2019
- Step-by-step small-signal modeling and control of a light hybrid electric vehicle propulsion system. 12:1-20. 2019
- Design and test of cryogenic cold plate for thermal-vacuum testing of space components. 12:1-21. 2019
- Reliability assessment of distribution networks with optimal coordination of distributed generation, energy storage and demand management. 12:1-17. 2019
- Wave Power Output Smoothing through the Use of a High-Speed Kinetic Buffer. 12:1-28. 2019
- A general parameter identification procedure used for the comparative study of supercapacitors models. 12:1-20. 2019
- Analysis of Numerical Methods to Include Dynamic Constraints in an Optimal Power Flow Model. 12. 2019
- Using smart persistence and random forests to predict photovoltaic energy production. 12:1-12. 2019
- Computer-Aided Design of Digital Compensators for DC/DC Power Converters. 11. 2018
- Influence of the Main Design Factors on the Optimal Fuel Cell-Based Powertrain Sizing. 11. 2018
- Active power filtering embedded in the frequency control of an offshore wind farm connected to a diode-rectifier-based HVDC link. 11:1-20. 2018
- Analysis and sizing of power distribution architectures applied to fuel cell based vehicles. 11:1-30. 2018
- General analysis of switching modes in a dual active bridge with triple phase shift modulation. 11:1-23. 2018
- A decentralized local flexibility market considering the uncertainty of demand. 11:1-32. 2018
- Distribution-Level Flexibility Market for Congestion Management. 11. 2018
- A Voltage and Frequency Control Strategy for Stand-Alone Full Converter Wind Energy Conversion Systems. 11. 2018
- Robust Condition Assessment of Electrical Equipment with One Class Support Vector Machines Based on the Measurement of Partial Discharges. 11. 2018
- Comparison of Positive Streamers in Liquid Dielectrics with and without Nanoparticles Simulated with Finite-Element Software. 11. 2018
- Control of Variable Speed Wind Turbines with Doubly Fed Asynchronous Generators for Stand-Alone Applications. 11:1-16. 2017
- Optimal Curtailment of Non-Synchronous Renewable Generation on the Island of Tenerife Considering Steady State and Transient Stability Constraints. 10:1926-1-1926-15. 2017
- Noise sources, effects and countermeasures in narrowband power-line communications networks: a practical approach. 10:1-42. 2017
- Optimal Power Transmission of Offshore Wind Power Using a VSC-HVdc Interconnection. 10:1-16. 2017
- Aggregators' Optimal Bidding Strategy in Sequential Day-Ahead and Intraday Electricity Spot Markets. 10. 2017
- The influence of BMSs on the characterization and modeling of series and parallel Li-Ion packs. 10:1-13. 2017
- Assessment of an Adaptive Load Forecasting Methodology in a Smart Grid Demonstration Project. 10. 2017
- Electricity price forecasting by averaging dynamic factor models. 9:1-21. 2016
- Multi-Faceted Assessment of a Wireless Communications Infrastructure for the Green Neighborhoods of the Smart Grid. 7:3453-3483. 2014
- Optimal Charging Scheduling of Electric Vehicles in Smart Grids by Heuristic Algorithms. 7:2449-2475. 2014
- Analysis and Performance Comparison of Different Power Conditioning Systems for SMES-Based Energy Systems in Wind Turbines. 6:1527-1553. 2013