A Single Scalable LSTM Model for Short-Term Forecasting of Massive Electricity Time Series
published in
- Energies Journal
publication date
- October 2020
start page
- 5328
- 20
- 13
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
full text
Electronic International Standard Serial Number (EISSN)
- 1996-1073
- Most electricity systems worldwide are deploying advanced metering infrastructures to collect relevant operational data. In particular, smart meters allow tracking electricity load consumption at a very disaggregated level and at high frequency rates. This data opens the possibility of developing new forecasting models with a potential positive impact on electricity systems. We present a general methodology that can process and forecast many smart-meter time series. Instead of using traditional and univariate approaches, we develop a single but complex recurrent neural-network model with long short-term memory that can capture individual consumption patterns and consumptions from different households. The resulting model can accurately predict future loads (short-term) of individual consumers, even if these were not included in the original training set. This entails a great potential for large-scale applications as once the single network is trained, accurate individual forecast for new consumers can be obtained at almost no computational cost. The proposed model is tested under a large set of numerical experiments by using a real-world dataset with thousands of disaggregated electricity consumption time series. Furthermore, we explore how geo-demographic segmentation of consumers may impact the forecasting accuracy of the model.
- disaggregated time series; load forecasting; neural networks; smart meters