publication venue for Spatially resolved dual-comb sensing with a single electro-optic modulator. 32. 2024 High current short pulse driver using a high power diode laser for optoacoustic biomedical imaging techniques. 30. 2022 InP integrated optical frequency comb generator using an amplified recirculating loop. 30:43195-43208 . 2022 Aspherical liquid crystal lenses based on a variable transmission electrode. 30:12237-12247. 2022 Analogue of electromagnetically induced transparency in square slotted silicon metasurfaces supporting bound states in the continuum. 30:4615-4630. 2022 Performance enhancement of an ultrafast all-fiber laser based on an InN saturable absorber using GRIN coupling. 29:29357-29365. 2021 28 GBd PAM-8 transmission over a 100 nm range using an InP-Si3N4 based integrated dual tunable laser module. 29:16563-16571. 2021 Strongly resonant silicon slot metasurfaces with symmetry-protected bound states in the continuum. 29:10374-10385. 2021 Computation of canting errors in heliostats by flux map fitting: experimental assessment. 28:39868-39889. 2020 Multimodal imaging combining time-domain near-infrared optical tomography and continuous-wave fluorescence molecular tomography. 28:9860-9874. 2020 Implementation and characterization of a thermal infrared laser heterodyne radiometer based on a wavelength modulated local oscillator laser. 27:15575-15584. 2019 High frequency modulation and (quasi) single-sideband emission of mid-infrared ring and ridge quantum cascade lasers. 27:14716-14724. 2019 Ultrahigh-quality factor resonant dielectric metasurfaces based on hollow nanocuboids. 27:6320-6330. 2019 Power, sensitivity, and response time optimization in TDM self-reference intensity sensor networks with ring resonators. 26:31264-31275. 2018 Quantitative subsurface imaging in strongly scattering media. 26:27346-27357. 2018 Femtosecond pulse and terahertz two-tone generation from facet-free multi-segment laser diode in InP-based generic foundry platform. 26:18386-18398. 2018 Electromagnetic behavior of dielectric objects on metallic periodically nanostructured substrates. 26:11222-11237. 2018 Frequency accurate coherent electro-optic dual-comb spectroscopy in real-time. 26:9700-9713. 2018 Novel thermal annealing methodology for permanent tuning polymer optical fiber Bragg gratings to longer wavelengths. 26:1411-1421. 2018 Low aberration and fast switching microlenses based on a novel liquid crystal mixture. 25:14795-14808. 2017 Liquid crystal spherical microlens array with high fill factor and optical power. 25:605. 2017 Maximization of the optical intra-cavity power of whispering-gallery mode resonators via coupling prism. 24:26503-26514. 2016 Dual optical frequency comb architecture with capabilities from visible to mid-infrared. 24:14986-14994. 2016 Thermally tunable polarization by nanoparticle plasmonic resonance in photonic crystal fibers. 23:28935-28944. 2015 Mid-infrared wavelength multiplexer in InGaAs/InP waveguides using a Rowland circle grating. 23:20288-20296. 2015 Dual electro-optic optical frequency combs for multiheterodyne molecular dispersion spectroscopy. 23:21149-21158. 2015 On-Chip Colliding Pulse Mode-locked laser diode (OCCP-MLLD) using multimode interference reflectors. 23:14666-14676. 2015 Tunable liquid crystal cylindrical micro-optical array for aberration compensation. 23:13899-13915. 2015 Sub-micrometric reflectometry for localized label-free biosensing. 23:12544-12554. 2015 Using linear polarization for sensing and sizing dielectric nanoparticles. 23:9157-9166. 2015 Optical injection locking of monolithically integrated photonic source for generation of high purity signals above 100 GHz. 22:29404-29412. 2014 Plenoptic projection fluorescence tomography. 22:23215-23225. 2014 Optical reconfigurable demultiplexer based on Bragg grating assisted ring resonators. 22:19156-19168. 2014 Heterodyne phase-sensitive detection for calibration-free molecular dispersion spectroscopy. 22:15143-15153. 2014 Helical optical projection tomography. 21:25912-25925. 2013 Sensing with magnetic dipolar resonances in semiconductor nanospheres. 21:23007-23020. 2013 Modal liquid crystal array of optical elements. 21:24809-24818. 2013 Sparse ACEKF for phase reconstruction. 21:18125-18137. 2013 Recovering fluorophore location and orientation from lifetimes. 21:421-430. 2013 170 GHz uni-traveling carrier photodiodes for InP-based photonic integrated circuits. 20:20090-20095. 2012 Optical pressure and temperature sensor based on the luminescence properties of Nd3+ ion in a gadolinium scandium gallium garnet crystal. 20. 2012 High-speed photodiodes for InP-based photonic integrated circuits. 20:9172-9177. 2012 146-GHz millimeter-wave radio-over-fiber photonic wireless transmission system. 20:1769-1774. 2012 Observation of phase noise reduction in photonically synthesized sub-THz signals using a passively mode-locked laser diode and highly selective optical filtering. 20:1253-1260. 2012 Dual-core photonic crystal fibers for tunable polarization mode dispersion compensation. 99:21680-21691. 2011 Feasibility of U-curve method to select the regularization parameter for fluorescence diffuse optical tomography in phantom and small animal studies. 19:11490-11506. 2011 Synthesis of optical filters using microring resonators with ultra-large FSR. 18:25936-25949. 2010 3D Level Set Reconstruction of Model and Experimental Data in Diffuse Optical Tomography. 18:150-164. 2010 Coarse WDM Networking of Self-Referenced Fiber-Optic Intensity Sensors with Reconfigurable Characteristics. 18:4396-4410. 2010 Comparison of Light Scattering Models for Diffuse Optical Tomography. 17:8756-8774. 2009 Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging from Time Resolved Measurements using a Shape-Based Approach. 17:8843-8855. 2009