sample of publications
- Is a greater degree of constraint really harmful? Clinical biomechanical comparative study between condylar constrained knee and rotating hinge prosthesis. Clinical Biomechanics. 111. 2024
- Selective sparing of bladder and rectum sub-regions in radiotherapy of prostate cancer combining knowledge-based automatic planning and multicriteria optimization. Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology. 28,100488:1-10. 2023
- Real-time integration between Microsoft HoloLens 2 and 3D Slicer with demonstration in pedicle screw placement planning. International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery. 2023:1-10. 2023
- Deep learning-based segmentation of prostatic urethra on computed tomography scans for treatment planning. Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology. 26:1-6. 2023
- ABANICCO: A New Color Space for Multi-Label Pixel Classification and Color Analysis. Sensors. 23:1-23. 2023
- Clinical feasibility of combining intraoperative electron radiation therapy with minimally invasive surgery: a potential for electron-FLASH clinical development. Clinical and Translational Oncology. 25:429-439. 2023
- Corrigendum: Practice-oriented solutions integrating intraoperative electron irradiation and personalized proton therapy for recurrent or unresectable cancers: Proof of concept and potential for dual FLASH effect. Frontiers in Oncology. 12:01-02. 2023
- Breast Tumor Localization by Prone to Supine Landmark Driven Registration for Surgical Planning. IEEE Access. 10:122901-122911. 2022
- Deep Learning-Based Segmentation of Head and Neck Organs-at-Risk with Clinical Partially Labeled Data. Entropy. 24:1-15. 2022
- Practice-oriented solutions integrating intraoperative electron irradiation and personalized proton therapy for recurrent or unresectable cancers: Proof of concept and potential for dual FLASH effect. Frontiers in Oncology. 12:1-15. 2022
- UltrARsound: in situ visualization of live ultrasound images using HoloLens 2. International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery. 17:2081-2091. 2022
- Evaluation of optical tracking and augmented reality for needle navigation in sacral nerve stimulation. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 221:1-8. 2022
- Intra-operative electron radiation therapy: an update of the evidence collected in 40 years to search for models for electron-FLASH studies. Cancers. 14:1-10. 2022
- HoloLens 1 vs. HoloLens 2: Improvements in the New Model for Orthopedic Oncological Interventions. Sensors. 22:1-14. 2022
- Surgical navigation, augmented reality, and 3D printing for hard palate adenoid cystic carcinoma en-bloc resection: case report and literature review. Frontiers in Oncology. 11. 2022
- Augmented reality as a tool to guide psi placement in pelvic tumor resections. Sensors. 21:1-13. 2021
- Effectiveness of Automatic Planning of Fronto-orbital Advancement for the Surgical Correction of Metopic Craniosynostosis. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Global Open. 9:e3937-e3937. 2021
- Combining Surgical Navigation and 3D Printing for Less Invasive Pelvic Tumor Resections. IEEE Access. 9:133541-133551. 2021
- Real-time tool detection for workflow identification in open cranial vault remodeling. Entropy. 23:1-13. 2021
- The knee prosthesis constraint dilemma: Biomechanical comparison between varus-valgus constrained implants and rotating hinge prosthesis. A cadaver study. Journal of Orthopaedic Research. 39:1533-1539. 2021
- Point-of-care manufacturing: a single university hospital"s initial experience. 3D Printing in Medicine. 7:11-14. 2021
- Conceptual evolution of 3D printing in orthopedic surgery and traumatology: from "do it yourself" to "point of care manufacturing". BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. 22:1-10. 2021
- Application of 3D printing and distributed manufacturing during the first-wave of COVID-19 pandemic. Our experience at a third-level university hospital. 3D Printing in Medicine. 7:1-8. 2021
- Patient-specific desktop 3D-printed guides for pelvic tumour resection surgery: a precision study on cadavers. International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery. 16:397-406. 2021
- Combining Augmented Reality and 3D Printing to Improve Surgical Workflows in Orthopedic Oncology: Smartphone Application and Clinical Evaluation. Sensors. 1370:1-17. 2021
- Three-Dimensional Photography for Intraoperative Morphometric Analysis in Metopic Craniosynostosis Surgery. International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery. 16:277-287. 2021
- Computer-assisted dental implant placement following free flap reconstruction: virtual planning, CAD/CAM templates, dynamic navigation and augmented reality. Frontiers in Oncology. 11:754943-1-754943-16. 2021
- Desktop 3D Printing: Key for Surgical Navigation in Acral Tumors?. Applied Sciences (Switzerland). 10:1-13. 2020
- Association of visual and quantitative heterogeneity of 18F-FDG PET images with treatment response in locally advanced rectal cancer: A feasibility study.. PLoS ONE. 15:e0242597. 2020
- Nonlinear Image Registration and Pixel Classification Pipeline for the Study of Tumor Heterogeneity Maps. Entropy. 22:1-19. 2020
- A new workflow for image-guided intraoperative electron radiotherapy using projection-based pose tracking. IEEE Access. 8:137501-137516. 2020
- Intraoperative computed tomography imaging for dose calculation in intraoperative electron radiation therapy: Initial clinical observations. PLoS ONE. 15. 2020
- Combining Augmented Reality and 3D Printing to Display Patient Models on a Smartphone.. Journal of Visualized Experiments. 155:e60618. 2020
- Craniosynostosis surgery: workflow based on virtual surgical planning, intraoperative navigation and 3D printed patient-specific guides and templates. Scientific Reports. 9. 2019
- Performance of ultra-high-frequency ultrasound in the evaluation of skin involvement in systemic sclerosis: a preliminary report. Rheumatology. 59:1671-1678. 2019
- Surface scanning for 3D dose calculation in intraoperative electron radiation therapy. Radiation Oncology. 13:1-12. 2018
- Multicamera Optical Tracker Assessment for Computer Aided Surgery Applications. IEEE Access. 6:64359-64370. 2018
- Stimulating the nucleus accumbens in obesity: a positron emission tomography study after deep brain stimulation in a rodent model. PLoS ONE. 13:1-14. 2018
- Technical Note: Mobile accelerator guidance using an optical tracker during docking in IOERT procedures. Medical Physics. 44:5061-5069. 2017
- Assessment of intraoperative 3D imaging alternatives for IOERT dose estimation. Zeitschrift fur Medizinische Physik. 27:218-231. 2017
- Spatiotemporal alignment of in utero BOLD-MRI series. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 46:403-412. 2017
- Integration of free-hand 3D ultrasound and mobile C-arm cone-beam CT: Feasibility and characterization for real-time guidance of needle insertione. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics. 58:13-22. 2017
- Early neuromodulation prevents the development of brain and behavioral abnormalities in a rodent model of schizophrenia. Molecular Psychiatry. 23:943-951. 2017
- Response to deep brain stimulation in three brain targets with implications in mental disorders: a PET study in rats. PLoS ONE. 11:1-13. 2016
- ConoSurf: Open-source 3D scanning system based on a conoscopic holography device for acquiring surgical surfaces. International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery. 1-9. 2016
- Deep brain stimulation improves behavior and modulates neural circuits in a rodent model of schizophrenia. Experimental Neurology. 283:142-150. 2016
- fMRat: an extension of SPM for a fully automatic analysis of rodent brain functional magnetic resonance series. Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing. 54:743-752. 2016
- A Novel Prior- and Motion-Based Compressed Sensing Method for Small-Animal Respiratory Gated CT. PLoS ONE. 11:1-20. 2016
- Using a maternal immune stimulation model of schizophrenia to study behavioral and neurobiological alterations over the developmental course. Schizophrenia Research. 166:238-247. 2015
- RADIANCE-A planning software for intra-operative radiation therapy. Translational Cancer Research. 4:196-209. 2015
- Response to Deep Brain Stimulation in the Lateral Hypothalamic Area in a Rat Model of Obesity: In Vivo Assessment of Brain Glucose Metabolism. Molecular Imaging and Biology. 16:830-837. 2014
- Feasibility assessment of the interactive use of a Monte Carlo algorithm in treatment planning for intraoperative electron radiation therapy. Physics in Medicine and Biology. 59:7159-7179. 2014
- Comparison of total variation with a motion estimation based compressed sensing approach for self-gated cardiac cine MRI in small animal studies. PLoS ONE. 9:1-10. 2014
- Image-guided intraoperative radiation therapy: current developments and future perspectives. Expert Review of Medical Devices. 11:431-434. 2014
- Organ-focused mutual information for nonrigid multimodal registration of liver CT and Gd-EOB-DTPA-enhanced MRI. Medical Image Analysis. 18:22-35. 2014
- Feasibility of integrating a multi-camera optical tracking system in intra-operative electron radiation therapy scenarios. Physics in Medicine and Biology. 58:8769-8782. 2013
- Research opportunities in intraoperative radiation therapy: the next decade 2013-2023. Clinical and Translational Oncology. 15:683-690. 2013
- jClustering, an open framework for the development of 4D clustering algorithms. PLoS ONE. 8:1-7. 2013
- Behavioral, neurochemical and morphological changes induced by the overexpression of munc18-1a in brain of mice: relevance to schizophrenia. Translational Psychiatry. 3. 2013
- Software architecture for multi-bed FDK-based reconstruction in X-ray CT scanners. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 107:218-232. 2012
- A method for small-animal PET/CT alignment calibration. Physics in Medicine and Biology. 57:199-207. 2012
- An innovative tool for intraoperative electron beam radiotherapy simulation and planning: description and initial evaluation by radiation oncologists. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 83:287-295. 2012
- Comparative evaluation of autofocus algorithms for a real-time system for automatic detection of mycobacterium tuberculosis. Cytometry. Part A : the journal of the International Society for Analytical Cytology. 81A:213-221. 2012
- A novel approach to investigate neuronal network activity patterns affected by deep brain stimulation in rats. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 45:927-930. 2011
- Chronic cannabinoid administration to periadolescent rats modulates the metabolic response to acute cocaine in the adult brain. Molecular Imaging and Biology. 13:411-415. 2011
- Intraoperative radiotherapy with electrons: fundamentals, results, and innovation. ecancermedicalscience. 339-350. 2008
book chapters
- New technologies to improve surgical outcome during open cranial vault remodeling. In: Spina bifida and craniosynostosis: new perspectives and clinical applications. INTECHOPEN. 1-19. 2020
- Aplicaciones prácticas del registro y fusión de imágenes. In: Nuevas técnicas de procesado de imágenes médicas: ingenieria biomédica. Universidad de Castilla La Mancha (UCLM). 81-110. 2011
- Liver Segmentation and Volume Estimation from Preoperative CT Images in Hepatic Surgical Planning: Application of a Semiautomatic Method Based on 3D Level Sets. In: Theory and Applications of CT Imaging and Analysis. INTECH. 79-94. 2011
conference contributions
- Resolviendo problemas clínicos reales en tratamientos guiados por imagen 2022
- Augmented reality visualization for craniosynostosis surgery. 392-399. 2021
- Surgical navigation for palate carcinoma resection using a noninvasive 3D-printed reference frame. S135-S136. 2020
- Non-invasive computer-assisted dental implant surgery based on optical tracking and 3D printing. 12-12. 2019
- Optimizing navigation with patient-specific 3D printed guides in pelvic tumor resection surgery. S62-S64. 2019
- Segmentation of Organs at Risk in Head and Neck Radiation Therapy with 3D Convolutional Networks. 9-9. 2019
- Structured Light Scanning for Morphometric Analysis in Craniosynostosis Reconstruction Surgery. 10-10. 2019
- 3D gaze tracking for skill assessment in ultrasound-guided needleinsertions. 52-53. 2018
- Augmented reality in computer-assisted interventions based on patient-specific 3D printed reference. 162-166. 2018
- Emphysema quantification on simulated X-rays through deep learning techniques. 273-276. 2018
- Knee joint goniometry using MARG low-cost sensors. 210-211. 2018
- Orbital floor reconstruction workflow based on 3D printing and surgical navigation. 266-267. 2018
- Performance Evaluation to Improve Training in Forceps-Assisted Delivery. 69-77. 2018
- Tumor localization using prone to supine surface based registration for breast cancer surgical planning. 788-791. 2018
- Docking Guidance of a Mobile Accelerator using an Optical Tracker for IOERT procedures. Feasibility study 2017
- Grupo BiiG. Impresión 3D en el ámbito clínico 2017
- Image Guidance for Sacral Neuromodulation 2017
- Integration of a surface scanner with an electromagnetic tracker for breast cancer surgery guidance 2017
- PET Texture Analysis: Does it Have Clinical Significance in Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer?. 403-406. 2017
- Pectoralis muscle and subcutaneous adipose tissue segmentation on CT images based on convolutional networks 2017
- Prone to supine surface-based registration for surgical planning in breast cancer treatment. 301-304. 2017
- Surgical navigation and 3D printing in hemipelvic osteotomy. 106-107. 2017
- Tecnología de impresión 3D de escritorio en sistemas de navegación quirúrgica abierta para el tratamiento de los sarcomas 2017
- Cervical Range of Motion Measurement using MARG Low-Cost Sensors 2016
- Desktop 3D printing in medicine to improve surgical navigation in acral tumors 2016
- Desktop 3D printing in orthopaedic oncology. Is it possible to improve the surgical navigation in acral tumors? 2016
- Integración de escáner de superficie con un sistema de posicionamiento electromagnético para el guiado en cirugía de cáncer de mama. 63-66. 2016
- Integrating an Optical Tracking System into IOERT Workflow 2016
- Navegación quirúrgica de la Neuromodulación de las Raíces Sacras. 59-62. 2016
- User evaluation of an IOERT dedicated online interactive scientific platform 2016
- A new workflow for image guided intraoperative radiotherapy using fluoroscopy based pose tracking. s201-s203. 2015
- Alternatives for intraoperative imaging in IOERT. s38-s39. 2015
- Desarrollo de un sistema de escaneado 3D a partir de un dispositivo de holografía conoscópica. 130-133. 2015
- Estudio comparativo de núcleo Accumbens e hipotálamo lateral como dianas de estimulación cerebral profunda en el tratamiento de la obesidad. 410-413. 2015
- Optimización del protocolo de calibración para sistemas de posicionamiento ópticos multicámara. 414-417. 2015
- Setting up a C-arm for its use as a tomograph / Puesta a punto de un arco en C para su uso como tomógrafo. 134-137. 2015
- Terapias preventivas en la aparición de esquizofrenia durante la gestación: estudios preclínicos de imagen molecular y de comportamiento 2015
- A Prior-Based Image Variation (PRIVA) approach applied to motion-based compressed sensing cardiac cine MRI.. 233-236. 2014
- Concordance between pre- and post-procedure parameters using a virtual planning system in clinical practice: the use of radiance 2014
- Evaluation of intraoperative imaging alternatives for IOERT 2014
- Evaluation of the effect of angular calibration accuracy in a C-arm for its use in tomography 2014
- Herramienta de segmentación de pulmón y de granulomas tuberculosos en imágenes de TAC 2014
- Image-guided intraoperative electron irradiation: clinical set-up and feasibility 2014
- Optical tracking system integration into IORT treatment planning system. 37-40. 2014
- Radioterapia intraoperatoria guiada por imagen: entorno clínico y viabilidad 2014
- Registration of small-animal SPECT/MRI studies for tracking human mesenchymal stem cells. 399-402. 2014
- Semi-automatic segmentation of sacrum in computer tomography studies for intraoperative radiation therapy. 344-347. 2014
- Calibration of a C-arm X-Ray System for Its Use in Tomography. 245-248. 2013
- Evaluation of the effect of calibration accuracy in a C-arm for its use in tomography 2012
- Neuroimagen e investigación traslacional en Psiquiatría 2012
- Plataforma cloud de procesamiento paralelo de neuroimagen usando virtualización 2012
- Segmentación automática de tejido cerebral en imagen preclínica 2012
- Towards a real scenario in intra-operative electron radiation therapy 2012
- Towards optimum resection margins: Preliminary studies in soft-tissue sarcoma surgery 2012
- jClustering, un entorno de código libre para ImageJ para el desarrollo de algoritmos de clustering aplicados a segmentación de imágenes médicas dinámicas 2012
- Advance image processing: fusion, registration and segmentation 2011
- Algoritmo Level-set para segmentación hepática en TAC con Restricciones de curvatura local. 207-210. 2011
- Effect of Anesthesia on deep brain stimulation in rats. 972-973. 2011
- Effect of anesthesia on deep brain stimulation in rats 2011
- Estudio de Viabilidad de la Integración de un Sistema de Posicionamiento Óptico en el Entorno de la Radioterapia Intraoperatoria. 2011
- Estudio de la viabilidad de la integración de un Sistema de Posicionamiento Óptico en el entorno de la radioterapia intraoperatoria. 307-310. 2011
- Intraoperative Electron Radiation Therapy preplanning using radiance new features. The Need for Common Protocols Revisites. 14-14. 2011
- Intraoperative Imaging in IOERT Sarcoma Treatment: Initial Experience in two Clinical Cases. 90-90. 2011
- Optimal multiresolution 3D level-set method for liver segmentation incorporating local curvature constraints. 3419-3422. 2011
- Statistical Approaches to Medical Image Analysis 2011
- Virtual Planning dot IEORT: Radiance main features and Recent Improvements Añado entre paréntesis el nombre del congreso facilitado por el departamento.. 15-15. 2011
- Cuantificación del infarto de miocardio en imágenes PET mediante mapas polares. 1-4. 2010
- Evaluación multimodal del infarto de miocardio crónico en ratas: comparación entre RM y PET 2009