sample of publications
- Inertial effect on dynamic hardness and apparent strain-rate sensitivity of ductile materials. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 180. 2023
- Gas gun driven dynamic expansion of 3D-printed AlSi10Mg rings. International Journal of Impact Engineering. 180:1-20. 2023
- Void growth in ductile materials with realistic porous microstructures. International Journal of Plasticity. 167, 103655:1-40. 2023
- Analysis and design of bistable and thermally reversible metamaterials inspired by shape-memory alloys. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 275:1-20. 2023
- High-velocity impact fragmentation of additively-manufactured metallic tubes. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 174:1-39. 2023
- Modeling dynamic formability of porous ductile sheets subjected to biaxial stretching: Actual porosity versus homogenized porosity. International Journal of Plasticity. 158:1-30. 2022
- Shear band formation in porous thin-walled tubes subjected to dynamic torsion. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 252:1-21. 2022
- Theoretical predictions of dynamic necking formability of ductile metallic sheets with evolving plastic anisotropy and tension-compression asymmetry. International Journal of Material Forming. 15:1-26. 2022
- The effect of voids shape on hypervelocity cylindrical cavity expansion and shock waves formation in transversely isotropic porous materials. Acta Mechanica. 1413-1434. 2022
- New insights into the role of porous microstructure on dynamic shear localization. International Journal of Plasticity. 148:1-29. 2022
- The effect of material orientation on void growth. International Journal of Plasticity. 148:1-33. 2022
- Flow and fracture of austenitic stainless steels at cryogenic temperatures. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 258:1-28. 2021
- A new analytical model to predict the formation of necking instabilities in porous plates subjected to dynamic biaxial loading. International Journal of Fracture. 232:181-198. 2021
- Influence on strain-rate history effects on the development of necking instabilities under dynamic loading conditions. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 230-231:1-12. 2021
- A simple and computationally efficient stress integration scheme based on numerical approximation of the yield function gradients: Application to advanced yield criteria. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design. 192:1-21. 2021
- Finite element analysis to determine the role of porosity in dynamic localization and fragmentation: Application to porous microstructures obtained from additively manufactured materials. International Journal of Plasticity. 143:1-31. 2021
- Size effects on the plastic shock formation in steady-state cavity expansion in porous ductile materials. Mechanics Research Communications. 113:1-8. 2021
- Effect of the third invariant on the formation of necking instabilities in ductile plates subjected to plane strain tension. Meccanica. 56:1789-1818. 2021
- The combined effect of size, inertia and porosity on the indentation response of ductile materials. Mechanics of Materials. 153. 2021
- A three-pronged approach to predict the effect of plastic orthotropy on the formability of thin sheets subjected to dynamic biaxial stretching. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 146 (104189):1-29. 2021
- Dynamic shear instabilities in metallic sheets subjected to shear-compression loading. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 144 (104108):1-24. 2020
- Multiple necking patterns in elasto-plastic rings subjected to rapid radial expansion: the effect of random distributions of geometric imperfections. International Journal of Impact Engineering. 144 (103661):1-17. 2020
- Modeling dynamic spherical cavity expansion in elasto-viscoplastic media. Acta Mechanica. 231. 2020
- The effect of tension-compression asymmetry on the formation of dynamic necking instabilities under plane strain stretching. International Journal of Plasticity. 128:1-24. 2020
- Dynamics of necking and fracture in ductile porous materials. Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions ASME. 87:1-10. 2019
- Dynamic cylindrical cavity expansion in orthotropic porous ductile materials. International Journal of Impact Engineering. 132 (103325):1-20. 2019
- Dynamic spherical cavity expansion in Gurson materials with uniform and non-uniform distributions of porosity. Mechanics of Materials. 134:115-131. 2019
- A comparative study of the dynamic fragmentation of non-linear elastic and elasto-plastic rings: the roles of stored elastic energy and plastic dissipation. Mechanics of Materials. 132:134-148. 2019
- Effects of plastic anisotropy on localization in orthotropic materials: new explicit expressions for the orientation of localization bands in flat specimens subjected to uniaxial tension. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 126:272-284. 2019
- The combined effect of plastic orthotropy and tension-compression asymmetry on the development of necking instabilities in flat tensile specimens subjected to dynamic loading. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 159:272-288. 2019
- A one-dimensional model to describe flow localization in viscoplastic slender bars subjected to super critical impact velocities. Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials. 23:75-95. 2019
- Non-uniform distributions of initial porosity in metallic materials affect the growth rate of necking instabilities in flat tensile samples subjected to dynamic loading. Mechanics Research Communications. 91:87-92. 2018
- Random distributions of initial porosity trigger regular necking patterns at high strain rates. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 474:1-24. 2018
- Nonlinear axisymmetric vibrations of a hyperelastic orthotropic cylinder. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics. 99:131-143. 2018
- Nonlinear resonances of an idealized saccular aneurysm. International Journal of Engineering Science. 121:154-166. 2017
- Multiple necking pattern in nonlinear elastic bars subjected to dynamic stretching: the role of defects and inertia. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 125:232-243. 2017
- On the relation between shape imperfections of a specimen and necking growth rate under dynamic conditions. International Journal of Engineering Science. 119:278-287. 2017
- Corrigendum to "Constitutive sensitivity of the oscillatory behaviour of hyperelastic cylindrical shells" [J. Sound Vib. 358 (2015) pp.199-216]. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 400:684-688. 2017
- Spherical void expansion in rubber-like materials: The stabilizing effects of viscosity and inertia. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics. 92:118-126. 2017
- The critical neck spacing in ductile plates subjected to dynamic biaxial loading: on the interplay between loading path and inertia effects. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 108:74-84. 2017
- Modeling deformation and failure of elastomers at high strain rates. Mechanics of Materials. 104:85-92. 2017
- Necking evolution in dynamically stretched bars: new experimental and computational insights. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 91:216-239. 2016
- On the interplay between material flaws and dynamic necking. Mechanics Research Communications. 72:53-58. 2016
- The deterministic nature of the fracture location in the dynamic tensile testing of steel sheets. International Journal of Impact Engineering. 86:318-335. 2015
- Constitutive sensitivity of the oscillatory behaviour of hyperelastic cylindrical shells. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 358:199-216. 2015
- Collective behaviour and spacing of necks in ductile plates subjected to dynamic biaxial loading. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 85:245-269. 2015
- The role of constitutive relation in the stability of hyper-elastic spherical membranes subjected to dynamic inflation. International Journal of Engineering Science. 93:31-45. 2015
- Dynamic recrystallization and adiabatic shear localization. Mechanics of Materials. 81:41-55. 2015
- An analysis of microstructural and thermal softening effects in dynamic necking. Mechanics of Materials. 80. Part B:298-310. 2015
- Approaching steady cavitation: The time scale in hypervelocity cavity expansion in work hardening and transformation hardening solids. International Journal of Impact Engineering. 73:43-55. 2014
- The effect of radial inertia on flow localization in ductile rods subjected to dynamic extension. International Journal of Impact Engineering. 69:157-164. 2014
- Dynamic necking in materials with strain induced martensitic transformation. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 64:316-337. 2014
- Experimental Study on the Perforation Process of 5754-H111 and 6082-T6 Aluminium Plates Subjected to Normal Impact by Conical, Hemispherical and Blunt Projectiles. Experimental Mechanics. 54:729-742. 2014
- Dynamic tensile necking: influence of specimen geometry and boundary conditions. Mechanics of Materials. 62:1-13. 2013
- On the complete extinction of selected imperfection wavelengths in dynamically expanded ductile rings. Mechanics of Materials. 60:107-120. 2013
- Identification of the critical wavelength responsible for the fragmentation of ductile rings expanding at very high strain rates. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 61:1357-1376. 2013
- Finite element analysis of AISI 304 steel sheets subjected to dynamic tension: the effects of martensitic transformation and plastic strain development on flow localization. International Journal of Impact Engineering. 54:206-216. 2013
- Experimental and numerical analysis of the martensitic transformation in AISI 304 steel sheets subjected to perforation by conical and hemispherical projectiles. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 50:339-351. 2013
- On the Taylor-Quinney coefficient in dynamically phase transforming materials. Application to 304 stainless steel. International Journal of Plasticity. 40:185-201. 2013
- Compressive Viscoplastic Response of 6082-T6 and 7075-T6 Aluminium Alloys Under Wide Range of Strain Rate at Room Temperature: Experiments and Modelling. Strain. 48:498-509. 2012
- On the interplay between strain rate and strain rate sensitivity on flow localization in the dynamic expansion of ductile rings. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 49:481-491. 2012
- A constitutive model for analyzing martensite formation in austenitic steels deforming at high strain rates. International Journal of Plasticity. 29:77-101. 2012
- A dislocation-based constitutive description for modeling the behavior of FCC metals within wide ranges of strain rate and temperature. Mechanics of Materials. 43:901-912. 2011
- Experimental study on the martensitic transformation in AISI 304 steel sheets subjected to tension under wide ranges of strain rate at room temperature. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 528:5974-5982. 2011
- Thermo-viscoplastic behaviour of 2024-T3 aluminium sheets subjected to low velocity perforation at different temperatures. Thin-Walled Structures. 49:819-832. 2011
- FE analysis on the formation of plastic instabilities in dynamically expanded copper rings. Engineering Transactions. 59-3:211-233. 2011
- Experimental Survey on the Behaviour of AISI 304 Steel Sheets Subjected to Perforation. Thin-Walled Structures. 48:966-978. 2010
- Temperature Measurements on ES Steel Sheets Subjected to Perforation by Hemispherical Projectiles. International Journal of Impact Engineering. 37:828-841. 2010
- Experimental Characterisation and Modelling of the Thermo-Viscoplastic Behaviour of Steel AISI 304 within Wide Ranges of Strain Rate at Room Temperature. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. 48:1027-1042. 2010
- Thermo-Mechanical Behaviour of TRIP 1000 Steel Sheets Subjected to Low Velocity Perforation by Conical Projectiles at Different Temperatures. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 47:1268-1284. 2010
- A Thermo-Viscoplastic Constitutive Model for FCC Metals with Application to OFHC Copper. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 52:120-135. 2010
- Extension of R-K Constitutive Relation to Phase Transformation Phenomena. Materials and Design. 30:2513-2520. 2009
- Constitutive Relation for Steels Approximating Quasi-Static and Intermediate Strain Rates at Large Deformations. Mechanics Research Communications. 36:419-427. 2009
- Relation between Strain Hardening of Steel and Critical Impact Velocity in Tension. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. 47:645-665. 2009
- Analysis of Thermo-Visco-Plastic Behaviour of Six High Strength Steels. Materials and Design. 30:1748-1761. 2009
- Modelling of Thermo-viscoplastic Behavior of DH36 and Weldox 460 E Structural Steels at Wide Ranges of Strain rates and Temperatures, Comparison of Constitutive Relations for Impact Problems. Mechanics of Materials. 41:599-621. 2009
- Thermo-Viscoplastic Constitutive Relation for Aluminium Alloys, Modelling of Negative Strain Rate Sensitivity and Viscous Drag Effects. Materials and Design. 30:4377-4390. 2009
- Experimental and Numerical Study on the Perforation Process of Mild Steel Sheets Subjected to Perpendicular Impact by Hemispherical Projectiles. International Journal of Impact Engineering. 36:565-587. 2009
- Influence of Conical Projectile Diameter on Perpendicular Impact of Thin Steel Plate. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 75:2946-2967. 2008
- Numerical Simulations of Impact Behaviour of Thin Steel Plates Subjected to Cylindrical, Conical and Hemispherical Non-Deformable Projectiles. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 75:1635-1656. 2008
- Estudio experimental de mecanismos de fallo en placas de acero sometidas a impacto de proyectiles cilíndricos, cónicos y hemisféricos. Anales de Mecánica de la Fractura. 1:217-222. 2008
- Mecanismos de fallo en placas de acero sometidas a impacto de proyectiles cilíndricos, cónicos y hemisféricos. Anales de Mecánica de la Fractura. 1:217-222. 2008
conference contributions
- Dynamic Recrystallization and Adiabatic Shear Localization. 2727. 2018
- Influence of unobservable overstress in a rate-independent inelastic loading curve on dynamic necking of a bar. 158-168. 2018
- Multiple Necking Pattern in Nonlinear Elastic Bars Subjected to Dynamic Stretching: The Role of Defects and Inertia. 3353. 2018
distributions of initial porosity in metallic materials affect the growth rate
of necking instabilities in flat tensile samples subjected to dynamic loading. 124. 2018 - On the Interplay Between Macroscopic Localization and Void Coalescence for Strain Rate Sensitive Materials. 1048. 2018
- Collective behaviour and spacing of necks in ductile plates subjected to dynamic biaxial loading 2017
- The deterministic nature of the fracture location in the dynamic tensile testing of steel sheets 2017
- A one-dimensional model to describe plastic flow localization in slender bars subjected to super critical impact velocities. 2016
- Necking evolution in dynamically stretched bars: New experimental and computational insights 2016
- Necking identification of the critical wavelength responsible for the fragmentation of ductile rings expanding at very high strain rates 2016
- On the interplay between material flaws and dynamic necking 2016
- Oscillatory behaviour of compressible hyperelastic shells subjected to dynamic inflation: A numerical study 2016
- A one dimensional model to uncover the key mechanisms which control flow localization in the dynamic tensile test 2015
- Multiple necking during biaxial dynamic loading of thermoviscoplastic plates 2015
- Competition between dynamic recrystallization and thermal softening effects in dynamic necking 2014
- Dynamic inflation of hyperelastic spherical membranes: remarks on the role of constitutive relation 2014
- Dynamic necking of notched tensile bars: an experimental study. 1099-1109. 2014
- Dynamic spherical cavity expansion in transformation hardening elastoplasic solids: theoretical and finite element analysis 2014
- Interplay between stress waves propagation and flow localization in the dynamic tensile test: application to steel sheets 2014
- On the complete extinction of selected imperfection wavelengths in dynamically expanded ductile rings 2013
- The effect of radial inertia on flow localization in ductile rods subjected to dynamic extension 2013
- Analysis of the Strain Induced Martensitic Transformation in Austenitic Steel Subjected to Dynamic Perforation. 4036. 2012
- Experimental and Numerical Analysis on the Martensitic Transformation in AISI 304 Steel Sheets Subjected to Perforation by Conical and Hemispherical Projectiles 2012
- Modeling the train induced martensitic transformation under impact and its influence on the Taylor-Quinney coefficient. 112-113. 2012
- A Dislocation-based Constitutive Description for Modeling the Behavior of FCC Metals within Wide Rages of Strain Rate at Room Temperature 2011
- Experimental Study on the Martensitic Transformation in Aisi 304 Steel Sheets Subjected to Tension Under Wide Ranges of Strain Rate at Room Temperature 2011
- Numerical Simulation of the Effect of Adiabatic Temperature Increase in Martensitic Transformation of Austenitic Steels 2011
- On the Influence of Strain Rate and Strain Rate Sensitivity on Flow Localization in Dynamic Expansion of Ductile Rings 2011
- Temperature Increase in ES Steel Sheets Subjected to Perforation by Hemispherical Projectiles 2011
- Thermo-Viscoplastic Behaviour of 2024-t3 Aluminium Sheets Subjected to Low Velocity Perforation at Different Temperatures 2011
- Advanced Constitutive Relation for Numerical Applications: Modeling of Steels in Wide Range of Strain Rates and Temperatures 2008
- Analysis of Plastic Instabilities for Metallic Sheets During Perforation 2008
- Critical Impact Velocity in Tension and Shear 2008
- Estudio experimental y numérico del comportamiento de láminas de acero sometidas a impacto de media y alta velocidad 2008
- Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Failure Process Using Different Kinds of Sheet Metals Subjected to Perpendicular Impact 2008
- Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Metallic Plates: Effect of Constitutive Relation 2008
- Mechanical Behavior of Trip Steels Subjected to Low Impact Velocity and Wide Range of Temperatures 2008
- Recent Advances in Constitutive Relations: Application Ro Perforation 2008
- Viscoplastic Deformation of Thin-walled Tube under Dynamic Torsion and Tension 2008