sample of publications
- Los caminos compartidos del tacto y el sonido hacia la emoción: Evidencias neurocientíficas actuales. Arbor. 199:1-19. 2024
- Automatic music emotion classification model for movie soundtrack subtitling based on neuroscientific premises. Applied Intelligence. 53:27096-27109. 2023
- Synchro-Sub, an adaptive multi-algorithm framework for real-time subtitling synchronisation of multi-type TV programmes. Computing (Vienna/New York). 105:1467-1495. 2023
- Modular 3-D-printed education tool for blind and visually impaired students oriented to net structures. IEEE Transactions on Education. 66:55-61. 2023
- Mechanistic interrogation of mutation-independent disease modulators of RDEB identifies the small leucine-rich proteoglycan PRELP as a TGF-beta antagonist and inhibitor of fibrosis. Matrix Biology. 111:189-206. 2022
- Framework for the Classification of Emotions in People With Visual Disabilities Through Brain Signals. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics. 15:1-18. 2021
- Deep-Sync: A novel deep learning-based tool for semantic-aware subtitling synchronisation. Neural Computing and Applications. 1-15. 2021
- Representación de la discapacidad en la prensa digital española. Revista española de discapacidad-redis. 8:33-55. 2020
- Vibrotactile captioning of musical effects in audio-visual media as an alternative for deaf and hard of hearing people: An EEG study. IEEE Access. 8:190873-190881. 2020
- Limitations of Standard Accessible Captioning of Sounds and Music for Deaf and Hard of Hearing People: An EEG Study. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience. 14:1-9. 2020
- A new system for automatic analysis and quality adjustment in audiovisual subtitled¿based contents by means of genetic algorithms. Expert Systems. 37:1-21. 2020
- Oxidative stress imbalance as contributing factor in the establishment of fibrosis in recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa. Journal of Investigative Dermatology. 139:S631-S631. 2019
- Towards the recognition of the emotions of people with visual disabilities through brain-computer interfaces. Sensors. 19. 2019
- Automatic detection of relationships between banking operations using machine learning. Information Sciences. 485:319-346. 2019
- Sub-Sync: automatic synchronization of subtitles in the broadcasting of true live programs in spanish. IEEE Access. 7:60968-60983. 2019
- Towards a big data framework for analyzing social media content. International Journal of Information Management. 44:1-12. 2019
- Synchronizing EEG, User-Triggered Events and Audio-Visual-Tactile Stimuli for Interactive Event-Related Potentials Experiments. Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering. 7:3977-3979. 2018
- ATAD: Assistive technology for an autonomus displacement. Advances in Computer Science and Engineering. 13:1-26. 2014
- Overview of the audio description in Spanish DTT channels. Journal of Accessibility and Design for All. 4:177-206. 2014
- Evaluation of the Sonification Protocol of an Artificial Vision System for the Visually Impaired. International Journal of Computer and Information Technology . 3:469-481. 2014
- Scenes and images into sounds: a taxonomy of image sonification methods for mobility applications. AES: Journal of the Audio Engineering Society. 62:161-171. 2014
- Evaluation of a New Mobility Assistive Product for the Visually Impaired. International Journal of Computers & Technology . 13:4191-4205. 2014
- Accessibility services and interactive digital television: An opportunity to reduce the digital gap. Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje. 9:8-16. 2014
- Towards a framework for multiple artificial neural network topologies validation by means of statistics. Expert Systems. 31:20-36. 2014
- PB-ADVISOR: A private banking multi-investment portfolio advisor. Information Sciences. 206:63-82. 2012
- SABUMO: Towards a collaborative and semantic framework for knowledge sharing. Expert Systems with Applications. 39:8671-8680. 2012
- An optimization methodology for machine learning strategies and regression problems in ballistic impact scenarios. Applied Intelligence. 36:424-441. 2012
- SINVLIO: Using semantics and fuzzy logic to provide individual investment portfolio recommendations. Knowledge-Based Systems. 27:103-118. 2012
- Monitoring Accessibility Services in Digital Television. International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting. 294219. 2012
- A neural network-based methodology for the recreation of high-speed impacts on metal armours. Neural Computing and Applications. 21:91-107. 2012
- A review of conventional and knowledge based systems for machining price quotation. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. 22:823-841. 2011
- Sem-Fit: A semantic based expert system to provide recommendations in the tourism domain. Expert Systems with Applications. 38:13310-13319. 2011
- Segment-Based Real Time Stereo Vision Matching Using Characteristic Vectors. Journal of Imaging Science and Technology. 55:1-7. 2011
- Dealing with limited data in ballistic impact scenarios: an empirical comparison of different neural network approaches. Applied Intelligence. 35:89-109. 2011
- Design for All in Multimedia Guides for Museums. Computers in Human Behavior. 27:1408-1415. 2011
- Methodology for Software Development Estimation Optimization Based on Neural Networks. IEEE Latin America Transactions. 9:384-398. 2011
- Toward an equal opportunity web: applications, standards, and tools that increase accessibility. COMPUTER. 44:18-26. 2011
- Semantic model for knowledge representation in e-business. Knowledge-Based Systems. 24:282-296. 2011
- Semantic Annotation Architecture for Accessible Multimedia Resources.. IEEE Multimedia. 18:16-25. 2011
- Towards and equal opportunity web: applications, standards and tools that increase accesibility. COMPUTER. 44:18-26. 2011
- An expert system development tool for non Al experts. Expert Systems with Applications. 38:597-609. 2011
- Conceptual Model for Semantic Representation of Industrial Manufacturing Processes. Computers in Industry. 61:595-612. 2010
- SEMO: A Framework for Customer Social Networks Analysis based on Semantics. Journal of Information Technology. 25:178-188. 2010
- APEINTA: apuesta por la enseñanza inclusiva: uso de nuevas tecnologías dentro y fuera del aula. FIAPAS. 1-12. 2010
- Actitudes y expectativas del colectivo de personas con discapacidad hacia la televisión = Expectations and Attitudes of People with Disabilities towards Television. Pangea. 1:54-73. 2010
- Development of a Web-based Quotation Expert System for Machined Parts. International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology. 37:87-100. 2010
- MAS: Building an Educational Platform for People with Intellectual Disabilities and Cerebral Paralysis. International Journal of Knowledge and Learning. 6:175-184. 2010
- Score Normalization for Multimodal Recognition Systems. Journal of information assurance and security. 5:409-417. 2010
- A Simple Score Normalization Technique for Multimodal Biometric Authentication. International Journal of Biometrics. 1:374-392. 2009
- Bringing Accessibility to Multimedia Content: Using Social Web. International journal of systems applications, engineering and development. 3:10-17. 2009
- Disability Standards for Multimedia on the Web. IEEE Multimedia. 15:52-54. 2008
- ProLink: A Semantics-Based Social Network for Software Projects. International Journal of Information Technology and Management. 7:392-404. 2008
- Teaching the semantic web: can semantics do the trick?. International journal of teaching and case studies. 1:267-274. 2008
book chapters
- Mapping and Timing the (Healthy) Emotional Brain: A Review. In: Biomedical Signal and Image Processing. 1-22. 2021
- ICTs for Orientation and Mobility for Blind People: A State of the Art. In: Handbook of Research on ICTs for Human-Centered Healthcare and Social Care Services. IGI GLOBAL. 646-669. 2013
- New communication technologies for inclusive education in and outside the classroom. In: Technologies for inclusive education: beyond traditional integration approaches. IGI GLOBAL. 271-284. 2012
- Depth Estimation. An Introduction. In: Current Advancements in Stereo Vision. INTECH. 2012
- Detection of strategies in IT organizations through an integrated IT compliance model. In: Business strategy and applications in enterprise IT governance. IGI GLOBAL. 260-279. 2012
- Towards an Improved Hotel Reservation System: A Fuzzy Approach to Improve Service Industries. In: Knowledge Management and Drivers of Innovation in Services Industries. IGI GLOBAL. 120-148. 2012
- Exploding Web 3.0 and Web 2.0 for Sales Processes Definition. In: Customer Relationship Management and the Social and Semantic Web: Enabling Cliens Conexus. IGI GLOBAL. 212-230. 2012
- Automatic Speech Recognition to Enhance Learning for Disabled Students. In: Technology Enhanced Learning for People with Disabilities: Approaches and Applications. IGI GLOBAL. 89-104. 2010
- Maximum font size for subtitles in Standard Definition Digital Television: Tests for a font magnifying application. In: Listening to Subtitles: Subtitles for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. PETER LANG GMBH. 59-68. 2010
- Accesibilidad a los medios de comunicación audiovisuales en España. In: Tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones en la autonomía personal, dependencia y accesibilidad (2008). FUNDACIÓN ALFREDO BRAÑAS. 241-274. 2008
- Accesibilidad a los receptores de TV digital. In: Ulises y la comunidad sorda: hacia el desarrollo de tecnologías comunicativas para la igualdad de oportunidades. OBSERVATORIO DE LAS REALIDADES SOCIALES Y DE LA COMUNICACIÓN. 119-127. 2008
- Guía de accesibilidad al teatro a través del subtitulado y la audiodescripción. LEGANES: REAL PATRONATO SOBRE DISCAPACIDAD. 2013
- Principios de accesibilidad audiovisual en el cine : el cine para todos como vehículo de aprendizaje. REAL PATRONATO SOBRE DISCAPACIDAD. 2013
- Principios físicos de la informática: teoría. COPY RED, S.A.. 2013
- Formación curricular de diseño para todos en informática y telecomunicaciones = Education on design for all in information systems and telecomunications. Fundación ONCE . Escuela Libre Editorial. 2013
- Accesibilidad a los contenidos audiovisuales en la Web: una panorámica sobre legislación, tecnologías y estándares (WCAG 1.0 y WCAG 2.0). MADRID: REAL PATRONATO SOBRE DISCAPACIDAD. 2008
- Guías multimedia accesibles: el museo para todos. MADRID: REAL PATRONATO SOBRE DISCAPACIDAD. 2008
conference contributions
- Hulat-TaskA at eHealth-KD Challenge 2019, Sequence Key Phrases Recognition in the Spanish Clinical Narrative. 26-34. 2019
- Sequence time expression recognition in the Spanish clinical narrative. 331-336. 2019
- Himera: Herramienta de accesibilidad en aulas. 696-706. 2018
- BLAS: Batukada Lingüística de Accesibilidad Sincrona. 70-73. 2015
- SincroSubTV. Televisión en streaming con subtítulos sincronizados en los programas en directo. 46-51. 2015
- Adaptación de una asignatura para un proceso de acreditación internacional. 565. 2014
- EDUTitling: An accessibility tool for people with disabilities in the field of education 2014
- Improving accessibility for hearing impaired on board the airplane with ASR. 169-177. 2014
- A Sonification Proposal for Safe Travels of Blind People. 233-234. 2012
- Estimating Complexity of Algorithms as a Black-Box Problem: A Normalized Time Index 2012
- Sonification as a Social Right Implementation. 199-201. 2012
- Tablets Helping Elderly and Disabled People. 237-244. 2012
- A Review of Mobility Technologies for the Blinds. 5-6. 2011
- A Review of Orientation Technologies for the Blinds. 7-8. 2011
- Herramienta interactiva para la realización de la Accesibilidad a eventos en directo en remoto 2011
- Herramienta interactiva para la realización de la accesibilidad a eventos. 501-507. 2011
- Stereo Vision Matching Over Single-Channel Color-Based Segmentation. 126-130. 2011
- Tablet PC and Head Mounted Display for Live Closed Captioning in Education. 885-886. 2011
- Users and Experts Regarding Orientation and Mobility Assistive Technology for the Blinds: A Sight from the Other Side. 3-4. 2011
- Web Educational Services for All: The APEINTA Project 2011
- HERMES-TDT: Herramientas de monitorización y control de servicios de accesibilidad para la TDT. 3-11. 2010
- La accesibilidad en la publicidad: nueva propuesta de gestión de contenidos en el proyecto GEMMA. 71-84. 2010
- Sincronización entre subtítulos y audio en la televisión en directo. 12-25. 2010
- Technology enhanced learning for people with intellectual disabilities and cerebral paralysis. The MAS platform. 11-17. 2010
- Televisión digital en 2010. El reto de la interoperabilidad. 54-60. 2010
- Uso de dispositivos iPad para lectura de subtítulos en las aulas. 85-94. 2010
- A MDD Approach for Modelling Web Accessibility. 1-6. 2009
- A bridge to web accessibility from the usability heuristics. 290-300. 2009
- CSCW as Accessibility Tool. 99-103. 2009
- Elementos iconográficos en la accesibilidad audiovisual. 251-255. 2009
- Integrating HCI in a web accessibility engineering approach. 745-754. 2009
- Multilayer perceptron training optimization for high speed impacts classification. 377-388. 2009
- Recursos educativos accesibles en tiempo real para personas con discapacidad auditiva severa. 31-41. 2009
- Subtitulado en web a partir del subtitulado en teletexto. Herramienta BSTM.. 107-118. 2009
- Accesibilidad universal: el Centro Español de Subtitulado y Audiodescripción 2008
- Accessible Interfaces for Educational Multimedia Contents. 56-60. 2008
- Aplicación de los cuadros de mando integrales al despliegue de la estrategia bajo una filosofía de gestión del servicio de las TI. 65-75. 2008
- Arquitecturas para gestión de conversaciones B2B basadas en conocimiento. 297-304. 2008
- Biometric Acreditation Entities: An Approach for Web Acreditation Services. 216-220. 2008
- Biometric Authentication Devices and Semantic Web Services: An Approach for Multi Modal Fusion Framework. 95-100. 2008
- Demostración de subtitulado para la accesibilidad de personas con discapacidad auditiva en entornos educativos 2008
- Diseño de guías multimedia accesibles en museos. 151-154. 2008
- Evaluación ALBAYZÍN-08 de sistemas de verificación de la lengua: sistema del grupo SOFTLAB de la UC3M. 112-114. 2008
- Guiding accessibility issues in the design of websites. 65-72. 2008
- Identity Authentication Services. 655-659. 2008
- Inclusion of Accessibility Requirements in the Design of Electronic Guides for Museums. 1101-1108. 2008
- La accesibilidad en la sociedad de la información: retos para el futuro. 107-117. 2008
- Mobile and Accessible ICTs for Museography. 531-539. 2008
- Multidevice System for Educational Accessibility of Hearing-Impaired Students. 20-26. 2008
- Multiplatform System with Accessible Interfaces for Hearing Impaired Students 2008
- Neural Network Application for High Speed Impacts Classification. 6-11. 2008
- Online Captioning System for Educational Resources Accessibility of Hard-of-Hearing people. 22-31. 2008
- PASMAO.TV: albafetización digital accesible 2008
- Prestaciones de la verificación de locutores en aplicaciones forenses 2008
- Prólogo. 9-10. 2008
- Study of Different Fusion Techniques for Multimodal Biometic Authentication. 666-671. 2008
- Subtitulado cerrado para la accesibilidad de personas con discapacidad auditiva en entornos educativos 2008
- Verificación de locutores mediante Modelos de Mezclas Gaussianas (GMM). 103-112. 2008
- When Users Become Creators in the web: new requirements to be considered 2008
working papers