sample of publications
- Analyzing feature importance with neural-network-derived trees. NEURAL COMPUTING & APPLICATIONS. 1-15. 2024
- Classification of the difficulty of a climbing route using the transformation of representation spaces and cascading classifier ensemble (CCE). ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. 138, A:1-13. 2024
- Cloud-based system for monitoring event-based hydrological processes based on dense sensor network and NB-IoT connectivity. ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWARE. 182:1-11. 2024
- Non-elective caesarean section risk assessment using Machine Learning techniques = Evaluación del riesgo de cesárea no electiva mediante técnicas de Machine Learning. Clinica e Investigacion en Ginecologia y Obstetricia. 51:1-10. 2024
- DMZoomNet: Improving of Object Detection Using Distance Information in an Intralogistics Environment. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 20:9163-9171. 2024
- LSTM vs CNN in real ship trajectory classification. LOGIC JOURNAL OF THE IGPL. 32:942-954. 2024
- Agents preserving privacy on intelligent transportation systems according to EU law. Artificial Intelligence and Law. 1-34. 2024
- Context learning from a ship trajectory cluster for anomaly detection. NEUROCOMPUTING. 563. 2024
- Promoting cooperation of agents through aggregation of services in trust models. KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMS. 277. 2023
- Seamless Transition From Machine Learning on the Cloud to Industrial Edge Devices With IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 10:16548-16563. 2023
- Trust Model of Privacy-Concerned, Emotionally Aware Agents in a Cooperative Logistics Problem. Applied Sciences-Basel. 13. 2023
- Perception of innovation in Spain. Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance. 25:185-205. 2023
- CONEqNet: convolutional music equalizer network. MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS. 82:3911-3930. 2023
- MAMOM: Multicriteria Attribution Model for Online Marketing. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & DECISION MAKING. 1-23. 2022
- An approach to forecasting and filtering noise in dynamic systems using LSTM architectures. NEUROCOMPUTING. 500:637-648. 2022
- A super-resolution enhancement of UAV images based on a convolutional neural network for mobile devices. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. 26:1193-1204. 2022
- Simulation in real conditions of navigation and obstacle avoidance with PX4/Gazebo platform. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. 26:1171-1191. 2022
- Application of smooth fuzzy model in image denoising and edge detection. Mathematics. 10:1-25. 2022
- Error Reduction in Vision-Based Multirotor Landing System. SENSORS. 22:3625-3650. 2022
- State Estimation Fusion for Linear Microgrids over an Unreliable Network. Energies. 15:2288-2312. 2022
- Segmentation optimization in trajectory-based ship classification. Journal of Computational Science. 59:1-16. 2022
- Review and classification of trajectory summarisation algorithms: From compression to segmentation. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks. 17:1-27. 2021
- Perception of Artificial Intelligence in Spain. TELEMATICS AND INFORMATICS. 63:1-14. 2021
- Improving time series forecasting using information fusion in local agricultural markets. NEUROCOMPUTING. 452:1-19. 2021
- Variational autoencoders for anomaly detection in the behaviour of the elderly using electricity consumption data. EXPERT SYSTEMS. 1-12. 2021
- An empirical assessment of deep learning approaches to task-oriented dialog management. NEUROCOMPUTING. 439:327-339. 2021
- The application of analytic hierarchy process to implement collaborative governance process: The allocation of the urban structural funds in the city of Madrid. Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis. 28:18-33. 2021
- Forecasting Nonlinear Systems with LSTM: Analysis and Comparison with EKF. SENSORS. 21:1805. 2021
- Minimum Relevant Features to Obtain Explainable Systems for Predicting Cardiovascular Disease Using the Statlog Data Set. Applied Sciences-Basel. 11 (3):1-18. 2021
- Adaptive dialogue management using intent clustering and fuzzy rules. EXPERT SYSTEMS. 38:1-15. 2021
- Optimization of the ISP parameters of a camera through differential evolution. IEEE Access. 8:143479-143493. 2020
- Architecture for trajectory-based fishing ships 3 classification with AIS data. SENSORS. 20:1-21. 2020
- Real evaluation for designing sensor fusion in UAV platforms. Information Fusion. 63:136-152. 2020
- A data-driven approach to spoken dialog segmentation. NEUROCOMPUTING. 391:292-304. 2020
- A multimodal conversational coach for active ageing based on sentient computing and m-health. EXPERT SYSTEMS. 37:1-19. 2020
- Fuzzy Model Identification and Self Learning with Smooth Compositions. International Journal of Fuzzy Systems. 21:2679-2683. 2019
- Developing enhanced conversational agents for social virtual worlds. NEUROCOMPUTING. 354:27-40. 2019
- How Effective are Smooth Compositions in Predictive Control of TS Fuzzy Models?. International Journal of Fuzzy Systems. 21:1669. 2019
- An Open Source Platform for Deploying Data Fusion Applications in IoT Environments. SENSORS. 19:1-23. 2019
- Combining speech-based and linguistic classifiers to recognize emotion in user spoken utterances. NEUROCOMPUTING. 326:132-140. 2019
- Knowledge Extraction and Improved Data Fusion for Sales Prediction in Local Agricultural Markets dagger. SENSORS. 19. 2019
- Merging plans with incomplete knowledge about actions and goals through an agent-based reputation system. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS. 115:403-411. 2019
- On Approximation Properties of Smooth Fuzzy Models. International Journal of Fuzzy Systems. 20:2657-2667. 2018
- Building multi-domain conversational systems from single domain resources. NEUROCOMPUTING. 271:59-69. 2018
- Agent-based simulation with NetLogo to evaluate ambient intelligence scenarios. Journal of Simulation. 12:42-52. 2018
- Crowd-Based Ambient Assisted Living to Monitor the Elderly's Health Outdoors. IEEE SOFTWARE. 34:53-57. 2017
- Incorporating android conversational agents in m-learning apps. EXPERT SYSTEMS. 34. 2017
- Integration of context-aware conversational interfaces to develop practical applications for mobile devices. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments. 9:561-577. 2017
- Player: an open source tool to simulate complex maritime environments to evaluate data fusion performance. SIMULATION MODELLING PRACTICE AND THEORY. 76:3-21. 2017
- Electronic institutions and neural computing providing law-compliance privacy for trusting agents. Journal of Applied Logic. 2016
- On the combination of support vector machines and segmentation algorithms for anomaly detection: A petroleum industry comparative study. Journal of Applied Logic. 2016
- A framework for improving error detection and correction in spoken dialog systems. SOFT COMPUTING. 20:4229-4241. 2016
- A stopping criterion for multi-objective optimization evolutionary algorithms. INFORMATION SCIENCES. 367:700-718. 2016
- CALIMACO: application of multimodal dialog systems and mobile devices to provide enhanced library services. Revista Espanola de Documentacion Cientifica. 39. 2016
- A proposal for the development of adaptive spoken interfaces to access the Web. NEUROCOMPUTING. 163:56-68. 2015
- Model-based trajectory reconstruction with IMM smoothing and segmentation. Information Fusion. 22:127-140. 2015
- Anomaly Detection Based on Sensor Data in Petroleum Industry Applications. SENSORS. 15:2774-2797. 2015
- Context-based multi-level information fusion for harbor surveillance. Information Fusion. 21:173-186. 2015
- Evolutionary-inspired approach to compare trust models in agent simulations. AI COMMUNICATIONS. 28:429-440. 2015
- Desarrollo de portales de voz municipales interactivos y adaptados al usuario = Development of interactive and user-centered voice portals to provide municipal information. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural. 53:185-188. 2014
- Human action recognition with sparse classification and multiple-view learning. EXPERT SYSTEMS. 31:354-364. 2014
- Utilización de las tecnologías del habla y de los mundos virtuales para el desarrollo de aplicaciones educativas = Using language technologies and virtual worlds to develop educative applications. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural. 53:167-170. 2014
- Modeling the user state for context-aware spoken interaction in ambient assisted living. APPLIED INTELLIGENCE. 40:749-771. 2014
- A guided mutation operator for dynamic diversity enhancement in evolutionary strategies. International Journal of Natural Computing Research. 4:20-39. 2014
- A practical approach for active camera coordination based on a fusion-driven multi-agent system. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS SCIENCE. 45:741-755. 2014
- The awareness of privacy issues in ambient intelligence. Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal. 3:71-84. 2014
- An approach to develop intelligent learning environments by means of immersive virtual worlds. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments. 6:237-255. 2014
- Developing multimodal conversational agents for an enhanced e-learning experience. Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal. 3:13-26. 2014
- Combining heterogeneous inputs for the development of adaptive and multimodal interaction systems. Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal. 2:37-53. 2013
- Hacia una educación inclusiva y personalizada mediante el uso de los sistemas de diálogo multimodal. Revista Iberoamericana de Informática Educativa. 11-27. 2013
- CALoR: Context-Aware and Location Reputation model in AmI environments. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments. 5:589-604. 2013
- An automatic dialog simulation technique to develop and evaluate interactive conversational agents. APPLIED ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. 27:759-780. 2013
- A statistical simulation technique to develop and evaluate conversational agents. AI COMMUNICATIONS. 26:355-371. 2013
- Multi-objective optimization with an adaptive resonance theory-based estimation of distribution algorithm. ANNALS OF MATHEMATICS AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. 68:247-273. 2013
- Evaluation of Agents Interactions in a Context-Aware System. Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence. 79-97. 2013
- A Feature Selection Approach to the Group Behavior Recognition Issue Using Static Context Information. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks. 2013:1-11. 2013
- Bringing context-aware access to the web through spoken interaction. APPLIED INTELLIGENCE. 38:620-640. 2013
- Privacy-by-design rules in face recognition system. NEUROCOMPUTING. 109:49-55. 2013
- Providing personalized Internet services by means of context-aware spoken dialogue systems. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments. 5:23-45. 2013
- Context-aided Sensor Fusion for Enhanced Urban Navigation. SENSORS. 12:16802-16837. 2012
- Multi-agent simulations for emergency situations in an airport scenario. Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal. 1:69-78. 2012
- A Proposal to Create Learning Environments in Virtual Worlds Integrating Advanced Educative Resources. JOURNAL OF UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SCIENCE. 18:2516-2541. 2012
- Context-based scene recognition from visual data in smart homes: an Information Fusion approach. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. 16:835-857. 2012
- Ontological Representation of Light Wave Camera Data to Support Vision-Based AmI. SENSORS. 12:12126-12152. 2012
- Methodological design and comparative evaluation of a MAS providing AmI. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS. 39:10656-10673. 2012
- La confianza y la reputación en los sistemas multiagente. Novática. 25-30. 2012
- Bringing together commercial and academic perspectives for the development of intelligent AmI interfaces. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments. 4:183-207. 2012
- A Statistical User Simulation Technique to Develop Interactive and User-Centered Conversational Agents. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence. 8:202-222. 2012
- A knowledge-based system approach for a context-aware system. KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMS. 27:1-17. 2012
- A multi-objective approach for the segmentation issue. ENGINEERING OPTIMIZATION. 44:267-287. 2012
- InContexto: Multisensor Architecture to Obtain People Context from Smartphones. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks. 2012:1-15. 2012
- A probabilistic, discriminative and distributed system for the recognition of human actions from multiple views. NEUROCOMPUTING. 75:78-87. 2012
- A Practical Case Study: Face Recognition on Low Quality Images Using Gabor Wavelet and Support Vector Machines. JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & ROBOTIC SYSTEMS. 64:447-463. 2011
- Communication in distributed tracking systems: an ontology-based approach to improve cooperation. EXPERT SYSTEMS. 28:288-305. 2011
- Fuzzy region assignment for visual tracking. SOFT COMPUTING. 15:1845-1864. 2011
- MIJ2K Optimization using evolutionary multiobjective optimization algorithms. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS. 38:10999-11010. 2011
- Boosting video tracking performance by means of Tabu Search in Intelligent Visual Surveillance Systems. JOURNAL OF HEURISTICS. 17:415-440. 2011
- A Multi-Agent Architecture Based on the BDI Model for Data Fusion in Visual Sensor Networks. JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & ROBOTIC SYSTEMS. 62:299-328. 2011
- La plataforma EDUCAGENT: agentes conversacionales inteligentes y entornos virtuales aplicados a la docencia. Revista Iberoamericana de Informática Educativa. 15-31. 2011
- Ontology-based context representation and reasoning for object tracking and scene interpretation in video. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS. 38:7494-7510. 2011
- MIJ2K: Enhanced video transmission based on conditional replenishment of JPEG2000 tiles with motion compensation. JOURNAL OF VISUAL COMMUNICATION AND IMAGE REPRESENTATION. 22:332-344. 2011
- A Utility-Based Adaptation Approach for an AmI (Ambient Intelligence) Environment. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence. 6:100-111. 2011
- MB-GNG: Addressing drawbacks in multi-objective optimization estimation of distribution algorithms. OPERATIONS RESEARCH LETTERS. 39:150-154. 2011
- Piecewise Linear Representation Segmentation in Noisy Domains with a Large Number of Measurements: The Air Traffic Control Domain. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools. 20:367-399. 2011
- Data Fusion to Improve Trajectory Tracking in a Cooperative Surveillance Multi-Agent Architecture. Information Fusion. 11:243-255. 2010
- A Multi-Agent Approach for Provisioning of e-Services in u-Commerce Environments. Internet Research. 20:276-295. 2010
- An Extension of a Fuzzy Reputation Agent Trust Model (AFRAS) in the ART Testbed. SOFT COMPUTING. 14:821-831. 2010
- Analysis and Design of a Multi-Agent System Using Gaia Methodology in an Airport Case of Use. Inteligencia Artificial. 14:9-17. 2010
- Integración de los sistemas de diálogo para la interacción en redes sociales = Spoken Dialogue Systems for its Interaction in Social Networks. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural. 44:107-114. 2010
- Privacy and Legal Requirements for Developing Biometric Identification Software in Context-Based Applications. International Journal of Biosciences and Technology. 2:13-24. 2010
- A Meta-level Evolutionary Strategy for Many-criteria Design: Application to Improving Tracking Filters. ADVANCED ENGINEERING INFORMATICS. 23:243-252. 2009
- Discrete Optimization Algorithms in Real-Time Visual Tracking. APPLIED ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. 23:805-827. 2009
- Visual Data Association for Real-Time Video Tracking Using Genetic and Estimation of Distribution Algorithms. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IMAGING SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGY. 19:208-220. 2009
- Effective Evolutionary Algorithms for Many-Specifications Attainment: Application to Air Traffic Control Tracking Filters. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION. 13:151-168. 2009
- Machine Learning Techniques for Acquiring New Knowledge in Image Tracking. APPLIED ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. 22:266-282. 2008
book chapters
- Machine learning for smart tourism and retail. In: Research Anthology on Machine Learning Techniques, Methods, and Applications. IGI GLOBAL. p. 753-p. 775. 2022
- Data Fusion . In: Encyclopedia of Big Data Technologies. SPRINGER. 2018
- El big data en el ámbito del análisis de los resultados docentes. In: Educación, participación y escenarios digitales. COMARES EDITORIAL,. 62-70. 2017
- Information Fusion for Improving Decision-Making in Big Data Applications. In: Resource Management for Big Data Platforms : Algorithms, Modelling, and High-Performance Computing Techniques. SPRINGER. 171-188. 2016
- Military Usages of Speech and Language Technologies: A Review. In: Meeting Security Challenges Through Data Analytics and Decision Support. IOS PRESS. 44-68. 2016
- Context-Based Situation Recognition in Computer Vision Systems. In: Context-Enhanced Information Fusion : Boosting Real-World Performance with Domain Knowledge. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg. 627-651. 2016
- El ordenador y la sociedad digital en el siglo XX. In: Historia de los Derechos Fundamentales. T. IV. Siglo XX. Volumen I. Cultura, sociedad y política en el siglo XX. Libro I. Parte I. DYKINSON, S.L.. 325-357. 2013
- Las aplicaciones de Ambient Intelligent (AmI): un reto para el Derecho que trasciende el ámbito material de la normativa de protección de datos personales. In: Desafíos para los derechos de la persona ante el siglo XXI : Internet y nuevas tecnologías. ARANZADI THOMSON REUTERS. 253-263. 2013
- Towards the Use of Dialog Systems to Facilitate Inclusive Education. In: Technologies for Inclusive Education: Beyond Traditional Integration Approaches. IGI GLOBAL. 1-21. 2013
- Evaluation of Agents Interactions in a Context-Aware System. In: Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence IX. SPRINGER. 79-97. 2013
- High-Level Information Fusion in Visual Sensor Networks. In: Visual Information Processing in Wireless Sensor Networks: Technology, Trends and Applications. IGI GLOBAL. 197-223. 2012
- Distributed Data and Information Fusion in Visual Sensor Networks. In: Distributed Data Fusion for Network-Centric Operations. CRC Press & IEEE. 435-466. 2012
- A Multi-Agent Approach for Designing Next Generation of Air Traffic Systems. In: Advances in Air Navigation Services. INTECH. 147-174. 2012
- Air Traffic Trajectories Segmentation Based on Time-Series Sensor Data. In: Sensor Fusion and its Applications. INTECH. 31-52. 2010
- Java in Ambient Intelligence Applications. In: Java Software and Embedded Systems. NOVA SCIENCE PUBLISHERS INC. 1-43. 2010
- Solving Combinatorial Problems with Time Constrains using Estimation of Distribution Algorithms and Their Application in Video-Tracking Systems. In: New Achievements in Evolutionary Computation. INTECH. 251-266. 2010
- Designing a Distributed Context-Aware Multi-Agent System. In: Agent-Based Ubiquitous Computing. ATLANTIS PRESS. 117-130. 2009
- Coalition of Surveillance Agents: Cooperative Fusion Improvement in Surveillance Systems. In: Agent-Based Ubiquitous Computing. ATLANTIS PRESS. 103-115. 2009
- Los derechos humanos y las nuevas tecnologías. In: Entre la ética, la política y el derecho: estudios en homenaje al profesor Gregorio Peces-Barba. I, Entre la ética, la política y el derecho. DYKINSON, S.L.. 933-946. 2008
- Computational Intelligence in Visual Sensor Networks: Improving Video Processing Systems. In: Computational Intelligence in Multimedia Processing: Recent Advances. SPRINGER. 351-377. 2008
- Ubiquitous Computing for Mobile Environments. In: Issues in Multi-Agent Systems: The AgentCities.ES Experience. Birkhauser. 33-57. 2008
- Ciencia de datos : técnicas analíticas y aprendizaje analítico : en un enfoque práctico. Altaria. 2018
- Intelligent Agents in Data-intensive Computing. Ed. 14. Berlín: SPRINGER. 2016
- Highlights of Practical Applications of Heterogeneous Multi-Agent Systems, The PAAMS Collection, PAAMS 2014 International Workshops, Salamanca, Spain, June 4-6, 2014 Proceedings. Ed. 430. SPRINGER. 2014
- Sistemas de Fusión de Datos e Información de Contexto. Fundamentos, Técnicas y Aplicaciones. Editorial Académica Española. 2013
- Highlights on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems International Workshops of PAAMS 2013, Salamanca, Spain, May 22-24, 2013. Proceedings. Ed. 365. SPRINGER. 2013
conference contributions
- Assessing the Interplay of Attributes in Dementia Prediction Through the Integration of Graph Embeddings and Unsupervised Learning. 371-380. 2024
- Diseño de una herramienta para la gestión de un servicio de transporte de emergencias utilizando las APIs de Google Maps. 380-389. 2023
- Error reduction in autonomous multirotor vision-based landing system with helipad context. 1-8. 2022
- Automatic Individual Tree Detection from Combination of Aerial Imagery, LiDAR and Environment Context. 294-303. 2021
- Clustering of maritime trajectories with AIS features for context learning. 923-930. 2021
- LSTM vs CNN in Real Ship Trajectory Classification. 58-57. 2021
- Towards Unsupervised Knowledge Extraction 2021
- An Approach to Forecasting and Filtering Noise in Dynamic Systems Using LSTM Architectures. 155-165. 2020
- Minimizing attributes for prediction of cardiovascular diseases. 612-619. 2020
- Segmentation optimization in trajectory-based ship classification. 540-549. 2020
- Smart song equalization based on the classification of musical genres. 186-195. 2020
- A Convolutional Neural Network Model for Superresolution Enhancement of UAV Images. 992-997. 2019
- Analysis of the Consumption of Household Appliances for the Detection of Anomalies in the Behaviour of Older People. 60-68. 2019
- New Approach for the Aesthetic Improvement of Images Through the Combination of Convolutional Neural Networks and Evolutionary Algorithms. 229-240. 2019
- Analysis of Sensor Fusion Solutions for UAV Platfoms. 35-40. 2018
- Applying VorEAl for IoT Intrusion Detection. 363-374. 2018
- Improving forecasting using Information Fusion in local agricultural markets. 479-489. 2018
Fusion and Machine Learning in Spatial Prediction for local agricultural
markets. 235-246. 2018 - Model Learning and Spatial Data Fusion for Predicting Sales in Local Agricultural Markets. 2407-2414. 2018
- A Data-Driven Approach to Dialog Structure Modeling. 266-275. 2017
A Proposal to Enhance Human-Machine Interaction by
Means of Multi-agent Conversational Interfaces. 565-576. 2017 - A Proposal to Integrate Conversational Interfaces in Mobile Learning Applications. 695-705. 2017
- A Propose Architecture for Situated Multi-agent Systems and Virtual Simulated Environments Applied to Educational Immersive Experiences. 413-423. 2017
- Analysis of real data with sensors and estimation outputs in configurable UAV platforms 2017
- Data Fusion In Cloud Computing: Big Data Approach. 569-575. 2017
FRB-Dialog: A Toolkit for Automatic Learning of
Fuzzy-Rule Based (FRB) Dialog Managers. 306-317. 2017 - Market Trends and Customer Segmentation for Data of Electronic Retail Store. 519-530. 2017
- A Multimodal Conversational Agent for Personalized Language Learning. 13-21. 2014
- A Proposal for Processing and Fusioning Multiple Information Sources in Multimodal Dialog Systems. 167-178. 2014
- A framework to develop adaptive multimodal dialog systems for Android-based mobile devices. 25-36. 2014
- A novel approach for data fusion and dialog management in user-adapted multimodal dialog systems. 1-7. 2014
- Ambient intelligence: applications and privacy policies. 191-201. 2014
- An information fusion framework for context-based accidents prevention. 1-8. 2014
- Combining support vector machines and segmentation algorithms for efficient anomaly detection: a petroleum industry application. 269-278. 2014
- Developing multimodal conversational agents: from the use of VoiceXML to Android-based applications. 335-338. 2014
- Domain and subtask-adaptive conversational agents to provide an enhanced human-agent interaction. 134-145. 2014
- Geographic context configuration in fusion algorithms for maritime surveillance. 1-8. 2014
- Giving Voice to the Internet by Means of Conversational Agents. 441-448. 2014
- High-level information fusion for risk and accidents prevention in pervasive oil industry environments. 202-213. 2014
- Information fusion as input source for improving multi-agent system autonomous decision-making in maritime surveillance scenarios. 1-8. 2014
- Modelos de representación de imprecisión e incertidumbre en fusión de alto nivel. 541-546. 2014
- Navigation capabilities of mid-cost GNSS/INS vs. smartphone Analysis and Comparison in Urban Navigation scenarios. 1-7. 2014
- Privacy protection in trust models for agent societies. 135-144. 2014
- Processing and fusioning multiple heterogeneous information sources in multimodal dialog systems. 1-6. 2014
- The Geranium System: Multimodal Conversational Agents for E-learning. 219-226. 2014
- YASA: yet another time series segmentation algorithm for anomaly detection in big data problems. 697-708. 2014
- A Data Fusion Perspective on Human Motion Analysis Including Multiple Camera Applications. 149-158. 2013
- A Practical Approach to the Development of Ontology-Based Information Fusion Systems. 176-183. 2013
- A multi-agent architecture to combine heterogeneous inputs in multimodal interaction systems. 1513-1522. 2013
- An Alternative Archiving Technique for Evolutionary Polygonal Approximation. 68-73. 2013
- Autonomous Active-Camera Control Architecture based on Multi-Agent Systems for Surveillance Scenarios. 210-217. 2013
- Combining Machine Learning Techniques and Natural Language Processing to Infer Emotions Using Spanish Twitter Corpus. 149-157. 2013
- Comparing Agent Interactions of Distributed and Centralized MultiAgent Systems for Context-Aware Domains. 158-165. 2013
- Development of a visual loop closure detector in MATLAB 2013
- Model and Feature Selection in Hidden Conditional Random Fields with Group Regularization. 140-149. 2013
- Multiobjective Local Search Techniques for Evolutionary Polygonal Approximation. 171-178. 2013
- Técnicas de Supervisión Administrativa para Aplicaciones de Inteligencia Ambiental &-AmI- 2013
- An Evaluation Method for Context-Aware Systems in U-Health. 219-226. 2012
- Applying the Dynamic Region Connection Calculus to Exploit Geographic Knowledge in Maritime Surveillance. 1546-1553. 2012
- Comparing Features Extraction Techniques Using J48 for Activity Recognition on Mobile Phones. 141-150. 2012
- ContextCare: Autonomous Video Surveillance System Using Multi-camera and Smartphones. 47-56. 2012
- Desarrollo de actividades de evaluación para un sistema on-line de aprendizaje de idiomas. 51-59. 2012
- Distributed Active-Camera Control Architecture Based on Multi-Agent Systems. 103-112. 2012
- EmotionContext: User Emotion Dataset Using Smartphones. 371-374. 2012
- Experiencia de evaluación formativa de un software educativo. 60-68. 2012
- Group Behavior Recognition Issue, Feature Analysis on Defending Pick and Roll Basketball Move. 1001-1010. 2012
- Initialization Procedures for Multiobjective Evolutionary Approaches to the Segmentation Issue. 452-463. 2012
- Interactive and User-Adapted Voice Portals for the City Council. 395-399. 2012
- Modeling Internet as a User-Adapted Speech Service. 49-60. 2012
- Modeling a Spoken Dialog System using POMDPs and Agenda-based User Simulation. 183-192. 2012
- Multiagent Simulations for Emergency Situations in Buildings. 1-16. 2012
- Multiobjective Optimization Problem in Multi-Agent System for AmI scenarios 2012
- Mutagenesis as a Diversity Enhancer and Preserver in Evolution Strategies. 725-732. 2012
- Ontological representation of time-of-flight camera data to support vision-based AmI. 865-870. 2012
- Optimizing Dialog Strategies for Conversational Agents Interacting in AmI Environments. 93-100. 2012
- The MovieScript System: Integration of Statistical Methodologies and the VoiceXML Standard to Develop Spoken Dialog Systems. 400-404. 2012
- Using Virtual Worlds and Sloodle to Develop Educative Applications. 99-106. 2012
- A General Purpose Context Reasoning Environment to Deal with Tracking Problems: An Ontology-based Prototype. 144-154. 2011
- A Regularised Particle Filter for Context-Aware Sensor Fusion Applications 2011
- A Robust Memetic Algorithm with Self-Stopping Capabilities. 113-114. 2011
- A Structured Representation to the Group Behavior Recognition Issue. 47-57. 2011
- Agent Simulation to Develop Interactive and User-Centered Conversational Agents. 69-76. 2011
- An Agent-Based Dialog Simulation Technique to Develop and Evaluate Conversational Agents. 255-264. 2011
- Automatically Updating a Dynamic Region Connection Calculus for Topological Reasoning. 69-77. 2011
- Bringing Statistical Methodologies for Enterprise Integration of Conversational Agents. 153-160. 2011
- Context-Aware Conversational Agents Using POMDPs and Agenda-Based Simulation. 29-36. 2011
- Context-Awareness at the Service of Sensor Fusion Systems: Inverting the Usual Scheme. 653-660. 2011
- Evaluating Interaction of MAS Providing Context-Aware Services. 373-382. 2011
- Group Behavior Recognition in Context-Aware Systems. 645-652. 2011
- Improving the Accuracy of Action Classification Using View-Dependent Context Information. 136-143. 2011
- Indicator-based MONEDA: A Comparative Study of Scalability with Respect to Decision Space Dimensions. 957-964. 2011
- Integrating Multicamera Surveillance Systems into Multiagent Location Systems. 1-9. 2011
- Multi-Objective Optimization with an Adaptive Resonance Theory-Based Estimation of Distribution Algorithm: A Comparative Study. 458-472. 2011
- Multi-camera Control and Video Transmission Architecture for Distributed Systems. 37-45. 2011
- Multicamera Action Recognition with Canonical Correlation Analysis and Discriminative Sequence Classification. 491-500. 2011
- Neighborhood-based Regularization of Proposal Distribution for Improving Resampling Quality in Particle Filters. 1771-1778. 2011
- Opportunistic Multi-sensor Fusion for Robust Navigation in Smart Environments. 59-68. 2011
- Regulatory Model for AAL. 183-192. 2011
- Representation and Exploitation of Context Knowledge in a Harbor Surveillance Scenario. 1787-1794. 2011
- Research Opportunities in Contextualized Fusion Systems. The Harbor Surveillance Case. 621-628. 2011
- Soft Computing Models for the Development of Commercial Conversational Agents. 173-182. 2011
- The DI@L-log System: Integration of Speech Technologies in Healthcare Applications 2011
- The EducAgent Platform: Intelligent Conversational Agents for E-Learning Applications. 117-124. 2011
- The VoiceApp System: Speech Technologies to Access the Semantic Web. 393-402. 2011
- Topological Properties in Ontology-based Applications. 1329-1334. 2011
- Utilización de las tecnologías del habla para facilitar el acceso a la web. 239-247. 2011
- inContexto: A Fusion Architecture to Obtain Mobile Context. 1803-1810. 2011
- A Conversational Academic Assistant for the Interaction in Virtual Worlds. 283-290. 2010
- A Legal View of Ambient Assisted Living Developments. 631-638. 2010
- A Regulatory Model for Context-Aware Abstract Framework. 397-406. 2010
- A Simulation Framework for UAV Sensor Fusion. 460-467. 2010
- Adaptation of an Evaluation System for e-Health Environments. 357-364. 2010
- Advancing Model-Building for Many-Objective Optimization Estimation of Distribution Algorithms. 512-521. 2010
- Air Traffic Control: A Local Approach to the Trajectory Segmentation Issue. 498-507. 2010
- An Architecture for the Design of Context-Aware Conversational Agents. 41-46. 2010
- An Architecture to Provide Context-Aware Services by Means of Conversational Agents. 275-282. 2010
- Analysis of a sensor fusion hybrid solution for indoor/outdoor robot navigation. 579-586. 2010
- Contextual and Human Factors in Information Fusion. 79-92. 2010
- Finding an Evolutionarily Stable Strategy in Agent Reputation and Trust (ART) 2007 Competition. 470-477. 2010
- Fusion of Single View Soft k-NN Classifiers for Multicamera Human Action Recognition. 436-443. 2010
- Interactive Video Annotation Tool. 325-332. 2010
- Introducing a Robust and Efficient Stopping Criterion for MOEA's. 4314-4321. 2010
- Moving away from error-based learning in multi-objective estimation of distribution algorithms. 545-546. 2010
- Multi-Agent System (MAS) Applications in Ambient Intelligence (AmI) Environments. 493-500. 2010
- Multi-Sensor and Multi Agents Architecture for Indoor Location. 309-316. 2010
- Multi-agent Based Distributed Semi-automatic Sensors Surveillance System Architecture. 317-324. 2010
- Multi-camera and Multi-modal Sensor Fusion, an Architecture Overview. 301-308. 2010
- Piecewise Linear Representation Segmentation as a Multiobjective Optimization Problem. 267-274. 2010
- Robust Sensor Fusion in Real Maritime Surveillance Scenarios. 1-8. 2010
- Strategies and Techniques for Use and Exploitation of Contextual Information in High-Level Fusion Architectures 2010
- A Multi-Agent Architecture to Support Active Fusion in a Visual Sensor Network 2008
- Advanced Algorithms for Real-Time Video Tracking with Multiple Target. 125-131. 2008
- Agents Detecting Reputation Noises with IMM Filtering 2008
- Analysis and Design of a Multi-Agent System Using Gaia Methodology in an Airport Case of Use. 81-92. 2008
- Analysis of Distributed Fusion Alternatives in Coordinated Vision Agents. 1279-1284. 2008
- Building a Knowledge Based System for an Airport Case of Use. 98-106. 2008
- Development of User Interfaces for Video Applications Interaction 2008
- Distributing Applied to Surveillance Application Track Transfer Protocol (TTP). 79-87. 2008
- Extending Local Contextual Reasoning to Multicamera Environments 2008
- Fuzzy Reputation in the Art Testbed 2008
- Human-Computer Interaction and Usability Research: Capturing Infra-Red Light. 146-153. 2008
- Introducing MONEDA: Scalable Multiobjective Optimization with a Neural Estimation of Distribution Algorithm 2008
- JADE/LEAP Agents in an AmI Domain. 62-69. 2008
- Learning User Profile with Genetic Algorithm in AmI Applications 2008
- Model Building Algorithms for Multiobjective Edas: Directions for Improvement 2008
- Occlusion Management using a Context-based Tracking System 2008
- On the Process of Designing an Activity Recognition System using Symbolic and Subsymbolic Techniques 2008
- Requirements for Supervised Fusion Adaption through HCI in a Multi-Target Multi-Sensor Environment 2008
- Scalable Continuous Multiobjective Optimization with a Neural-based Estimation of Distribution Algorithm 2008
- Solving Video-Association Problem with Explicit Evaluation of Hypothesis Using EDAS 2008
- Using Temporal Spatial Data Base in Context-Aware Location-Based System. 154-162. 2008