publication venue for
- Performance of an air-cooled membrane based microchannel desorber-condenser working with LiBr-water. 236, Part A:1-12. 2024
- Efficiency assessments of a compound cooling system for low-humidity applications. 234. 2023
- Environmental and energetic behavior of a Beam-down linear Fresnel solar field for low-grade thermal energy applications. 231. 2023
- Genetically-inspired convective heat transfer enhancement in a turbulent boundary layer. 230:1-16. 2023
- Thermal performance characteristics of a tessellated-impinging central receiver. 229:1-12. 2023
- Thermo-economic optimization of a novel confined thermal energy storage system based on granular material. 224:1-13. 2023
- Influence of eccentricity on the thermomechanical performance of a bayonet tube of a central solar receiver. 223:1-19. 2023
- Solar simulator based on induction heating to characterize experimentally tubular solar central receivers. 220:1-14. 2023
- Heat transfer enhancement in turbulent boundary layers with a pulsed slot jet in crossflow. 219, Part C:1-14. 2023
- Experimental study of different coatings on silica sand in a directly irradiated fluidised bed: Thermal behaviour and cycling analysis. 217:1-10. 2022
- Impact of a mechanical attachment on the preheating temperatures of a central receiver tube. 215:1-15. 2022
- Preheating of solar power tower receiver tubes for a high-temperature chloride molten salt. 216:1-19. 2022
- Heat generation depth and temperature distribution in solar receiver tubes subjected to induction. 204:1-15. 2022
- The water cost effect of hybrid-parallel condensing systems in the thermo-economical performance of solar tower plants. 202:117801-1-117801-21. 2022
- Performance of a shallow solar pond coupled with a heat pump cycle for thermal energy in net zero-energy buildings. 199:1-22. 2021
- Direct solar air heating inside small-scale linear Fresnel collector assisted by a turbocharger: Experimental characterization. 196:1-21. 2021
- Thermal stress and fatigue damage of central receiver tubes during their preheating. 195:117115-1-117115-15. 2021
- Experimental performance of membrane water absorption in LiBr solution with and without cooling. 180:1-7. 2020
- Experimental and numerical study of the heat transfer process during the startup of molten salt tower receivers. 178:115528-1-115528-15. 2020
- Towards zero water consumption in solar tower power plants. 178:1-15. 2020
- Direct solar production of medium temperature hot air for industrial applications in linear concentrating solar collectors using an open Brayton cycle. Viability analysis. 169. 2020
- Experimental evaluation of a membrane-based microchannel desorber operating at low desorption temperatures. 167:1-10. 2020
- Lifetime analysis of the steam generator of a solar tower plant. 159:1-14. 2019
- Experimental performance comparison of three flat sheet membranes operating in an adiabatic microchannel absorber. 152:835-843. 2019
- Thermochemical conversion of C. cardunculus L. in nitrate molten salts. 148:136-146. 2019
- Dynamic performance and stress analysis of the steam generator of parabolic trough solar power plants. 147:804-818. 2019
- Exergy recovery from solar heated particles to supercritical CO2. 146:469-481. 2019
- Thermo-chemical storage for renewable energies based on absorption: Getting a uniform injection into the grid. 146:338-345. 2019
- Maximizing the power block efficiency of solar tower plants: Dual-pressure level steam generator. 144:583-592. 2018
- Feasibility study of a new concept of solar external receiver: Variable velocity receiver. 128:335-344. 2018
- Parametric study of a novel organic Rankine cycle combined with a cascade refrigeration cycle (ORC-CRS) using natural refrigerants. 127:378-389. 2017
- Performance analysis of an absorption double-effect cycle for power and cold generation using ammonia/lithium nitrate. 115:256-266. 2017
- Modeling the thin-layer drying process of Granny Smith apples: Application in an indirect solar dryer. 108:1086-1094. 2016
- Experimental study of fixed and fluidized beds of PCM with an internal heat exchanger. 106:1042-1051. 2016
- COP optimisation of a triple-effect H2O/LiBr absorption cycle under off-design conditions. 99:195-205. 2016
- epsilon-NTU relationships in parallel-series arrangements: Application to plate and tubular heat exchangers. 99:1119-1132. 2016
- Parametric study of operating and design variables on the performance of a membrane-based absorber. 98:409-419. 2016
- Two-stage double-effect ammonia/lithium nitrate absorption cycle. 64:228-237. 2016
- Absorption solar cooling systems using optimal driving temperatures. 79:140-148. 2015
- District cooling network connected to a solar power tower. 79:174-183. 2015
- Experimental heat transfer coefficients between a surface and fixed and fluidized beds with PCM. 78:373-379. 2015
- Experimental heat transformer monitoring based on linear modelling and statistical control process. 75:1271-1286. 2015
- Comparison of simplified heat transfer models and CFD simulations for molten salt external receiver. 73:993-1005. 2014
- Thermal design guidelines of solar power towers. 63:428-438. 2014
- Moving bed syngas conditioning: Modelling. 62:809-822. 2014
- Moving bed syngas conditioning: Modelling. 62:809-822. 2014
- Energy and exergy analysis of an absorption power cycle. 55:69-77. 2013
- Experimental evaluation of ammonia adiabatic absorption into ammonia-lithium nitrate solution using a fog jet nozzle. 50:781-790. 2013
- A numerical study of external building walls containing phase change materials (PCM). 47:73-85. 2012
- Effect of the NH3-LiNO3 concentration and pressure in a fog-jet spray adiabatic absorber. 37:430-437. 2012
- Experimental assessment of ammonia adiabatic absorption into ammonia-lithium nitrate solution using a flat fan nozzle. 31:3569-3579. 2011
- Experimental evaluation of a direct air-cooled lithium bromide-water absorption prototype for solar air conditioning. 31:3358-3368. 2011
- Flat plate thermal solar collector efficiency: Transient behavior under working conditions part II: Model application and design contributions. 31:2385-2393. 2011
- Flat plate thermal solar collector efficiency: Transient behavior under working conditions. Part I: Model description and experimental validation. 31:2394-2404. 2011
- Energy and exergy analysis in an asphalt plant's rotary dryer. 31:1039-1049. 2011
- Solid conduction effects and design criteria in moving bed heat exchangers. 31:1200-1207. 2011
- On the Recirculation of Ammonia-Lithium Nitrate in Adiabatic Absorbers for Chillers. 30:2770-2777. 2010
- Ammonia-Lithium Nitrate Absorption Chiller with an Integrated Low-Pressure Compression Booster Cycle for Low Driving Temperatures. 30:1351-1359. 2010
- Energy and Carbon Emission Savings in Spanish Housing Air-Conditioning Using Solar Driven Absorption System. 28:1734-1744. 2008
- Air Conditioning Rsing an Air-Cooled Single Effect Lithium Bromide Absorption Chiller: Results of a Trial Conducted in Madrid in August 2005. 28:1074-1081. 2008