publication venue for
- VCO-based ADC with a simplified DAC for non-linearity correction. 54:813-815. 2018
- Importance sampling with transformed weights. 53:783-784. 2017
- VCO-based sturdy MASH ADC architecture. 53:14-15. 2017
- Calibration of laser Doppler vibrometer exploiting Bessel functions of the first kind. 51:1100-1101. 2015
- Oversampled ADC based on pulse frequency modulator and TDC. 50:498-499. 2014
- Sub-THz characterisation of multi-walled carbon nanotube thin films using vector network analyser. 50:297-298. 2014
- Enhanced JRMP multiplexing headers under non-fragmented local area network constraints. 49:1333-1335. 2013
- Continuous wave sub-THz photonic generation with VCSEL-based optical frequency comb. 49:944-949. 2013
- Multistage ADC based on integrating quantiser and gated ring oscillator. 49:526-527. 2013
- E-band (71-76 GHz) wireless link using compact modules. 49:476-477. 2013
- Almost rejectionless sampling from Nakagami-m distributions (m≥1). 48:1559-1561. 2012
- Efficient sampling from truncated bivariate Gaussians via Box-Muller transformation. 48:1533-1534. 2012
- Inside View. 48:1376-1376. 2012
- Ultra-narrow linewidth CW sub-THz generation using GS based OFCG and n-i-pn-i-p superlattice photomixers. 48:1425-1426. 2012
- Simulation of memristors in presence of high-frequency forcing function. 48:684-686. 2012
- Efficient random variable generation: ratio of uniforms and polar rejection sampling. 48:326-327. 2012
- VCO based multi-stage noise shaping ADC. 48:206-208. 2012
- VCO-based sigma delta modulator with PWM precoding. 47:588-589. 2011
- Simple modelling method of tantalum capacitors. 47:22-23. 2011
- Continuous Time SigmaDelta Modulator based on Digital Delay Loop and Time Quantisation. 46:1655-1656. 2010
- Design of Dual-Frequency SRR-Loaded Dipole with Equivalent Circuit Approach. 45:964-965. 2009
- Continuous Time Sigma-Delta Modulator Based on Binary Weighted Charge Balance. 45:458-460. 2009
- Split-Ring Resonator Loaded Waveguides with Multiple Stopbands. 44:714-716. 2008
- Improving Design of Integrated Magnetics for Power Electronics Converters. 44:693-694. 2008
- Performance analysis of SSC diversity receiver over correlated Ricean fading channels in presence of co-channel interference. 44:587-588. 2008