sample of publications
- Novel low-order continuum models for the dynamic behaviour of microstructured plates based on a beam-grid lattice. Thin-Walled Structures. 191. 2023
- Reconstruction of a general mass density in a rectangular membrane from finite eigenvalue data. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 187. 2023
- Inverse load identification in vibrating nanoplates. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. 46:1045-1075. 2023
- Low-order continualization of an anisotropic membrane lattice with next-nearest interactions. Enhanced prediction of its dynamic behaviour. European Journal of Mechanics, A/Solids. 97:1-18. 2023
- All-optical nanosensor for displacement detection in mechanical applications. Nanomaterials. 12:1-11. 2022
- Beam formulation and FE framework for architected structures under finite deformations. European Journal of Mechanics, A/Solids. 96:1-11. 2022
- New low-order continuum models for the dynamics of a Timoshenko beam lattice with next-nearest interactions. Computers and Structures. 272:1-19. 2022
- Low-order non-classical continuum models for the improved prediction of an anisotropic membrane lattice's dynamics. Thin-Walled Structures. 179:1-15. 2022
- Identification of a symmetric mass density in a rectangular membrane from finite eigenvalue data. Computers and Mathematics with Applications. 125:222-237. 2022
- Determination of the prey impact region in a spider orb-web from in-plane vibration. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 424:1-17. 2022
- Eco-localization of a prey in a spider orb web. JVC/Journal of Vibration and Control. 28:1229-1238. 2022
- Dynamic identification of pretensile forces in a spider orb-web. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 169:1-16. 2022
- Natural frequencies of vibration in cracked Timoshenko beams within an elastic medium. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. 118:103257-103267. 2022
- Nonstandard continualization of 1D lattice with next-nearest interactions. Low order ODEs and enhanced prediction of the dispersive behavior. MECHANICS OF ADVANCED MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES. 29:923-932. 2022
- Novel Enriched Kinetic Energy continuum model for the enhanced prediction of a 1D lattice with next-nearest interactions. Composite Structures. 281:1-13. 2022
- Dynamic analysis and non-standard continualization of a Timoshenko beam lattice. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 214:1-18. 2022
- Detecting a prey in a spider orb-web from in-plane vibration. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics. 81:2297-2322. 2021
- Low order nonstandard continualization of a beam lattice with next-nearest interactions: Enhanced prediction of the dynamic behavior. MECHANICS OF ADVANCED MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES. 29:6216-6230. 2021
- Analysis of low order non-standard continualization methods for enhanced prediction of the dispersive behaviour of a beam lattice. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 196:1-11. 2021
- The prey's catching problem in an elastically supported spider orb-web. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 151:1-20. 2021
- The role of boundary conditions in resonator-based mass identification in nanorods. MECHANICS OF ADVANCED MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES. 2021
- Hearing distributed mass in nanobeam resonators. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 193-194:568-592. 2020
- Non-standard and constitutive boundary conditions in nonlocal strain gradient elasticity. Meccanica. 55:469-479. 2020
- Identification of general added mass distribution in nanorods from two-spectra finite data. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 134:1-18. 2019
- On the Mechanism of Bandgap Formation in Beams With Periodic Arrangement of Beam-Like Resonators. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics. 141:1-4. 2019
- Generalized continuum model for the analysis of nonlinear vibrations of taut strings with microstructure. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 164:157-167. 2019
- Recovering added mass in nanoresonator sensors from finite axial eigenfrequency data. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 130:122-151. 2019
- On the consistency of the nonlocal strain gradient elasticity. International Journal of Engineering Science. 138:65-81. 2019
- Mass detection in nanobeams from bending resonant frequency shifts. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 116:261-276. 2019
- Transverse free vibration of resonant nanoplate mass sensors: Identification of an attached point mass. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 150:217-225. 2019
- Propagation of solitons in a two-dimensional nonlinear square lattice. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics. 106:188-204. 2018
- Band structure analysis of a thin plate with periodic arrangements of slender beams. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 420:330-345. 2018
- Reproducing the nonlinear dynamic behavior of a structured beam with a generalized continuum model. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 420:296-314. 2018
- A continuum mechanics constitutive framework for transverse isotropic soft tissues. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 112:209-224. 2018
- Vibrations of Bernoulli-Euler beams using the two-phase nonlocal elasticity theory. International Journal of Engineering Science. 119:232-248. 2017
- A continuum membrane model for small deformations of a spider orb-web. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 93:610-633. 2017
- Resonator-based detection in nanorods. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 93:645-660. 2017
- Nonlinear continuum models for the dynamic behavior of 1D microstructured solids. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 117:111-122. 2017
- The critical neck spacing in ductile plates subjected to dynamic biaxial loading: on the interplay between loading path and inertia effects. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 108:74-84. 2017
- A hyperelastic-thermoviscoplastic constitutive model for semi-crystalline polymers: application to PEEK under dynamic loading conditions. International Journal of Plasticity. 88:27-52. 2017
- Axisymmetric free vibration of closed thin spherical nanoshells with bending effects. JVC/Journal of Vibration and Control. 22:3789-3806. 2016
- One-dimensional dispersion phenomena in terms of fractional media. European Physical Journal Plus. 131:1-9. 2016
- Tuning the instrument: sonic properties in the spider's web. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 13:1-10. 2016
- The secondary frame in spider orb webs: the detail that makes the difference. Scientific Reports. 6:31265-1 -31265-10. 2016
- Bending of Euler-Bernoulli beams using Eringen's integral formulation: A paradox resolved. International Journal of Engineering Science. 99:107-116. 2016
- Collective behaviour and spacing of necks in ductile plates subjected to dynamic biaxial loading. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 85:245-269. 2015
- A theoretical analysis of the free axial vibration of non-local rods with fractional continuum mechanics. Meccanica. 50:2309-2323. 2015
- The role of constitutive relation in the stability of hyper-elastic spherical membranes subjected to dynamic inflation. International Journal of Engineering Science. 93:31-45. 2015
- Dynamic recrystallization and adiabatic shear localization. Mechanics of Materials. 81:41-55. 2015
- An analysis of microstructural and thermal softening effects in dynamic necking. Mechanics of Materials. 80. Part B:298-310. 2015
- Approaching steady cavitation: The time scale in hypervelocity cavity expansion in work hardening and transformation hardening solids. International Journal of Impact Engineering. 73:43-55. 2014
- Uncovering changes in spider orb-web topology owing to aerodynamic effects. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 11:1-10. 2014
- Dynamic necking in materials with strain induced martensitic transformation. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 64:316-337. 2014
- Axisymmetric free vibration of closed thin spherical nano-shell. Composite Structures. 104:154-161. 2013
- Dynamic tensile necking: influence of specimen geometry and boundary conditions. Mechanics of Materials. 62:1-13. 2013
- On the complete extinction of selected imperfection wavelengths in dynamically expanded ductile rings. Mechanics of Materials. 60:107-120. 2013
- Finite element analysis of AISI 304 steel sheets subjected to dynamic tension: the effects of martensitic transformation and plastic strain development on flow localization. International Journal of Impact Engineering. 54:206-216. 2013
- Experimental and numerical analysis of the martensitic transformation in AISI 304 steel sheets subjected to perforation by conical and hemispherical projectiles. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 50:339-351. 2013
- On the Taylor-Quinney coefficient in dynamically phase transforming materials. Application to 304 stainless steel. International Journal of Plasticity. 40:185-201. 2013
- Numerical Analysis of the Hydrodynamic Ram Phenomenon in Aircraft Fuel Tanks. AIAA Journal. 50:1621-1630. 2012
- Numerical modeling of ice behavior under high velocity impacts. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 49:1919-1927. 2012
- Numerical modelling of partially filled aircraft fuel tanks submitted to Hydrodynamic Ram. Aerospace Science and Technology. 16:19-28. 2012
- A constitutive model for analyzing martensite formation in austenitic steels deforming at high strain rates. International Journal of Plasticity. 29:77-101. 2012
- A constitutive equation for ceramic materials used in lightweight armors. Computers and Structures. 89:2316-2324. 2011
- Experimental study of CFRP fluid-filled tubes subjected to high-velocity impact. Composite Structures. 93:2598-2609. 2011
- Nonlinear orthotropic model of the inhomogeneous assembly compression of PEM fuel cell gas diffusion layers. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 36:18856-18870. 2011
- Thermo-Mechanical Behaviour of TRIP 1000 Steel Sheets Subjected to Low Velocity Perforation by Conical Projectiles at Different Temperatures. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 47:1268-1284. 2010
- Relationship between Mesostructure, Mechanical Behaviour and Damage of Cement Composites Under High-Pressure Confinement. Experimental Mechanics. 49:613-625. 2009
- Analytical Modelling of High Velocity Impacts of Cylindrical Projectiles on Carbon/Epoxy Laminates. Composites - Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 40:1223-1230. 2009
- Residual Stresses in Orthogonal Cutting of Metals: The Effect of Thermomechanical Coupling Parameters and of Friction. Journal of Thermal Stresses. 32:269-289. 2009
- Experimental and Numerical Study on the Perforation Process of Mild Steel Sheets Subjected to Perpendicular Impact by Hemispherical Projectiles. International Journal of Impact Engineering. 36:565-587. 2009
- Numerical Modelling of the Hydrodynamic Ram Phenomenon. International Journal of Impact Engineering. 36:363-374. 2009
- Free Transverse Vibrations of Cracked Nanobeams using a Nonlocal Elasticity Model. Journal of Applied Physics. 105:44309. 2009
- Experimental Analysis of Fluid-Filled Aluminium Tubes Subjected to High-Velocity Impact. International Journal of Impact Engineering. 36:81-91. 2009
- Effect of Plastic Deformation and Boundary Conditions Combined with Elastic Wave Propagation on the Collapse Site of a Crash Box. Thin-Walled Structures. 46:1143-1163. 2008
- Relationship between Static Bending and Compressive Behaviour of Particle-Reinforced Cement Composites. Composites Part B: Engineering. 39:1205-1215. 2008
- Prediction of the Behaviour of CFRPs against High-Velocity Impact of Solids Employing an Artificial Neural Network Methodology. Composites - Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 39:989-996. 2008
- Estudio experimental de mecanismos de fallo en placas de acero sometidas a impacto de proyectiles cilíndricos, cónicos y hemisféricos. Anales de Mecánica de la Fractura. 1:217-222. 2008
- Role of Porosity in Controlling the Mechanical and Impact Behaviours of Cement-Based Materials. International Journal of Impact Engineering. 35:133-146. 2008
- Consistent Integration of the Constitutive Equations of Gurson Materials Under Adiabatic Conditions. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 197:1280-1295. 2008
- Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Normal and Oblique Ballistic Impacts on Thin Carbon/Epoxy Woven Laminates. Composites - Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 39:374-387. 2008
book chapters
- Analysis of high-speed impact problems in the aircraft industry. In: Constitutive Relations under Impact Loadings: Experiments, Theoretical and Numerical Aspects. SPRINGER. 137-207. 2014
- Development of Optoelectronic Sensors and Transceivers for Spacecraft Applications. In: Advances in Spacecraft Technologies. INTECH. 99-122. 2011
- Ballistic impacts on polymer matrix composites, composite armor, personal armor. In: Impact Engineering of Composite Structures. SPRINGER VERLAG GMBH. 403. 2011
conference contributions
- Non-standard continualization of a Timoshenko beam lattice. Improved prediction of its dynamic behaviour through low-order continiuum models. 24-24. 2022
- Frecuencias naturales de vibración en vigas de Timoshenko fisuradas a flexión sobre un medio elástico. 111-116. 2021
- Low order non-standard continualization of a beam lattice. Enhanced prediction of dispersive behaviour. 2058-2059. 2021
- Monitoring mass changes using nanoresonator sensors. 98-104. 2019
- A viscous-hyperelastic constitutive model for transverse isotropic soft tissues. 60. 2018
- Dynamic Recrystallization and Adiabatic Shear Localization. 2727. 2018
- A proposal for a membrane model for the small deformations of a spider orb-web. 212-217. 2017
- Collective behaviour and spacing of necks in ductile plates subjected to dynamic biaxial loading 2017
- How boundaries of the capture zone affect the mechanical response of orb webs under dynamic loads 2015
- Multiple necking during biaxial dynamic loading of thermoviscoplastic plates 2015
- Nonlocal Eringen elasticity theory extended to large deformations. Application to nonlinear axial vibrations of rods 2015
- The relevance of secondary frame in the structural response of spider orb webs upon prey impacts 2015
- Transitioning a unidirectional composite computer model from mesoscale to continuum. 1-6. 2015
- Aerodynamic effects in spider orb-web design 2014
- Competition between dynamic recrystallization and thermal softening effects in dynamic necking 2014
- Dynamic inflation of hyperelastic spherical membranes: remarks on the role of constitutive relation 2014
- Dynamic necking of notched tensile bars: an experimental study. 1099-1109. 2014
- Dynamic spherical cavity expansion in transformation hardening elastoplasic solids: theoretical and finite element analysis 2014
- Numerical study of the effects of metallic plates in the attenuation of the HRAM phenomenon. 511-516. 2014
- Small-scale effect in the framework of fractional and Eringen non-local models 2014
- Inhomogeneous assembly compression effects on two-phase transport phenomena in the anode of a DMFC 2013
- On the complete extinction of selected imperfection wavelengths in dynamically expanded ductile rings 2013
- Orb-web spiders are proficient structural engineers 2013
- Analysis of the Strain Induced Martensitic Transformation in Austenitic Steel Subjected to Dynamic Perforation. 4036. 2012
- Experimental and Numerical Analysis on the Martensitic Transformation in AISI 304 Steel Sheets Subjected to Perforation by Conical and Hemispherical Projectiles 2012
- Modelado del ánodo de una pila DMFC: flujo multifácico y efectos de la compresión no homogénea de ensamblaje 2012
- Modeling the train induced martensitic transformation under impact and its influence on the Taylor-Quinney coefficient. 112-113. 2012
- Numerical Modeling of Woven CFRP Partially Fluid Filled Tubes Subjected to High Velocity Impact 2012
- Drucker-Prager Model for Ice at High Strain Rates 2011
- Multiphysics Model of the Anode of a Direct Methanol Fuel Cell. 94-108. 2011
- Multiphysics modeling of the anode of liquid-feed direct methanol fuel cells. 231-362. 2011
- Numerical Modeling of Fluid-filled Woven CFRP Tubes Subjected to High-velocity impact 2011
- Numerical Simulation of the Effect of Adiabatic Temperature Increase in Martensitic Transformation of Austenitic Steels 2011
- Modeling high-speed impact on CFRP's with an energy balance equation. 1-8. 2010
- Critical Impact Velocity in Tension and Shear 2008
- Estudio experimental y numérico del comportamiento de láminas de acero sometidas a impacto de media y alta velocidad 2008
- Numerical Prediction of Residual Stresses after Machining 2008
- The Influence of Cutting Speed on the Residual Stresses after Machining 2008