sample of publications
- A self-supervised embedding of cell migration features for behavior discovery over cell populations. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 255. 2024
- URI-CADS: A Fully Automated Computer-Aided Diagnosis System for Ultrasound Renal Imaging.. Journal of Imaging Informatics in Medicine. 2024:1-17. 2024
- Integrating Egocentric and Robotic Vision for Object Identification Using Siamese Networks and Superquadric Estimations in Partial Occlusion Scenarios. Biomimetics. 9:1-21. 2024
- Pain Level and Pain-Related Behaviour Classification Using GRU-Based Sparsely-Connected RNNs. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing. 17:677-688. 2023
- An interpretable CNN-based CAD system for skin lesion diagnosis. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. 132:1-13. 2022
- ACME: Automatic feature extraction for cell migration examination through intravital microscopy imaging. MEDICAL IMAGE ANALYSIS. 77:1-19. 2022
- Behavioural immune landscapes of inflammation. NATURE. 601:415-421. 2022
- Training deep retrieval models with noisy datasets: Bag exponential loss. PATTERN RECOGNITION. 112:1-13. 2021
- Interpretable global-local dynamics for the prediction of eye fixations in autonomous driving scenarios. IEEE Access. 8:217068-217085. 2020
- A multi-threshold approach and a realistic error measure for vanishing point detection in natural landscapes. ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. 85:713-726. 2019
- Predicting image aesthetics for intelligent tourism information systems. Electronics. 8:1-15. 2019
- Efficient scale-adaptive license plate detection system. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS. 20:2109-2121. 2019
- Finding landmarks within settled areas using hierarchical density-based clustering and meta-data from publicly available images. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS. 123:315-327. 2019
- Probabilistic Topic Model for Context-Driven Visual Attention Understanding. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY. 30:1653-1667. 2019
- Emotion and attention: Audiovisual models for group-level skin response recognition in short movies. Web Intelligence. 17:29-40. 2019
- Exploiting visual saliency for assessing the impact of car commercials upon viewers. MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS. 77:18903-18933. 2018
- Enriched dermoscopic-structure-based cad system for melanoma diagnosis. MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS. 77:12171-12202. 2018
- Directional Transforms for Video Coding Based on Lifting on Graphs. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY. 28:933-946. 2018
- Optimized Update/Prediction Assignment for Lifting Transforms on Graphs. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING. 66:2098-2111. 2018
- Adaptive Lagrange multiplier estimation algorithm in HEVC. SIGNAL PROCESSING-IMAGE COMMUNICATION. 56:40-51. 2017
- Bayesian adaptive algorithm for fast coding unit decision in the High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) standard. SIGNAL PROCESSING-IMAGE COMMUNICATION. 56:1-11. 2017
- Neighborhood Matching for Image Retrieval. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIA. 19:544-558. 2017
- Comparing visual descriptors and automatic rating strategies for video aesthetics prediction. SIGNAL PROCESSING-IMAGE COMMUNICATION. 47:280-288. 2016
- Complexity Control Based on a Fast Coding Unit Decision Method in the HEVC Video Coding Standard. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIA. 18:563-575. 2016
- Two-level sliding-window VBR control algorithm for video on demand streaming. SIGNAL PROCESSING-IMAGE COMMUNICATION. 36:1-13. 2015
- Succeeding metadata based annotation scheme and visual tips for the automatic assessment of video aesthetic quality in car commercials. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS. 42:293-305. 2015
- Temporal segmentation and keyframe selection methods for user-generated video search-based annotation. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS. 42:488-502. 2015
- Standard-Compliant Low-Pass Temporal Filter to Reduce the Perceived Flicker Artifact. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIA. 16:1863-1873. 2014
- Improved Method to Select the Lagrange Multiplier for Rate-Distortion Based Motion Estimation in Video Coding. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY. 24:452-464. 2014
- A Generative Model for Concurrent Image Retrieval and ROI Segmentation. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIA. 16:169-183. 2014
- A region-centered topic model for object discovery and category-based image segmentation. PATTERN RECOGNITION. 46:2437-2449. 2013
- Mode Decision-Based Algorithm for Complexity Control in H.264/AVC. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIA. 15:1094-1109. 2013
- Design of an embedded speech-centric interface for applications in handheld terminals. IEEE AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS MAGAZINE. 28:24-33. 2013
- In-Layer Multibuffer Framework for Rate-Controlled Scalable Video Coding. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY. 22:1199-1212. 2012
- Real-Time Robust Automatic Speech Recognition Using Compact Support Vector Machines. IEEE Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing. 20:1347-1361. 2012
- A Two-Level Classification-Based Approach to Inter Mode Decision in H.264/AVC. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY. 21:1719-1732. 2011
- RBF-Based QP Estimation Model for VBR Control in H.264/SVC. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY. 21:1263-1277. 2011
- A Low-Complexity Pre-Processing System for Restoring Low-Quality QR Code Images. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONSUMER ELECTRONICS. 57:1320-1328. 2011
- State-space dynamics distance for clustering sequential data. PATTERN RECOGNITION. 44:1014-1022. 2011
- Data Balancing for Efficient Training of Hybrid ANN/HMM Automatic Speech Recognition Systems. IEEE Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing. 19:468-481. 2011
- An Improved Fast Mode Decision Algorithm for Intraprediction in H.264/AVC Video Coding. SIGNAL PROCESSING. 25:709-716. 2010
- Cauchy-Density-Based Basic Unit Layer Rate Controller for H.264/AVC. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY. 20:1139-1143. 2010
- An Adaptive Algorithm for Fast Inter Mode Decision in the H.264/AVC Video Coding Standard. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONSUMER ELECTRONICS. 56:826-834. 2010
- Uncertainty decoding on Frequency Filtered Parameters for Robust ASR. SPEECH COMMUNICATION. 52:440-449. 2010
- Characterization of Healthy and Pathological Voice Through Measures Based on Nonlinear Dynamics. IEEE Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing. 17:1186-1195. 2009
- A New Distance Measure for Model-Based Sequence Clustering. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PATTERN ANALYSIS AND MACHINE INTELLIGENCE. 31:1325-1331. 2009
- Adaptive Multipattern Fast Block-Matching Algorithm Based on Motion Classification Techniques. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY. 18:1369-1382. 2008
conference contributions
- Learning RL policies for anticipative assistive robots by simulating human-robot interactions in real scenarios using egocentric videos 2023
- Automatic learning of image representations combining content and metadata. 1972-1976. 2018
- Emotion and attention: predicting electrodermal activity through video visual descriptors. 914-923. 2017
- A probabilistic topic approach for context-aware visual attention modeling. 1-6. 2016
- A Bayesian model for brain tumor classification using clinical-based features. 2779-2783. 2014
- Combining audio-visual features for viewers' perception classification of Youtube car commercials. 14-18. 2014
- Filter optimization and complexity reduction for video coding using graph-based transforms. 1948-1952. 2013
- Mid-level feature set for specific event and anomaly detection in crowded scenes. 4001-4005. 2013
- Standard compliant flicker reduction method with PSNR loss control. 1729-1733. 2013
- A generative model for concurrent image retrieval and ROI segmentationn. 90-95. 2012
- A simplified subjective video quality assessment method based on signal detection theory. 237-240. 2012
- Perceptually-Aware Bilateral Filtering for Quality Improvement in Low Bit Rate Video Coding. 477-480. 2012
- UEP-driven extended feature extraction for ASR over 3G speech channels. 1-5. 2012
- A Region-Dependent Image Marching Method for Image and Video Annotation 2011
- Low-complexity motion-based saliency map estimation for perceptual video coding. 1-6. 2011
- Neighborhood Marching for Object Recognition Algorithms Based on Local Image Features. 157-162. 2011
- On the Optimal Lagrangian Parameter for Motion Estimation: A Low-cost and Effective Method for Improving Video Coding Performance. 1-6. 2011
- Rate Control Initialization Algorithm for Scalable Video Coding. 3497-3500. 2011
- Video Encoder based on Lifting Transforms on Graphs. 3509-3512. 2011
- Incorporating Spatio-Temporal Mid Level Features in a Region Segmentation Algorithm for Video Sequences 2008
- UC3M High Level Feature Extraction at TRECVID 2008 2008