sample of publications
- A Broadband Circularly Polarized Single-Layer Metasurface Antenna Using Characteristic-Mode Analysis. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION. 71:3114-3122. 2023
- Circularly Polarized Miniaturized Implantable Antenna for Leadless Pacemaker Devices. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION. 70:6423-6432. 2022
- Low-Cost Electromagnetic Split-Ring Resonator Sensor System for the Petroleum Industry. SENSORS. 22:3345-3359. 2022
- A compact flexible circularly polarized implantable antenna for biotelemetry applications. CMC-Computers Materials & Continua. 73:2457-2472. 2022
- A Miniaturized Triple-Band and Dual-Polarized Monopole Antenna based on a CSRR perturbed Ground Plane. IEEE Access. 9:164292-164299. 2021
- RF-Harvesting Tightly Coupled Rectenna Array Tee-Shirt with Greater Than Octave Bandwidth. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES. 68:3908-3919. 2020
- Sensitivity and noise in THz electro-optic upconversion radiometers. Scientific Reports. 10:1-13. 2020
- Fully Planar Dual-Polarized Broadband Antenna for 3G, 4G and Sub 6-GHz 5G Base Stations. IEEE Access. 8:91940-91947. 2020
- Ultrawideband Conical Log-Spiral Circularly Polarized Feed for Radio Astronomy. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION. 68:1995-2007. 2020
- Dual-band band-stop microstrip filter with controllable bands based on unequal split ring resonators. IET Microwaves Antennas & Propagation. 13:2119-2128. 2019
- 3-D-Printed dielectric resonator antenna arrays based on standing-wave feeding approach. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters. 18:2180-2183. 2019
- Planar Lens-Based Ultra-Wideband Dielectric Rod Waveguide Antenna for Tunable THz and Sub-THz Photomixer Sources. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves. 40:838-855. 2019
- Quasi-Optic Transmitter and Receiver Modules Enabling Next-Generation Ultra-Broadband Wireless Links at Carrier-Wave Frequencies Ranging from 60 to 180GHz. Journal of Infrared Millimeter and Terahertz Waves. 40:688-695. 2019
- A Novel Quartz Clock With Integrated Wireless Energy Harvesting and Sensing Functions. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS. 66:4042-4053. 2019
- Photonic-based integrated sources and antenna arrays for broadband wireless links in terahertz communications. SEMICONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 34:1-8. 2019
- 300 GHz optoelectronic transmitter combining integrated photonics and electronic multipliers for wireless communication. Photonics. 6:1-11. 2019
- Sensitivity limits of millimeter-wave photonic radiometers based on efficient electro-optic upconverters. Optica. 5:1210-1219. 2018
- Fiber-Coupled 2-D n-i-pn-i-p Superlattice Photomixer Array. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION. 65:3474-3480. 2017
- Design of a Dielectric Rod Waveguide Antenna Array for Millimeter Waves. Journal of Infrared Millimeter and Terahertz Waves. 38:33-46. 2017
- Maximization of the optical intra-cavity power of whispering-gallery mode resonators via coupling prism. OPTICS EXPRESS. 24:26503-26514. 2016
- Design method for actively matched antennas with non-foster elements. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION. 64:4118-4123. 2016
- Stability analysis and design of negative impedance converters: application to circuit and small antennas. Radioengineering. 25:409-418. 2016
- Submersible Printed Split-Ring Resonator-Based Sensor for Thin-Film Detection and Permittivity Characterization. IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL. 16:3587-3596. 2016
- Advantages of NDF as oscillator linear design tool: design of a NIC active patch antenna. JOURNAL OF ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES AND APPLICATIONS. 30:98-108. 2016
- Analysis of new active antenna with a patch as feed-back network, using the NDF Method. JOURNAL OF ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES AND APPLICATIONS. 30:1763-1772. 2016
- Dual band and dual polarization short-circuited ring patch antenna. JOURNAL OF ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES AND APPLICATIONS. 30:1198-1206. 2016
- Dielectric Rod Waveguide Antenna as THz Emitter for Photomixing Devices. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION. 63:882-890. 2015
- Sensitivity Analysis for Active Matched Antennas With Non-Foster Elements. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION. 62:6040-6048. 2014
- Meander dipole antenna to increase CW THz photomixing emitted power. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION. 62:4868-4872. 2014
- Improving the pass-band return loss in liquid crystal dual-mode bandpass filters by microstrip patch reshaping. Materials. 7:4524-4535. 2014
- Broadband active differential array for the mid-frequency SKA band. IEEE ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION MAGAZINE. 56:27-38. 2014
- From arrays of THz antennas to large-area emitters. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology. 3:532-544. 2013
- A 300 GHz "Always-In-Focus" focusing system for target detection. Radioengineering. 22:610-617. 2013
- Compact Modules for Wireless Communication Systems in the E-Band (71-76 GHz). Journal of Infrared Millimeter and Terahertz Waves. 34:251-266. 2013
- E-band (71-76 GHz) wireless link using compact modules. ELECTRONICS LETTERS. 49:476-477. 2013
- Anomalous behavior in the radiation patterns. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION. 61:973-976. 2013
- Arrays and new antenna topologies for increasing THz power generation using photomixers. Journal of Infrared Millimeter and Terahertz Waves. 34:97-108. 2013
- Quad-frequency linearly-polarized and dual-frequency circularly-polarized microstrip patch antennas with crlh loading. Progress in Electromagnetics Research-PIER. 133:91-115. 2012
- Photonic Heterodyne Pixel for Imaging Arrays at Microwave and MM-Wave Frequencies. Advances in Optical Technologies. 2012:1-7. 2012
- Stability of Non-Foster Reactive Elements for Use in Active Metamaterials and Antennas. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION. 60:3490-3494. 2012
- Transpose Return Relation Method for Designing Low Noise Oscillators. Progress in Electromagnetics Research-PIER. 127:297-318. 2012
- Provisos for classic linear oscillator design methods. New linear oscillator design based on the NDF/RRT. Progress in Electromagnetics Research-PIER. 126:17-48. 2012
- Comments and Remarks over Classic Linear Loop-Gain Method for Oscillator Design and Analysis. New Proposed Method Based on NDF/RRT. Radioengineering. 21:478-491. 2012
- Gain Enhancement by Dielectric Horns in the Terahertz Band. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION. 59:3164-3170. 2011
- Oscillator Accurate Linear Analysis and Design. Classic Linear Methods Review and Comments. Progress in electromagnetics research. 118:89-116. 2011
- Noise-Figure Measurement of Differential Amplifiers Using Nonideal Baluns. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES. 59:1658-1664. 2011
- Planar superstrate for dual-frequency RHCP-LHCP array. APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING. 103:843-848. 2011
- Left-Handed Wire Antennas Over Ground Plane With Wideband Tuning. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION. 59:1460-1471. 2011
- Dual-Band Tunable Recursive Active Filter. IEEE MICROWAVE AND WIRELESS COMPONENTS LETTERS. 21:92-94. 2011
- Broadband Differential Low-Noise Amplifier for Active Differential Arrays. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES. 59:108-115. 2011
- Multifrequency self-diplexed single patch antennas loaded with split ring resonators. Progress in Electromagnetics Research-PIER. 113:47-66. 2011
- Ultrawideband antenna excited by a photomixer for terahertz band. Progress in Electromagnetics Research-PIER. 114:1-15. 2011
- Dual-Composite Right-Left-Handed Transmission Lines for the Design of Compact Diplexers. IET Microwaves Antennas & Propagation. 4:982-990. 2010
- Multiple Order Dual-Band Active Ring Filters with Composite Right/Left Handed Cells. Progress in electromagnetics research. 104:201-219. 2010
- Study and Design of a Differentially-Fed Tapered Slot Antenna Array. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION. 58:68-78. 2010
- Dual Band High Efficiency Power Amplifier Based on CRLH Lines. Radioengineering. 18:567-578. 2009
- Super-Dense Array Emulating the Human Eye Vision Properties. MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS. 51:2954-2959. 2009
- Design of Dual-Frequency SRR-Loaded Dipole with Equivalent Circuit Approach. ELECTRONICS LETTERS. 45:964-965. 2009
- Dual Band High Efficiency Class ce Power Amplifier Based on Crlh Duplexer. Progress in electromagnetics research. 97:217-240. 2009
- Dual-Frequency Printed Dipole Loaded With Split Ring Resonators. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters. 8:137-140. 2009
- Filtering Lens Structure Based on SRRs in the Low THz Band. Progress in electromagnetics research. 93:71-90. 2009
- Multifrequency Printed Antennas Loaded with Metamaterial Particles. Radioengineering. 18:129-143. 2009
- Dual-Band Recursive Active Filters with Composite Right/Left-Handed Transmission Lines. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES. 57:1180-1187. 2009
- Self-Diplexed Patch Antennas Based on Metamaterials for Active RFID Systems. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES. 57:1330-1340. 2009
- Analysis of the Left-Handed Corrugated Circular Waveguide. IET Microwaves Antennas & Propagation. 2:659-667. 2008
- Multifrequency and Dual-Mode Patch Antennas Partially Filled with Left-Handed Structures. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION. 56:2527-2539. 2008
- Lumped-Element Balun for UHF UWB Printed Balanced Antennas. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION. 56:2102-2107. 2008
- Broadband Active Receiving Patch With Resistive Equalization. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES. 56:56-64. 2008
book chapters
conference contributions
- 183GHz Cavity-Backed Spiral Radiometer Antenna with Dual Circular Polarization for Earth Observation Applications. 1-5. 2022
- A Compact Size CPW-Fed Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Antenna for Wireless Networks. 1-5. 2022
- Breast tumor classification by age and size based on analysis of dielectric properties performed on in vivo and ex vivo measurements. 192-195. 2022
- Design and implementation of a low-cost switch matrix using ultra wide band frequencies for breast cancer detection. 93-96. 2022
- Generalización de técnicas de gamificación y fomento de grupos de estudio 2022
- Polarization reconfigurable wideband metasurface antenna with low profile. 196-199. 2022
- Precise Active Sensor Design for Monitoring in Biological and Industrial Applications. 520-523. 2022
- A Compact Design for Dual-band Implantable Antenna Applications. 1-3. 2021
- A Compact Wideband Circularly Polarized Implantable Antenna for Cardiac Pacemaker Devices. 379-382. 2021
- Compact Dual and Wide Band Monopole-like Antenna Based on SRR for WLAN Applications. 428-431. 2021
- Design of a Broadband Circularly-Polarized Single-Layer Metasurface Antenna Using CMA. 1-5. 2021
- Gain enhancement and miniaturization of UWB antenna using metamaterial-based FSS. 557-558. 2021
- Non-Linear Diode Rectifier Analysis for Multi-Tone Wireless Power Harvesting. 1-5. 2020
- Design of a wideband vivaldi antenna for 5G base stations. 149-150. 2019
- Dielectric tuning of millimeter-wave whispering-gallery modes for electro-optic phase matching 2019
- Omnidirectional Triple-Band Printed Dipole Antenna Based on a Dual Frequency SRRs. 1751-1752. 2019
- On the Comparison Between Low Noise Amplifiers and Photonic Upconverters for Millimeter and Terahertz Radiometry. 229-232. 2019
- Photonic upconversion for THz radiometry. 1-2. 2019
- Modulation Transparent Wireless Data Link Using Photonic-Based Transmitter and Envelope Detector. 1-4. 2018
- Design of a learning method based on Flipped-Classroom methodologies using SPOCs in an engineering course. 407-413. 2017
- High-power terahertz emitter arrays 2017
- Compact direct detection Schottky receiver modules for sub-terahertz wireless communications 2016
- Dual Polarized Ultra Wideband Feed System for VLBI Global Observation System Applications 2016
- Dyson conical quad-spiral array as ultrawideband feed system 2016
- Embedded matching networks for electrically small antennas. 1-4. 2016
- Radio astronomy ultra wideband receiver covering the 2-14 GHz frequency band for VGOS applications 2016
- Radioastronomy Instrumentation Projects at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid 2016
- Room Temperature Receiver based on Whispering Gallery Mode Resonators for Radio Astronomy Applications.. 86-87. 2016
- Room-temperature photon-counting receiver scheme for cosmic microwave background polarization measurements 2016
- Split-ring resonator-based sensor for thin-film sensing applications. 1-5. 2016
- Sub-THz photon counting receiver working at room temperature for polarization measurements of the cosmic microwave background radiation 2016
- Towards a common integration platform for photonics and electronics. Challenges for assembly and packaging 2016
- A design strategy of active matched small-antennas with non-Foster elements 2015
- A printed monopole loaded with a non-Foster matching network in the VHF band; radiation considerations. 7-9. 2015
- An antenna-free device for continuous-wave THz emission: Vertical large area emitter 2015
- Analysis for Improving the Radiation Behavior for THz Devices 2015
- Array of Dielectric Rod Waveguide antennas for millimeter-wave power generation. 917-920. 2015
- Increasing the bandwidth of Dielectric Rod Waveguide Antennas for Terahertz Applications 2015
- Non-Foster matching network for a small, blade-type monopole in the VHF band. 1396-1397. 2015
- On the application of e-learning in engineering education 2015
- A dual circular polarization broad-band feed for ring focus configuration. 1-5. 2014
- Consideraciones de diseño de adaptación activa para antenas cargadas con circuitos non-Foster. 1-4. 2014
- Dielectric rod waveguide as an enabling technology for THz frequencies.. 2638-2639. 2014
- Dyson conical Quad-Spiral Array for VLBI2010. 93-94. 2014
- On the finite semiconductor thickness effect applied to large area emitters devices for THz radiation. 814-817. 2014
- Optimum sub-THz Room Temperature Radio Astronomy Receiver. 120. 2014
- Ultra-wideband Dielectric Rod Waveguide antenna as photomixer-based THz emitter. 3550-3554. 2014
- Chipless RFID tags based on magneto-inductive or electro-inductive delay lines. 1-2. 2013
- Compact transmitter and receiver modules for E-band wireless links 2013
- Continuous wave millimeter and TeraHertz generation using a Photonic Integrated Circuit 2013
- Dielectric Rod Waveguide Antennas for Photomixer-Based Terahertz Power Generation 2013
- New antenna topology coupled to a new waveguide structure for THz radiation and propagation 2013
- New device for continuous-wave THz emission: large area emitter. 529-532. 2013
- New topology ultrawideband antenna for VLBI2010. 549-552. 2013
- Parche de doble frecuencia cargado con resonadores OCSRR 2013
- Sensitivity and stability analysis of non-foster matched two-port antennas. 3003-3009. 2013
- THz antenna array based on photomixers for radioastronomy applications 2013
- Compact Schottky Barrier Diode Receiver for E-Band (60 &- 90 GHz) Wireless Communications. 244-247. 2012
- Millimeter-Wave Receiver Based on a Folded Dipole Antenna and Schottky Diode for Maximum Power Transfer. 1259-1262. 2012
- Nuevo dispositivo para la generación de Thz (Large area emitter). 1-4. 2012
- Optoelectronic Imaging Array for Microwave and MM-Wave Frequency Range. 1-4. 2012
- Receptor a 75 Ghz basado en antena Folder Dipole y diodo Schottky para máxima transferencia de potencia. 1-4. 2012
- Some Spanish contributions to UHF dense arrays (SKA project) and THz imaging arrays. 247-250. 2012
- Design of a Compact Diplexer for Multisystem DAS Solutions. 1-5. 2011
- Focusing system for a 300GHz radar with two target distances. 939-943. 2011
- Multiple split-ring resonators for tri-band filter with asymmetric response. 75-78. 2011
- Negative Impedance Converters (NICs) in the Desing of Small and Multifrequency Antennas. 2724-2728. 2011
- Resonadores múltiples de anillo partido para filtros de banda triple con respuesta asimétric. Sesión Componentes y Circuitos Pasivos de Microondas E, no. 5, 4 pág 2011
- Sistema de enfoque basado en dos espejos elípticos y un espejo plano rotatorio para un radar a 300 GHZ 2011
- Study of the Stability Properties of Negative Impedance Converters Using the Gain-Loop Method 2011
- Analysis of Metamaterial Loaded Antennas Using Mom Computational Tools 2008
- Analysis of Patch Antennas Partially Filled with LH Cells Using the MPIE-MoM Approach 2008
- Bandwidth Broadening of Dual-Frequency Printed Dipoles Loaded with Split Ring Resonators 2008
- Design of Differential Low Noise Amplifiers for UWB Antennas in the Low Band of the Ska Project 2008
- Dipolos impresos multifrecuencia cargados con partículas metamateriales 2008
- Diseño de amplificadores diferenciales de bajo ruido para antenas uwb en la banda baja del proyecto ska 2008
- Dual-Frequency Printed Dipole Loaded with Metamaterial Particles 2008
- Elimination of Scan Impedance Anomalies in Ultra-Wide Band Phased Arrays of Differentially Fed Tapered Slot Antenna 2008
- Elimination of Scan Impedance Anomalies in Ultra-Wide Band Phased Arrays of Differentially Fed Tapered Slot Antenna 2008
- Multi-Frequency Printed Dipoles Loaded with Metamaterial Particles 2008
- Multi-Function Microstrip Patch Antennas Partially Filled with Left-Handed Structures 2008
- Recent Developments Regarding Finite Element Methods at the Radiofrequency (Group of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid) 2008