publication venue for Cell theories for the chiral crystal phase of hard equilateral triangles. 110:054701-1-054701-13. 2024 Migration costs and rewarding schemes in spatial public goods games. 109. 2024 Power laws of natural swarms as fingerprints of an extended critical region. 109:1-13. 2024 Coarse-graining the vertex model and its response to shear. 108. 2023 Charging capacitors from thermal fluctuations using diodes. 108:1-12. 2023 Prediction of the liquid-crystal phase behavior of hard right triangles from fourth-virial density-functional theories. 108:014603-1-014603-9. 2023 Mean field theory of chaotic insect swarms. 107:L062601-1-L062601-6. 2023 Scale-free chaos in the confined Vicsek flocking model. 107:1-24. 2023 Free-energy density functional for Strauss's model of transitive networks. 106:054305-1-054305-12. 2022 Onset and dynamics of avalanches in a rotating cylinder: From experimental data to a geometric model. 106:1-10. 2022 Prevalence of mutualism in a simple model of microbial coevolution. 106:054401-1-054401-12. 2022 Large-scale kinetic roughening behavior of coffee-ring fronts. 106:044801-1-044801-16. 2022 Effect of combined roundness and polydispersity on the phase behavior of hard-rectangle fluids. 106:1-15. 2022 Anomalous ballistic scaling in the tensionless or inviscid Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation. 106:024802-1-024802-9. 2022 Adiabatic lapse rate of real gases. 106:014108-1-014108-7. 2022 Spreading fronts of wetting liquid droplets: microscopic simulations and universal fluctuations. 105:054801-1-054801-19. 2022 Failure of standard density functional theory to describe the phase behavior of a fluid of hard right isosceles triangles. 104:054132-1-054132-11. 2021 Kinetic analysis of the plasma sheath around an electron-emitting object with elliptic cross section. 104:055204-1-055204-11. 2021 Slow growth of magnetic domains helps fast evolution routes for out-of-equilibrium dynamics. 104:044114-1-044114-10. 2021 Dynamical phase transition to localized states in the two-dimensional random walk conditioned on partial currents. 104:044134. 2021 Uncovering spatio-temporal patterns in semiconductor superlattices by efficient data processing tools. 104:035303-1-035303-19. 2021 Emergent dynamics in excitable flow systems. 103:1-13. 2021 Extended computation of the viscous Rayleigh-Taylor instability in a horizontally confined flow. 103:053114-1-053114-12. 2021 Work statistics and symmetry breaking in an excited state quantum phase transition. 103:032145. 2021 Characterization of unconventional hydrogen flame propagation in narrow gaps. 103:1-9. 2021 Generalized optimal paths and weight distributions revealed through the large deviations of random walks on networks. 103:1-15. 2021 Orientational ordering in a fluid of hard kites: A density-functional-theory study. 102:1-15. 2020 Adiabatic lapse rate of non-ideal gases: The role of molecular interactions and vibrations. 102:042107-1. 2020 Hierarchical clustering of bipartite data sets based on the statistical significance of coincidences. 102:1-12. 2020 Phase diagram for the bisected-hexagonal-lattice five-state Potts antiferromagnet. 102:1-23. 2020 Suppression of the Richtmyer-Meshkov instability due to a density transition layer at the interface. 102:013203-1-013203-10. 2020 First-passage percolation under extreme disorder: From bond percolation to Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality. 1-16. 2020 Non-KPZ fluctuations in the derivative of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation or noisy Burgers equation. 101:052126-1-052126-9. 2020 Fluctuation-induced current from freestanding graphene. 102. 2020 Lying on networks: The role of structure and topology in promoting honesty. 101. 2020 Highly confined mixtures of parallel hard squares: A density-functional-theory study. 100:1-14. 2019 Induced correlations and rupture of molecular chaos by anisotropic dissipative Janus hard disks. 100:1-9. 2019 Microscopic determination of correlations in the fluid interfacial region in the presence of liquid-gas asymmetry. 100:052801-1-052801-10. 2019 Correlation-function structure in square-gradient models of the liquid-gas interface: Exact results and reliable approximations. 100:022803-1-022803-12. 2019 Active Ornstein-Uhlenbeck particles. 100. 2019 Power accretion in social systems. 100:1-11. 2019 Physical swap dynamics, shortcuts to relaxation, and entropy production in dissipative Rydberg gases. 100:012110-1-012110-13. 2019 Numerical computation of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability for a viscous fluid with regularized interface properties. 100:1-9. 2019 Large Mpemba-like effect in a gas of inelastic rough hard spheres. 99:1-6. 2019 Individual perception dynamics in drunk games. 99:052311-2-052311-12. 2019 Gaussian statistics as an emergent symmetry of the stochastic scalar Burgers equation. 99:1-7. 2019 Paths towards equilibrium in molecular systems: The case of water. 100:1-5. 2019 Structure and evolution of magnetohydrodynamic solitary waves with Hall and finite Larmor radius effects. 99:1-12. 2019 Contrarian compulsions produce exotic time-dependent flocking of active particles. 99:1-19. 2019 Crossover between parabolic and hyperbolic scaling, oscillatory modes and resonances near flocking. 98:1-15. 2018 Crossover between parabolic and hyperbolic scaling, oscillatory modes, and resonances near flocking. 98:1-15. 2018 Probabilistic scheme for joint parameter estimation and state prediction in complex dynamical systems. 98:1-19. 2018 Eden model with nonlocal growth rules and kinetic roughening in biological systems. 98:1-7. 2018 Nonuniversality of front fluctuations for compact colonies of nonmotile bacteria. 98 (064027). 2018 Modeling transport across the running-sandpile cellular automaton by means of fractional transport equations. 97:052123-052133. 2018 Uniform phases in fluids of hard isosceles triangles: one-component fluid and binary mixtures. 97:052703-1-052703-11. 2018 Positional ordering of hard adsorbate particles in tubular nanopores. 97. 2018 Duality and the universality class of the three-state Potts antiferromagnet on plane quadrangulations.. 97:1-5. 2018 Resilience of networks to environmental stress: From regular to random networks.. 97. 2018 Bifurcation analysis and phase diagram of a spin-string model with buckled states. 96. 2017 Two-dimensional collective electron magnetotransport, oscillations, and chaos in a semiconductor superlattice. 96. 2017 Infection dynamics on spatial small-world network models. 96:052316-1-052316-7. 2017 Interaction of a planar reacting shock wave with an isotropic turbulent vorticity field. 96:1-20. 2017 Energy nonequipartition in gas mixtures of inelastic rough hard spheres: The tracer limit. 96. 2017 Role of length polydispersity in the phase behavior of freely rotating hard-rectangle fluids. 95:1-14. 2017 Noise-enhanced chaos in a weakly coupled GaAs/(Al,Ga) As superlattice. 95. 2017 Solitonlike attractor for blood vessel tip density in angiogenesis. 94. 2016 Evolution of cooperation under social pressure in multiplex networks. 94. 2016 Characterization of a transition in the transport dynamics of a diffusive sandpile by means of recurrence quantification analysis. 94:022128-022139. 2016 Influence of geometrical parameters on the linear stability of a BĂ©nard-Marangoni problem. 93:1-7. 2016 Stochastic model of tumor-induced angiogenesis: Ensemble averages and deterministic equations. 93. 2016 Universal behavior of crystalline membranes: Crumpling transition and Poisson ratio of the flat phase. 93. 2016 Wavelength selection of rippling patterns in myxobacteria. 93:012412-1-012412-13. 2016 Irreversible processes without energy dissipation in an isolated Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model. 92:012101. 2015