publication venue for
- Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) for Aluminum-Lithium Alloys: A Review. 16:1-20. 2023
- Sliding wear behavior of intermetallic Ti-45Al-2Nb-2Mn-(at%)-0.8vol%TiB2 processed by centrifugal casting and hot isostatic pressure: Influence of microstructure. 15:1-12. 2022
- On the Numerical Modeling of Flax/PLA Bumper Beams. 15:1-21. 2022
- Influence of Addition of Antibiotics on Chemical and Surface Properties of Sol-Gel Coatings. 15:1-20. 2022
- Gum acacia-crosslinked-poly(acrylamide) hydrogel supported C3N4/BiOI heterostructure for remediation of noxious crystal violet dye. 15:1-15. 2022
- Recent progress in carbon fiber reinforced polymers recycling: a review of recycling methods and reuse of carbon fibers. 14. 2021
- Experimental Investigation on the Low Velocity Impact Response of Fibre Foam Metal Laminates. 14:5510 (1)-5510 (22). 2021
- Design and production of a new feconicralcu high-entropy alloy: Influence of powder production method on sintering. 14:4342-4359. 2021
- Characterization of Mechanical and Hygroscopic Properties of Individual Canes of Reed. 14:1-17. 2021
- Structural characterization of Al0.37In0.63N/AlN/p-Si (111) heterojunctions grown by RF sputtering for solar cell applications. 14:1-8. 2021
- Machinability of INCONEL718 Alloy with a Porous Microstructure Produced by Laser Melting Powder Bed Fusion at Higher Energy Densities. 13. 2020
- Recent progress in hybrid biocomposites: Mechanical properties, water absorption, and flame retardancy. 13:1-46. 2020
- Effect of APPT treatment on mechanical properties and durability of green composites with woven flax. 13:1-15. 2020
- Dynamic behavior of aluminum alloy AW 5005 undergoing interfacial friction and specimen configuration in split hopkinson pressure bar system at high strain rates and temperatures. 13:1-19. 2020
- Experimental and numerical study of the thermo-viscoplastic behavior of nicro 12.1 for perforation tests. 13:1-20. 2020
- A Biodegradable Antifungal-Loaded Sol-Gel Coating for the Prevention and Local Treatment of Yeast Prosthetic-Joint Infections. 13:3144. 2020
- A New Antibiotic-Loaded Sol-Gel can Prevent Bacterial Intravenous Catheter-Related Infections. 13:2946. 2020
- 3D-printing for transformation optics in electromagnetic high-frequency lens applications. 13:1-11. 2020
- 3D-printed sievenpiper metasurface using conductive filaments. 13:1-14. 2020
- Constitutive models for dynamic strain aging in metals: Strain rate and temperature dependences on the flow stress. 13:1-24. 2020
- Modeling and design of SHPB to characterize brittle materials under compression for high strain rates. 13:1-18. 2020
- A new cutting device design to study the orthogonal cutting of CFRP laminates at different cutting speeds. 12:1-13. 2019
- Graphene oxide and graphene reinforced PMMA bone cements: Evaluation of thermal properties and biocompatibility. 12:1-14. 2019
- Analysis of the Machinability of Carbon Fiber Composite Materials in Function of Tool Wear and Cutting Parameters Using the Artificial Neural Network Approach. 12:1-13. 2019
- Numerical modelling of ballistic impact response at low velocity in aramid fabrics. 12:1-15. 2019
- Biomechanical and histological analysis of titanium (machined and treated surface) versus zirconia implant materials: An in vivo animal study. 12:1-13. 2019
- Hybrid composite-metal stack drilling with different minimum quantity lubrication levels. 12:1-13. 2019
- Anticancer applications of nanostructured silica-based materials functionalized with titanocene derivatives: Induction of cell death mechanism through TNFR1 modulation. 11. 2018
- Biocompatibility and corrosion protection behaviour of hydroxyapatite sol-gel-derived coatings on Ti6Al4V alloy. 10. 2017
- Liquid Crystal Microlenses for Autostereoscopic Displays. 9. 2016
- Nonlinear Modeling of E-Type Ferrite Inductors Using Finite Element Analysis in 2D. 7:5454-5469. 2014
- Improving the pass-band return loss in liquid crystal dual-mode bandpass filters by microstrip patch reshaping. 7:4524-4535. 2014
- Experimental analysis of the influence of drill point angle and wear on the drilling of woven CFRPs. 7:4258-4271. 2014
- Frequency and Temperature Dependence of Fabrication Parameters in Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystal Devices. 7:3512-3521. 2014
- Directional Scattering of Semiconductor Nanoparticles Embedded in a Liquid Crystal. 7:2784-2794. 2014
- Liquid Crystal Lensacons, Logarithmic and Linear Axicons. 7:2593-2604. 2014
- Simulation of Waveforms of a Ferrite Inductor with Saturation and Power Losses. 7:1850-1865. 2014
- Theoretical estimation of thermal effects in drilling of woven carbon fiber composite. 7:4442-4454. 2014
- A two-dimensional modeling procedure to estimate the loss equivalent resistance including the saturation effect. 6:5159-5170. 2013
- Simple procedure to compute the inductance of a toroidal ferrite core from the linear to the saturation regions. 6:2452-2463. 2013