publication venue for FLIPEC, an ideal MHD free-boundary axisymmetric equilibrium solver in the presence of macroscopic flows. 64:1-16. 2024 Multi-pellet injection into the NBI-heated phase of TJ-II plasmas. 64:1-15. 2024 Cross-machine comparison of runaway electron generation during tokamak start-up for extrapolation to ITER. 63:1-21. 2023 Study of Alfvén eigenmode stability in Quasi-Poloidal Stellarator (QPS) plasma using a Landau closure model. 63:1-14. 2023 Analysis of the ECH effect on EPM/AE stability in Heliotron J plasma using a Landau closure model. 63:1-14. 2023 Rational surfaces, flows and radial structure in the TJ-II stellarator. 63:1-11. 2023 Free-plasma-boundary solver for axisymmetric ideal MHD equilibria with flow. 62:1-11. 2022 Free-plasma-boundary solver for axisymmetric ideal MHD equilibria with flow. 62:1-12. 2022 Simulation of the TAEs' saturation phase in the Large Helical Device: MHD burst. 62:1-18. 2022 Formation and termination of runaway beams during vertical displacement events in tokamak disruptions. 62:1-13. 2022 Theoretical study of the Alfven eigenmode stability in CFETR steady state discharges. 62:1-12. 2022 Effects of negative triangularity shaping on energetic particle driven Alfvén eigenmodes in DIII-D. 61:1-16. 2021 Nonlinear dynamics and transport driven by energetic particle instabilities using a gyro-Landau closure model. 61:2-16. 2021 Topology of 2D turbulent structures based on intermittence in the TJ-II stellarator. 61:1-12. 2021 Theoretical analysis of the saturation phase of the 1/1 energetic-ion-driven resistive interchange mode. 61:1-13. 2021 Study of the Alfven Eigenmodes stability in CFQS plasma using a Landau closure model. 61:1-17. 2021 Corrigendum: MHD stability of JT-60SA operation scenarios driven by passing energetic particles for a hot Maxwellian model (2020 Nucl. Fusion 60 096009). 61:1-2. 2020 Progress in extending high poloidal beta scenarios on DIII-D towards a steady-state fusion reactor and impact of energetic particles. 60:1-12. 2020 Modeling of the ECCD injection effect on the Heliotron J and LHD plasma stability. 60:1-9. 2020 MHD stability of JT-60SA operation scenarios driven by passing energetic particles for a hot Maxwellian model. 60:1-13. 2020 Effect of non axisymmetric perturbations on the ambipolar Er and neoclassical particle flux inside the ITER pedestal region. 60:1-21. 2020 Statistical description of collisionless alfa-particle transport in cases of broken symmetry: from ITER to quasi-toroidally symmetric stellarators. 60:056009 -056024. 2020 The localization of low order rational surfaces based on the intermittence parameter in the TJ-II stellarator. 60:1-10. 2020 Theoretical analysis of energetic-ion-driven resistive interchange mode stabilization strategies using a Landau closure model. 60:1-14. 2020 Effect of the tangential NBI current drive on the stability of pressure and energetic particle driven MHD modes in LHD plasma. 60:1-17. 2020 Overview of first Wendelstein 7-X high-performance operation. 59. 2019 Overview of the JET preparation for deuterium-tritium operation with the ITER like-wall. 59:1-25. 2019 Overview of recent TJ-II stellarator results. 59:1-13. 2019 Overview of the FTU results. 59:1-11. 2019 Analysis of Alfven eigenmode destabilization in ITER using a Landau closure model. 59:076036. 2019 Analysis of runaway electron expulsion during tokamak instabilities detected by a single-channel Cherenkov probe in FTU. 59. 2019 Analysis of the MHD stability and energetic particles effects on EIC events in LHD plasma using a Landau-closure model. 59:046008. 2019 Determination of isotope ratio in the divertor of JET-ILW by high-resolution H alpha spectroscopy: H-D experiment and implications for D-T experiment. 59. 2019 Subdominant modes and optimization trends of DIII-D reverse magnetic shear configurations. 59:1-15. 2019 Study of radial heat transport in W7-X using the transfer entropy.. 58:076002. 2018 Filaments in the edge confinement region of TJ-II. 58:026030. 2018 Analysis of Alfven eigenmodes destabilization by energetic particles in TJ-II using a Landau-closure model. 57:126019. 2017 Comparison of runaway electron generation parameters in small, medium-sized and large tokamaks: a survey of experiments in COMPASS, TCV, ASDEX-Upgrade and JET. 58:1-15. 2017 Relation of plasma flow structures to passive particle tracer orbits. 57:116013. 2017 3D effects on transport and plasma control in the TJ-II stellarator. 57:1-12. 2017 Major results from the first plasma campaign of the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator. 57:1-13. 2017 Overview of the RFX-mod fusion science activity. 57. 2017 Overview of recent physics results from MAST. 57:1-16. 2017 Overview of the FTU results. 57:1-12. 2017 Overview of the JET results in support to ITER. 57:1-14. 2017 Explaining the isotope effect on heat transport in L-mode with the collisional electron-ion energy exchange. 57. 2017 The impact of rational surfaces on radial heat transport in TJ-II. 57:056028. 2017 Formation and termination of runaway beams in ITER disruptions. 57:1-28. 2017 Analysis of Alfven eigenmode destabilization by energetic particles in Large Helical Device using a Landau-closure model. 57:046018 . 2017 Overview of progress in European medium sized tokamaks towards an integrated plasma-edge/wall solution. 57:102014. 2017 Multi-scale study of the isotope effect in ISTTOK. 56. 2016 The role of magnetic islands in modifying long range temporal correlations of density fluctuations and local heat transport. 56 :016013. 2016 Isotope effect physics, turbulence and long-range correlation studies in the TJ-II stellarator. 55. 2015 Width and rugosity of the topological plasma flow structures and their relation to the radial flights of particle tracers. 55:1-12. 2015 Three-dimensional MHD analysis of heliotron plasma with RMP. 55. 2015 Integrated modelling of the Globus-M tokamak plasma and a comparison with SOL width scaling. 55. 2015 Topological structures of the resistive pressure gradient turbulence with averaged poloidal flow. 54:103005. 2014 Inter-machine comparison of the termination phase and energy conversion in tokamak disruptions with runaway current plateau formation and implications for ITER. 54:1-23. 2014 Dynamics of flows and confinement in the TJ-II stellarator. 53. 2013 Control and dissipation of runaway electron beams created during rapid shutdown experiments in DIII-D. 53:1-15. 2013 Suprathermal ion studies in ECRH and NBI phases of the TJ-II stellarator. 53. 2013 First use of three-dimensional equilibrium, stability and transport calculations for interpretation of ELM triggering with magnetic perturbations in NSTX. 52:1-10. 2012 MHD mode activity and the velocity shear layer at TJ-II. 52:1-10. 2011 Overview of the RFX fusion science program. 51:1-12. 2011 Overview of JET results. 51:1-22. 2011 Overview of TJ-II experiments. 51:1-10. 2011 Benchmarking of the mono-energetic transport coefficients-results from the International Collaboration on Neoclassical Transport in Stellarators (ICNTS). 51:76001-76028. 2011 Magnetic energy flows during the current quench and termination of disruptions with runaway current plateau formation in JET and implications for ITER. 51:1-20. 2011 Confinement Transitions in TJ-II under Li-coated Wall Conditions. 49. 2009 Development of Net-Current Free Heliotron Plasmas in the Large Helical Device. 49. 2009 Disruption Control on FTU and ASDEX Upgrade with ECRH. 49:65014. 2009 Reply to Comment on Comparison of runaway dynamics in LH and ERCH heated discharges in the Frascati Tokamak Upgrade. 48:68002. 2008