sample of publications
- New processing routes for Zr-based ODS ferritic steels. Nuclear Materials and Energy. 40. 2024
- Tuning the metal-insulator transition temperature by the controlled generation of oxygen vacancies on La0.7Ca0.3MnO3-x epitaxial thin films. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 989:1-6. 2024
- Secondary phases characterization by SANS and XAS of an ODS ferritic steel after thermal aging at 873¿K. Nuclear Materials and Energy. 39. 2024
- Optimisation of the electrochemical performance of (Nd,Gd)1/3Sr2/3CoO3¿delta cathode for solid oxide fuel cells via spray-pyrolysis deposition and decoration with Ag nanoparticles. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 12:7631-7644. 2024
- Development of luminescent Nd-doped LaNbO compound thin film growth by magnetron sputtering for the improvement of solar cells. Crystals. 13:1-13. 2023
- Contribution to the understanding of the colour change in bluish-grey limestones. Heritage. 5:1479-1503. 2022
- A combined micro-Raman, X-ray absorption and magnetic study to follow the glycerol-assisted growth of epsilon-iron oxide sol-gel coatings. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 892:1-11. 2022
- An insight into the firing conditions of Chinese blue-and-white porcelain through XANES. JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL ATOMIC SPECTROMETRY. 37:632-640. 2022
- The role of silicon oxide in the stabilization and magnetoresistance switching of Fe3O4/SiO2/Si heterostructures. Materials Science and Engineering B-Advanced Functional Solid-State Materials. 271:1-8. 2021
- Improving the co and ch4 gas sensor response at room temperature of alpha-fe2o3(0001) epitaxial thin films grown on srtio3(111) incorporating au(111) islands. Coatings. 11:1-12. 2021
- Local disorder and structure relation induced by magnetic exchange interactions in A2(Mo1-yMny)2O7 pyrochlores. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 865:1-14. 2021
- Correlated effects of fluorine and hydrogen in fluorinated tin oxide (FTO) transparent electrodes deposited by sputtering at room temperature. APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE. 537:1-7. 2021
- Ferromagnetic epitaxial Cr2O3 thin films grown on oxide substrates by Pulsed Laser Deposition. APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE. 534:1-7. 2020
- Influence of Surface Compositions on the Reactivity of Pyrite toward Aqueous U(VI). ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. 54:8104-8114. 2020
- Correction: Bandgap-adjustment and enhanced surface photovoltage in Y-substituted LaTaIVO2N. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 8:13393-13393. 2020
- Bandgap-adjustment and enhanced surface photovoltage in Y-substituted LaTaIVO2N. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 8:11837-11848. 2020
- Tuning memristivity by varying the oxygen content in a mixed ionic-electronic conductor. ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS. 30:1-10. 2020
- Nanostructured Au(111)/Oxide epitaxial heterostructures with tailoring plasmonic response by a one-step strategy. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 123:25294-25302. 2019
- Towards blue long lasting luminescence of Eu/Nd doped calcium aluminate nanostructured platelets via the molten salt route. Nanomaterials. 9:1-14. 2019
- Novel perovskite materials for thermal water splitting at moderate temperature. ChemSusChem. 12:4029-4037. 2019
- Self-assembly of iron oxide precursor micelles driven by magnetic stirring time in sol-gel coatings. RSC Advances. 9:17571-17580. 2019
- Local and medium range order influence on the magnetic behavior of sputtered Ga-Rich FeGa thin films. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 123:13131-13135. 2019
- Mineralogy and chemistry of incrustations resulting from the 2014-15 eruption of Fogo volcano, Cape Verde. BULLETIN OF VOLCANOLOGY. 81:1-17. 2019
- Searching for relevant criteria to distinguish natural vs. anthropogenic TiO2 nanoparticles in soils. Environmental Science-Nano. 5:2853-2863. 2018
- Role of AI2O3 Antireflective Layer on the Exceptional Durability of Mo-Si-N-Based Spectrally Selective Coatings in Air at High Temperature. ACS Applied Energy Materials. 1:6152-6160. 2018
- XANES-Based Determination of Redox Potentials Imposed by Steel Corrosion Products in Cement-Based Media. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. 52:11931-11940. 2018
- Correlation of Electrical Response and Structural Phase Transitions in Bi2O3 Nanowires. PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE. 215:1-8. 2018
- Temperature-dependent local structure and superconductivity of BaPd2As2 and SrPd2As2. PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 98. 2018
- Determination of the local structure of Sr2-xMxIrO4 (M = K, La) as a function of doping and temperature. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 20:23783-23788. 2018
- Stabilization of Epitaxial a-Fe2O3 Thin Films Grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition on Oxide Substrates. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 122:16042-16047. 2018
- The role of surface to bulk ratio on the development of magnetic anisotropy in high Ga content Fe100-xGax thin films. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 745:413-420. 2018
- Cation distribution of cobalt ferrite electrosynthesized nanoparticles. A methodological comparison. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 739:909-917. 2018
- High-temperature stability of Pd alloy membranes containing Cu and Au. JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE. 544:151-160. 2017
- Correlation between local structure and magnetic behavior in co-sputtered TbxFe73Ga27¿x (7 ¿ x ¿ 11) thin films. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 726:352-357. 2017
- Anomalous local lattice disorder and distortion in A2Mo2O7 pyrochlores. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 723:327-332. 2017
- Mo coordination and Thermal Stability of the Mo-Si3N4 Absorbers for Solar Selective Coatings. MRS Advances. 2:3061-3068. 2017
- Nanocrystalline cubic ruthenium carbide formation in the synthesis of graphene on ruthenium ultrathin films. Journal of Materials Chemistry C. 5:10260-10269. 2017
- Singlet Orbital Ordering in Bilayer Sr3Cr2 O7. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. 118:204207-1-207207-5. 2017
- Evidence of Multiple Sorption Modes in Layered Double Hydroxides Using Mo As Structural Probe. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. 51:5531-5540. 2017
- Consequences of nitrogen doping and oxygen enrichment on titanium local order and photocatalytic performance of TiO2 anatase. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 121:6770-6780. 2017
- In operando evidence of deoxygenation in ionic liquid gating of YBa2Cu3O7-X. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 114:215-220. 2017
- Arsenate and Selenate Scavenging by Basaluminite: Insights into the Reactivity of Aluminum Phases in Acid Mine Drainage. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. 51:28-37. 2016
- Microstructural, electronic and magnetic characterization of Fe-based nanoparticles embedded in Al matrix. MATERIALS & DESIGN. 93:388-396. 2016
- Formation of biomineral iron oxides compounds in a Fe hyperaccumulator plant: Imperata cylindrica (L.) P. Beauv.. JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY. 193:23-32. 2016
- Charge density wave in layered La1-xCexSb2. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 92:235153-1-235153-8. 2015
- Large coincidence lattice on Au/Fe 3 O 4 incommensurate structure for spintronic applications. APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE. 355:698-701. 2015
- Incommensurate growth of thin and ultrathin films of single-phase Fe3O4(001) on SrTiO3(001). Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 119:1108-1112. 2015
- Design and development of a controlled pressure/temperature set-up for in situ studies of solid-gas processes and reactions in a synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction station. JOURNAL OF SYNCHROTRON RADIATION. 22:42-48. 2015
- Sharp chemical interface in epitaxial Fe3O4 thin films. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS. 105:241603. 2014
- Elastic properties of B-C-N films grown by N2-reactive sputtering from boron carbide targets. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. 114:213508. 2013
- Elastic properties of boron carbide films via surface acoustic waves measured by Brillouin light scattering. PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE. 210:513-518. 2012
- Surface acoustic wave velocity of gold films deposited on silicon substrates at different temperatures. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. 110:023503. 2011
- Core-shell magnetic behavior of ultrathin films prepared by sputtering at very low temperatures. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS. 44:2792-2795. 2008
conference contributions
- Preliminary CFD simulations of a lab-scale novel design of a particle receiver for CSP applications 2023
- Spectrally Selective Multilayer Coating System to Improve the Thermo-Optical Properties of New-Designed Particle Receiver for Concentrated Solar Power Plant. 2023
- The effects of embedding medium and sizes on the optical absortion in vertically aligned GaAs nanowires array based photovoltaic solar cells. 39-44. 2023
- Influence of the preparation temperature on the SAW velocity of partially oxidized Fe thin films 2010