sample of publications
- Simulator and hardware emulator of a short electrodynamic tether system. ACTA ASTRONAUTICA. 226:298-308. 2025
- A review of electrodynamic tether missions: Historical trend, dimensionless parameters, and opportunities opening space markets. ACTA ASTRONAUTICA. 225:158-168. 2024
- Optimal design and current control strategies of an electrodynamic tape for ISS station-keeping. ACTA ASTRONAUTICA. 223:621-629. 2024
- Strategies for hollow cathode command in short electrodynamics tether-based deorbit devices. ACTA ASTRONAUTICA. 222:1-10. 2024
- Unsteady Aerodynamics of Delta Kites for Airborne Wind Energy Under Dynamic Stall Conditions. WIND ENERGY. 27:936-952. 2024
- Dynamic analysis of the tensegrity structure of a rotary airborne wind energy machine. Wind Energy Science. 9:1273-1287. 2024
- An electric model for bare-photovoltaic tethers in the passive mode. ACTA ASTRONAUTICA. 214:609-618. 2024
- Cross-verification and benchmarking analysis of electrodynamic tether simulators. ACTA ASTRONAUTICA. 208. 2023
- Optimal Design Algorithms for Bare Electrodynamic Tethers in the Active Mode. JOURNAL OF PROPULSION AND POWER. 39. 2023
- Electrical Performance Evaluation of Photovoltaic Tether Samples for Deorbit Appli International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion cations. International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion. 22:1-19. 2023
- Beyond analytic approximations with machine learning inference of plasma parameters and confidence intervals. JOURNAL OF PLASMA PHYSICS. 89:1-12. 2023
- Automatic testbed with a visual motion tracking system for airborne wind energy applications. WIND ENERGY. 1-14. 2023
- A code for the analysis of missions with electrodynamic tethers. ACTA ASTRONAUTICA. 198:471-481. 2022
- Validation of enabling technologies for deorbiting devices based on electrodynamic tethers. ACTA ASTRONAUTICA. 198:707-719. 2022
- Deorbit kit demonstration mission. Journal of Space Safety Engineering. 9:165-173. 2022
- Attitude determination and control for the deployment preparation phase of a space tether mission. ACTA ASTRONAUTICA. 193:381-394. 2022
- Three-dimensional unsteady aerodynamic analysis of a rigid-framed delta kite applied to airborne wind energy. Energies. 14:1-17. 2021
- Kinetic analysis of the plasma sheath around an electron-emitting object with elliptic cross section. PHYSICAL REVIEW E. 104:055204-1-055204-11. 2021
- Parametrization of current-voltage characteristics and operation domains of cylindrical emissive probes in collisionless Maxwellian plasmas at rest. PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION. 63:115018. 2021
- Limitations of stationary Vlasov-Poisson solvers in probe theory. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS. 438:1-13. 2021
- Identification of kite aerodynamic characteristics using the estimation before modeling technique. WIND ENERGY. 24:596-608. 2021
- Modeling and natural mode analysis of tethered multi-aircraft systems. JOURNAL OF GUIDANCE CONTROL AND DYNAMICS. 44:1199-1210. 2021
- Time-dependent expansion of a weakly-collisional plasma beam in a paraxial magnetic nozzle. PLASMA SOURCES SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. 30:1-15. 2021
- A bare-photovoltaic tether for consumable-less and autonomous space propulsion and power generation. ACTA ASTRONAUTICA. 180:350-360. 2021
- Deployment requirements for deorbiting electrodynamic tether technology. CEAS Space Journal. 13:567-581. 2021
- The E.T.PACK project: Towards a fully passive and consumable-less deorbit kit based on low-work-function tether technology. ACTA ASTRONAUTICA. 177:821-827. 2020
- Tethers in space. ACTA ASTRONAUTICA. 177:749-749. 2020
- Trade-off analysis of C12A7: e-deposition techniques applied to Low Work Function Tethers. ACTA ASTRONAUTICA. 177:806-812. 2020
- Low work-function tether Deorbit Kit. Journal of Space Safety Engineering. 7:332-339. 2020
- The effect of cesium dopant on APCVD graphene coating on copper. Journal of Materials Research and Technology-JMR&T. 9:9798-9812. 2020
- Ionospheric experiment with a low work function tether loop. JOURNAL OF GUIDANCE CONTROL AND DYNAMICS. 43:212-221. 2020
- Electrical model and optimal design scheme for low work-function tethers in thrust mode. Aerospace Science and Technology. 96 (105519):1-10. 2020
- Tuning the work function of graphene toward application as anode and cathode. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 805:1117-1134. 2019
- A lagrangian flight simulator for airborne wind energy systems. APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING. 69:665-684. 2019
- Structure and evolution of magnetohydrodynamic solitary waves with Hall and finite Larmor radius effects. PHYSICAL REVIEW E. 99:1-12. 2019
- Flight-path reconstruction and flight test of four-line power kites. JOURNAL OF GUIDANCE CONTROL AND DYNAMICS. 41:2604-2614. 2018
- Kinetic features and non-stationary electron trapping in paraxial magnetic nozzles. PLASMA SOURCES SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. 27:1-13. 2018
- Modeling and Performance of Electrodynamic Low-Work-Function Tethers with Photoemission Effects. JOURNAL OF PROPULSION AND POWER. 34:213-220. 2018
- Kinetic features of collisionless sheaths around polarized cylindrical emitters from the orbital motion theory. PHYSICS OF PLASMAS. 24:1-15. 2017
- Modeling and stability analysis of tethered kites at high altitudes. JOURNAL OF GUIDANCE CONTROL AND DYNAMICS. 40:1892-1901. 2017
- Modeling and dynamics of a two-line kite. APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING. 47:473-486. 2017
- Relativistic quasi-solitons and embedded solitons with circular polarization in cold plasmas. Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical. 50:1-19. 2017
- Analysis of Tether-Mission Concept for Multiple Flybys of Moon Europa. JOURNAL OF PROPULSION AND POWER. 33:338-342. 2017
- Optimal Design and Deorbiting Performance of Thermionic Tethers in Geostationary Transfer Orbits. JOURNAL OF PROPULSION AND POWER. 33:425-432. 2017
- Orbital motion theory and operational regimes for cylindrical emissive probes. PHYSICS OF PLASMAS. 24:1-9. 2017
- Analysis of thermionic bare tether operation regimes in passive mode. PHYSICS OF PLASMAS. 24. 2017
- Efficient computation of current collection in bare electrodynamic tethers in and beyond OML regime. JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING. 28. 2015
- Optimum sizing of bare-tape tethers for de-orbiting satellites at end of mission. ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH. 56:1485-1492. 2015
- Impact of nonideal effects on bare electrodynamic tether performance. JOURNAL OF PROPULSION AND POWER. 31:951-955. 2015
- Kite model with bridle control for wind-power generation. JOURNAL OF AIRCRAFT. 52:917-923. 2015
- Relativistic breather-type solitary waves with linear polarization in cold plasmas. Physical review E: statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics. 91. 2015
conference contributions
- BETsMA v2.0: A friendly software for the analysis of electrodynamic tether missions in Jupiter. 125-1-125-3. 2021
- An Efficient Vlasov-Poisson Solver and Deep Parametric Analysis of Cylindrical Emissive Probes 2020
- Plasma Sheath Around Long Conductors with Elliptic Cross-sections 2020
- The E.T.PACK Project: towards a fully passive and consumable-less deorbit kit based on low work-function tether technology. 821-827. 2020
- Flight Testing, Aerodynamic Parameter Identification and Dynamic Simulation of Rigid and Flexible Kites Applied to Airborne Wind Energy systems 2019
- Numerical Analysis of Tape-Like Low Work Function Tether Interaction With Ionospheric Plasmas. 72-72. 2019
- Trade-off Analysis of C12A7:e-Deposition Techniques Applied to Low Work Function Tethers. 87-87. 2019
- Work function tuning of graphene oxide by using cesium oxide nanoparticles applied to low work function tethers. 86-86. 2019
- A constraint-free flight simulator package for airborne wind energy systems 2018
- Antireflection performance of graphene directly deposited on silicon substrate by the apcvd method 2018
- Collisional effects in non-stationary plasma expansions along convergent-divergent magnetic nozzles 2018
- Current-Voltage and floating-potential characteristics of cylindrical emissive probes from a full-kinetic model based on the orbital motion theory. 1-11. 2018
- Magnetic nozzles. 1-17. 2018
- Misiones y tecnologías de eliminación activa de desechos espaciales. 173-173. 2018
- Application of the Estimation Before Modelling (EBM) technique to the Aerodynamic Characterization of Power Kites. 26-26. 2017
- Comparison of technologies for de-orbiting spacecraft from Low-Earth-Orbit at end of mission. 536-542. 2017
- Experimental setup to study airborne wind energy generation using a train of kites. 154-154. 2017
Kite Flight Simulators Based on Minimal Coordinate
Formulations 2017 - Modeling and Perspectives of Low-Work-Function Electrodynamic Tethers to Deorbit Space Debris 2017
- One-dimensional Direct Vlasov Simulations of Non-stationary Plasma Expansion in Magnetic Nozzle 2017
- The Conquest of Space: un curso MOOC y SPOC en ingeniería aeroespacial. 91-97. 2017
- Analysis of Thermionic Bare Tether Operation Regimes in Passive Mode 2016
- BETsMA: A Friendly Tool for Electrodynamic Tether Mission Design 2016
- Deorbit with Bare Tether System from High Eccentricity Initial Orbit: Analyses and Numerical Simulations 2016
- Localization of Extreme Light: Relativistic Solitons, quasi-solitons and Breathers 2016
- Propellantless Technology for Deorbiting of Small Satellites Mega-Constellation at the End of Life 2016
- Simulación Numérica de Recolección de Corriente en una Sonda de Langmuir Cilíndrica. 3521-3536. 2016
- Electrodynamic Tethers Fundamentals 2015
- End of Life Disposal of Spacecraft with Electrodynamic Tethers 2015
- Linearly polarized breather-like solitary waves in cold plasmas 2015