sample of publications
- Synchronized measurement of instantaneous convective heat flux and velocity fields in wall-bounded flows. Measurement Science and Technology. 34:125301. 2023
- Heat transfer enhancement in turbulent boundary layers with a pulsed slot jet in crossflow. Applied Thermal Engineering. 219, Part C:1-14. 2023
- Pressure from data-driven estimation of velocity fields using snapshot PIV and fast probes. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. 136:1-13. 2022
- Inter-scale interaction in pipe flows at high Reynolds numbers. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. 131:1-12. 2022
- Data-driven identification of unsteady-aerodynamics phenomena in flapping airfoils. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. 124:1-16. 2021
- Experimental assessment of RANS models for wind load estimation over solar-panel arrays. Applied Sciences (Switzerland). 11:2496. 2021
- Adaptive ensemble PTV. Measurement Science and Technology. 31:085301. 2020
- Assessing aerodynamic force estimation with experiments and simulations of apping-airfoil flows on the verge of three-dimensionality. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering. 234:428-444. 2020
- Characterization of very-large-scale motions in high-Re pipe flows. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. 104:1-8. 2019
- Modal decomposition of flow fields and convective heat transfer maps: An application to wall-proximity square ribs. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. 102:517-527. 2019
- Estimation of time-resolved turbulent fields through correlation of non-time-resolved field measurements and time-resolved point measurements. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. 93:119-130. 2018
- Smart Rotors: Dynamic-Stall Load Control by Means of an Actuated Flap. AIAA Journal. 56:1388-1401. 2018
- Towards enabling time-resolved measurements of turbulent convective heat transfer maps with IR thermography and a heated thin foil. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 108:199-209. 2017
- POD-based background removal for particle image velocimetry. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. 80:181-192. 2017
- Wake of tandem cylinders near a wall. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. 78:354-369. 2016
- On PIV random error minimization with optimal POD-based low-order reconstruction. Experiments in Fluids. 56:75 - 1-75 - 15. 2015
conference contributions
- Wave-packet dynamics in turbulent round jets. 1-2. 2021
- Dynamic behaviour of wave packets in turbulent jets 2019
- Dynamic estimation of very large scale motions in pipe flows. 101-102. 2018
- Modal analysis of instantaneous flow fields and convective heat transfer in a boundary layer downstream of square ribs. 1-10. 2018
- Turbulent convective heat-transfer measurements in boundary layers with ribs. 710-715. 2018
- A data-driven decomposition approach to model aerodynamic forces on flapping airfoils 2017
- An algebraic approach for the integration of non-time resolved field measurements and time-resolved point measurements for dynamic estimation of flow fields 2017
- Dynamic estimation of flow fields through correlation of non-time-resolved field measurements and time-resolved point measurements 2017
- Estimation of time‐resolved flow fields using simultaneous non‐time resolved field measurements and time‐resolved point measurements 2017
- Very-large-scale motion measurements in pipe flows at high Reynolds numbers 2017
- Flow over flapping airfoils: qualitative and quantitative comparison between experiments and simulations 2016
- Low order modeling of forces and flow features in flapping wings. 1-10. 2016
- Low order modeling of forces and flow features in flapping wings 2016
- Modal decomposition of flow features in flapping wings and modes contribution to forces 2016
- Modelling forces and flow features in flapping wings: a POD bases approach 2016
- Smart rotor: control of dynamic loads on a rotor blade 2016
- Smart rotor: controlling dynamic stall by means of an actuated flap 2016
- PIV measurements in the wake of two circular cylinders in tandem configuration with ground effect. 10-191 (1)-10-191 (9). 2015
- On the suppression of PIV measurement noise with a POD based filter 2014