sample of publications
- Knowledge tools to organise software engineering Data: Development and validation of an ontology based on ECSS standard. Advances in Space Research. 70:485-495. 2022
- A Survey on Energy Efficiency in Smart Homes and Smart Grids. Energies. 14:1-16. 2021
- Energy efficiency in smart homes and smart grids: editorial. Energies. 14:2054. 2021
- BlindDate recommender: A context-aware ontology-based dating recommendation platform. Journal of Information Science. 45:573-591. 2019
- RESyS: Towards a Rule-Based Recommender System based on Semantic Reasoning. Computación y sistemas. 22:809817-817. 2018
- An ontology-based approach with which to assign human resources to software projects. Science of Computer Programming. 156:90-103. 2018
- Using Data Crawlers and Semantic Web to Build Financial XBRL Data Generators: The SONAR Extension Approach. Scientific World Journal, The. 2014
- Named entity recognition: fallacies, challenges and opportunities. Computer Standards and Interfaces. 35:482-489. 2013
- FAST: Fundamental Analysis Support for Financial Statements. Using semantics for trading recommendations. Information Systems Frontiers. 14:999-1017. 2012
- Knowledge Acquisition for Medical Diagnosis Using Collective Intelligence. Journal of Medical Systems. 36:5-9. 2012
- E-Inclusion for People with Disabilities in E-Government Services through Accessible Multimedia. International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change. 3:37-51. 2012
- Towards an Ontology to Support Semantics Enabled Diagnostic Decision Support Systems. Current Bioinformatics. 7:234-245. 2012
- SeDeLo: Using Semantics and Description Logics to Support Aided Clinical Diagnosis. Journal of Medical Systems. 36:2471-2481. 2012
- AKNOBAS: A Knowledge-based Segmentation Recommender System based on Intelligent Data Mining Techniques. Computer Science and Information Systems. 9:713-740. 2012
- Using Ontologies in Drug Prescription: The SemMed Approach. International Journal of Knowledge-Based Organizations. 1:1-15. 2011
- Applying Intelligent Agents and SemanticWeb Services in eGovernment Environments. Expert Systems. 28:416-436. 2011
- CAST: Using neural networks to improve trading systems based on technical analysis by means of the RSI financial indicator. Expert Systems with Applications. 38:11489-11500. 2011
- CARL: a Complex Applications Interoperability Language based on Semantic Technologies for Platform-as-a-Service Integration and Cloud Computing. JOURNAL OF RESEARCH AND PRACTICE IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. 43:227-245. 2011
- Digital libraries and Web 3.0. The CallimachusDL approach. Computers in Human Behavior. 27:1424-1430. 2011
- SEAN: Multi-ontology semantic annotation for highly accurate closed domains. International Journal of the Physical Sciences (International Journal of Physical Sciences). 6:1440-1451. 2011
- Automated Diagnosis Through Ontologies and Logical Descriptions: The ADONIS Approach. International Journal of Decision Support System Technology. 3:21-39. 2011
- DISMON: Using Social Web and Semantic Technologies to Monitor Diseases in Limited Environments. Journal of Information Technology Research. 4:48-59. 2011
- SecurOntology: A Semantic Web Access Control Framework. Computer Standards and Interfaces. 33:42-49. 2011
- Social Semantic Web Support for Software Development. IET Software. 4:371-372. 2010
- Conceptual Model for Semantic Representation of Industrial Manufacturing Processes. Computers in Industry. 61:595-612. 2010
- Enabling Intelligent Service Discovery with GGODO. Journal of Information Science and Engineering. 26:1161-1180. 2010
- SEMO: A Framework for Customer Social Networks Analysis based on Semantics. Journal of Information Technology. 25:178-188. 2010
- ODDIN: Ontology-Driven Differential Diagnosis based on Logical Inference and Probabilistic Refinements. Expert Systems with Applications. 37:2621-2628. 2010
- SOLAR: Social Link Advanced Recommendation System. Future Generation Computer Systems. 26:374-380. 2010
- Development of a Web-based Quotation Expert System for Machined Parts. International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology. 37:87-100. 2010
- BMR: Benchmarking Metrics Recommender for Personnel issues in Software Development Projects. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems. 2:256-266. 2009
- IT Professionals' Competences: High School Students' Views. Journal of Information Technology Education:Research. 8:45-57. 2009
- Knowledge Management in Biomedical Libraries: A Semantic Web Approach. Information Systems Frontiers. 11:471-480. 2009
- SPETA: Social Pervasive e-Tourism Advisor. Telematics and Informatics. 26:306-315. 2009
- The IT Crowd: Are We Stereotypes?. IEEE Multidisciplinary Engineering Education Magazine. 10:24-27. 2008
- Combining Semantic Web Technologies with Multi-Agent Systems for Integrated Access to Biological Resources. Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 41:848-859. 2008
- Developing and Assessing Oral Communication Competence. KnowGenesis.International Journal for Technical Communication. 3:12-18. 2008
- GODO: generación inteligente de objetivos para el descubrimiento de servicios web semánticos = GODO: Goal Driven Orchestration for Semantic Web Services. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural. 41:315-316. 2008
- Social Global Repository: Using Semantics and Social Web in Software Projects. International Journal of Knowledge and Learning. 4:452-464. 2008
- A Case of System Dynamics Education in Software Engineering Courses. IEEE Multidisciplinary Engineering Education Magazine. 3:52-59. 2008
- ProLink: A Semantics-Based Social Network for Software Projects. International Journal of Information Technology and Management. 7:392-404. 2008
- Sebio: A Semantic Bioinformatics Platform for the New e-Science. COMPUTING AND INFORMATICS. 27:37-52. 2008
- Teaching the semantic web: can semantics do the trick?. International journal of teaching and case studies. 1:267-274. 2008
book chapters
- Locating Doctors Using Social and Semantic Web Technologies: The MedFinder Approach. In: Semantic Web Personalization and Context Awareness: Management of Personal Identities and Social Networking. IGI GLOBAL. 94-106. 2011
- Public Information Services for People with Disabilities: An Accessible Multimedia Platform for the Diffusion of the Digital Signature. In: Technology Enhanced Learning for People with Disabilities: Approaches and Applications. IGI GLOBAL. 121-136. 2010
- CUSENT: Social Sentiment Analysis Using Semantics for Customer Feedback. In: Social Web Evolution: Integrating Semantic Applications and web 2.0 Technologies. Information Science Reference. 89-101. 2009
- Microarray Information and Data Integration using SAMIDI [Chapter 157]. In: Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence. IGI GLOBAL. 1064-1071. 2009
- Semantic Competence Pull: A Semantics-Based Architecture for Filling Competency Gaps in Organizations. In: Semantic Web for Business: Cases and Applications. IGI GLOBAL. 321-335. 2008
- Balanced Scorecard Concepts, Technology, and Applications. In: Encyclopedia of Decision Making and Decision Support Technologies. IGI GLOBAL. 46-52. 2008
- The Influence of Emotions in Making Hard Decisions in Organizational Contexts. In: Encyclopedia of Decision Making and Decision Support Technologies. IGI GLOBAL. 482-488. 2008
- Concepts, Technology, and Applications in E-Mentoring. In: Encyclopedia of Human Resources Information Systems: Challenges in e-HRM. IGI GLOBAL. 166-171. 2008
- Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Software Knowledge - SKY 2014, 22 October, 2014 - Rome, Italy 2014
- Handbook of Research on Intelligent Big Data and Semantic-Based Analysis and Governance, Advances in Data Mining and Database Management. IGI GLOBAL. 2014
- Joint Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Semantic Web Enterprise Adoption and Best Practice and Second International Workshop on Finance and Economics on the Semantic Web Co-located with 11th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2014) Anissaras, Greece, May 26, 2014. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Ed. 1240. CEUR. 2014
conference contributions
- INDIGO: Industrial IoT Data Management and Control Platform based on Semantics. 4240-4246. 2020
- Keynote: Computer Science 4.0: Old wine in new bottles? 2020
- Transforming Lecture Classrooms into Online Lectures in Record Time. 6984-6993. 2020
- OPTYFY: Industrial IoT-Based Performance and Production Optimization Based on Semantics. 164-177. 2019
- SEDIT: Semantic Digital Twin Based on Industrial IoT Data Management and Knowledge Graphs.. 178-188. 2019
- A deep learning-based recommendation system to enable end user access to financial linked knowledge. 3-14. 2018
- Financial Knowledge Instantiation from Semi-structured, Heterogeneous Data Sources. 103-110. 2018
- Machine learning based sentiment analysis on spanish financial tweets. 305-311. 2018
- Ontology-Based Advertisement Recommendation in Social Networks. 36-44. 2018
- Automatic recording and analysis of somniloquy through the use of mobile devices to support the diagnosis of psychological pathologies. 169-180. 2017
- Discovering and Linking Financial Data on the Web. 36-40. 2013
- On the applicability of a formal query language to OSLC specifications. Implementing OSLQ query capabilities through a SPARQL interface 2013
- FLORA - Publishing Unstructured Financial Information in the Linked Open Data Cloud 2012
- RING: A Context Ontology for Communication Channel Rule-based Recommender System 2012
- Designing an Ontology to Support the Creation of Diagnostic Decision Support System. 612-616. 2011
- A Knowledge Technologies-Based Multi-Agent System for e-Government Environments. 15-30. 2008
- A Knowledge-Based Distributed Biometric Authentication Entity Mechanism. 660-662. 2008
- An Approach for Web Accreditation Services. 333-336. 2008
- Arquitecturas para gestión de conversaciones B2B basadas en conocimiento. 297-304. 2008
- Biometric Authentication Devices and Semantic Web Services: An Approach for Multi Modal Fusion Framework. 95-100. 2008
- CallimachusDL: Using Semantics to Enhance Search and Retrieval in a Digital Library. 540-548. 2008
- Collaborative OpenSocial Network Dataset Based on Email Ranking and Filtering. 241-246. 2008
- Enabling Role-based Web Access Control using a Declarative Logical Framework 2008
- Identity Authentication Services. 655-659. 2008
- ProLink: EsaCake: A Semantic Software Environment for Sharing Software Projects Knowledge Based on the ESA Software Methodology 2008
- SYMBIOS: A Semantic Pervasive Services Platform for Biomedical Information Integration 2008
- Software Engineering 2.0: A Social Global Repository based on Semantic Annotation and Social Web for Knowledge Management 2008