sample of publications
- Modeling strain-induced martensitic transformation in austenitic stainless steels subjected to cryogenic temperatures using incremental mean-field homogenization schemes. MECHANICS OF MATERIALS. 189. 2024
- Void growth in ductile materials with realistic porous microstructures. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PLASTICITY. 167, 103655:1-40. 2023
- 3D numerical simulations and microstructural modeling of anisotropic and tension compression asymmetric ductile materials. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOLIDS AND STRUCTURES. 256:1-19. 2022
- The effect of material orientation on void growth. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PLASTICITY. 148:1-33. 2022
- A closed-form yield criterion for porous materials with Mises-Schleicher-Burzynski matrix containing cylindrical voids. ACTA MECHANICA. 232:1285-1306. 2021
- Influence of crystallographic orientation on the void growth at the grain boundaries in bi-crystals. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOLIDS AND STRUCTURES. 212:61-79. 2021
- Dynamic shear instabilities in metallic sheets subjected to shear-compression loading. JOURNAL OF THE MECHANICS AND PHYSICS OF SOLIDS. 144 (104108):1-24. 2020
- Influence of strain rate sensitivity on localization and void coalescence. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PLASTICITY. 125:265-279. 2020
- Homogenized Gurson-type behavior equations for strain rate sensitive materials. ACTA MECHANICA. 229:3517-3536. 2018
- Corrigendum to "Constitutive sensitivity of the oscillatory behaviour of hyperelastic cylindrical shells" [J. Sound Vib. 358 (2015) pp.199-216]. JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION. 400:684-688. 2017
- Oscillatory behaviour of compressible hyperelastic shells subjected to dynamic inflation: a numerical study. ACTA MECHANICA. 228:2187-2205. 2017
- The critical neck spacing in ductile plates subjected to dynamic biaxial loading: on the interplay between loading path and inertia effects. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOLIDS AND STRUCTURES. 108:74-84. 2017
- Modeling deformation and failure of elastomers at high strain rates. MECHANICS OF MATERIALS. 104:85-92. 2017
- A modified Gurson model to account for the influence of the Lode parameter at high triaxialities. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MECHANICS A-SOLIDS. 56:31-44. 2016
- Constitutive sensitivity of the oscillatory behaviour of hyperelastic cylindrical shells. JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION. 358:199-216. 2015
- Collective behaviour and spacing of necks in ductile plates subjected to dynamic biaxial loading. JOURNAL OF THE MECHANICS AND PHYSICS OF SOLIDS. 85:245-269. 2015
- Dynamic recrystallization and adiabatic shear localization. MECHANICS OF MATERIALS. 81:41-55. 2015
- An analysis of microstructural and thermal softening effects in dynamic necking. MECHANICS OF MATERIALS. 80. Part B:298-310. 2015
- Dynamic necking in materials with strain induced martensitic transformation. JOURNAL OF THE MECHANICS AND PHYSICS OF SOLIDS. 64:316-337. 2014
- On the complete extinction of selected imperfection wavelengths in dynamically expanded ductile rings. MECHANICS OF MATERIALS. 60:107-120. 2013
- Identification of the critical wavelength responsible for the fragmentation of ductile rings expanding at very high strain rates. JOURNAL OF THE MECHANICS AND PHYSICS OF SOLIDS. 61:1357-1376. 2013
- On the interplay between strain rate and strain rate sensitivity on flow localization in the dynamic expansion of ductile rings. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOLIDS AND STRUCTURES. 49:481-491. 2012
- Some applications of Burzynski yield condition in metal plasticity. MATERIALS & DESIGN. 32:628-635. 2011
- First-Order Solutions for the Buckling Loads of Euler-Bernoulli Weakened Columns. JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MECHANICS. 136:674-679. 2010
- An Analysis of Gurson Model with Parameters Dependent on Triaxiality Based on Unitary Cells. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MECHANICS A-SOLIDS. 28:417-427. 2009
- Consistent Integration of the Constitutive Equations of Gurson Materials Under Adiabatic Conditions. COMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING. 197:1280-1295. 2008
conference contributions
- Dynamic Recrystallization and Adiabatic Shear Localization. 2727. 2018
- On the Interplay Between Macroscopic Localization and Void Coalescence for Strain Rate Sensitive Materials. 1048. 2018
- On the interplay between macroscopic localization and void coalescence for strain rate sensitive materials. 132-133. 2018
- Collective behaviour and spacing of necks in ductile plates subjected to dynamic biaxial loading 2017
- A modified Gurson model to account for the influence of the lode parameter at high triaxialities 2016
- Collective behaviour and spacing of necks in ductile plates subjected to dynamic biaxial loading 2016
- Extended Gurson-type yield criteria for strain rate sensitive materials 2016
- Gurson-type yield criteria for strain rate sensitive materials 2016
- Oscillatory behaviour of compressible hyperelastic shells subjected to dynamic inflation: A numerical study 2016
- Multiple necking during biaxial dynamic loading of thermoviscoplastic plates 2015
- Competition between dynamic recrystallization and thermal softening effects in dynamic necking 2014
- On the complete extinction of selected imperfection wavelengths in dynamically expanded ductile rings 2013
- On the Influence of Strain Rate and Strain Rate Sensitivity on Flow Localization in Dynamic Expansion of Ductile Rings 2011
- First Order Solutions of Cracked Timoshenko Columns 2010