sample of publications
- A Novel Framework of Singularity Cancellation Transformations for Strongly Near-Singular Integrals. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION. 69:8539-8550. 2021
- Lessons Learned Using a Physics-Based Macromodel for Analysis of Radio Wave Propagation in Wireless Transmission. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION. 67:2150-2157. 2019
- Adaptive Processing at Multiple Frequencies Using the Same Antenna Array Consisting of Dissimilar Nonuniformly Spaced Elements Over an Imperfectly Conducting Ground. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION. 67:622-625. 2019
- Physics-Based Modeling of Experimental Data Encountered in Cellular Wireless Communication. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION. 66:6673-6682. 2018
- Survey of Available Experimental Data of Radio Wave Propagation for Wireless Transmission. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION. 66: 6665-6672. 2018
- Broadband Cloaking Obtained Using HOBBIES Optimization. IEEE ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION MAGAZINE. 60:112-117. 2018
- Surface Plasmons/Polaritons, Surface Waves, and Zenneck Waves Clarification of the terms and a description of the concepts and their evolution. IEEE ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION MAGAZINE. 59:77-93. 2017
- Where Does the Far Field of an Antenna Start? [Stand on Standards]. EEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine. 58:115-124. 2016
- Echoing Across the Years. IEEE MICROWAVE MAGAZINE. 17:46-60. 2016
- Relevance of Electromagnetics in Wireless Systems Design. IEEE AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS MAGAZINE. 31:8-19. 2016
- An Expose on Internal Resonance, External Resonance, and Characteristic Modes. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION. 64:4695-4702. 2016
- Self-Adaptive hp Finite Element Method with Iterative Mesh Truncation Technique Accelerated with Adaptive Cross Approximation. COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS. 71:1911-1932. 2016
- Green's Function Using Schelkunoff Integrals for Horizontal Electric Dipoles Over an Imperfect Ground Plane. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION. 64:1342-1355. 2016
- The Effect of Broadband Matching in Simultaneous Information and Power Transfer. IEEE ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION MAGAZINE. 57:192-203. 2015
- Reply to "Comments on 'A Physics-Based Green's Function for Analysis of Vertical Electric Dipole Radiation Over an Imperfect Ground Plane'". IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION. 62:4910-4913. 2014
- Application of the schelkunoff formulation to the sommerfeld problem of a vertical electric dipole radiating over an imperfect ground. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION. 62:4162-4170. 2014
- Comparison of the Performance between a Parasitically Coupled and a Direct Coupled Feed for a Microstrip Antenna Array. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION. 62:2813-2818. 2014
- Calculation of Far-Field Radiation Pattern Using Nonuniformly Spaced Antennas by a Least Square Method. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION. 62:1572-1578. 2014
- The natural resonant singularity expansion method (SEM) poles for a dielectric sphere in various environments. MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS. 56:690-694. 2014
- A course proposal on pareto-based multi-objective microwave-circuit optimization using the genetic algorithm. IEEE ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION MAGAZINE. 56:176-190. 2014
- A study of transmission of RF signal with single conductor wire. MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS. 56:124-127. 2014
- Thin and compact dual-band four-element broadside patch antenna arrays. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters. 13:567-570. 2014
- Effect of Material Parameters on the Resonant Frequencies of a Dielectric Object. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters. 12:1311-1314. 2013
- A Study of Negative Permittivity and Permeability for Small Sphere. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters. 12:1228-1231. 2013
- A Multisection Phase Correcting Network for Broadband Quadrature Power Splitter Design. IEEE MICROWAVE AND WIRELESS COMPONENTS LETTERS. 23:468-470. 2013
- A Physics-Based Green's Function for Analysis of Vertical Electric Dipole Radiation Over an Imperfect Ground Plane. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION. 61:4148-4157. 2013
- An Exposition on the Choice of the Proper S Parameters in Characterizing Devices Including Transmission Lines with Complex Reference Impedances and a General Methodology for Computing Them. IEEE ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION MAGAZINE. 55:94-112. 2013
- A study of wideband pulse shape distortion due to presence of obstacles. MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS. 55:1618-1622. 2013
- Analysis of Information and Power Transfer in Wireless Communications. IEEE ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION MAGAZINE. 55:82-95. 2013
- Analytical Coupled-Resonator Filter Synthesis Method by Extraction of Fully Canonical Second Order Blocks. IEEE MICROWAVE AND WIRELESS COMPONENTS LETTERS. 23:137-139. 2013
- Design and Testing of a Single-Layer Microstrip Ultrawideband 90 degrees Differential Phase Shifter. IEEE MICROWAVE AND WIRELESS COMPONENTS LETTERS. 23:122-124. 2013
- Implementation of an Antenna Array for Satellite Communications with the Capability of Canceling Jammers. IEEE ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION MAGAZINE. 55:32-48. 2013
- Identification of Multiple Objects Using Their Natural Resonant Frequencies. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters. 12:54-57. 2013
- An Ultrawideband T-Pulse Fitting the FCC Mask Using a Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm. IEEE MICROWAVE AND WIRELESS COMPONENTS LETTERS. 22:615-617. 2012
- Electromagnetic Macro Modeling of Propagation in Mobile Wireless Communication: Theory and Experiment. IEEE ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION MAGAZINE. 54:17-43. 2012
- Physics of Propagation in a Cellular Wireless Communication Environment. The radio science bulletin. 5-21. 2012
- Time Reversal Applied to the Time Domain Response of a CRLH Transmission Line. IEEE MICROWAVE AND WIRELESS COMPONENTS LETTERS. 22:609-611. 2012
- Computation of the Natural Poles of an Object in the Frequency Domain Using the Cauchy Method. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters. 11:1137-1140. 2012
- Choice of the Scaling Factor in a Marching-on-in-Degree Time Domain Technique Based on the Associated Laguerre Functions. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION. 60:4463-4467. 2012
- Generation of a Wide-Band Response Using Early-Time and Middle-Frequency Data through the Use of Orthogonal Fuctions. Progress In Electromagnetics Research M. 25:115-126. 2012
- Goal-oriented self-adaptive hp-strategies for Finite Element analysis of electromagnetic scattering and radiation problems. Progress in Electromagnetics Research-PIER. 125:459-482. 2012
- Analysis of transient wave propagation in an arbitrary frequency-dispersive media using the associated Laguerre functions in the FDTD-MOD method. MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS. 54:925-930. 2012
- Response to Comment on "The Father of Radio". IEEE ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION MAGAZINE. 54:204-206. 2012
- Generation of a wide-band response using early-time and middle-frequency data through the Laguerre functions. Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters. 30:115-123. 2012
- Free Space Radiation Pattern Reconstruction from Non-Anechoic Measurements Using an Impulse Response of the Environment. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION. 60:821-831. 2012
- An Improved Marching-on-in-Degree Method Using a New Temporal Basis. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION. 59:4643-4650. 2011
- President's message. IEEE ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION MAGAZINE. 53:8-263. 2011
- Single-Band to Multiband Frequency Transformation for Multiband Filters. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES. 59:3048-3058. 2011
- The Father of Radio: A Brief Chronology of the Origin and Development of Wireless Communications. IEEE ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION MAGAZINE. 53:83-114. 2011
- President's Message. IEEE ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION MAGAZINE. 53:8-9. 2011
- President's Message. IEEE ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION MAGAZINE. 53:8-11. 2011
- Analysis of Arbitrary Frequency-Dependent Losses Associated With Conducting Structures in a Time-Domain Electric Field Integral Equation. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters. 10:678-681. 2011
- President's Message. IEEE ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION MAGAZINE. 53:8-10. 2011
- The Design of an Ultrawideband T-Pulse With a Linear Phase Fitting the FCC Mask. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION. 59:1432-1436. 2011
- President's Message. IEEE ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION MAGAZINE. 53:8-9. 2011
- President's Message. IEEE ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION MAGAZINE. 53:8-9. 2011
- Characterization of the Far-Field Environment of Antennas Located Over a Ground Plane and Implications for Cellular Communication Systems. IEEE ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION MAGAZINE. 52:19-40. 2010
- Fully Coupled Multi-Hybrid Finite Element Method-Method of Moments-Physical Optics Method for Scattering and Radiation Problems. ELECTROMAGNETICS. 30:3-22. 2010
- Who Was James Clerk Maxwell and What Was and Is His Electromagnetic Theory?. IEEE ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION MAGAZINE. 51:97-116. 2009
- Dual-Band Recursive Active Filters with Composite Right/Left-Handed Transmission Lines. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES. 57:1180-1187. 2009
- Reply by the Authors (for "A Look at the Concept of Channel Capacity from a Maxwellian Viewpoint"). IEEE ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION MAGAZINE. 51:164-166. 2009
- A Look at the Concept of Channel Capacity from a Maxwellian Viewpoint. IEEE ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION MAGAZINE. 50:21-50. 2008
- Fully Coupled Hybrid FEM-UTD Method Using NURBS for the Analysis of Radiation Problems. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION. 56:774-783. 2008
book chapters
- Higher Order Basis Based Integral Equation Solver (HOBBIES). Ed. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2012
- Physics of Multiantenna Systems and Broadband Processing. HOBOKEN, NEW JERSEY: Ed. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2008
conference contributions
- Broadband Cloaking obtained using HOBBIES (Higher Order Basis Based Integral Equation Solver) Optimization. 1-1. 2020
- Educational Robotics for All: Gender, Diversity, and Inclusion in STEAM. 19 -24. 2020
- Importance of the dispersion principles in system design. 1-1. 2019
- Use of computational techniques in electromagnetics to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of antenna pattern measurements. 1-1. 2019
- Electromagnetic Finite Element Solver for HPC Environments using Direct Substructuring Method. 1186-1189. 2018
- Interpolation and Extrapolation of S-Parameter Data of a Microwave Filter in the Frequency Domain Using the Cauchy Method. 330-333. 2018
- Interpolation of Missing Antenna Measurements or RCS Data Using the Matrix Pencil Method. 529-532. 2018
- A hands-on approach for engineering students and practitioners to analyze electromagnetic interactions on flat boundaries 2016
- Characterization of safety regions of high power antennas 2016
- Dyson conical quad-spiral array as ultrawideband feed system 2016
- Electromagnetic time reversal: What does it imply?. 30-33. 2016
- Far field's starting distance. 789-792. 2016
- Higher Order Finite Element Method Simulator for Antenna Analysis. 1-4. 2016
- Higher order finite element method solver for the analysis of microwave devices in planar technology. 473-476. 2016
- Maximum power transfer versus efficiency. 183-184. 2016
- Multilevel aggressive space mapping applied to coupled-resonator filters 2016
- Overview of ultrawideband systems. 602-603. 2016
- Predicting the starting distance of the far field. 1889-1890. 2016
- Propagation in cellular networks. 702-705. 2016
- Radio astronomy ultra wideband receiver covering the 2-14 GHz frequency band for VGOS applications 2016
- Analysis for Improving the Radiation Behavior for THz Devices 2015
- Electrically Small Antennas under matched conditions. 1246-1247. 2015
- Electrically small antennas design challenges. 768-769. 2015
- HOFEM: A higher order finite element method electromagnetic simulator. 10-12. 2015
- How to eliminate shadow fading in a cellular wireless system. 80-81. 2015
- Solution of helmholtz equation starting with the frequency independent Laplace's equation. 30-32. 2015
- The evolution and blossoming of Maxwell's macroscopic view to the modern microscopic theory based on electrons 2015
- The genesis of Maxwell's equations 2015
- A Hybrid Method of Moment (MoM) and Physical Optics (PO) Technique in the Time Domain. 1-2. 2012
- A Look at Some of the Principle of Wireless Communications from a Maxwellian ViewpoinT 2012
- A Look at Some of the Principle of Wireless Communications from a Maxwellian Viewpoint 2012
- A cursory historical overview on the evolution of wireless communications. 1-3. 2012
- Aceleración mediante ACA de un código autoadaptativo hp para el análisis de problemas abiertos 2012
- Analytical Synthesis of Coupling Matrices for N-port Networks with Reactance Compensation 2012
- Antenna reciprocity and the theory of electromagnetic time reversal. 1-2. 2012
- Compact diplexer with edge-coupled and nonbianisotropic split-ring resonators. 1-3. 2012
- Efficient Generation of Wideband Responses Using Early Time and Low Frequency Information 2012
- Electromagnetic Macro Modeling of Propagation in Mobile Wireless Communication: Theory and Experiment 2012
- HOBBIES: Higher Order Basis Based Integral Equation Solver 2012
- How Well Do You Know Your S-parameters? 2012
- MIMO from an Electromagnetic Stand Point 2012
- Problems associated with the choice of the proper S-parameters in characterizing antennas and how to rectify it. 1-4. 2012
- Propagation in Cellular Wireless Systems Takes Place Through the Elusive Sommerfeld Surface Waves 2012
- Simultaneous Information Transfer and Power Transfer/Harvesting over a Transmit/Receive Antenna System 2012
- Synthesis of extracted-pole filters without fixed-phase lengths. 451-454. 2012
- Síntesis de filtros de polos extraídos en guía rectangular 2012
- Síntesis de filtros de polos extraídos sin desfasadores 2012
- The Mathematics and the Physics of MIMO (Multi-input-multi-output) Systems 2012
- Time reversal compared to inverse filtering. 1-2. 2012
- Use of the Principle of Analytic Continuation for the Generation of Phase and for Interpolation/Extrapolation of Amplitude only Data 2012
- What did Maxwell do to prove light was electromagnetic in nature and the concept of his displacement current. 1-4. 2012
- Wireless power transfer versus wireless information transfeR. 1-3. 2012
- A Marching-on in Degree Method for the Time Domain Analysis of Electromagnetic Structures 2011
- A Marching-on in Degree Method for the Time Domain Analysis of Electromagnetic Structures 2011
- A Marching-on in Degree Method for the Time Domain Analysis of Electromagnetic Structures 2011
- A Marching-on in Degree Method for the Time Domain Analysis of Electromagnetic Structures, Plenary Session II, PS-007 2011
- A Marching-on in Degree Method for the Time Domain Analysis of Electromagnetic Structures, Session 2C6, paper 1 2011
- An Overview on Ultrawideband Antennas 2011
- Analytical Synthesis of All-resonator Multiplexers Based on Coupling Matrices 2011
- Antenna effects in a wireless communication scenario. 2700-2704. 2011
- Automatic Goal Oriented Optimization Using Parallel Higher Order Basis Based Integral Equation Solver. 3917-3920. 2011
- Block Coupling Transformations in Multiband Filters. 95-98. 2011
- Combining Early and Late Time Responses in the Context of the Singularity Expansion Method Using the Half Fourier Transform [Session 204, paper 7] 2011
- Coupling Matrices with Reactive Loads at Ports, Session EuMC22, paper 4. 373-376. 2011
- Design of a Compact Diplexer for Multisystem DAS Solutions. 1-5. 2011
- Distortion Free Transmission/Reception using an Ultrawideband T-pulse Fitting the FCC Mask [Session WeD2, paper 1]. 1-4. 2011
- Do You Know Your S Parameters? [Invited paper, INV 4] 2011
- Free Space Radiation Pattern Reconstruction from Non-Anechoic Measurement Using an Impulse Response of the Environment [Keynote Speech] 2011
- Interpolation of Amplitude-only S-Parameter Data of Passive Integrated Devices in the Frequency Domain Using the Cauchy Method [Session EuMC01, paper 2]. 5-8. 2011
- Multiple split-ring resonators for tri-band filter with asymmetric response. 75-78. 2011
- Near-Field Effects on the Antenna Gain in the Transmitting and Receiving Mode in the Presence of the Ground Plane [Session 317, Paper 7] 2011
- Near-Field of Antennas and Its Implications for Wireless Communications, [Paper BP1.21] 2011
- Near/Far Field of Antennas [Session OS 4, paper 3] 2011
- Proper Calculation of the Channel Capacity When Using Real Antennas - Frequency Selective Channel - with the Maxwellian Principles [Session IF247, Paper 6] 2011
- Radiofrequency Identification (RFID): A Brief Description of the Technology and Its Impact 2011
- Radiofrequency Identification (RFID): A Brief Description of the Technology and its Impact, Keynote Lecture 4 (KL4) 2011
- Resonadores múltiples de anillo partido para filtros de banda triple con respuesta asimétric. Sesión Componentes y Circuitos Pasivos de Microondas E, no. 5, 4 pág 2011
- Simultaneous Extrapolation in Time and Frequency Domains Using Laguerre Associated Functions Expansion [Keynote Speech] 2011
- Stability Analysis of a Parallel Higher Order Basis Based Integral Equation Solver (HOBBIES) on a Cluster with 512 AMD CPU Cores. 3925-3927. 2011
- Use of a Single Snapshot Based Adaptive Processing Using a Direct Data Domain Approach [Paper B07.4] 2011
- Using the Half Fourier Transform for SEM Analysis of Both Early and Late Time Responses in the Presence of Noise [Paper E03.7] 2011
- Analytical Synthesis of Dual-Band Filters Through Frequency Transformation and Implementation by Means of Microstrip Split-Rings Resonators 2008
- Broadband DOA Estimation Using Realistic Antenna Arrays 2008
- Dual Band Filter with Split-Ring Resonators (SRRs) 2008
- Exploiting Early Time Response Using the Half Fourier Transform for Analyzing Transient Radar Returns 2008
- Metodo Multi-Hıbrido FEM-MoM-PO para el analisis de problemas de dispersion y radiación 2008
- Physics of Multiantenna Systems and Adaptive Processing Including Antenna Effects 2008
- Recent Developments Regarding Finite Element Methods at the Radiofrequency (Group of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid) 2008
- Resonadores de anillos divididos (SRR) para filtros de dos bandas 2008
- Signal Enhancement in a Near-field MIMO Environment through Adaptivity on Transmit and Polarization Diversity 2008
- What is the Appropriate Physical Form of Channel Capacity to Use for Wireless Communication 2008