President's message
published in
publication date
- December 2011
start page
- 8
end page
- 263
- 6
- 53
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
- 1045-9243
Electronic International Standard Serial Number (EISSN)
- 1558-4143
- This is my last message to you as IEEE AP-S President. It has been my deep honor and great pleasure to represent our Society during these months! I have enjoyed doing this job, and hopefully I was able to bring some good things for the Society. However, as whenever something arrives to an end, there are issues that one regrets not to have been able to do in a better way, or not to have been able to devote more time to. Time is one of the biggest treasures a human being has, and just so very frequently we find ourselves with only so much time available. Then too, unexpected events of ordinary life that request one's attention take the time you were ready to devote to something else...! This year has been for me full of such personal, family, and work-related events, and on so many occasions I have found myself not "in search of lost time," as the title of Marcel Proust's well-known novel reads, but rather just "in search of more time," without fully realizing that time is limited! Thus, my first message from this column is to ask you to forgive me if I have failed to serve you as you required from me! I am sure that our incoming President, Dr. Steven Best, will do a better job!