sample of publications
- Organizing planning knowledge for automated vehicles and intelligent transportation systems. IET Intelligent Transport Systems. 18:1-18. 2024
- Mission Based Systems for Connected Automated Mobility. ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS. 180:1-11. 2024
- Simulation-based evaluation of model-free reinforcement learning algorithms for quadcopter attitude control and trajectory tracking. NEUROCOMPUTING. 608:1-16. 2024
- Stress Detection Using Frequency Spectrum Analysis of Wrist-Measured Electrodermal Activity. SENSORS. 23. 2023
- Evolving Gaussian on-line clustering in social network analysis. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS. 207:1-8. 2022
- Methods, data sources and applications of the Artificial Intelligence in the Energy Poverty context: A review. ENERGY AND BUILDINGS. 268:0-13. 2022
- Driver Drowsiness Detection by Applying Deep Learning Techniques to Sequences of Images. Applied Sciences-Basel. 12:1145-1170. 2022
- IoT for Global Development to Achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: The New Scenario After the COVID-19 Pandemic. IEEE Access. 9:124711-124726. 2021
- Impact of the learners diversity and combination method on the generation of heterogeneous classifier ensembles. APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING. 111:1-17. 2021
- Implementing a Gaze Tracking Algorithm for Improving Advanced Driver Assistance Systems. Electronics. 10:1-21. 2021
- An empirical assessment of deep learning approaches to task-oriented dialog management. NEUROCOMPUTING. 439:327-339. 2021
- Explaining Deep Learning-Based Driver Models. Applied Sciences-Basel. 11:1-28. 2021
- Peripheral Diagnosis for Propagated Network Faults. Journal of Network and Systems Management. 29:1-23. 2021
- Adaptive dialogue management using intent clustering and fuzzy rules. EXPERT SYSTEMS. 38:1-15. 2021
- CCE: An ensemble architecture based on coupled ANN for solving multiclass problems. Information Fusion. 58:132-152. 2020
- A data-driven approach to spoken dialog segmentation. NEUROCOMPUTING. 391:292-304. 2020
- A multimodal conversational coach for active ageing based on sentient computing and m-health. EXPERT SYSTEMS. 37:1-19. 2020
- Developing enhanced conversational agents for social virtual worlds. NEUROCOMPUTING. 354:27-40. 2019
- Evolving fuzzy and neuro-fuzzy approaches in clustering, regression, identification, and classification: A Survey. INFORMATION SCIENCES. 490:344-368. 2019
- Evolving cloud-based system for the recognition of drivers' actions. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS. 99:231-238. 2018
- Fault Detection and Identification Methodology Under an Incremental Learning Framework Applied to Industrial Machinery. IEEE Access. 6:49755-49766. 2018
- Real-Time Recognition of Calling Pattern and Behaviour of Mobile Phone Users through Anomaly Detection and Dynamically-Evolving Clustering. Applied Sciences-Basel. 7. 2017
- Integration of context-aware conversational interfaces to develop practical applications for mobile devices. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments. 9:561-577. 2017
- Cybernetics of the Mind: Learning Individual's Perceptions Autonomously. IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Magazine. 3:6-17. 2017
- Web news mining in an evolving framework. Information Fusion. 28:90-98. 2016
- A Two-Stage Combining Classifier Model for the Development of Adaptive Dialog Systems. International Journal of Neural Systems. 26:1-23. 2016
- An ensemble approach of dual base learners for multi-class classification problems. Information Fusion. 24:122-136. 2015
- Generating ensembles of heterogeneous classifiers using Stacked Generalization. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. 5:21-34. 2015
- Sensor-based Bayesian detection of anomalous living patterns in a home setting. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. 19:259-270. 2015
- Combining additive input noise annealing and pattern transformations for improved handwritten character recognition. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS. 41:8180-8188. 2014
- Evolving classification of UNIX users' behaviors. Evolving Systems. 5:231-238. 2014
- Desarrollo de portales de voz municipales interactivos y adaptados al usuario = Development of interactive and user-centered voice portals to provide municipal information. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural. 53:185-188. 2014
- In-Home Activity Recognition: Bayesian Inference for Hidden Markov Models. IEEE PERVASIVE COMPUTING. 13:67-75. 2014
- Utilización de las tecnologías del habla y de los mundos virtuales para el desarrollo de aplicaciones educativas = Using language technologies and virtual worlds to develop educative applications. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural. 53:167-170. 2014
- Predicting Protein Relationships to Human Pathways through a Relational Learning Approach Based on Simple Sequence Features. IEEE-ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. 11:753-765. 2014
- Developing multimodal conversational agents for an enhanced e-learning experience. Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal. 3:13-26. 2014
- Hacia una educación inclusiva y personalizada mediante el uso de los sistemas de diálogo multimodal. Revista Iberoamericana de Informática Educativa. 11-27. 2013
- Time series forecasting using a weighted cross-validation evolutionary artificial neural network ensemble. NEUROCOMPUTING. 109:27-32. 2013
- Activity Recognition Using Hybrid Generative/Discriminative Models on Home Environments Using Binary Sensors. SENSORS. 13:5460-5477. 2013
- Online activity recognition using evolving classifiers. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS. 40:1248-1255. 2013
- Time series forecasting by evolving artificial neural networks with genetic algorithms, differential evolution and estimation of distribution algorithm. NEURAL COMPUTING & APPLICATIONS. 22:11-20. 2013
- A Proposal to Create Learning Environments in Virtual Worlds Integrating Advanced Educative Resources. JOURNAL OF UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SCIENCE. 18:2516-2541. 2012
- Creating Evolving User Behavior Profiles Automatically. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING. 24:854-867. 2012
- Time Series Forecasting. A Comparative Study Between an Evolving Artificial Neural Networks System and Statistical Methods. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools. 21. 2012
- Simulating Visual Qualia in the CERA-CRANIUM Cognitive Architecture. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 718:223-238. 2011
- A Plan Classifier based on Chi-Square Distribution Tests. Intelligent Data Analysis. 15:131-149. 2011
- The Cognitive Development of Machine Consciousness Implementations. Machine consciousness technical journal. 2:213-225. 2010
- A New Artificial Neural Network Ensemble Based on Feature Selection and Class Recoding. NEURAL COMPUTING & APPLICATIONS. 2010
- Evolving Classification of Agents' Behaviours: A General Approach. Evolving Systems. Evolving Systems. 1:161-171. 2010
- Human Activity Recognition based on Envolving Fuzzy Systems. International Journal of Neural Systems. 20:355-364. 2010
- ConsScale: A Pragmatic Scale for Measuring the Level of Consciousness in Artificial Agents. JOURNAL OF CONSCIOUSNESS STUDIES. 17:131-164. 2010
- GA-Stacking: Evolutionary Stacked Generalization. Intelligent Data Analysis. 14:89-119. 2010
- Strategies for Measuring Machine Consciousness. Machine consciousness technical journal. 1:193-201. 2009
- Predicting the Outcome of Patients With Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Using Machine Learning Techniques. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN BIOMEDICINE. 13:794-801. 2009
- CAOS Coach 2006 Simulation Team: An Opponent Modelling Approach. COMPUTING AND INFORMATICS. 28:57-80. 2009
- OMBO: An opponent Modeling Approach. AI COMMUNICATIONS. 22:21-35. 2009
- A Cognitive Approach to Multimodal Attention. Journal of Physical Agents. 3:53-64. 2009
- Integrated Attention for Cognitive Robotics. Communications of SIWN . 5:1-5. 2008
- Using Well-Known Techniques for Classifying User Behavior Profiles. Communications of SIWN . 5:18-22. 2008
book chapters
- Input Transformation and Output Combination for Improved Handwritten Digit Recognition. In: Artificial Neural Networks : Methods and Applications in Bio-/Neuroinformatics. SPRINGER. 435-443. 2015
- Towards the Use of Dialog Systems to Facilitate Inclusive Education. In: Technologies for Inclusive Education: Beyond Traditional Integration Approaches. IGI GLOBAL. 1-21. 2013
- A Machine Consciousness Approach to the Design of Human-Like Bots. In: Believable Bots: Can Computers Play Like People?. SPRINGER. 171-191. 2012
- ConsScale FPS: Cognitive Integration for Improved Believability in Computer Game Bots. In: Believable Bots: Can Computers Play Like People?. SPRINGER. 193-214. 2012
- Towards Imitation of Human Driving Style in Car Racing Games. In: Believable Bots: Can Computers Play Like People?. SPRINGER. 298-313. 2012
- Ensemble of ANN for Traffic Sign Recognition [Chapter 85]. In: Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence. IGI GLOBAL. 554-560. 2009
conference contributions
- Generation and Evaluation of Medical Images Based on Diffusion Models 2024
- Diseño de una herramienta para la gestión de un servicio de transporte de emergencias utilizando las APIs de Google Maps. 380-389. 2023
- Sistema de detección de fatiga basado en deep learning y lógica difusa. 875-880. 2021
- A Novel Evolving Ensemble Approach Based on Bootstrapping and Dynamic Selection of Diverse Learners. 1-8. 2020
- Detection of driver maneuvers using evolving fuzzy cloud-based system. 700-706. 2020
- Fuzzy Alarm System based on Human-centered Approach. 448-455. 2020
- Prediction of patient evolution in terms of Clinical Risk Groups form routinely collected data using machine learning. 1721-1724. 2019
- Advanced Driver's Alarms System through Multi-agent Paradigm Driver's Driver"s Driver´s. 269-275. 2018
- Measuring Diversity and Accuracy in ANN Ensembles. 108-117. 2018
- Opponent Modeling in RoboCup Soccer Simulation. 303-316. 2018
- A Data-Driven Approach to Dialog Structure Modeling. 266-275. 2017
A Proposal to Enhance Human-Machine Interaction by
Means of Multi-agent Conversational Interfaces. 565-576. 2017 - A Proposal to Integrate Conversational Interfaces in Mobile Learning Applications. 695-705. 2017
Evolving Cauchy possibilistic
clustering based on cosine similarity for monitoring cyber systems. 1-5. 2017 -
FRB-Dialog: A Toolkit for Automatic Learning of
Fuzzy-Rule Based (FRB) Dialog Managers. 306-317. 2017 -
Forecasting Univariate Time Series by
Input Transformation and Selection of the Suitable Model. 210-221. 2017 - Intelligent agents for supporting driving tasks: an ontology-based alarms system. 165-172. 2017
- Monitoring of vulcano Puracé through seismic signals: Description of a real dataset 2017
- Time Series Forecasting applying Data Transformation and Neural Networks Ensemble. 820-828. 2017
- Autonomous Data Density based clustering method. 2405-2413. 2016
- Forecasting Time Series by an Ensemble of Artificial Neural Networks based on transforming the Time Series. 1769-4774. 2016
- Parallel Computing TEDA for High Frequency Streaming Data Clustering. 238-253. 2016
- Sequential classifiers for network intrusion detection based on data selection process. 1827-1832. 2016
- Social network analysis: Evolving Twitter mining. 1809-1814. 2016
- A Multimodal Conversational Agent for Personalized Language Learning. 13-21. 2014
- A Practical Application of Evolving Fuzzy-Rule-Based Classifiers for the Development of Spoken Dialog Systems. 307-316. 2014
- A dialog management methodology based on evolving Fuzzy-rule-based (FRB) classifiers. 1-8. 2014
- Agent-based framework for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems in urban environments. 1-8. 2014
- An ensemble method based on evolving classifiers: eStacking. 121-131. 2014
- CCE: An Approach to Improve the Accuracy in Ensembles by Using Diverse Base Learners. 630-641. 2014
- Developing multimodal conversational agents: from the use of VoiceXML to Android-based applications. 335-338. 2014
- Domain and subtask-adaptive conversational agents to provide an enhanced human-agent interaction. 134-145. 2014
- Giving Voice to the Internet by Means of Conversational Agents. 441-448. 2014
- Influence of the data codification when applying evolving classifiers to develop spoken dialog systems. 58-64. 2014
- News Mining Using Evolving Fuzzy Systems. 327-335. 2014
- Simul-A2: Agent-based simulator for evaluate ADA systems. 1-7. 2014
- The Geranium System: Multimodal Conversational Agents for E-learning. 219-226. 2014
- Time series forecasting using Artificial Neural Networks vs. evolving models. 1-8. 2014
- Ensemble method based on individual evolving classifiers. 56-61. 2013
- Evolving Systems for Computer User Behavior Classification. 78-83. 2013
- Handwritten Digit Recognition with Pattern Transformations and Neural Network Averaging. 335-342. 2013
- A Hybrid HMM/ANN Model for Activity Recognition in the Home using Binary Sensors. 98-105. 2012
- CC-Bot: A Believable Video Game Bot based on Machine Consciousness 2012
- Evolving Activity Recognition from Sensor Streams. 96-101. 2012
- Interactive and User-Adapted Voice Portals for the City Council. 395-399. 2012
- Modeling a Spoken Dialog System using POMDPs and Agenda-based User Simulation. 183-192. 2012
- Offline and Online Activity Recognition on Mobile Devices using Accelerometer Data. 208-215. 2012
- Parallelization of an Evolving Artificial Neural Networks System to Forecast Time Series using OPENMP and MPI. 186-191. 2012
- Relational Learning-based Extension for Reactome Pathways with Sequence Features and Interactions. 39. 2012
- The MovieScript System: Integration of Statistical Methodologies and the VoiceXML Standard to Develop Spoken Dialog Systems. 400-404. 2012
- Evolving Human Activity Classifier from Sensor Streams. 139-146. 2011
- Evolving Sparsely Connected Neural Networks for Multi-Step Ahead Forecasting. 219-220. 2011
- Evolving Time-Lagged Feedforward Neural Networks for Time Series Forecasting. 163-164. 2011
- Model of Emotions and Personality in a Machine Consciousness Architecture 2011
- Towards Gaze-Controlled Platform Games. 47-54. 2011
- Weighted Cross-Validation Evolving Artificial Neural Networks to Forecast Time Series. 147-154. 2011
- A Multimodal Attention Mechanism for Autonomous Mobile Robotics 2008
- ADANN: Automatic Design of Artificial Neural Networks. 1863-1870. 2008
- An Efficient Behavior Classifier based on Distributions of Relevant Events. 825-827. 2008
- Classifying Efficiently the Behavior of a Soccer Team. 316-323. 2008
- ConsScale: A Plausible Test for Machine Consciousness?. 49-57. 2008
- Criteria for Consciousness in Artificial Intelligent Agents. 57-64. 2008
- Genetic Approach for Optimizing Ensembles of Classifiers 2008
- Genetic Programming for Predicting Protein Networks. 432-441. 2008
- Protein-Protein Functional Association Prediction Using Genetic Programming 2008