sample of publications
- Thermo-electro-mechanical microstructural interdependences in conductive thermoplastics. npj Computational Materials. 9:1-11. 2023
- Thermo-electro-mechanical aging and degradation of conductive 3D printed PLA/CB composite. Composite Structures. 316:1-18. 2023
- Magneto-mechanical system to reproduce and quantify complex strain patterns in biological materials. Applied Materials Today. 27:1-15. 2022
- New experimental insights into magneto-mechanical rate dependences of magnetorheological elastomers. Composites Part B: Engineering. 224:1-21. 2021
- Influence of elastomeric matrix and particle volume fraction on the mechanical response of magneto-active polymers. Composites Part B: Engineering. 215:1-11. 2021
- Conductive 3D printed PLA composites: On the interplay of mechanical, electrical and thermal behaviours. Composite Structures. 265:1-9. 2021
- A continuum constitutive model for FDM 3D printed thermoplastics. Composites Part B: Engineering. 201:108373(1)-108373(13). 2020
- Low temperature mechanical behaviour of PVDF: cryogenic pre-treatment, quasi-static, cyclic and dynamic experimental testing and modelling. Mechanics of Materials. 147:1-13. 2020
- Design of FDM 3D printed polymers: An experimental-modelling methodology for the prediction of mechanical properties. Materials and Design. 188:1-10. 2020
- Temperature and strain rate dependences on hardening and softening behaviours in semi-crystalline polymers: Application to PEEK. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 182-183:205-217. 2020
- Innovative acrylic thermoplastic composites versus conventional composites: Improving the impact performances. Composite Structures. 217:1-13. 2019
- Strain rate effect on the mechanical behavior of polyamide composites under compression loading. Composite Structures. 214:114-122. 2019
- Multi-impact mechanical behaviour of short fibre reinforced composites. Composite Structures. 202:241-252. 2018
- Influence of stress state on the mechanical impact and deformation behaviors of aluminum alloys. Metals. 8:1-20. 2018
- A new constitutive model for polymeric matrices: Application to biomedical materials. Composites Part B: Engineering. 139:117-129. 2018
- A continuum mechanics constitutive framework for transverse isotropic soft tissues. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 112:209-224. 2018
- Perforation mechanics of 2024 aluminium protective plates subjected to impact by different nose shapes of projectiles. Thin-Walled Structures. 123:1-10. 2018
- On the mechanical behaviour of PEEK and HA cranial implants under impact loading. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials. 69:342-354. 2017
- A hyperelastic-thermoviscoplastic constitutive model for semi-crystalline polymers: application to PEEK under dynamic loading conditions. International Journal of Plasticity. 88:27-52. 2017
- Low temperature effect on impact energy absorption capability of PEEK composites. Composite Structures. 134:440-449. 2015
- The deterministic nature of the fracture location in the dynamic tensile testing of steel sheets. International Journal of Impact Engineering. 86:318-335. 2015
- Failure behaviour of 2024-T3 Aluminium under tension-torsion conditions. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology. 29:4657-4663. 2015
- Investigation of mechanical impact behavior of short carbon-fiber-reinforced PEEK composites. Composite Structures. 133:1116-1126. 2015
- Failure behavior of 2024-T3 aluminum under tension-torsion conditions. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology. 29:4657-4663. 2015
- High impact velocity on multi-layered composite of polyether ether ketone and aluminium. Composite Interfaces. 22:705-715. 2015
- Mechanical impact behavior of polyether-ether-ketone (PEEK). Composite Structures. 124:88-99. 2015
- Experimental Study on the Perforation Process of 5754-H111 and 6082-T6 Aluminium Plates Subjected to Normal Impact by Conical, Hemispherical and Blunt Projectiles. Experimental Mechanics. 54:729-742. 2014
- A dislocation-based constitutive description for modeling the behavior of FCC metals within wide ranges of strain rate and temperature. Mechanics of Materials. 43:901-912. 2011
- Thermo-viscoplastic behaviour of 2024-T3 aluminium sheets subjected to low velocity perforation at different temperatures. Thin-Walled Structures. 49:819-832. 2011
- Temperature Measurements on ES Steel Sheets Subjected to Perforation by Hemispherical Projectiles. International Journal of Impact Engineering. 37:828-841. 2010
- Thermo-Mechanical Behaviour of TRIP 1000 Steel Sheets Subjected to Low Velocity Perforation by Conical Projectiles at Different Temperatures. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 47:1268-1284. 2010
- A Thermo-Viscoplastic Constitutive Model for FCC Metals with Application to OFHC Copper. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 52:120-135. 2010
- Relationship between Mesostructure, Mechanical Behaviour and Damage of Cement Composites Under High-Pressure Confinement. Experimental Mechanics. 49:613-625. 2009
- Relation between Strain Hardening of Steel and Critical Impact Velocity in Tension. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. 47:645-665. 2009
- Modelling of Thermo-viscoplastic Behavior of DH36 and Weldox 460 E Structural Steels at Wide Ranges of Strain rates and Temperatures, Comparison of Constitutive Relations for Impact Problems. Mechanics of Materials. 41:599-621. 2009
- Experimental and Numerical Study on the Perforation Process of Mild Steel Sheets Subjected to Perpendicular Impact by Hemispherical Projectiles. International Journal of Impact Engineering. 36:565-587. 2009
- Relationship between Static Bending and Compressive Behaviour of Particle-Reinforced Cement Composites. Composites Part B: Engineering. 39:1205-1215. 2008
- Influence of Conical Projectile Diameter on Perpendicular Impact of Thin Steel Plate. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 75:2946-2967. 2008
- Numerical Simulations of Impact Behaviour of Thin Steel Plates Subjected to Cylindrical, Conical and Hemispherical Non-Deformable Projectiles. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 75:1635-1656. 2008
- Estudio experimental de mecanismos de fallo en placas de acero sometidas a impacto de proyectiles cilíndricos, cónicos y hemisféricos. Anales de Mecánica de la Fractura. 1:217-222. 2008
- Mecanismos de fallo en placas de acero sometidas a impacto de proyectiles cilíndricos, cónicos y hemisféricos. Anales de Mecánica de la Fractura. 1:217-222. 2008
- Role of Porosity in Controlling the Mechanical and Impact Behaviours of Cement-Based Materials. International Journal of Impact Engineering. 35:133-146. 2008
book chapters
- Failure Behavior of Aluminum Alloys Under Different Stress States. In: Handbook of Damage Mechanics: Nano to Macro Scale for Materials and Structures. SPRINGER. 1-25. 2020
- Thermo-mechanics of Polymers at Extreme and Failure Conditions: Influence of Strain Rate and Temperature. In: Handbook of Damage Mechanics: Nano to Macro Scale for Materials and Structures. SPRINGER. 1-28. 2020
- Analysis of high-speed impact problems in the aircraft industry. In: Constitutive Relations under Impact Loadings: Experiments, Theoretical and Numerical Aspects. SPRINGER. 137-207. 2014
conference contributions
- Dinamización de clases magistrales y de problemas mediante Wooclap y Cuestionarios Autoevaluables 2022
- A viscous-hyperelastic constitutive model for transverse isotropic soft tissues. 60. 2018
- Experimental and numerical study of a new structural composite for innovative cars 2018
- A constitutive framework for anisotropic 3D printed polymeric composites 2017
velocity impact response of 3D printed thermoplastic composites 2017 - Mechanical behaviour of 3D printed polymeric matrix under dynamic loading 2017
- A constitutive model for thermoplastic composites under dynamic loading 2016
- Single and multiple impact behaviour of thermoplastic composites 2016
- A one dimensional model to uncover the key mechanisms which control flow localization in the dynamic tensile test 2015
- Dynamic punch behavior of polyether-ether-ketone (PEEK) 2015
- Experimental punching technique for ductile fracture testing on aluminium sheets 2015
- High impact velocity on multi-layared composite of polyether ether ketone and aluminium 2015
- Impact mechanical behaviour of graphite fiber reinforced peek 2015
- Numerical and experimental behavior of PEEK composite materials under low impact energy 2015
- High impact velocity on multi-layered composite of polyether ether ketone and aluminium 2014
- Interplay between stress waves propagation and flow localization in the dynamic tensile test: application to steel sheets 2014
- Numerical modeling of dynamic punch of hybrid metal composite for prosthetic intervertebral discs (IVD) 2014
- Thermomechanical behaviour of composite sandwich panels of polymer/metal under low-velocity impact. 1-5. 2014
- Effect of projectile nose shape on the perforation behaviour of 5754-H111 and 6082-T6 aluminium plate 2013
- Experimental investigation on the impact behaviour of monolithic and multi-layered composite plates of polycarbonate and aluminium 2013
- A Dislocation-based Constitutive Description for Modeling the Behavior of FCC Metals within Wide Rages of Strain Rate at Room Temperature 2011
- Temperature Increase in ES Steel Sheets Subjected to Perforation by Hemispherical Projectiles 2011
- Thermo-Viscoplastic Behaviour of 2024-t3 Aluminium Sheets Subjected to Low Velocity Perforation at Different Temperatures 2011
- Analysis of Plastic Instabilities for Metallic Sheets During Perforation 2008
- Estudio experimental y numérico del comportamiento de láminas de acero sometidas a impacto de media y alta velocidad 2008
- Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Metallic Plates: Effect of Constitutive Relation 2008
- Mechanical Behavior of Trip Steels Subjected to Low Impact Velocity and Wide Range of Temperatures 2008