Outputs for TELEMATIC ENGINEERING Department (Year 2023)
- A Link-Layer Virtual Networking Solution for Cloud-Native Network Function Virtualisation Ecosystems: L2S-M
- A Study of Student and Teacher Challenges in Smart Synchronous Hybrid Learning Environments
- A deep dive into the accuracy of IP geolocation databases and its impact on online advertising
- A new RNN based machine learning model to forecast COVID-19 incidence, enhanced by the use of mobility data from the bike-sharing service in Madrid
- A systematic analysis of learning analytics using multi-source data in the context of Spain
- ABENEARIO: A system for learning early maths with ABN
- AI Anomaly Detection for Cloudified Mobile Core Architectures
- ATHENA: Machine Learning and Reasoning for Radio Resources Scheduling in vRAN systems
- Active Labeling Correction of Mealtimes and the Appearance of Types of Carbohydrates in Type 1 Diabetes Information Records
- Applying Blockchain consensus mechanisms to Network Service Federation: Analysis and performance evaluation
- Are crowd-sourced CTI datasets ready for supporting anti-cybercrime intelligence?
- Balloons in the Sky: Unveiling the Characteristics and Trade-offs of the Google Loon Service
- Breast Cancer Detection Based on Simplified Deep Learning Technique With Histopathological Image Using BreaKHis Database
- CarbonTag: A Browser-Based Method for Approximating Energy Consumption of Online Ads
- Choose, not hoard: Information-to-model matching for Artificial Intelligence in O-RAN
- Communication Manager for Hyper-Connected RPAS Environments
- Comparison of Using an Augmented Reality Learning Tool at Home and in a Classroom Regarding Motivation and Learning Outcomes
- DQN-based intelligent controller for multiple edge domains
- Data-centric Service-Based Architecture for Edge-Native 6G Network
- Deep Neural Network-Based QoT Estimation for SMF and FMF Links
- Design, implementation and validation of a receiver-driven less-than-best-effort transport
- Digital twins for next-generation mobile networks: Applications and solutions
- Editorial Technologies for Data-Driven Interventions in Smart Learning Environments
- Enhancing Web Applications Observability through Instrumented Automated Browsers
- Experimental demonstration of a metro area network with terabit-capable sliceable bit-rate-variable transceivers using directly modulated VCSELs and coherent detection
- IEEE 802.11az Indoor Positioning with mmWave
- Integrating an optimised PUF-based authentication scheme in OSCORE
- Intelligent Augmented Reality for Learning Geometry
- Managing the far-edge: are today's centralized solutions a good fit
- Network support for high-performance distributed machine learning
- Network traffic analysis under emerging beyond-5G scenarios for multi-band optical technology adoption
- On clustering coherent optics point-to-multipoint trees for cost-effective bandwidth assignment in MANs
- On the Privacy of Counting Bloom Filters Under a Black-Box Attacker
- Performance trade-offs of auto scaling schemes for NFV with reliability requirements
- ROI: a method for identifying organizations receiving personal data
- Real time detection of malicious DoH traffic using statistical analysis
- Recreation of different educational exercise scenarios for exercise modeling
- Serverless Vehicular Edge Computing for the Internet of Vehicles
- Students' expectations of Learning Analytics across Europe
- The Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Digital Competence of Educators
- Toward end-to-end latency management of 5G network slicing and fronthaul traffic (Invited paper)
- Using Traffic Sensors in Smart Cities to Enhance a Spatio-Temporal Deep Learning Model for COVID-19 Forecasting
- V2N Service Scaling with Deep Reinforcement Learning
Book Chapters
- Architecture landscape. In: Towards Sustainable and Trustworthy 6G: Challenges, Enablers, and Architectural Design
- IA y experimentación con víctimas de violencia de género y posible TEPT: Protocolo Ético para prevenir la revictimación. In: Desafíos éticos, jurídicos y tecnológicos del avance digital
- IA y experimentación con víctimas de violencia de género y posible TEPT: Protocolo Ético para prevenir la revictimización. In: Desafíos éticos, jurídicos y tecnológicos del avance digital
- Introduction. In: Towards Sustainable and Trustworthy 6G: Challenges, Enablers, and Architectural Design
- Towards Natively Intelligent Networks. In: Towards Sustainable and Trustworthy 6G: Challenges, Enablers, and Architectural Design
- Towards natively intelligent networks. In: Towards Sustainable and Trustworthy 6G: Challenges, Enablers, and Architectural Design
Conference Contributions
- Aligning rTWT with 802.1Qbv: a Network Calculus Approach
- Analysis of User Uniqueness on LinkedIn Based on Publicly Available Non-PII
- Beyond Numbers: Exploring the Qualitative Dimension of a Learning Analytics Dashboard's Usefulness
- Beyond Numbers: Exploring the Qualitative Dimension of a Learning Analytics Dashboard's Usefulness
- Challenges of End-to-End Testing with Selenium WebDriver and How to Face Them: A Survey
- Characterizing Mobile Applications Through Analysis of DNS Traffic
- Optimizing Predictive Analytics in 5G Networks Through Zero-Trust Operator-Customer Cooperation
- Orchestration Procedures for the Network Intelligence Stratum in 6G Networks
- Promoting Student Interaction in Online Educational Environments With Engageli
- Recognizing the Value of Recognition in Education
- Statoodle: A Learning Analytics Tool to Analyze Moodle Students" Actions and Prevent Cheating
- Using CTI Data to Understand Real World Cyberattacks
- Using Design-Based Research for an Academic Dropout and Retention Dashboard
- Using RAW as control plane for wireless deterministic networks: challenges ahead
- kaNSaaS: Combining Deep Learning and Optimization for Practical Overbooking of Network Slices
- waveSLAM: Empowering accurate indoor mapping using off-the-shelf millimeter-wave self-sensing
- Aprendizaje distribuido con restricciones de privacidad. A2-PrivComp: Aprendizaje Automático con Restricciones de Privacidad para Computación en la Frontera
- CODECO - Cognitive Decentralised Edge Cloud Orchestration
- Collaboration in R&D topics related to Energy-efficient O-RAN Solutions
- Consulting service provided by Prof. Carlos J. Bernardos to support Interdigital's on-going research efforts in areas of European projects and related standardization activities
- Consulting services provided by Prof.Antonio de la Oliva to support InterDigitals ongoing research efforts in the areas of Next Generation Network Architecture projects and related standardization activities
- DC4EU - Digital Credentials for Europe
- DESIRE6G: Deep Programmability and Secure Distributed Intelligence for Real-Time End-to-End 6G Networks
- Data Science and System Platform Research Division R&D Collaboration with UC3M
- Data Science and System Platform Research Division R&D Collaboration with UC3M in. cybersecurity, Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) and ICT Infrastructure analysis
- FUN4DATE Redes -Fun4Date
- Flexibly Scalable Energy Efficient Networking
- Graph Neural Network for ingredient and recipe recommendations in food knowledge. graphs
- HEXA-X-II: A holistic flagship towards the 6G network platform and system, to inspire digital transformation, for the world to act together in meeting needs in society and ecosystems with novel 6G services
- NEMO - Next Generation Meta Operating System
- PREDICT 6G: PRogrammable AI-Enabled DeterminIstiC neTworking for 6G
- Proyecto Intelidata
- Redes 6G deterministas seguras con IA nativa para entornos hiperconectados. - 6G-INSPIRE
- Selenium Manager: automated browser management for Selenium
- Servicios inteligentes de nueva generación en el continuo cloud-edge. PRITIA-CLOUD: Privacidad, Transparencia y Optimización basada en IA de servicios eficientes para la nueva generación del Cloud-Edge Continuum
- TrialsNet: TRials supported by Smart Networks beyond 5G
- generAtion of Reliable syntheTIc health data for Federated leArning in seCure daTa Spaces-UC3M. - ARTIFACTS-UC3M
Supervised Theses
- Advanced Methods to Audit Online Web Services
- Contribuciones a la interoperabilidad continua entre humanos y sistemas automatizados sujetos al paradigma del Internet de las Cosas
- Design of an E-learning system using semantic information and cloud computing technologies
- Novel Techniques for improving Localization, Coverage and Planning in B5G Networks