Outputs for TELEMATIC ENGINEERING Department (Year 2018)
- 5G-TRANSFORMER: slicing and orchestrating transport networks for industry verticals
- A multi-traffic inter-cell interference coordination scheme in dense cellular networks
- A study of learning-by-doing in MOOCs through the integration of third-party external tools: comparison of synchronous and asynchronous running modes
- Adaptable and automated small UAV deployments via virtualization
- An efficient industrial big-data engine
- Analysing the predictive power for anticipating assignment grades in a massive open online course
- Analysis of behavioral intention to use cloud-based tools in a MOOC: a technology acceptance model approach
- Analyzing gender inequality through large-scale Facebook advertising data
- Android Malware Characterization Using Metadata and Machine Learning Techniques
- Are We Ready to Drive Software-Defined Networks? A Comprehensive Survey on Management Tools and Techniques
- Assessment of skills and adaptive learning for parametric exercises combining knowledge spaces and item response theory
- Augmented reality for STEM learning: a systematic review
- Automatic Extraction and Detection of Characteristic Movement Patterns in Children with ADHD Based on a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Acceleration Images
- Automatic detection of traffic lights, street crossings and urban roundabouts combining outlier detection and deep learning classification techniques based on GPS traces while driving
- Big-BOE: Fusing Spanish Official Gazette with Big Data Technology
- CARES: computation-aware scheduling in virtualized radio access networks
- Design and analysis of 5G scenarios with simmer: an R package for fast DES prototyping
- Design, implementation and experimental validation of a 5G energy-aware reconfigurable hotspot
- Detecting and reducing biases in cellular-based mobility data sets
- EMOMA: Exact Match in One Memory Access
- Editorial for the Special Issue "Personal Health and Wellbeing Intelligent Systems Based on Wearable and Mobile Technologies"
- Effects of an android app on mechanical engineering students
- Enabling multi-mission interoperable UAS using data-centric communications
- Enhancing Instruction TLB Resilience to Soft Errors
- Environmental impact assessment of online advertising
- Evaluation of outliers detection algorithms for traffic congestion assessment in smart city traffic data from vehicle sensors
- Experimental evaluation of SDN-based service provisioning in mobile networks
- Exploring and Analysing the African Web Ecosystem
- Fronthaul network modeling and dimensioning meeting ultra-low latency requirements for 5G
- Improving the prediction of learning outcomes in educational platforms including higher level interaction indicators
- Integration of Data Distribution Service and distributed partitioned systems
- Introducing the new paradigm of Social Dispersed Computing: Applications, Technologies and Challenges
- Introduction to the special section on Real time computing and distributed systems
- Investigating the deployability of VoIP services over wireless interconnected micro aerial vehicles
- Is blockchain ready to revolutionize online advertising?
- Measurement Errors in R
- Measuring ECN++: good news for ++, bad news for ECN over mobile
- Multiple Cell Upset Injection in BRAMs for Xilinx FPGAs
- Network Slicing for Guaranteed Rate Services: Admission Control and Resource Allocation Games
- On the energy efficiency of rate and transmission power control in 802.11
- Online verification in Cyber-physical Systems: Practical bounds for meaningful temporal costs
- POSENS: a practical open source solution for end-to-end network slicing
- Performance assessment of open software platforms for 5G prototyping
- Pragmatic cyber physical systems design based on parametric models
- Protecting Image Processing Pipelines against Configuration Memory Errors in SRAM-Based FPGAs
- Radiography of internet autonomous systems interconnection in Latin America and the Caribbean.
- Redes y servicios 5g: tecnología, negocio y regulación
- RiskLaine: A Probabilistic Approach for Assessing Risk in Certificate-Based Security
- SCoT: a secure content-oriented transport
- Salary Prediction in the IT Job Market with Few High-Dimensional Samples: A Spanish Case Study
- Statistical multiplexing and traffic shaping games for network slicing
- The SHEILA Framework: Informing Institutional Strategies and Policy Processes of Learning Analytics
- The effect of different features for educational computer-based competition environments
- The path toward a cloud-aware mobile network protocol stack
- Uncovering flipped-classroom problems at an engineering course on systems architecture through data-driven learning design
- Unsupervised scalable statistical method for identifying influential users in online social networks
- Using entropy of social media location data for the detection of crowd dynamics anomalies
- MOOC-Maker 2018. International Conference MOOC-Maker 2018: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference MOOC-Maker (MOOC-Maker 2018)
- SHEILA: Supporting Higher Education to Integrate Learning Analytics Research Report
Book Chapters
- E2E Architecture. In: 5G System Design: Architectural and Functional Considerations and Long Term Research
- Implementation of Hardware and Software Platforms. In: 5G System Design: Architectural and Functional Considerations and Long Term Research
- Using an Android App for Teaching Mechanism and Machine Theory. In: New Trends in Educational Activity in the Field of Mechanism and Machine Theory
- VoIP over WLAN Performance. In: VoIP Handbook: Applications, Technologies, Reliability, and Security
Conference Contributions
- 5G mobile transport and computing platform for verticals
- 5G-MoNArch use case for ETSI ENI: elastic resource management and orchestration
- 5TONIC a co-creation Laboratory for Smart Connectivity in NGI
- A Framework for Orchestration and Federation of 5G Services in a Multi-Domain Scenario
- A NFV system to support configurable and automated multi-UAV service deployments
- A la vista de Amazon, Spotify y Uber, ¿cómo se dibuja el futuro de la Educación Superior?
- Addressing Societal Issues Through MOOCs in Southeast Asia
- An integrated, virtualized joint edge and fog computing system with multi-RAT convergence
- Analyzing learners' activity beyond the MOOC= Analizando la actividad de los estudiantes más allá del MOOC
- Assessment of Fitness Tracker Security: A Case of Study
- DNS-Based Dynamic Authentication for Microservices in IoT
- Design and validation of a multi-service 5G network with QoE-aware orchestration
- Design of a Conversational Agent as an Educational Tool
- Elastic Networks thematic network results II: edge computing and wireless support
- Enabling New Multicast Distribution Architectures Through the Introduction of IGMP/MLD Proxy with Multiple Upstream Interfaces
- Enabling Vertical Industries Adoption of 5G Technologies: a Cartography of evolving solutions
- Enhancing Edge robotics through the use of context information
- Experience: Implications of Roaming in Europe
- FRiCS: A Framework for Risk-driven Cloud Selection
- Flexible services deployment using Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for emergency situations
- GiLAN Roaming: Roam Like at Home in a Multi-Provider NFV Environment
- How should I slice my network? A multi-service empirical evaluation of resource sharing efficiency
- Identifying 5G system enhancements: enabling technologies for multi-service networks
- Implicaciones sociales de las tecnologías de futuro
- Is Machine Learning Suitable for Solving RWA Problems in Optical Networks?
- Kolb's Learning Styles, Learning Activities and Academic Performance in a Massive Private Online Course
- Learning analytics trends and challenges in engineering education: SNOLA special session
- MOOC-Maker: tres años construyendo capacidades de gestión de MOOCs en Latinoamérica
- MOOCs: At the Crossroads of Open Education, Lifelong Learning, and Blended Teaching
- Machine-Learning-Assisted Routing in SDN-Based Optical Networks
- Milano: una visión futura para un UAS táctico
- Multi-domain VNF mapping algorithms
- On the Scalability of Connectivity Services in a Multi-Operator Orchestrator Sandbox
- On the benefits of bringing cloud-awareness to network virtual functions
- Overall 5G-MoNArch architecture and implications for resource elasticity
- Predicting Learners' Success in a Self-paced MOOC Through Sequence Patterns of Self-regulated Learning
- Realizing services and slices across multiple operator domains
- SEMPER: a stateless traffic engineering solution for WAN based on MP-TCP
- SHEILA policy framework: informing institutional strategies and policy processes of learning analytics
- Scenarios for the application of learning analytics and the flipped classroom
- Sentiment analysis in MOOCs: A case study
- Service Orchestration and Federation for Verticals
- SignatureMiner: A fast Anti-Virus signature intelligence tool
- SignatureMiner: A fast Anti-Virus signature intelligence tool [póster]
- Smart connectivity in the context of Next Generation Internet
- SmartLET: learning analytics to enhance the design and orchestration in scalable, IoT-enriched, and ubiquitous Smart Learning Environments
- Speeding-up DPI Traffic Classification with Chaining
- Supporting Hybrid Learning through MOOC Contents: Comparison between Different Bachelor's Degree Programs and Editions of the Same Course
- Supporting a MOOC through a Conversational Agent. Design of a First Prototype
- Tablero Learning Analytics para trabajar la metodología Flipped Classroom mediante la reutilización de MOOCs
- The Hybridization Factor of Technology in Education
- The path towards resource elasticity for 5G network architecture
- Towards a resilient openflow channel through MPTCP
- Understanding QoS Applicability in 5G Transport Networks
- Unveiling and quantifying Facebook exploitation of sensitive personal data for advertising purposes
- sión IV- 5G & IOT
- 5G EVE: 5G European Validation platform for Extensive trials
- 5G-VINNI: 5G Verticals INNovation Infrastructure
- Analítica del Aprendizaje para mejorar el diseño y la orquestación en Entornos Inteligentes de Aprendizaje escalables y ubicuos, enriquecidos con Internet de las cosas
- Consulting services provided by Prof. Antonio de la Oliva to support InterDigitals on-going research efforts in the areas of Next Generation Network Architecture projects and related standardization activities, in particular as related to IEEE
- Diseño y optimización de redes 5G cloudificadas
- EMpowering transatlantic PlatfOrms for advanced WirEless Research
- Inteligencia de Fuentes Abiertas para Redes Eléctricas Inteligentes Seguras
- Intelligent enhancements to Segment Routing Monitoring and Maintenance systems
- Multi-Variable Machine-Learning Optimization Engine
- NEC Chair on Network Analytics
- SMOOTH: GDPR Compliance Cloud Platform for Micro Enterprises
- Soporte en el modelado a nivel sistema del chip SERDES y su entorno. Soporte a la verificación de tolerancia a fallos y fiabilidad a nivel sistema para el proyecto SECHIS
- Transport Digital Demand Models