Outputs for TELEMATIC ENGINEERING Department (Year 2021)
- 5Growth: An end-to-end service platform for automated deployment and management of vertical services over 5G networks
- A 5G-based eHealth monitoring and emergency response system: experience and lessons learned
- A cost-effective IoT learning environment for the training and assessment of surgical technical skills with visual learning analytics
- A model to characterize exercises using probabilistic methods
- A secure link-layer connectivity platform for multi-site NFV services
- Accessible routes integrating data from multiple sources
- Adaptive learning module for a conversational agent to support MOOC learners
- Affordances and Core Functions of Smart Learning Environments: A Systematic Literature Review
- Algorithm for the comparison of human periodic movements using wearable devices
- An Elephant in the Room: Using Sampling for Detecting Heavy-Hitters in Programmable Switches
- An experimental publish-subscribe monitoring assessment to Beyond 5G networks
- Analysing self-regulated learning strategies of MOOC learners through self-reported data
- Architecture for integrating vertical customer's programmability control of network functions and connectivity in a slice-as-a-service schema
- Automated Driver Management for Selenium WebDriver
- Avoiding Flow Size Overestimation in the Count-Min Sketch with Bloom Filter Constructions
- Cellular and Virtualization Technologies for UAVs: An Experimental Perspective
- Challenges and Solutions for hybrid SDN [editorial]
- Conversational agent for supporting learners on a MOOC on programming with Java
- DEEP: A vertical-oriented intelligent and automated platform for the edge and fog
- DQN dynamic pricing and revenue driven service federation strategy
- Data-driven detection and characterization of communities of accounts collaborating in MOOCs
- Delay and reliability-constrained VNF placement on mobile and volatile 5G infrastructure
- Deploying an NFV-Based Experimentation Scenario for 5G Solutions in Underserved Areas
- Deployment and evaluation of an Industry 4.0 use case over 5G
- Design and Implementation of InBlock, A Distributed IP Address Registration System
- Design of FPGA-Implemented Reed-Solomon Erasure Code (RS-EC) Decoders With Fault Detection and Location on User Memory
- Designs for efficient low power cardinality and similarity sketches by Two-Step Hashing (TSH)
- Detection of Limited Magnitude Errors in Emerging Multilevel Cell Memories by One-Bit Parity (OBP) or Two-Bit Parity (TBP)
- Digital contact tracing: large-scale geolocation data as an alternative to bluetooth-based Apps failure
- Dissecting the impact of information and communication technologies on digital twins as a service
- Does Facebook use sensitive data for advertising purposes?
- Error-Tolerant Data Sketches using Approximate Nanoscale Memories and Voltage Scaling
- Evaluation of an Algorithm for Automatic Grading of Forum Messages in MOOC Discussion Forums
- Fostering the use of online learning resources: results of using a mobile collaboration tool based on gamification in a blended course
- GLOVE: towards privacy-preserving publishing of record-level-truthful mobile phone trajectories
- How resilient is the open web to the COVID-19 pandemic?
- Improving the learning of engineering students with interactive teaching applications
- Integration of 5G experimentation infrastructures into a multi-site NFV ecosystem
- Learning EPON delay models from data: A machine learning approach
- Learning carbohydrate digestion and insulin absorption curves using blood glucose level prediction and deep learning models
- Less-is-Better Protection (LBP) for memory errors in kNNs classifiers
- Monitoring in fog computing: state-of-the-art and research challenges
- Multi-domain solutions for the deployment of private 5G networks
- News or social media? Socioeconomic divide of mobile service consumption
- Objective and automated assessment of surgical technical skills with IoT systems: A systematic literature review
- On the Security of the K Minimum Values (KMV) Sketch
- Optimizing the frequency capping: a robust and reliable methodology to define the number of ads to Maximize ROAS
- Performance evaluation of CoAP and MQTT with security support for IoT environments
- Programmable VCSEL-based photonic system architecture for future agile Tb/s metro networks
- Protecting Memories against Soft Errors: The Case for Customizable Error Correction Codes
- Public and non-public network integration for 5Growth Industry 4.0 use cases
- Salient brain entities labelled in P2rx7-EGFP reporter mouse embryos include the septum, roof plate glial specializations and circumventricular ependymal organs
- Security perspective of wireless sensor networks = Prospectiva de seguridad de las redes de sensores inalámbricos
- Single Event Transient Tolerant Count Min Sketches
- Smart Groups: A system to orchestrate collaboration in hybrid learning environments. A Simulation Study
- Soft Error Tolerant Count Min Sketches
- Stateless Flow-Zone Switching Using Software-Defined Addressing
- Stochastic dividers for low latency neural networks
- Sustainable technologies for older adults
- Switch based high cardinality node detection
- Tourist experiences recommender system based on emotion recognition with wearable data
- Toward intelligent cyber-physical systems: Digital twin meets artificial intelligence
- Towards Low Latency and Resource-Efficient FPGA Implementations of the MUSIC Algorithm for Direction of Arrival Estimation
- Using Aerial and Vehicular NFV Infrastructures to Agilely Create Vertical Services
- Using absorption models for insulin and carbohydrates and deep leaning to improve glucose level predictions
- VR-ZYCAP: A versatile resourse-level ICAP controller for ZYNQ SOC
- Validation of a diagnostic support system for diabetic retinopathy based on clinical parameters
- Voting margin: A scheme for error-tolerant k nearest neighbors classifiers for machine learning
Book Chapters
Conference Contributions
- 5Growth data-driven AI-based scaling
- A Comparative Study of Virtual Infrastructure Management Solutions for UAV Networks
- A PUF-based Authentication Mechanism for OSCORE
- A lightweight security checking module to Protect Microprocessors against Hardware Trojan Horses
- A model to characterize exercises using probabilistic methods
- A performance comparison of virtualization techniques to deploy a 5G monitoring platform
- Alviu: An Intent-Based SD-WAN Orchestrator of Network Slices for Enterprise Networks
- An NFV system to support service provisioning on UAV networks
- Analyzing and Assessing Pollution Attacks on Bloom Filters: Some Filters are More Vulnerable than Others
- Aplicación con sistema de seguimiento Pozyx para mejorar el trabajo en equipo
- Autonomous SDN-based Global Concurrent Restoration for High-Capacity Optical Metro Networks
- Big Data en Educación Superior
- COTORRA: Context-Aware testbed for robotic applications
- Can Feedback based on Predictive Data Improve Learners' Passing Rates in MOOCs? A Preliminary Analysis
- Challenges in Digital Learning
- Demo: AIML-as-a-service for SLA management of a digital twin virtual network service
- Demonstration of an SDN-enabled VCSEL-based Photonic System for Spectral/Spatial Connectivity in Disaggregated Optical Metro Networks
- Dimensioning Flex Ethernet Groups for the transport of 5G NR fronthaul traffic in C-RAN scenarios
- Dos proyectos sobre virtualización de laboratorios y prácticas
- Educational Pyramids Aligned: Bloom's Taxonomy, the DigCompEdu Framework and Instructional Designs
- Empowering industry 4.0 and autonomous drone scouting use cases through 5G-DIVE solution
- Enabling dynamic all optical IP off-loading at Tb/s rates in large Metro Networks
- Ensemble of Pruned Networks for Reliable Classifiers
- Hay que transformar la Universidad para la Era Digital, pero ¿cómo?
- Hexa-X: The european 6G flagship project
- Implementing DNSSEC soft delegation for microservices
- Inauguración de la Jornada. Presentación de UC3M Digital
- Insights from operating an IP exchange provider
- Learned Bloom Filters in Adversarial Environments: A Malicious URL Detection Use-Case
- Learning and Unlearning in the Digital Era
- Load-aware Optimal Association for 5G Mobile Users in HetNets with S-BVT Backhaul
- Microcredenciales (visión desde la Educación superior)
- Multi-interface network framework for UAV management and data communications
- On the cloudification of Metropolitan Area Networks: Impact on cost and energy consumption
- OpenFlowMon: a fully distributed monitoring framework for virtualized environments
- PROF-XXI: Teaching and Learning Centers to Support the 21st Century Professor
- Perfect cuckoo filters
- PiEdge: An edge-driven PaaS model for network slicing automation
- Reliability evaluation of digital channelizers implemented on SRAM-FPGAs
- Reliability evaluation of the count min sketch (CMS) against single event transients (SETs)
- SDN-controlled Photonic System Architectures for Tb/s MAN Connectivity
- Seamless Multi-Access Edge Computing Application Handover Experiments
- Smart Groups: A tool for group orchestration in synchronous hybrid learning environments
- Success-Enablers of Learning Analytics Adoption in Higher Education: A Quantitative Ethnographic Study
- The Maximin Support Method: An Extension of the D"Hondt Method to Approval-Based Multiwinner Elections
- The logarithmic dynamic cuckoo filter
- Towards a Cloud-Based University Accelerated by the Pandemic
- Trading accuracy for privacy in machine learning tasks: an empirical analysis
- Transformación digital en la universidad:¿Cómo debería ser la universidad post-covid-19?
- Unique on Facebook: Formulation and Evidence of (Nano)targeting Individual Users with non-PII Data
- We are not Alone: Smart Digital Collaboration in Education
- A coordinated framework for cyber resilient supply chain systems over complex ICT infrastructures
- Algorithmic TCAM for the NIC
- Aprendizaje Híbrido y Orientado al ser Humano: Analítica del aprendizaje confiable y centrada en la persona para la educación híbrida
- B5G-OPEN: Beyond 5G - Optical Network Continuum
- Collaboration in R&D topics related to AI-based O-RAN Solution
- Construcción de un ecosistema para la investigación y el desarrollo en redes no terrestres (satélite y HAP) y B5G (3GPP rel. 17 y posteriores) - Subproyecto 2 - 6G-INTEGRATION-2 Extension of operator networks through NTN segment
- Construcción de un ecosistema para la investigación y el desarrollo en redes no terrestres (satélite y HAP) y B5G (3GPP rel. 17 y posteriores) - Subproyecto 3 - 6G-INTEGRATION-3 - NTN-based (including HAPs) Edge and orchestration
- Consulting service provided by Prof. Carlos J. Bernardos to support Interdigital's on-going research efforts
- Creación de un ecosistema para la investigación y el desarrollo de Gemelos Digitales Masivos en el borde hiperdistribuido de la red para redes B5G/6G - Subproy. 1 6G-EDGEDT-1 Orchestration of Hyper-distributed Edge
- Creación de un ecosistema para la investigación y el desarrollo de Gemelos Digitales Masivos en el borde hiperdistribuido de la red para redes B5G/6G - Subroyecto 2 - 6G-EDGEDT-2 - The hyper-distributed Edge applied to massive digital twining
- Creación de un ecosistema para la investigación y el desarrollo de Gemelos Digitales Masivos en el borde hiperdistribuido de la red para redes B5G/6G - Subroyecto 3 - 6G-EDGEDT-3 -The hyper-distributed Edge applied to Digital Twins of complete operator networks
- Creación de un ecosistema para la investigación y el desarrollo de Gemelos Digitales Masivos en el borde hiperdistribuido de la red para redes B5G/6G - Subroyecto 4 - 6G-EDGEDT-4 - Experimental Evaluation of the hyper-distributed edge and its application to Digital Twining of gNBs
- DAEMON: Network intelligence for aDAptive and sElf-Learning MObile Networks
- FLATCITY-APP: Aplicación móvil para FlatCity
- Funciones de red nativas de la nube para 6G - Subproyecto 1 - 6G-CLARION-NFD: CLoud-nAtive netwoRk functIONs for 6G - Network Functions Design
- Funciones de red nativas de la nube para 6G - Subproyecto 2- 6G-CLARION-OR: CLoud-nAtive netwoRk functIONs for 6G - Orchestration
- Funciones de red nativas de la nube para 6G - Subproyecto 3- 6G-CLARION-SI: CLoud-nAtive netwoRk functIONs for 6G - System Implementation
- Funciones de red nativas de la nube para 6G - Subproyecto 4 - 6G-CLARION-OE: CLoud-nAtive netwoRk functIONs for 6G - Overall Ecosystem
- Hexa-X: A flagship for B5G/6G vision and intelligent fabric of technology enablers connecting human, physical, and digital worlds
- Investigación y asesoramiento en analítica del aprendizaje en relación con el asistente inteligente de Santillana AIS
- Machine Learning Models for Blood Glucose prediction
- Machine Reasoning for Explainability in Network Automation
- Machine learning models for Blood Glucose predictions
- Mejorando la confidencialidad y privacidad en protocolos de comunicaciones
- Nuevas tecnologías para el desarrollo sostenible de 6G en entornos extremos - Subproyecto 3 - 6G-Xtreme III: CON-SAT - Nuevas tecnologías para el desarrollo sostenible de 6G en entornos extremos con tecnologías de picosatélites y control inteligente
- Orquestación sostenible de vRAN, UAV y superficies para 6G - Subproyecto 1 - SORUS-RIS (plan de igualdad y empleo)
- Orquestación sostenible de vRAN, UAV y superficies para 6G - Subproyecto 2 - SORUS-RAN
- Orquestación sostenible de vRAN, UAV y superficies para 6G - Subproyecto 3 - SORUS-DRONE
- PhD Scholarship / Fellowship NEC Laboratories Europe: ULTERIOR: UltraReliable Energyefficient NFV system for B5G networks
- Preservación de la privacidad de las redes multi-tenANt - Subproyecto 1 - 6G-RIEMANN-DS: pRIvacy prEserving Multi tenANt Networks - Data Sharing
- Preservación de la privacidad de las redes multi-tenANt - Subproyecto 2 - 6G-RIEMANN-ML: pRIvacy prEserving Multi tenANt Networks - Machine Learning
- Preservación de la privacidad de las redes multi-tenANt - Subproyecto 3 - 6G-RIEMANN-SI: pRIvacy prEserving Multi tenANt Networks - System Implementation
- Preservación de la privacidad de las redes multi-tenANt - Subproyecto 4 - 6G-RIEMANN-FR: pRIvacy prEserving Multi tenANt Networks - Framework
- R&D topics related to AI and cybersecurity and ICT Infrastructure analysis
- Realización de un grupo de trabajo e incidencia de mujeres expertas, mujeres jóvenes, adolescentes y niñas a través del cual se puedan realizar propuestas específicas para el desarrollo de políticas públicas y que tengan la perspectiva de género, juvenil y de infancia
- Redes de próxima generación (B5G y 6G) impulsadas por datos para la fabricación sostenible y la respuesta a emergencias - Subproyecto 1: 6G-DATADRIVEN-01: Dynamic and agile interconnection between NPN and PNs (for industrial environments)
- Redes de próxima generación (B5G y 6G) impulsadas por datos para la fabricación sostenible y la respuesta a emergencias - Subproyecto 2- 6G-DATADRIVEN-02: Exploitation of distributed data (in industrial environments)
- Redes de próxima generación (B5G y 6G) impulsadas por datos para la fabricación sostenible y la respuesta a emergencias - Subproyecto 3- 6G-DATADRIVEN-03: AI as a Service and distributed AI
- Redes de próxima generación (B5G y 6G) impulsadas por datos para la fabricación sostenible y la respuesta a emergencias - Subproyecto 4 -6G-DATADRIVEN-04: Enhanced time sensitive, reliable and available (wireless) networks
- Redes de próxima generación (B5G y 6G) impulsadas por datos para la fabricación sostenible y la respuesta a emergencias - Subproyecto 5 -6G-DATADRIVEN-05: Industrial AI/ML applications based on edge computing platforms
- Redes de próxima generación (B5G y 6G) impulsadas por datos para la fabricación sostenible y la respuesta a emergencias - Subproyecto 6 -6G-DATADRIVEN-06: Automated data-driven emergency response
- SLICES-SC: Scientific Large-scale Infrastructure for Computing/Communication Experimental Studies – Starting Community
- TSAR: Testability-driven Security And pRivacy testing for Web Applications (conv. H2020-SU-DS-2018-2019-2020)
- Zero-touch security and trust for ubiquitous computing and connectivity in 5G networks
Supervised Theses
- Design, analysis, and implementation of advanced methodologies to measure the socio-economic impact of personal data in large online services
- Design, implementation and experimental evaluation of a network-slicing aware mobile protocol stack
- Diseño de una Arquitectura Dinámica para Set-Top Box Multi Proveedor de Servicios
- Monitoring and Orchestration of Network Slices for 5G Networks
- NFV Orchestration in Edge and Fog Scenarios
- Progressive Introduction of Network Softwarization in Operational Telecom Networks: Advances at Architectural, Service and Transport Levels
- Routing optimization algorithms in integrated fronthaul/backhaul networks supporting multitenancy