Outputs for TELEMATIC ENGINEERING Department (Year 2020)
- A Distributed Autonomous Organization for Internet Address Management
- A baseline roadmap for advanced wireless research beyond 5G
- A first look at the IP eXchange ecosystem
- A four-country cross-case analysis of academic staff expectations about learning analytics in higher education
- A hybrid analysis of LBSN data to early detect anomalies in crowd dynamics
- A machine learning approach to 5G infrastructure market optimization
- A machine-learning-based framework for optimizing the operation of future networks
- A multi-site NFV testbed for experimentation with SUAV-based 5G vertical services
- A survey of the selenium ecosystem
- A techno-economic study of optical network disaggregation employing open-source software business models for metropolitan area networks
- ACHO: a framework for flexible re-orchestration of virtual network functions
- AI-based autonomous control, management, and orchestration in 5G: from standards to algorithms
- Achievements and challenges in learning analytics in Spain: The view of SNOLA = Logros y retos en analítica del aprendizaje en España: La perspectiva de SNOLA
- Adaptive cuckoo filters
- Adaptive telemetry for software-defined mobile networks
- An algorithm and a tool for the automatic grading of MOOC learners from their contributions in the discussion forum
- An early warning dropout model in higher education degree programs: A case study in Ecuador
- Analysis of the factors influencing learners' performance prediction with learning analytics
- Analyzing learners' engagement and behavior in MOOCs on programming with the Codeboard IDE
- Applicability of SDN and NFV techniques for a virtualization-based roaming solution
- Assessing the validity of a learning analytics expectation instrument: a multinational study
- Assessment of QoE for video and audio in WebRTC applications using full-reference models
- Automating vertical services deployments over the 5GT platform
- BPR-TCAM--Block and partial reconfiguration based TCAM on Xilinx FPGAs
- Bartolomeu: An SDN rebalancing system across multiple interdomain paths
- Codes for Limited Magnitude Error Correction in Multilevel Cell Memories
- Comprehensive model for technoeconomic studies of next-generation central offices for metro networks
- Cuckoo Filters and Bloom Filters: Comparison and Application to Packet Classification
- Decentralized Coordination of Converged Tactile Internet and MEC services in H-CRAN Fiber Wireless Networks
- Deep physiological model for blood glucose prediction in T1DM patients
- DeepCog: optimizing resource provisioning in network slicing with AI-based capacity forecasting
- Denial of service attack on cuckoo filter based networking systems
- Design of SEU-Tolerant Turbo Decoders Implemented on SRAM-FPGAs
- Detection of barriers to mobility in the smart city using Twitter
- Digital Marketing Attribution: Understanding the User Path
- Educational Technology in the Age of Natural Interfaces and Deep Learning
- Educational Technology in the Age of Natural Interfaces and Deep Learning = La tecnología educativa en la era de las interfaces naturales y el aprendizaje profundo
- Energy-aware management in Multi-UAV deployments: modelling and strategies
- Enhanced remote areas communications: the missing scenario for 5G and beyond 5G networks
- Error-Tolerant Computation for Voting Classifiers With Multiple Classes
- Establishing trust in online advertising with signed transactions
- Experimental evaluation of the ETSI DCC adaptive approach and related algorithms
- Experimenting with open source tools to deploy a multi-service and multi-slice mobile network
- Fast updates for line-rate hyperloglog-based cardinality estimation
- Federation of 5G services using distributed ledger technologies
- Filter List Generation for Underserved Regions
- FracTCAM: Fracturable LUTRAM-Based TCAM Emulation on Xilinx FPGAs
- Gait-based identification using deep recurrent neural networks and acceleration patterns
- GoT: Decreasing DCC Queuing for CAM Messages
- INRISCO: INcident monitoRing in Smart COmmunities
- Identifying needs for learning analytics adoption in Latin American universities: A mixed-methods approach
- Impact of augmented reality technology on academic achievement and motivation of students from public and private Mexican schools. A case study in a middle-school geometry course
- Isolation design flow effectiveness evaluation methodology for Zynq SoCs
- Learning analytics for student modeling in virtual reality training systems: Lineworkers case
- Learning analytics in European higher education: Trends and barriers
- Malvertising in Facebook: Analysis, Quantification and Solution
- Network slicing meets artificial intelligence: an AI-based framework for slice management
- On the integration of NFV and MEC technologies: architecture analysis and benefits for edge robotics
- Oportunidades de investigación en innovación educativa en la era de los MOOCs y el Learning Analytics = Research opportunities for educational innovation in the era of MOOCs and learning analytics
- Overview of Architectural Alternatives for the Integration of ETSI MEC Environments from Different Administrative Domains
- Power Prefixes Prioritization for Smarter BGP Reconvergence
- Predictable remote invocations for distributed stream processing
- Protection of Associative Memories Using Combined Tag and Data Parity (CTDP)
- Radiation tolerant viterbi decoders for on-board processing (OBP) in satellite communications
- Re-Defining, Analyzing and Predicting Persistence Using Student Events in Online Learning
- Realizing the Network Service Federation Vision: Enabling Automated Multidomain Orchestration of Network Services
- Reducing Service Creation Time Leveraging on Network Function Virtualization
- Resource allocation for network slicing in mobile networks
- SDN-enabled S-BVT for Disaggregated Networks: Design, Implementation and Cost Analysis
- Scheme for periodical concurrent fault detection in parallel CRC circuits
- Security Information Sharing in Smart Grids: Persisting Security Audits to the Blockchain
- Security of HyperLogLog (HLL) Cardinality Estimation: Vulnerabilities and Protection
- Self-regulated learning in MOOCs: lessons learned from a literature review
- Specification and unattended deployment of home networks at the edge of the network
- Temporal analysis for dropout prediction using self-regulated learning strategies in self-paced MOOCs
- Toward a fault-tolerant star tracker for small satellite applications
- Towards learning analytics adoption: A mixed methods study of data-related practices and policies in Latin American universities
- Tracking Fraudulent and Low-Quality Display Impressions
- Understanding suicidal behavior and its prevention among youth and young adults in Mexico
- Using multivariate outliers from smartphone sensor data to detect physical barriers while walking in urban areas
- Addressing Global Challenges and Quality Education :15th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2020, Heidelberg, Germany, September 14-18, 2020, Proceedings
- Proceedings of the Workshop on Adoption, Adaptation and Pilots of Learning Analytics in Under-represented Regions co-located with the 15th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning 2020 (ECTEL 2020), Online, September, 14 & 15, 2020. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2704, CEUR-WS.org 2020
Book Chapters
- Digital Optical Front-Haul Technologies and Architectures. In: Springer Handbook of Optical Networks
- Leadership and Maturity: How Do They Affect Learning Analytics Adoption in Latin America?. In: Adoption of Data Analytics in Higher Education Learning and Teaching
Conference Contributions
- 5G-TRANSFORMER meets network service federation: Design, implementation and evaluation
- 5Growth: AI-driven 5G for Automation in Vertical Industries
- A Characterization of the COVID-19 Pandemic Impact on a Mobile Network Operator Traffic
- A Microprocessor Protection Architecture against Hardware Trojans in Memories
- A Monitoring Framework for Multi-Site 5G Platforms
- A Q-learning strategy for federation of 5G services
- AI-Driven Closed-Loop Service Assurance with Service Exposures
- AZTEC: anticipatory capacity allocation for zero-touch network slicing
- An Initial Analysis of Prediction Techniques as a Support for the Flipped Classroom
- An Intelligent Edge-based Digital Twin for Robotics
- An Overview of the LALA project
- An early warning dropout model in higher education degree programs: A case study in Ecuador
- Anomalies detection using entropy in household energy consumption data
- Application of learning analytics to study the accuracy of self-reported working patterns in self-regulated learning questionnaires
- Automatic deployment, execution and analysis of 5G experiments using the 5G EVE platform
- Constrained network slicing games: achieving service guarantees and network efficiency
- Constructions and applications for accurate counting of the bloom filter false positive free zone
- DLT federation for Edge robotics
- Demo: Assessing the need for 5G driven Edge and Fog solution for Digital Twin systems
- Design of a Smart ABN Device for Early Math Education
- Evaluando el desempeño del equipos de simulación mediante análisis de trayectorias
- Experimenting with SRv6: a tunneling protocol supporting network slicing in 5G and beyond
- Filter List Generation for Underserved Regions
- FlexTCAM: Beyond Memory Based TCAM Emulation on FPGAs
- GANSO: Automate Network Slicing at the Transport Network Interconnecting the Edge
- Identifying Common Periodicities in MobileService Demands with Spectral Analysis
- Key Aspects for the Implementation of Virtual Mobility
- La transición a la educación en la nueva normalidad: El caso de la UC3M
- Learning from data: applications of machine learning in optical network design and modeling
- Making Educational Technology Invisible
- Mobility Support in Slice-based Network Control for Heterogeneous Environments (MOBISLICE 2020)
- NFV Service Federation: enabling Multi-Provider eHealth Emergency Services
- OKpi: All-KPI Network Slicing Through Efficient Resource Allocation
- On session continuation among slices for inter-slice mobility support in 3GPP service-based architecture
- On the Integration of AI/ML-based scaling operations in the 5Growth platform
- Panel de rectores y Vice-rectores: Perspectiva futura: Transformación Digital en las Universidades
- Performance Evaluation of the CoAP Protocol with Security Support for IoT Environments
- Performance analysis of edge-fog-cloud architectures in the internet of things
- Pollution attacks on counting bloom filters for black box adversaries
- Reduction of Parity Overhead in a Subset of Orthogonal Latin Square Codes
- Reliability Evaluation of Pruned Neural Networks against Errors on Parameters
- Reliable Classification with Ensemble Convolutional Neural Networks
- Scaling edge computing through S-BVT and Pb/s switching devices in large dense urban metro networks
- Should We Consider Efficiency and Constancy for Adaptation in Intelligent Tutoring Systems?
- Surfing the Waves of Educational Transformation in the 21st Century
- The Trusted and Decentralized Network Resource Management
- The case for serverless mobile networking
- The touristic sector in the 5G technology era: the 5G-TOURS project approach
- Towards 6G: Evolution of Key Performance Indicators and Technology Trends
- Tradeoffs in optical packet and circuit transport of fronthaul traffic: the time for SBVT?
- Transforming University Education: The UC3M Way
- UPFlight: An enabler for Avionic MEC in a drone-extended 5G mobile network
- Welcome from the NFV-SDN 2020 Chairs
- When filtering is not possible caching negatives with fingerprints comes to the rescue
- Why should telcos invest on open-source software for optical WDM disaggregation?
- Zero-touch elastic optical networks using sliceable bandwidth variable transponders
- Adaptación de la metodología phymel a la formación clínica mediante el uso de simuladores
- Afianzar la imposición/ejecución de los acuerdos de nivel de servicio mediante un modelo de gestión sin intervención
- Análisis en tiempo Real de sensores sociALes y EStimación de recursos para transporte multimodal basada en aprendizaje profundo
- Arquitectura Inteligente y Coste-Efectiva de Oficinas Centrales para habilitar el despliegue del Internet táctil y 5G/6G
- Collaboration in R&D topics related to AI and Privacy Enhanced
- Collaboration in R&D topics related to AI-based virtualized RAN Solutions
- Consulting service provided by Prof. Carlos J. Bernardos to support Interdigital's on-going research efforts 2020
- Consulting services provided by Prof. Antonio de la Oliva to support InterDigitals on-going research efforts in the areas of Next Generation Network Architecture projects and related standardization activities, in particular as related to IEEE 2020
- Consultoría para la licitación de servicios de comunicaciones del Ayuntamiento de Getafe
- Cátedra TAPTAP DIGITAL-UC3M in advanced AI and Data Science applied to Advertising and Marketing
- Evolución hacia redes y servicios auto-gestionados para el 5G del futuro
- Integrating 5G enabling technologies in a holistic service to physical layer 5G system platform
- Location quality index for advertising traffic
- Mediciones telecontroladas en infraestructuras reales
- NGIAtlantic: Measuring Multi-Carrier Cellular Access International Roaming Performance
- RIM: Receiver-driven Incoming-traffic Management
- SLICES-DS: Scientific Large-scale Infrastructure for Computing/Communication Experimental Studies - Design Study
- Soporte al Diseño de una IP de un Transceptor SERDES de 10Gb/s para Aplicaciones Espaciales en el Marco del Proyecto H2020 EFESOS
Supervised Theses
- Analítica del aprendizaje para la predicción en escenarios educativos heterogéneos
- Aplicacion de tecnicas de analitica del aprendizaje como soporte a la clase invertida
- Characterization of mobile network services to assess the impact of network slicing in a nationwide scenario
- Decentralized Congestion Control in ETSI Intelligent Transport Systems and its effect on safety applications
- Deep Learning solutions for next generation slicing-aware mobile networks.
- Design and Analysis of Ultra-low Latency Fronthaul and Backhaul Networks for 5G
- SDN-based solutions for carrier-grade transport networks.