Outputs for TELEMATIC ENGINEERING Department (Year 2022)
- A Near-Sensor ECG Delineation and Arrhythmia Classification System
- A competency framework for teaching and learning innovation centers for the 21st century: anticipating the post-COVID-19 age
- A flexible IPv6 mobility management architecture for SDN¿based 5G mobile networks
- A new methodology to measure faultlines at scale leveraging digital traces
- A survey on road safety and traffic efficiency vehicular applications based on C-V2X technologies
- A systematic mapping study on automated analysis of privacy policies
- A unified service-based capability exposure framework for closed-loop network automation
- Adaptive one memory access bloom filters
- All-optical aggregation and distribution of traffic in large metropolitan area networks using multi-Tb/s S-BVTs
- An experimental evaluation of LEDBAT++
- Analysis of scaling policies for NFV providing 5G/6G reliability levels with fallible servers
- Analyzing feature importance for a predictive undergraduate student dropout model
- Attacking Adaptive Cuckoo Filters: Too Much Adaptation Can Kill You
- Breaking Cuckoo Hash: Black Box Attacks
- Correction Masking: a technique to implement efficient SET tolerant error correction decoders
- Cost assessment of elasticity for a 5G broadband network
- Deep Spatiotemporal Model for COVID-19 Forecasting
- Design and Implementation of a Feasible Model for the IoT Based Ubiquitous Healthcare Monitoring System for Rural and Urban Areas
- Design and Validation of an Open Source Cloud Native Mobile Network
- Dimensioning V2N services in 5G networks through forecast-based scaling
- Distributed Ledger Technologies for Network Slicing: A Survey
- Edge Robotics: are we ready? An experimental evaluation of current vision and future directions
- Efficient Leading Zero Count (LZC) Implementations for Xilinx FPGAs
- Entropy-Based Anomaly Detection in Household Electricity Consumption
- Estimating ideology and polarization in European countries using Facebook data
- Evaluation and improvement of ETSI ITS Contention-Based Forwarding (CBF) of warning messages in highway scenarios
- Expanding the measurement of culture with a sample of two billion humans
- Exploiting radio access information to improve performance of remote-controlled mobile robots in MEC-based 5G networks
- Fault-tolerant polyphase filters-based decimators for SRAM-based FPGA implementations
- Federation in dynamic environments: can blockchain be the solution?
- FoReCo: a forecast-based recovery mechanism for real-time remote control of robotic manipulators
- Guest editorial learning analytics in Iberoamerica
- Higher Immersive Profiles Improve Learning Outcomes in Augmented Reality Learning Environments
- Inter-Slice Mobility Management in 5G: Motivations, Standard Principles, Challenges and Research Directions
- Is your FPGA bitstream Hardware Trojan-free? Machine learning can provide an answer
- KPI guarantees in network slicing
- LOKO: Localization-Aware Roll-Out Planning for Future Mobile Networks
- Latin and Greek in Computing: Ancient Words in a New World
- Link layer Connectivity as a Service for Ad-hoc Microservice Platforms
- Measuring DoH with web ads
- Measuring Roaming in Europe: Infrastructure and Implications on Users' QoE
- Monitoring Platform Evolution towards Serverless Computing for 5G and Beyond Systems
- Novel impantable antenna with miniaturized footprint size for wideband biomedical telemetry applications
- On the privacy of counting Bloom filters
- Optical Transmission Plasmonic Color Filter withWider ColorGamut Based on X-Shaped Nanostructure
- Optimizing Learned Bloom Filters: How Much Should Be Learned?
- Practicable route leak detection and protection with ASIRIA
- Probabilistic Approximate Computing at Nanoscales: From data structures to memories
- Processor Security: Detecting Microarchitectural Attacks via Count-Min Sketches
- Reliability evaluation of FPGA based pruned neural networks
- Resource requirements of an edge-based digital twin service: An experimental study
- Selective Neuron Re-Computation (SNRC) for Error-Tolerant Neural Networks
- Selenium-Jupiter: A JUnit 5 extension for Selenium WebDriver
- Soft Error Tolerant Convolutional Neural Networks on FPGAs With Ensemble Learning
- Space-Distributed Traffic-Enhanced LSTM-Based Machine Learning Model for COVID-19 Incidence Forecasting
- Special Issue on Advanced Technologies in Lifelong Learning [Editorial]
- Special issue on Edge Computing in Pervasive Systems [Editorial]
- The impacts of scaffolding socially shared regulation on teamwork in an online project-based course
- Topic Extraction and Interactive Knowledge Graphs for Learning Resources
- Towards an error-free 3-D memory for space applications
- Transforming the learning experience in pre-service teacher training using the flipped classroom
- Untangling connections between challenges in the adoption of learning analytics in higher education
- When less is more: BBR versus LEDBAT++
- vrAIn: Deep Learning based Orchestration for Computing and Radio Resources in vRANs
Book Chapters
- Claves de la Universidad del Futuro. In: Enseñanza Innovadora en la Educación Superior
- Estrategias innovadoras para la enseñanza-aprendizaje mediadas por tecnología. In: Enseñanza Innovadora en la Educación Superior
- Innovative strategies for technology-mediated teaching-learning. In: Innovative Teaching in Higher Education
- Keys to the University of the Future. In: Innovative Teaching in Higher Education
Conference Contributions
- A Comparative Study on Shared Precomputed Restoration and Shared Backup Path Protection in EONs
- A Comparison Study on Different Data sets for Span-level QoT Regression in EONs
- A Novel Approach for Joint Analytical and ML-assisted GSNR Estimation in Flexible Optical Network
- A virtualization approach to validate services and subsystems of a MALE UAS
- Adaptation of a Process Mining Methodology to Analyse Learning Strategies in a Synchronous Massive Open Online Course
- An Empirical Study to Quantify the SetUp and Maintenance Benefits of Adopting WebDriverManager
- Análisis estadístico del tráfico DoH para la detección del uso malicioso de túneles
- Applications of Machine Learning Techniques for What-if Analysis and Network Overload Detection
- Aprendizaje de Python3 para Redes Software
- Assessing the Impact of Membership Inference Attacks on Classical Machine Learning Algorithms
- Blended Learning es el futuro, pero ¿qué es Blended Learning?
- Competition Supported by Information Technologies Including IoT Scenarios
- DAEMON: A network intelligence plane for 6G networks
- Demo: Nuberu - A Reliable DU DesignSuitable for Virtualization Platforms
- Detecting Malicious Use of DoH Tunnels Using Statistical Traffic Analysis
- Don't Look Back: Learnings from Pandemic Pedagogies
- Educational Yin&Yang: Towards a Framework for the Instructional Design of MOOCs
- El proyecto CertiDigital o el principio de la transformación profunda de la universidad
- Enhancing the anonymity and auditability of whistleblowers protection
- Equilateral triangular slot-based planar rectangular antenna for millimeter-wave applications
- Evaluación de la evaluación con calificación mínima mediante modelos basados en IRT
- FoReCo: a forecast-based recovery mechanism for real-time remote control of robotic manipulators
- Forecasting for Network Management with Joint Statistical Modelling and Machine Learning
- Global mobile network aggregators: taxonomy, roaming performance and optimization
- H2O Learn-Hybrid and Human-Oriented Learning: Trustworthy and Human-Centered Learning Analytics (TaHCLA) for Hybrid Education
- Imbricando marcadores de rendimiento obtenidos de actividades Wooclap en la toma de decisiones para el apoyo a los estudiantes
- Incrementando la participación en clase y la retroalimentación del conocimiento adquirido por los alumnos con Wooclap
- Latency-aware network architectures for 5G backhaul and fronthaul
- Link and Network-wide Study of Incoherent GN/EGN Models
- LossLeaP: Learning to predict for Intent-Based Networking
- Network Intelligence for Virtualized RAN Orchestration: The DAEMON Approach
- Network intelligence in 6G: challenges and opportunities
- Nuberu: Reliable RAN Virtualization in Shared Platforms
- On Site, Online, On Point: A Contextual Approach
- Programming Teaching Interaction
- Requirements and Specifications for the Orchestration of Network Intelligence in 6G
- Scenario for Analysing Student Interactions and Orchestration Load in Collaborative and Hybrid Learning Environments
- Setting 6G Architecture in Motion &- the Hexa-X approach
- Synthetic Generation of Electrical Consumption Traces in Smart Homes
- Analyzing the accuracy, transparency and privacy of digital advertising s profiling algorithms
- Apoyo en la gestión y presentación de datos, promoción de encuestas y recolección de datos de redes sociales y webs para COMODIN-CM, Expediente L05/2022_LOTE Nº 1
- Asesoramiento para el desarrollo de equipos de conmutación en entornos espaciales
- Collaboration in R&D topics related to Energy-efficient O-RAN Solutions 2022
- Consulting service provided by Prof. Carlos J. Bernardos to support Interdigital's on-going research efforts
- Consulting services provided by Prof.Antonio de la Oliva to support InterDigitals ongoing research efforts in the areas of Next Generation Network Architecture projects and related standardization activities
- Enabling a Trustworthy Digital Transition
- Estudio sobre el estado del arte para la transmisión de datos en relación con la gestión de los recursos hídricos en España
- ITACA - IoT para todos a través de sistemas basados en satélites LEO
- Machine Learning for A-TCAM Acceleration 2022
- Measuring European Socio-Political Integration through the Lens of Social Media: . An Advanced Big Data Approach (UE-MEASURE-CM-UC3M)
- Open Source Engineering for Automated Testing
- Preservación de la privacidad de rastreo de contactos para el proyecto CONTACT-CM (I+D-REACT-EU). Expediente L04/2022.
- QURSA - Arquitecturas y técnicas resistentes a computación cuántica: Seguridad post-cuántica
- SLICES: Scientific Large-scale Infrastructure for Computing/Communication Experimental Studies
- Service Agreement with University of Warwick
- StandICT.eu 2023
Supervised Theses
- Blockchain for management of internet resources
- An NFV System to Support Adaptable multi-UAV Service Deployments
- Mechanisms for integration of MEC and NFV for 5G networks in dynamic and heterogeneous scenarios
- Towards Edge Robotics: The progress from Cloud-based robotic systems to intelligent and context-aware robotic services