Outputs for SOCIAL SCIENCES Department (Year 2020)
- Believe it or not? Partisanship, preferences, and the credibility of campaign promises
- Capacidad del Estado, democracia y política en la Segunda República (1931-1936). El fracaso de la reforma agraria en España
- Comparing environmental advisory councils: How they work and why it matters
- Corrigendum to "Male allies of women's movements: Women's organizing within the Catholic Church in Franco's Spain" [Women's Studies International Forum, 62 (2017), 43-51]
- Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos y pobreza. Nuevas incursiones a la luz del caso Hacienda Brasil Verde
- Defender el derecho al agua. Resistencias desde los movimientos indígenas y campesinos
- Democràcia convalescent
- Do Immigrants Trust Trade Unions? A Study of 18 European Countries
- Domestic migrations in Spain during its first industrialisation, 1840s-1870s
- Dos siglos de moderno crecimiento económico en España
- EU intervention vs. national autonomy: do citizens really care?
- Economic Effects of the Black Death: Spain in European Perspective
- El "parásito tres D" invade las democracias liberales: dominación, desigualdad y desprecio. Bosquejos para una reivindicación de un republicanismo crítico y transmoderno
- El derecho al medio ambiente sano como un derecho autónomo en el Sistema Interamericano de Derechos Humanos
- El género biográfico en los dirigentes históricos del PSOE. Balance historiográfico y posibilidades de futuro = Biography related to historical leaders of the Spanish Socialist Party. Historiography balance and further possibilities
- El impacto a corto y medio plazo del apoyo de ICEX
- El valor estratégico de la evaluación en ICEX
- Empresas españolas en Centroamérica. La explotación de recursos naturales.
- Foreign capital in 19th century Spain's investment boom
- Grandes datos, grandes sesgos, grandes errores: sobre el Atlas de Oportunidades = Big Data, Big Biases, Big Mistakes: On the Spanish Atlas of Opportunities
- Justicia Ecológica
- Justicia transicional, el diálogo y la reflexividad crítica: tejiendo pensamientos
- Keeping the euro at any cost? Explaining attitudes toward the euro-austerity trade-off in Greece
- La "discriminación de género" en la jurisprudencia de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos: hacia categorías y medidas transformativas
- La Historia frente al odio
- La desigualdad económica regional en América Latina (1895-2010)
- Las fake news en las crisis de la sociedad digital = Fake news in the crises of digital society
- Looking for affective polarisation in Spain: PSOE and Podemos from conflict to coalition
- Numeracy of religious minorities in Spain and Portugal during the Inquisition era
- One or two arenas? The break-up between national and regional elections
- Origins of regional divergence: economic growth in socialist Yugoslavia
- Pandemics in History
- Participatory Frustration: The Unintended Cultural Effect of Local Democratic Innovations
- Political regimes and bank interest margins
- Regional Growth and the Persistence of Regional Income Inequality in Argentina in the First Half of the Twentieth Century
- Segregación ocupacional y actitudes hacia la desigualdad en el mundo rural, 2000-2018
- Socioeconomic heterogeneity and party system fragmentation
- The gender gap in political interest revisited
- The impact of gender quotas in sport management: the case of Spain
- The linguistic regime in Catalan Schools: some survey results
- The multiple Spanish elections of April and May 2019: the impact of territorial and left-right polarisation
- The policy mood in Spain: the thermostat in a warm climate, 1978-2017
- The rise of (faulty) euroscepticism? The impact ofa decade of crises in Spain
- Trade in the shadow of power: Japanese industrial exports in the interwar years
- Two-bloc logic, polarisation and coalition government: The November 2019 general election in Spain
- Varieties of Regulatory Welfare Regimes in Middle-Income Countries: A Comparative Analysis of Brazil, Mexico, and Turkey
- Voter discounting of party campaign manifestos: An analysis of mainstream and niche parties in Western Europe, 1971&-2011
- Voting after the change: a natural experiment on the effect of electoral reform on party system fragmentation
- Women pioneers in the history of sport: the case of Lilí Álvarez in Franco's Spain
- Europe in Love: Binational Couples and Cosmopolitan Society
- Handbook of the history of money and currency
- Lengua y utopía. El movimiento esperantista en España (1890-1936)
- Seguras para aprender en libertad
- Why democracy failed : the agrarian origins of the Spanish Civil War
Book Chapters
- "Plata Doble" y el dilema monetario de la Monarquía Hispánica en el siglo XVII. In: Fisco y Moneda. El uso del dinero en las economías de los reinos hispanos, siglos XIII-XVIII
- "Plata Doble" y el dilema monetario de la Monarquía Hispánica en el siglo XVII. In: Fisco y Moneda. El uso del dinero en las economías de los reinos hispanos, siglos XIII-XVIII
- A democracia excecional de Portugal: como a Revoluçao dos Cravos conduziu a vantagens políticas duradouras. In: 45 Anos de Democracia em Portugal
- Inequality in Early Modern Spain: New evidence from the Ensenada Cadastre in Castile, c. 1750. In: Disuguaglianza economica nelle società preindustriali: cause ed effetti = Economic inequality in pre-industrial societies: causes and effect
- International money markets: eurocurrencies. In: Handbook of the history of money and currency
- Introduction: new research in monetary history - A map. In: Handbook of the history of money and currency
- Liderazgo político. In: Enciclopedia de las Ciencias Morales y Políticas para el siglo XXI
- Multi-level Governance in Spain. In: The Oxford handbook of Spanish politics
- National Identity and the Citizens¿ Europe. In: Europe's Malaise
- Neoliberal Technocracy: The Challenge to Democratic Self-Government. In: The Technocratic Challenge to Democracy
- Policy toolkits on employment and ageing: a conceptual framework. In: Extended working life policies : international gender and health perspectives
- Quo Vadis Europa?. In: European Studies: Past, Present, and Future
- Regional industrialization in Yugoslavia. In: An Economic History of Regional Industrialization
- Social, political and organizational explanations. In: Gender Diversity in European Sport Governance
- Spain in Comparative Perspective: contributions of the spanish case to comparative political analysis. In: The Oxford handbook of Spanish politics
- Spanish Democratization Transition, Consolidation, and its Meaning in Contemporary Spain. In: The Oxford handbook of Spanish politics
- Turnout. In: The Oxford handbook of Spanish politics
- ¿El fin del consenso territorial en España?. In: Informe sobre la Democracia en España 2019
Conference Contributions
- DEEPEN - Democratic Governance of Funded Pension Schemes
- Desigualdad y democracia en el periodo de entreguerras
- Desigualdad, re-distribución y conflicto civil in sociedades históricas. Lecciones del caso español.
- Dinámicas de colaboración científica internacional: un análisis de redes con perspectiva de género
- Income I Income Inequality in Spain (1980 nequality in Spain (1980 nequality in Spain (1980-2020). A New Perspective from Perspective from erspective fromDistributional istributional istributional National ational ationalAccounts
- ValCon: Value Conflicts in a differentiated Europe
Supervised Theses
- An analysis of the non-economic forces affecting the Paris Stock Market during the late 19th century
- Becoming a Migrant in Europe: Accounts of motive, meaning, and identity formation
- Building an Empire in the New World. Taxes and Fiscal Policy in Hispanic America during the Seventeenth Century.
- The Bittersweet Century: Slavery, tariffs and Brazilian export growth during the nineteenth century
Working Papers
- Accounting for growth in Spain, 1850-2019
- Accounting for growth in Spain, 1850-2019
- Accounting for growth in Spain, 1850-2019
- All roads lead to market integration : lessons from a spatial analysis of the wheat market in 18th century Spain
- Capital in Spain, 1850-2019
- Capital in Spain, 1850-2019
- Capital in Spain, 1850-2019
- Domestic migrations in Spain during its first industrialization, 1840s-1870s
- Economic effects of the Black Death: Spain in European perspective (Serie Economic History)
- Economic effects of the Black Death: Spain in European perspective (Serie European Historical Economics Society)
- Growth recurring in preindustrial Spain: half a millennium perspective (Discussion Papers)
- Growth recurring in preindustrial Spain: half a millennium perspective (Serie Economic History)
- Growth recurring in preindustrial Spain: half a millennium perspective (Serie European Historical Economics Society)
- Growth, war, and pandemics: Europe in the very long-run
- Growth, war, and pandemics: Europe in the very long-run
- Growth, war, and pandemics: Europe in the very long-run
- Risk management in tradition agriculture: intercropping in Italian wine production
- The Napoleonic Wars: A Watershed in Spanish History?
- The Politicisation of Transatlantic Trade in Europe: Explaining Inconsistent Preferences Regarding Free Trade and the TTIP
- The redistributive effects of pandemics: evidence on the Spanish Flu
- Violence in the metropolis: responses to a global issue
- Winners and Losers from Enclosure: Evidence from Danish Land Inequality 1682-1895