Outputs for SOCIAL SCIENCES Department (Year 2022)
- 'Harsh' Culture, Alcoholism, Climate, and Social Hardship Explain National Differences in Suicide Rates
- (Water) Bottles and (street) barricades: the politicisation of lifestyle-centred action in youth climate strike participation
- A not-so-silly debate! Response to Jan Luiten van Zanden's review
- Abdennour Benantar (dir.), Le Maghreb et la crise entre les monarchies du Golfe. Une neutralité positive, París, L'Harmattan, 2021, 184 P. [book review]
- Alliance building and eventful protests: comparing Spanish and Portuguese trajectories under the Great Recession
- Ancestry culture, assimilation, and voter turnout in two generations
- Blueprints for Red Insurgencies: Revolutionary Ideology and Strategy in India and Colombia
- Brexit Dilemmas: Shaping Postwithdrawal Relations with a Leaving State
- Can Rights of Nature Save Us from the Anthropocene Catastrophe? Some Critical Reflections from the Field
- Capital in Spain, 1850-2019
- Construyendo bloques: la promiscuidad política online en tiempos de polarización en España = Building Blocks: Online Political Promiscuity in Times of Polarization in Spain
- Convincing the 'Herd' of immunity: Lessons from smallpox vaccination in 19th century Germany
- Cordons sanitaires or tainted coalitions? The electoral consequences of populist participation in government
- Cultural impacts of social movements: Feminism within the Catholic Church in Spain
- Does electing women reduce corruption? A regression discontinuity approach
- Economic growth, wealth, and wellbeing: Is there an intergenerational divide?
- Economic perceptions and attitudes towards the European Union: A survey experiment
- Editorial: The political economy of federalism and multilevel politics in turbulent times
- El Plan de Acción Local de Agenda Urbana Española: una oportunidad para pasar del conocimiento a la acción en el ámbito público
- Electoral systems and ideological voting
- Entre la lucha armada y la paz: una aproximación a la madurez del conflilcto armado colombiano (1982-2016)
- Experience of economic hardship and right-wing political orientation hinder climate concern among European young people
- From subjectivity to inter-subjectivity? Not quite so!
- Gender Discrimination in Hiring: Evidence from a Cross-National Harmonized Field Experiment
- Hacia la descolonización del régimen extractivo: patrones y límites de la judicialización en conflictos mineros = Towards the decolonization of the extractive regime: Patterns and limits of judicialization in mining conflicts
- Hacia una interpretación descolonial del derecho al territorio de los pueblos indígenas en el Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos: más allá de la propiedad y la cartografía = A decolonial interpretation of indigenous peoples' right to territory in International human rights Law: beyond ownership and cartography
- Hispanismo étnico e iberosfera: la peculiar mirada de Vox hacia la región latinoamericana = Ethnic Hispanicism and the Iberosphere: Vox's peculiar view of the Latin American region
- How long does it take to admit that you do not know? Gender differences in response time to political knowledge questions
- Hypothesis testing with error correction models
- Kagan, Richard L., El embrujo de España. La cultura norteamericana y el mundo hispánico, 1779-1939, Madrid, Marcial Pons, 2021, 568 págs., ISBN: 978-84-17945-38-1 [Book review]
- La narrativa populista en las redes sociales: las elecciones generales en España de noviembre de 2019 en Twitter
- La representació de les dones a les institucions polítiques = Women's Representation in Political Institutions
- Miedzy kryzysem i transformacja: Polskie organizacje imigranckie w Hiszpanii [Between Crisis and Transformation: Polish Immigrant Organizations in Spain]
- Mind the gender gap: COVID-19 lockdown effects on gender differences in preprint submissions
- Morten Jerven, the wealth and poverty of African States: Economic growth, living standards and taxation since the late nineteenth century. Cambridge University Press, 2022. pp. 198. ISBN 9781108341080. [Book Review]
- Natural trading partners versus empires in East and Southeast Asia regional integration (1840-1938).
- Oposición política (en las democracias)
- Paradojas de la historia. El foralismo del riojano Claudio Antón de Luzuriaga
- Pension Policy Literacy and Retirement Expectations: A Cross-Country Survey Experiment
- Politics of Delegated Governance: Reforming Vocational Education and Training
- Programa sobre movilidad segura en entornos ferroviarios. Una aproximación desde el compromiso social al cambio de comportamientos para la prevención.
- Recursos y transferencia de dinero en el imperio español durante la segunda mitad del siglo XVI = Resources and money transfers in the Spanish Empire during the second half of the 19 th Century
- Resources, Environment and Rural Development in Uruguay, 1779-1913
- Retrospective voting under supranational constraints
- Right-wing populism and territorial party competition: The case of the Alternative for Germany
- Same Same but Different? Gender Politics and (Trans-) National Value Contestation in Europe on Twitter
- Scuttle for shelter: flight-to-safety and political uncertainty during the Spanish Second Republic
- Self-Regulation of Ethical Behavior: The Case of Political Parties and Parliament in Spain
- Socio-Economic Gaps in Workers' Participation in Private Pension Programmes in Ten European Countries
- Spain's Loss of Human Capital after the Civil War: Spanish Refugees in Mexico
- The history of women's football [Book Review]
- The impact of intolerance on young people"s online political participation
- The importance of place attachment in the understanding of ageing in place: "the stones know me"
- The industrial revolution, an unintended consequence of self-defence?
- The private is political: partisan persuasion through mobile instant messaging services
- Turquía-Israel y la causa palestina, antes y después del Mavi Marmara. Un ejemplo de desanclaje = Turkey-Israel and the Palestinian cause, before and after Mavi Marmara. A case study of delinking
- Twitter and Affective Polarisation: Following Political Leaders in Spain.
- Un intelectual en la Moncloa. Cartas y consejos de José María Maravall a Felipe González en la década del cambio = An intellectual at the Moncloa Palace. Letters and Counseling from José María Maravall to Felipe González in the Decade of Change
- Unequal policy responsiveness in Spain
- Unexpected Allies: The Impact of Terrorism on Organised Crime in Sub-Saharan Africa and South-East Asia
- Urban Rebels? A Gendered Approach to Domicile and Protest Participation in Nine European Countries
- Violence, co-optation, and postwar voting in Guatemala
- War, pandemics, and modern economic growth in Europe
- Which integration policies work? The heterogenous impact of national institutions on immigrants' labour market attainment in Europe
- Winners and losers from agrarian reform: evidence from Danish land inequality 1682-1895
- Women in boots: football and feminism in the 1970s [Book Review]
- Amenazas y barreras para la defensa del medio ambiente en el estado español
- El banquero real. Bartolomé Spínola y Felipe IV
- El desorden político. Democracias sin intermediación
- Estrategia de biodiversidad de la UE 2030: Reintegrar la naturaleza a nuestras vidas
- Informe sobre la democracia en España 2021: el país frente al espejo
- La política pública como software : una caracterización matemática
- Measuring the quality of government at the sub-national level and comparing results with previous studies: Final technical report & select case studies in Spain and Poland
- Pandemics, Economics and Inequality: Lessons from the Spanish Flu
- Resisting the backlash. street protest in Italy
- The Political Economy of Federalism and Multilevel Politics in Turbulent Times
Book Chapters
- Bringing grievances back in? Socio-economic inequalities and the political participation of protesters. In: Resisting the Backlash. Street Protest in Italy
- Cash-Crop Migration Systems in East and West Africa: Rise, Endurance, Decline. In: Migration in Africa: Shifting Patterns of Mobility from the 19th to the 21st Century
- Descomponiendo a la derecha radical europea: el perfil de sus votantes. In: En los márgenes de la democracia liberal: populismo, nacionalismo y radicalismo ideológico en Europa
- Elementos metodológicos para la incorporación de un enfoque de derechos humanos en proyectos de agua. In: Introducción a la seguridad hídrica
- Generations and gender in the mobilisation against the backlash. In: Resisting the Backlash. Street Protest in Italy
- La FARC frente a la democracia colombiana: una mirada tras las elecciones del 2018 y 2019. In: En configuración permanente. Partidos y elecciones nacionales y subnacionales en Colombia, 2018-2019
- La acción jurídica indígena en Guatemala, voces de resistencia y conexión de mundos ante las Cortes. In: Aguas turbias: Extractivismo (neo)liberal, acción jurídica indígena y la transformación del Estado en Guatemala
- La juventud 10 años después del 15M. In: Informe sobre la democracia en España 2021
- La participación ciudadana en la arquitectura institucional de la Unión Europea . In: Escenarios de la participación ciudadana: una visión multinivel.
- Los referentes mediáticos de los estudiantes de secundaria en España. In: Menores y medios sociales. Miradas desde la educación, la creación y el consumo mediático
- Policy analysis and policy evaluation as a profession. In: Policy analysis in Spain
- Politicising Europe in the streets. In: Resisting the Backlash. Street Protest in Italy
- Resisting the backlash in the streets: An introduction. In: Resisting the Backlash. Street Protest in Italy
- Social movements and institutional politics. In: Resisting the Backlash. Street Protest in Italy
- The Napoleonic Wars: A Watershed in Spanish History. In: The Crucible of Revolutionary and Napoleonic Warfare and European Transitions to Modern Economic Growth
- The dynamics of micro-mobilisation. In: Resisting the Backlash. Street Protest in Italy
- Una interpretación anarcocapitalista de la corrupción política. In: La corrupción. Lecturas desde el pensamiento político contemporáneo
Conference Contributions
- Laboratorio de ideas Europa/Europa ideas lab (LIE)
- Metodología de evaluación colaborativa de conocimientos
- Motivar la creatividad y facilitar el proceso de estudio. Elaboración de forma colaborativa de un mapa mental de cada tema de la asignatura
- SimEUlation: Aprendizaje activo, experiencial y digital de la toma de decisiones en el sistema multinivel de la Unión Europea
- ¿Fue el Tratado de Versalles realmente irracional? Un ejercicio de juego de rol.
- ¿Por qué la oposición parlamentaria se implica en protestas sociales? Un análisis cs-QCA a partir de escenarios de contestación anti-Covid
- Inoculating Against Health Misinformation in India: A School-Based RCT
- Judicialización, respeto por instituciones y tribunales en España.
- Measuring European Socio-Political Integration through the Lens of Social Media: . An Advanced Big Data Approach (UE-MEASURE-CM-UC3M)
- Polarizing Chats? Political Misinformation on Discussion Apps in India and Brazil
- Servicios de apoyo para para la realización de un trabajo de contraste estadístico de las metodologías de diagnóstico DTI de 2022 y 2020
Supervised Theses
- Democratic Resilience: Citizens Evaluation of Democratic Performance during the Great Recession
- Memoria Documental del Socialismo Español
- The prize for hard work: effort, educational attainment and the transmission of social inequality
- Three Essays on the Determinants of Voting Behavior
Working Papers
- A labour of freedom: 'free wombs' and slave emancipation in postcolonial Uruguay
- Health, income, and the Preston Curve: a long view
- La prestación de servicios de agua y saneamiento asequibles para las personas en condición de pobreza y vulnerabilidad: la garantía de un suministro mínimo vital
- Land Reform and Farming in Interwar Europe
- Power politics and the expansion of U.S. exports, 1879-1938
- Religious change and persistence in Bosnia: Poverty, conversions, and nationalism, 1468-2013