Outputs for SOCIAL SCIENCES Department (Year 2024)
- A virtuous cycle? Migrant integration policies, attitudes toward immigration, and populist radical right voting in Europe
- Breaking the ties that bind: Metropolitan dependence and export growth in the poor periphery, 1950-90
- Color War. Does Color Influence the Perception of Political Messages?
- Color War. Does Color Influence the Perception of Political Messages?
- Don't put a ring on it: Gender stereotypes in citizens' preferences for executive positions
- Down a Slippery Slope: Lack of Trust, Coercive Threats and Business Tax Resistance in Greece, 1955&-1988
- El derecho a la ciudad: los usos de los espacios urbanos en la vida cotidiana
- Elecciones al Parlamento Europeo: Cincuenta sombras de derechas
- Enfermedad, hambruna y muerte en las prisiones, campos de concentración y unidades de trabajos forzados en Córdoba (1937-1943)
- Environment, Slavery, and Agency in Colonial Uruguay, 1750-1810
- Erosion of economic institutions in the age of democratic backsliding: an analysis of the Turkish case
- Historical changes in Mediterranean rural settlements (southern Spain, 1787-2019)
- How did restorative justice get onto the government agenda, and why does its implementation differ? A multiple streams approach
- Indigenous Peoples" Rights at the United Nations Human Rights Council: Colliding (Mis)Understandings?
- Industrialization as an engine of growth in Latin America throughout a century 1913&-2013
- Issue salience and feedback effects: the case of pension
- Keep calm and Vive la République!: Elecciones en Reino Unido y Francia
- Lexical ambiguity in political rhetoric: why morality doesn't fit in a bag of words
- Mechanisms of the effect of individual education on pro-European dispositions
- Migration and education in the Global South: a study of South American origin children in the Argentinean educational system
- Mobilization capacity and violence against local leaders: Anticlerical violence during the Spanish Civil War
- Multidimensional domestic gender inequality and the global diffusion of women's ministries, 1975-2015.
- Properties of supranational governance structures and policy diffusion: The case of mifepristone approvals
- Rally 'round the barrack: Far-right support and the military
- Redes bimodales para analizar repertorios de contienda: la transferibilidad de las formas de protesta en España en tiempos de austeridad = Two-mode networks to analyzerepertoires of contention: the transferability of protestformsin Spain in times of austerity
- Risk management in traditional agriculture: intercropping in Italian wine production
- Shifting Electorates and Preferences in Chiles Constitutional Process
- Social movements and Europeanisation: framing 'responsibility" and 'responsiveness" in times of multiple crises
- Subjective financial insecurity and support for European unification
- Technical change and the postwar slowdown in Soviet economic growth in a long run perspective, 1885-2019
- The 2023 Spanish general elections and the fourth Sánchez cabinet: A successful gamble for the left?
- The Spanish 2023 general elections: unexpected snap elections to survive in power
- The Wars of Others: The Effect of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine on Spanish Nationalism
- The gender gap in political efficacy: The accelerating effect of classroom discussions
- The nationalisation of subnational elections in polarised Spain: the May 2023 regional and local elections
- Unsustainable prosperity? Decoupling wellbeing, economic growth, and greenhouse gas emissions over the past 150 years
- Voting for trade protectionist parties: Evidence from nine waves of the European Social Survey
- What happened to the workshop of West Africa? Resilience and decline of handicraft textiles in colonial Northern Nigeria, 1911-1952
- When does the parliamentary opposition take to the streets? Social protest against government COVID-19 policy
- Women also know stuff: challenging the gender gap in political sophistication
- «Red fear» and a «spontaneous land reform» in post-Great War Italy
Book Chapters
- African Agency versus State and Capital Control: Migration to the British Northern Rhodesian Copperbelt in Comparative Perspective, 1920s to 1960s (Chapter 9). In: Migrant Actors Worldwide
- El papel de la Unión Europea en el comercio internacional y su relación con México. In: México en el nuevo orden comercial global
- Iberian Globalization and Catching Up in the Poor South European Periphery, 1830&-2010. In: An Economic History of the Iberian Peninsula, 700&-2000
- Iberian Globalization and Catching Up in the Poor South European Periphery, 1830&-2010. In: An Economic History of the Iberian Peninsula, 700&-2000
- Labour Transformations in Central and Southern Africa from Colonial to Postcolonial Times. In: The Sage Handbook of Global Sociology
- Reconducir la relación con Europa. In: La política exterior de México 2024-2030: Diagnóstico y propuestas
- Violence and Memory. In: The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Memory Studies
Conference Contributions
- Ayuda para la adquisición de la herramienta: Dropbox Business
- Colaboracion en programas de RTVE
- ConForFut - Conservatives for Future: How to Increase Public Engagement on Climate Change Among ThoseWhoRejectIt
- Crime and inequality: Criminal Organizing, Criminal Networks, the Sociospatial. Dimension
- Servicio de Apoyo para un trabajo de análisis del rendimiento de los destinos evaluados por la metodología de destinos turísticos inteligentes - SEGITTUR
Working Papers
- Appendix to "Were wages stagnant for decades? A revision of wages and net earnings in Spain (1900-1960)"
- Baseline pupil size does not correlate with fluid intelligence: a laboratory study with children and adults
- College material? whether children's effort or ability drives parents' educational expectations depends on socioeconomic background
- Social Inequality in Children's Cognitive Effort and the Moderating Role of Incentives
- US and Japan rivalry in Philippine interwar import manufactures market. Powerpolitics, trade cost and competitiveness