Outputs for SOCIAL SCIENCES Department (Year 2021)
- A bourgeois story? The class basis of Catalan independentism
- Antropocentrismo y ecocentrismo en la jurisprudencia de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos = Anthropocentrism and Ecocentrism in the Jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights
- Asientos as Sinews of War in the Composite Superpower of the 16th Century
- Branko Milanovic. Capitalism, alone. The future of the system that rules the world. Cambridge (Mass.) y Londres, The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2019, 286 pp. ISBN: 9780674987593 [book review]
- Comparing income and wealth inequality in pre-industrial economies: The case of Castile (Spain) in the eighteenth century
- Conceptual and Methodological Considerations on Effort: An Interdisciplinary Approach
- Conversatorio sobre Socialismo, historia y utopía de Luis Fernando Medina
- Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos y pueblos originarios. Lecturas desde la teoría de la justicia de Nancy Fraser = The Inter-American Court of Human Rights and Indigenous People. Readings from Nancy Fraser's Theory of Justice
- Crook!: The impact of perceived corruption on non-electoral forms of political behaviour
- Darwin beats malthus: evolutionary anthropology, human capital and the demographic transition
- Decentralizing electoral campaigns? New-old parties, grassroots and digital activism.
- Decoupling Trends: Drivers of Agency Independence in Telecommunications, An analysis of high and middle-income countries
- Democratization in Political Communication
- Do TJ policies cause backlash? Evidence from street name changes in Spain
- Economic crisis and attitudes towards democracy: How ideology moderates reactions to economic downturns
- Economic globalization and decentralization: A centrifugal or centripetal relationship?
- From green to ripe: Dynamics of peacemaking in Colombia (1998-2016)
- Gender quotas and public demand for increasing women's representation in politics: An analysis of 28 European countries
- Growth recurring in preindustrial Spain?
- Has the great recession shaped a crisis generation of critical citizens? Evidence from Southern Europe
- How bad is it? Variation in perceptions of regional economic conditions
- Indigenous water ontologies, hydro-development and the human/more-than-human right to water: A call for critical engagement with plurilegal water realities
- Interculturalidad crítica y decolonialidad epistémica. Apuntes desde el pensamiento crítico latinoamericano para un diálogo simétrico = Critical Interculturality and Epistemic Decoloniality. Proposals from Latin American Thought for a Symmetrical Dialogue
- Intergenerational occupational mobility in nineteenth century Spain (Valencia), 1841-1870
- It's a man's (online) world. Personality traits and the gender gap in online political discussion
- La internacionalización empresarial a través de la lente de género = Business internationalisation through the gender glasses
- La política exterior de Arabia Saudí: equilibrio entre factores domésticos y externos = Saudi Arabia's foreign policy: Striking a balance between domestic and external factors
- Market Integration and Transformation of Business Politics: Diverging Trajectories of Corporatisms in Mexico and Turkey
- Mobilizing memories: The social conditions of the long-term impact of victimization
- Monográfico III. Teorías de la justicia y tribunales internacionales de derechos humanos: introducción
- Nuevas métricas para nuevos valores de gestión policial. Criterios de valor y medición de la acción de las policías locales españolas en escenarios de gobernanza relacional = New Metrics for New Values of Police Management. Value Criteria and Measurement of Spanish Local Police Action in Relational Governance Scenarios
- Of losers and laggards: The interplay of material conditions and individual perceptions in the shaping of EU discontent
- Pasos a nivel. Análisis de su seguridad desde la perspectiva del factor humano
- Populism between voting and non-electoral participation
- Psychometric properties, validity and insights of the School Bullying Questionnaire (CIE-A) in secondary schools of the Valencian Community (Spain)
- Páez, Tomás (compilador). (2020) Democracia y autoritarismo en América Latina. Kalathos ediciones. Madrid [book review]
- Rich kids of Europe? Social basis and strategic choices in the climate activism of Fridays for Future
- Social homogamy in Spain at the time of modernisation, 1841-70
- Societal religiosity and the gender gap in political interest, 1990-2014
- Sovereignty, Substance, and Public Support for European Courts" Human Rights Rulings
- Special issue. Pandemics in History in Spain [Introducción]
- Spontaneous or programmatic? land occupations during spain's second republic (1931-1936)
- Stop Mare Mortum y el movimiento de solidaridad con los refugiados en Barcelona
- Survival in a Nazi concentration camp: the Spanish Prisoners of Mauthausen
- Tailoring business internationalization support by means of analytics
- Technocratic Attitudes in COVID-19 Times: Change and Preference Over Types of Experts
- The 'Alpine region' and political change: Lessons from Bavaria and South Tyrol (1946&-2018)
- The Antiestablishment Challenge
- The Difference Between Saying and Doing: Comparing Subjective and Objective Measures of Effort Among Fifth Graders
- The Europeanization of national elections. The role of country characteristics in shaping EU issue voting
- The Gender Mobility Paradox: Gender Segregation and Women"s Mobility Across Gender-Type Boundaries, 1970&-2018
- The Long Shadow of Agrarian Conflict: Agrarian Inequality and Conflict in Spain
- The application of analytic hierarchy process to implement collaborative governance process: The allocation of the urban structural funds in the city of Madrid
- The crown: a survey about the Spanish monarchy
- The gender gap in the biological living standard in Spain. A study based on the heights of an elite migration to Mexico, 1840-1930
- The nature of technological failure: Patterns of biased technical change in socialist Europe
- The redistributive effects of pandemics: Evidence on the Spanish flu
- The role of neighbourhood ethnic concentration on gender role views: A study of ethnic minorities in England and Wales
- The spiral of precariousness: unemployment, temporary and involuntary part-time in the young population, 2005-2021
- The will for reason: voter demand for experts in office
- Together we stand? Coalition-building in the Italian and Spanish feminist movements in times of crisis
- Tolerancia social a la mano dura: apoyo a la tortura y medidas de excepción en México = Social Tolerance to the Iron Fist: Support for Torture and Exceptional Measures in Mexico
- Unleashed dialogue or captured by politics? The impact of judicial independence on national higher courts" cooperation with the CJEU
- Wealth in Spain, 1900-2017: A Country of Two Lands
- Women's Civil Rights and the Worldwide Liberalization of Abortion on Demand and for Socio-Economic Reasons
- ¿Nuevos actores del desarrollo? Las empresas como titulares de obligaciones frente a los derechos humanos y el desarrollo
- El socialismo. De Unamuno a Marañón
- Grievances and Public Protests Political Mobilisation in Spain in the Age of Austerity
- Informe sobre la Democracia en España 2020: el año de la pandemia
- La desinformación en la UE en tiempos del Covid 19
- Sistemas políticos en Europa
Book Chapters
- Antonio Larrea, un humanista al frente de las instituciones del Rioja en las décadas decisivas: 1974-1970. In: Y cantó el alma del vino: ensayos sobre literatura, historia, identidad y patrimonio
- Comunicación institucional y gestión de la información pública. In: Democracia, Gobierno y Administración Pública contemporánea
- Cooperación público social para el buen gobierno de la ciudad: el caso de Madrid (2015-2019). In: Nuevos retos para las política urbanas: innovación, gobernanza, servicios municipales y políticas sectoriales
- De compañeras a delegadas. Perfiles biográficos de las mujeres socialistas en el exilio: 1936-1975. In: Mujeres en el exilio republicano de 1939: Homenaje a Josefina Cuesta
- El sistema político de Bélgica. In: Sistemas políticos en Europa
- El sistema político de Hungría. In: Sistemas políticos en Europa
- El sistema político de Portugal. In: Sistemas políticos en Europa
- El sistema político de la República Federal de Alemania. In: Sistemas políticos en Europa
- El sistema político y sus elementos. In: Sistemas políticos en Europa
- Elite athlete activism for gender equality in sport: Women"s football in Spain. In: Athlete activism: contemporary perspectives.
- Ethnicity, Race and Nationalism: Human Diversity and Democracy in the Renaissance . In: A Cultural History of Democracy. Vol. 3
- Experiencias locales de memora democrática en perspectiva global y comparada. In: La memoria democrática desde el ámbito local. Metodología y propuestas
- Fiscal decentralization. In: Handbook on the Politics of Taxation
- How Democracy Works: Divergent Perspectives of Representatives and Citizens. In: Politicians in Hard Times: Spanish and South European MPs Facing Citizens after the Great Recession
- Impunidad y violencia de género. El caso Fernández Ortega y otros Vs. México de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos. In: Los Derechos fundamentales en el siglo XXI. Tomo III. El estudio internacional y regional de los derechos fundamentales: Estudios de casos líderes interamericanos Vol. XIII. México ante la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos: a 20 años de la aceptación de su competencia contenciosa
- La España de la Transición desde el exterior: la mirada belga, 1973-1982. In: La Transición en directo. Narrativas digitales de una historia reciente
- La Modernidad desde una teoría crítica periférica. Diagnósticos y disensiones. In: El Estado liberal a revisión: discusiones sobre libertad, igualdad y solidaridad
- La emancipación juvenil y familia: Una perspectiva general. In: Informe de la juventud 2020
- La sociedad política en la Ilustración escocesa. In: Ideas políticas para un mundo en crisis: de la Ilustración al siglo XX
- Las actitudes de la juventud hacia la igualdad de género. In: Informe de la juventud 2020
- On Judicial Mobilization: Entrepreneuring for policy change at times of crisis. In: Public Policy and the CJEU"s Power: Bringing Stakeholders In
- Salud. Medioambiente y seguridad alimentaria. In: Europa frente al Coronavirus. La respuesta socialista
- Significado, impacto y balance de la Constitución de 1978 en nuestra historia. Una visión desde España. In: Balance y perspectivas de la Constitución española de 1978
- Sport mega-events as drivers of gender equality: Women"s football in Spain. In: Sport, gender and mega-events.
- The political determinants of decentralization. In: Handbook on Decentralization, Devolution and the State
Conference Contributions
- "El final de la era de los grandes editores de Prensa: el darwinismo periodístico en la Transición a la democracia".
- Mind the gender gap: COVID-19 lockdown effects on gender differences in academic research
- Mind the gender gap: COVID-19 lockdown effects on gender differences in research
- Outsiders on the Inside? Gender Segregation in Online Communities
- Outsiders on the Inside? Occupational Sex Segregation in Online Communities
- Seguridad en pasos a nivel y factor humano: la experiencia del proyecto europeo SAFER-LC
- Análisis y evaluación del resultado de los informes diagnósticos para la conversión en destinos turísticos inteligentes realizados por SEGITTUR para orientar políticas.
- La división rural-urbana en España y más allá: Estableciendo el fenómeno y examinando los determinantes
- Meritocracia, diversidad y politización de los funcionarios de élite en España
- Persistencia en el rendimiento de estudiantes: Evidencia de examenes universitarios en plataformas digitales.
- Recuperación de la Memoria Democrática de los represaliados políticos. La perdida de capital humano derivada del exilio republicano en México.
- Servicio de interpretación de los datos del sondeo “Aproximación a la incidencia del Covid-19 entre la juventud española” y de recopilación de datos sobre juventud y Covid-19, para su posterior incorporación al “Informe de la juventud en España 2020
Supervised Theses
- Connected by conquest: East and Southeast Asia commercial integration during the Age of Empires
- Essays on local and regional Italian agriculture (1880-1929): sharecropping in Siena
- The Effects of Land Inequality on Economic Growth: A Regional and Comparative Study, 1950-1970
- When safety becomes risky. Essays on venality, safe assets, and the bubble for offices in early modern Spain
Working Papers
- Cuando el rentista no es derrotado: el caso de la rabassa catalana, 1890-1936
- Inequality beyond GDP: a long view
- Land reform and rural conflict: evidence from 1930s Spain
- Landlords and sharecroppers in wine producing regions: Beaujolais, Catalonia and Tuscany, 1800-1940
- Reconciliation with the official stock of fixed assets from the INE
- Socio-economic determinants of survival in a nazi concentration camp: the experience of Spanish prisoners at Mauthausen
- Technical change and the postwar slowdown in Soviet economic growth
- The Industrial Revolution, an unintended consequence of self-defence?
- The loss of human capital after the Spanish civil war
- Unequal mortality during the Spanish Flu