Outputs for SOCIAL SCIENCES Department (Year 2023)
- Asking the Right Questions: A Framework for Developing Gender-Balanced Political Knowledge Batteries
- Civilian victimization and ethnic attitudes in Africa
- Complaints about police misconduct have adverse effects for Black civilians
- Computational approaches to migration and integration research: promises and challenges
- Cuando el rentista no es derrotado: el caso de la rabassa catalana, 1890-1936
- Debt Policy in Spanish America during the Seventeenth Century
- Disinterested or enraged? Understanding people's political interest
- Distinct Conceptions of Freedom in East Asia and the Protestant West Underpin Unique Pathways of Societal Development
- Diversified innovations in the health sciences: Proposal for a Diversity Minimal Item Set (DiMIS)
- Do local economic benefits of asylum seekers lead to more support for local refugee intake?
- Does Abortion Liberalization Accelerate Fertility Decline? A Worldwide Time-series Analysis
- Don't put a ring on it: Gender stereotypes in citizens" preferences for executive positions
- Economic Shocks and Fiscal Policy Preferences: Evidence From COVID-19 in Spain
- Editorial Special Section: 'Transitional Justice and Nature: a curious silence»
- Elecciones, clientelismo competitivo y autocratización en Venezuela
- Eppur si Muove! Young People, Issue Salience and Volatility in Nine European Countries
- Exploring the dynamics of neighbourhood ethnic segregation with agent-based modelling: an empirical application to Bradford, UK
- Federal and state audits do not increase compliance with a grant program to improve municipal infrastructure: A pre-registered field experiment
- Gender Balance in the Workforce and Abortion Attitudes: A Cross-national Time-series Analysis
- Glass Half-Full or Half Empty: Does Optimism about Women's Representation in Elected Office Matter?
- Growing pains. Can family policies revert the decline of fertility in pain?
- Health, income, and the preston curve: A long view
- How Not to Write a Constitution: Lessons From Chile
- ICEX: Convertir la evaluación en un servicio público
- In your face: A comparative field experiment on racial discrimination in Europe
- Income growth in the United Kingdom during late career and after retirement: growing inequalities after deindustrialisation, educational expansion and development of the knowledge-based economy
- Inequelity beyond GDP: A long view
- Issue salience and feedback effects: the case of pension
- La migración de españoles a Venezuela: la circularidad del capital humano canario (1940-2022)
- Land reform and rural conflict. Evidence from 1930s Spain
- Living standards of copper mine labour in Chile and the Central African Copperbelt compared, 1920s to 1960s
- Mechanisms of the Effect of Individual Education on Pro-European Dispositions
- Migración internacional y oportunidades educativas en Argentina: el caso de la población sudamericana
- On well-being and freedom: a response to Branko Milanovic
- Overlapping polarization: On the contextual determinants of the interplay between ideological and affective polarization
- Overlapping polarization: On the contextual determinants of the interplay between ideological and affective polarization
- Power Politics and the Expansion of US Exports, 1879-1938
- Priming or Learning? The Influence of Pension Policy Information on Individual Preferences in Germany, Spain and the United States
- Rally 'round the barrack: Far-right support and the military
- Should You Put an Emoticon on Your Flag? How Subliminal Visual Stimuli Can Change Political Opinions
- Soils, scale, or elites? Biological innovation in Uruguayan cattle farming, 1880-1913
- Subjective Financial Insecurity and Support for European Unification
- Sustenance and strife. Standards of living an family vulnerability during Spain's industrialisation. The Bilbao estuary, 1914-1935
- Terms of trade during the first globalization: new evidence, new results
- The Impact of Paternity Leave Compared to Unemployment on Child Care and Housework Distribution in Spain
- The Long Shadow of Violence: Legacies of Civil Wars and Support for Terrorism in the Basque Country
- The boundary within: Are applicants of Southern European descent discriminated against in Northern European job markets?
- The last Yugoslavs: Ethnic diversity and national identity
- The paradoxical role of social class background in the educational and labour market outcomes of the children of immigrants in the UK
- The party system effects of unstable electoral rules in Latin America
- The right to be, to feel and to exist: Indigenous lawyers and strategic litigation over Indigenous territories in Guatemala
- The role of cities in good governance for food security: lessons from Madrid's urban food strategy
- The strategic determinants of legislative malapportionment in new democracies
- The tails of two cities: living conditions in Burgos and Bilbao in the first half of the 20th century
- The technocratic side of populist attitudes: evidence from the Spanish case
- When information is not enough for strategic voting
- Women in the New Labor Activism: Gender Trends in Attitudes Toward Unions
- Young People's Attitudes towards Democracy and Political Participation: Evidence from a Cross-European Study
Book Chapters
- Change My View: Do Moral Appeals Facilitate Compromise?. In: Informationsflüsse, Wahlen und Demokratie. Festschrift für Rüdiger Schmitt¿Beck
- La inversión extranjera en deuda pública al comenzar el reinado de Felipe IV. In: Ciudades y Corona. Fiscalidad, representación y gobierno en la Monarquía Hispánica en la Edad Moderna
- La libertad sindical, la seguridad social y el derecho al trabajo en la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos. De la justicia como no interferencia a la justicia como no dominación . In: La justicia detrás de la justicia. Ideas y valores políticos en la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos.
- Panamá y la Real Hacienda Americana: Globalizando la Economía en el siglo XVII. In: América Latina en la historia global
- Redefiniendo lo humano. La protección de la naturaleza en la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos. In: La justicia detrás de la justicia. Ideas y valores políticos en la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos.
- The walls spoke when no one else would: Autoethnographic notes on sexual-power gatekeeping within avant-garde academia. In: Sexual Misconduct in Academia Informing an Ethics of Care in the University
- Uruguay: The Rise of a Monocentric Economy. In: Roots of Underdevelopment: A New Economic and Political History of Latin America and the Caribbean
Conference Contributions
- Diseño de una herramienta para la gestión de un servicio de transporte de emergencias utilizando las APIs de Google Maps
- Effectiveness of Support Programmes for (in)Formal Caregivers of Older Dependent People to Design Technologies
- A History of Ethnic Conflict in Yugoslavia
- Contrato de prestación de Servicios para la Colaboración en Programas de RTVE
- Dinámicas y consecuencias de la Justicia Transicional a nivel local: Las exhumaciones de fosas comunes en España
- Informe Meritocracia Future Policy Lab
Supervised Theses
- Activism in Civil Society: Assessing Its Causes and Consequences
- El derecho al agua, un derecho exigible y vulnerado: fortalezas y desafíos. La amenaza del enfoque del agua como mercancía.
Working Papers
- A model of indirect crowding
- Economic freedom in Retrospect
- Effort and dynamics of educational inequality: Evidence from a laboratory study among primary school children
- How many people on earth? World population 1800-1938
- Losing height: measuring the regional loss of human capital from the Republican exile to Mexico
- Material incentives drive gender differences in cognitive effort among children
- Month of birth and cognitive effort: a laboratory study of the relative age effect among fifth graders
- Parenting practices and children's cognitive effort: a laboratory study
- Subjective Well-being in Spain's Decline