Outputs for SOCIAL SCIENCES Department (Year 2018)
- American divergence: Lost decades and Emancipation collapse in Latin America and the Caribbean 1820-1870
- Are migrants selected on motivational orientations? Selectivity patterns amongst international migrants in Europe
- Beliefs and trade union support for trade liberalisation in the US and the UK: the AFL-CIO and the TUC compared
- Carmen Sanz Ayán. Un banquero en el Siglo de Oro. Octavio Centurión, el financiero de los Austrias. Madrid, La Esfera de los Libros, 2015, 334 págs. [book review]
- Confianza en la administración pública = Trust in the Public Administration
- Deciding about the unknown: The effect of party and ideological cues on forming opinions about the European Union
- Determinants of legislative committee membership in proportional representation systems
- Different contexts and trends: Latina immigrant fertility in the US and Spain
- Disability Status and Internet Use among Older Adults in Spain
- Do European Parliament Elections Impact National Party System Fragmentation?
- Domestic uncertainty, third-party resolve, and international conflict
- El "cambio de políticas públicas". ¿Cuáles son sus dimensiones y cómo se puede medir?
- Employment Outcomes of Ethnic Minorities in Spain: Towards Increasing Economic Incorporation among Immigrants and the Second Generation?
- Ethnic inequality in retirement income: a comparative analysis of immigrant-native gaps in Western Europe
- Evaluation of anisotropic tangential conduction in printed-circuit-board heated-thin-foil heat flux sensors
- Foreign capital in 19th century Spain's investment boom
- Forensic analysis of Turkish elections in 2017-2018
- Gendered political resources: The case of party office
- Immigrants against immigration: competition, identity and immigrants' vote on free movement in Switzerland
- Is it Simply Gender? Content, Format, and Time in Political Knowledge Measures
- La salud de las personas mayores en España durante la crisis económica
- Land reform and conflict before the Civil War: landowner response to tenancy reform in 1930s Catalonia
- Ley de Dependencia, coaliciones de actores y regímenes de bienestar en dos comunidades autónomas españolas: Andalucía y Aragón (2007-2017) =Dependency Law, Coalitions of Actors and Welfare Regimes in Two Spanish Autonomous Regions: Andalusia and Aragon (2007-2017)
- Market integration and transformation of business politics: diverging trajectories of corporatisms in Mexico and Turkey
- Mexico's foreign trade in a turbulent era (1821-1870): a reconstruction
- Multilingualism and European Identification
- National culture and financial systems: The conditioning role of political context
- Passing the buck? Responsibility attribution and cognitive bias in multilevel democracies
- Playing Out: A Movement for Movement?
- Pre-war Grievances and Violence Against Civilians in Civil Wars. Evidence from the Spanish Civil War in Catalonia
- Rafael Torres Sánchez, Constructing a Fiscal-Military State in Eighteenth Century Spain, Palgrave Macmillan, 2015, 253 pp. [book review]
- Refinancing short-term debt with a fixed monthly interest rate into funded juros under Philip II: an asiento with the Maluenda brothers
- SYRIZA, M5S and Podemos: the three champions of the angry southern European voter = SYRIZA, M5S y Podemos : los tres campeones del votante enfadado en el sur de Europa
- Socialist growth revisited: insights from Yugoslavia
- Societal Education and the Education Divide in European Identity, 1992-2015
- Sources of Leader Support and Interstate Rivalry
- Stealth democracy and the support for new and challenger parties.
- Stopgappers? The Occupational Trajectories of Men in Female-Dominated Occupations
- The Emergence of a National Market in Spain, 1650-1800: Trace Networks, Foreign Powers and the State
- The Institutional Foundation of Social Class Differences in Pro-redistribution Attitudes: A Cross-National Analysis, 1985-2010
- The effect of valence and ideology in campaign conversion: panel evidence from three Spanish general elections
- The impact of intraparty electoral reforms on party system nationalization
- The reconstruction of Brazil's foreign trade series, 1821-1913
- The short-term and long-term effects of institutional reforms on party system nationalization
- Turnout and social fractionalisation.
- What 25 April was and why it mattered
- What Made the Third Wave Possible? Historical Contingency and Meta-Politics in the Genesis of Worldwide Democratization
- What We Need to Know About Retirement: Pressing Issues for the Coming Decade
- What do respondents mean when they report to be "citizens of the world"? Using probing questions to elucidate international differences in cosmopolitanism.
- When politics gets in the way: domestic coalitions and the making of skill systems
- Who Honours the Rules of Federalism? Party System Nationalisation and Fiscal Performance.
- Beyond the turnout paradox : |b the political economy of electoral participation
- El principe moderno : democracia, política y poder
Book Chapters
- Cap. IV: Necesidades de las empresas en su proceso de internacionalización. In: La internacionalización de la empresa española: Situación y propuestas
- Chapter 20: An overview of research on gender and social policy in Spain. In: Handbook on Gender and Social Policy
- Chapter 7: Gender and Political Sociology. In: The SAGE Handbook of Political Sociology, v. 2
- El fin de la aventura: el pensamiento político en el renacimiento . In: Sobre Política. Ideas políticas desde la Polis a la Revolución Inglesa
- Emociones y consecuencias políticas en el pensamiento de Turgot y Ferguson. In: Poéticas del sujeto, cartografías de lo humano. La contribución de la Ilustración europea a la historia cultural de las emociones
- Formándose opiniones sobre Europa: el uso de «pistas partidistas e ideológicas» y la competencia política en los votantes españoles. In: Opinión pública y cambio electoral en España : claves ante el reto europeo y la crisis política y económica
- Italy to 1938. In: Wine Globalization: A New Comparative History
- La Gran Armada en la estrategia fiscal de Felipe II. In: Studium, magisterium et amicitia : homenaje al profesor Agustín González Enciso
- La Universidad: bien común y reconocimiento de saberes pluridiversos. In: ¿Qué universidades necesita el siglo XXI? Reflexiones a 100 años de la reforma estudiantil de Córdoba
- La economía. In: Nueva historia de la España contemporánea : (1808-2018)
- Las bases para la reforma del sistema electoral español. In: España constitucional (1978-2018) : trayectorias y perspectivas. Vol. 4, t. 4
- Los bancos públicos de Agustín y Julio Spínola en la Corte y Sevilla entre 1602 y 1610. In: Las instituciones económicas, las finanzas públicas y el declive de España en la Edad Moderna
- Seizing the populist rhetorical toolkit: a comparative analysis of Trump and Clinton's discourse on Twiter during the 2016 U.S. Presidential Campaign. In: President Donald Trump and his political discourse: Ramifications of Rhetoric via Twitter
- The Economy. In: The History of Modern Spain: chronologies, themes, individual
- Transparencia: "la luz del sol como el mejor desinfectante". In: España constitucional, cuarenta años (1978-2018): trayectorias y perspectivas
- Una agenda ODS que no invisibilice ni reduzca el Derecho humano a la alimentación. In: Haciendo realidad el derecho a la alimentación en España
- Una investigación del impacto de dos proyectos hidroeléctricos en los derechos humanos de los pueblos indígenas de Guatemala. In: Empresas y derechos humanos
- ¿Por qué culpamos a Europa?. In: Opinión pública y cambio electoral en España : claves ante el reto europeo y la crisis política y económica.