Outputs for SOCIAL SCIENCES Department (Year 2016)
- Abortion Law in Transnational Perspective: Cases and Controversies
- Allocating campaign effort in Spain: evidence from four general elections
- Asymmetric federalism and economic voting
- Brazilian export growth and divergence in the tropics during the nineteenth century
- Can Democracy Win in Venezuela?
- Collective religiosity and the gender gap in attitudes towards economic redistribution in 86 countries, 1990-2008
- Datos masivos, algoritmos y libertad
- Defining the State from Within: Boundaries, Schemas, and Associational Policymaking
- Domestic transnationalism and the formation of pro-European sentiments
- Economic Growth and Measurement Reconsidered in Botswana, Kenya, Tanzania, and Zambia, 1965-1995
- Economic freedom in the long run: evidence from OECD countries (1850-2007)
- El papel de las capitales en la construcción de la identidad territorial en las naciones sin estado = The role of capital cities in the construction of the territorial identity of stateless nations
- Elecciones municipales en España: un análisis multinivel de los determinantes individuales y contextuales del voto = Local elections in Spain: a multilevel analysis of the individual and contextual determinants of voting
- España 2016: el camino de Kennedy
- Experiencias de la participación militar española en misiones internacionales: el caso de los oficiales del Ejército de Tierra (1993-2015) = Experiences of Spanish Military Participation in International missions: The Case of Army Officers (1993-2015)
- Family Formation and Returning to Institutional Religion in Young Adulthood
- Financial remittances, trans-border conversations, and the state
- Globalization, transnational human capital, and employment in the European Union
- Going public against institutional constraints? Analyzing the online presence intensity of 2014 European Parliament election candidates
- History of the republican right in Italy
- Immigrant optimism or anticipated discrimination? Explaining the first educational transition of ethnic minorities in England
- José Manuel RODRÍGUEZ URIBES, Gregorio Peces-Barba. Justicia y Derecho (La Utopía Posible), Madrid Civitas Thomson Reuters, 2015. 241 pp. [book review]
- La posición política y el estatuto jurídico de los ex Jefes de Estado y de Gobierno. Un estudio comparado: Estados Unidos, Alemania, Reino Unido, Portugal, Francia y Canadá
- Labour-market competition, recession and anti-immigrant sentiments in Europe: occupational and environmental drivers of competitive threat
- Land inequality in Italy in 1940: the new picture
- Los años sin rey. Imaginarios aristocráticos durante la Segunda República y el primer franquismo (1931-1950) = The Aristocratic Imaginary During the Second Republic and Early Francoism (1931-1950)
- Luchar por participar: La protesta feminista en la Iglesia Católica durante el franquismo = Fighting for joining in: The Feminist Protest within the Catholic Church in Franco's Spain
- Mechanisms of social movement success: conversation, displacement and disruption = Mecanismos para entender los logros de los movimientos: conversación, desplazamiento y disrupción
- Mismeasuring long-run growth: the bias from splicing national accounts-the case of Spain
- Nuevos métodos para viejos propósitos. Marketing para el siglo XXI
- Philip II against the cortes and the credit freeze of 1575-1577
- Philip II against the cortes and the credit freeze of 1575-1577 - Erratum
- Politics, coalitions, and support of farmers, 1920-1975
- Respond to "Duplications" by Drelichman and Voth
- Rethinking Dimensions of Democracy for Empirical Analysis: Authenticity, Quality, Depth, and Consolidation
- Righteous Rhetoric: Sex, Speech, and the Politics of Concerned Women for America
- Rural police and agricultural labour markets in the Spanish Second Republic: the case of Santa Marta (Badajoz), 1931-1936
- Saying and Doing Gender: Intergenerational Transmission of Attitudes towards the Sexual Division of Labour
- Soccer, Culture and Society in Spain: An Ethnography of Basque Fandom
- Socio-historical foundations of citizenship practice: after social revolution in Portugal
- Spanish agriculture in the little divergence
- Terrorism, Belief Formation, and Residential Integration: Population Dynamics in the Aftermath of the 2004 Madrid Terror Bombings
- The 2015 Catalan Election: The Independence Bid at the Polls
- The 2015 parliamentary elections in Venezuela
- The Breakdown of the Spanish Two-Party System: The Upsurge of Podemos and Ciudadanos in the 2015 General Election
- The Challenges of the New Spanish Multipartism: Government Formation Failure and the 2016 General Election
- The Montenegrin Warrior Tradition: Questions and Controversies over NATO Membership
- The little big number: how GDP came to rule the world and what to do about it
- Using prediction market data for measuring the expected closeness in electoral research
- Comunicación política: nuevas dinámicas y ciudadanía permanente
- Guatemala: Gobierno, gobernabilidad, poder local y recursos naturales
- Hidroeléctricas insaciables en Guatemala. Una investigación del impacto de Hidro Santa Cruz y Renace en los derechos humanos de los pueblos indígenas
- Secular conversions: political institutions and religious Education in the United States and Australia, 1800-2000
Book Chapters
- Comunicación en situaciones de crisis. In: Comunicación política. Nuevas dinámicas y ciudadanía permanente
- Configuración del sistema guatemalteco. In: Guatemala: Gobierno, Gobernabilidad, Poder Local y Recursos Naturales
- Democratización de la comunicación política. In: Comunicación política: Nuevas dinámicas y ciudadanía permanente
- Ebb and Flow of Early Retirement: Pension Reform and Labour Market Participation of Older Workers in Spain. In: Delaying Retirement: Progress and Challenges of Active Ageing in Europe, the United States and Japan
- El ecosistema digital de la comunicación política. In: Comunicación política: nuevas dinámicas y ciudadanía permanente
- El político como líder . In: Consultoría política
- Money markets. In: The Oxford Handbook of Banking and Financial History
- Petro-estados y regímenes políticos: el caso de Venezuela (1999-2015). In: Transición democrática o autocratización revolucionaria. El desafío venezolano II
- Retirement Transitions in Times of Institutional Change: Theoretical Concept. In: Delaying Retirement: Progress and Challenges of Active Ageing in Europe, the United States and Japan
- Technology transfer and the early development of the cotton textile industry in nineteenth century Spain. In: Industrial districts in History and the developing world
- The economic and fiscal impact of syndicate play. In: Random riches: gambling past & present
Conference Contributions
- Author Meets Critics: Tavory, Summoned: Identification and Religious Life in a Jewish Neighborhood
- Beyond the objectification of memory: the implications of understanding memory as and essentially contested concept
- Building up historical financial databases
- How cultural frameworks shape the politics of crisis: Portugal and Spain
- How national histories shaped the politics of crisis: Southern European Contrasts
- How the past shapes struggles for equality: contrasting legacies of reform and revolution
- Inside the Black Box: The Culture of Method in Historical Sociology
- Is the state/regime historically contingent &- and if so in what ways?
- La cobertura mediática de los debates electorales: comparación de los debates entre dos y más candidatos en España
- Las elecciones parlamentarias venezolanas de 2015
- Los sectores medios venezolanos ante el colapso económico
- Luchar por participar: la protesta feminista en la Iglesia Católica durante el franquismo
- Regional Capital of Nations without State in the World: Position and Centrality
- See No Evil, Hear No Evil: Voters Follow Candidates But Who See American Candidates on their Timelines
- Seeking justice in Argentina: A new momentum for the recovery of historical memory in Spain
- Skateboarding: Cambio Cultural e Innovación Tecnológica en la Sociedad Postindustrial
- Socio-historical Foundations of Citizenship Practice: After the Revolution in Portugal
- Spain's stolen children as victims: the politics of self-definition and (lack of) recognition
- Sport and social movements: Lilí Álvarez in Franco's Spain
- Sport and social protest: The case of Catholic feminist Lili Alvarez in Franco's Spain
- Sport and social protest: The case of Catholic feminist Lili Alvarez in Franco's Spain
- Stopgappers? The occupational trajectories of men in female-dominated occupations
- Stopgappers? The occupational trajectories of men in female-dominated occupations
- The 'indignados' in Space & Time. Transnational networks and historical root
- The Complex Style of American Statecraft: Lessons from the Johnson Administration
- The Hidden American State Reconsidered: Rethinking State Visibility
The constitutions and beyond: legacies of democratization in contemporary Spain and
Portugal - When does a Cosmopolitan−Communitarian Cleavage emerge? Evidence from spatial voting in five countries
- When memory activism spreads across time, space and struggles. The appropriation of the escrache in Spain
- When voices in the streets can(not) change the world: origins of the Iberian divide in inclusion
- Diseño de nueva metodología de determinación del grado de desequilibrio de distritos y barrios y sus necesidades de reequilibrio y obtención de nuevo indicador sintético destinado a mejorar la dotación del Fondo de Reequilibrio Territorial
- Nuevas aproximaciones a la investigación sobre integración
- Uses of the Past in International Economic Relations
- ¿Es el género, la motivación o algo más? Un estudio de las desigualdades de género en la implicación con la política
Supervised Theses
- Examining the evolution of the tertiary sector: economic geography of knowledge
- Growth, inequality and the rise of the middle class, Brazil
- Las policías portuarias en España: estructura, actividad y evolución
Working Papers
- A tale of two globalizations : gains for trade and openness 1800-2010
- Knowledge shocks diffusion and the resilience of regional inequality
- Lewis revisited : tropical polities competing on the world market 1830-1938
- Spain's Historical National Accounts: Expenditure and Output, 1850-2015
- Spanish Agriculture in the Little Divergence
- The roots of regional trade in the Americas 1870 to 1950
- World trade, 1800-1938: a new data-set
- World trade, 1800-1938 : a new data-set