Outputs for ECONOMICS Department (Year 2015)
- A joint portmanteau test for conditional mean and variance time-series models
- Bayesian mixed frequency VARs
- Can Macroeconomists Forecast Risk? Event-Based Evidence from the Euro-Area SPF
- Centralized vs decentralized contests
- Consumption in the shadow of unemployment
- Coverage of infertility treatment and fertility outcomes
- Density characteristics and density forecast performance: a panel analysis
- Determinacy of equilibrium in outcome game forms
- Differences in citation impact across countries
- Do polls create momentum in political competition?
- Dynamic Price Competition with Switching Costs
- Efficient inference on fractionally integrated panel data models with fixed effects
- Employment dynamics of immigrants versus natives: evidence from the boom-bust period in spain, 2000-2011
- Endogenous quality choice under upstream market power
- Equilibrium existence in Tullock contests with incomplete information
- Euler-Lagrange equations of stochastic differential games: application to a game of a productive asset
- Field-normalized citation impact indicators using algorithmically constructed classification systems of science
- Functional and in silico assessment of MAX variants of unknown significance
- Information asymmetry and deception
- Lecture attendance, study Time, and academic performance: a panel data study
- Losses from Horizontal Merger: an Extension to a Successive Oligopoly Model with Product Differentiation
- Market structure and the competitive effects of switching costs
- Multiplicative versus fractional counting methods for co-authored publications. The case of the 500 universities in the Leiden Ranking
- Near unit root small open economies
- Non-nested testing of spatial correlation
- Optimal Public Sector Wages
- Relative difference contest success function
- Returns to Skills and the Distribution of Wages: Spain 1995-2010
- Science and Technology Parks and cooperation for innovation: Empirical evidence from Spain
- The dynamics of bidding markets with financial constraints
- The joint effect of ethnicity and gender on occupational segregation. An approach based on the Mutual Information Index
- The joint effect of ethnicity and gender on occupational segregation. An approach based on the Mutual Information Index
- The spatial development of India
- Thyroid cancer GWAS identifies 10q26.12 and 6q14.1 as novel susceptibility loci and reveals genetic heterogeneity among populations
- Tradable refugee-admission quotas (TRAQs), the Syrian crisis and the new European agenda on migration
- Values of games with weighted graphs
- Within- and between-department variability in individual productivity: the case of economics
- didq: A command for treatment-effect estimation under alternative assumptions
Book Chapters
- Interdisciplinarity in the study of behaviour change: experiences, promises and challenges. In: Thinking about behaviour change: an interdisciplinary dialogue
- La evaluación docente basada en el resultado como vía de mejora del sistema educativo. In: Reflexiones sobre el sistema educativo español
Conference Contributions
- Altruism, exchange, attachment to the house, or by accident: why do people leave bequests?
- Altruism, long-term care, attachment to the house, or by accident :why do people leave bequests?
- An Alternative to Field-normalization in the Aggregation of Heterogeneous Scientific Fields
- Bias-free estimation of fractional integrated panel data models
- Bilateral contracting with search: the case of the Chilean OTC electricity market
- Coverage of infertility treatment and fertility outcomes: do women catch up?
- Discusión del artículo: ''Selling daughters: teenage marriage, income shocks, and bride price tradition'
- Does the breadwinner's gender matter? employment and the risk of domestic violence
- Efficient decentralised regulation in competitive insurance markets with asymmetric information
- Envejecimiento igualitario y Desarrollo rural-urbano: evaluar e investigar con una mirada psicosociológica y ecofeminista
- Estimation of dynamic nonlinear random effects models with unbalanced panels
- Evaluating long-term-care policy options, taking the family seriously
- Evaluating long-term-care policy options, taking the family seriously
- Evaluating long-term-care policy options, taking the family seriously
- Frequency domain minimum distance estimation of possibly noninvertible and noncausal ARMA models
- Frequency domain minimum distance estimation of possibly noninvertible and noncausal ARMA models
- Great opportunities or poor alternatives: self employment, paid employment, and unemployment over the business cycle
- Great opportunities or poor alternatives: self employment, paid employment, and unemployment over the business cycle
- Hide and seek: asymmetric information in the private health insurance
- Optimal unemployment insurance: consumption versus expenditure
- Price discrimination with search
- Production complementarities and flexibility in a model of entrepreneurship
- Sostenibilidad social, trabajo y envejecimiento: dos investigaciones con una misma perspectiva de género
- Sovereign risk, private credit, and stabilization policies
- The World income distribution: the effects of international unbundling of production
- The World income distribution: the effects of international unbundling of production
- The agricultural environmental development and social inclusions attitudes for the mitigation of the GHG impact in Spain
- The agricultural environmental education for the reduction of GHG emissions in Spain
- The impact of public research contracts on scientific productivity
- The transmission of inequality across multiple generations: testing recent theories with evidence from Germany
- The value of public information in common-value Tullock contests (SAET, 2015)
- The value of public information in common-value Tullock contests (VJES, 2015)
- Towards a low carbon power sector: a research agenda
- University citation distributions
- Variance ratio tests for panels with cross section dependence
- Who monitors the monitors? : effect of partisan observers on electoral outocomes
- Women's role in agriculture. The UK and Spain since the 20th century
- aries: an implementation of CART in Stata
- Barómetro del transporte internacional por carretera (PMI-ASTIC) para los asociados de ASTIC
- Incentivos individuales y bienestar social
- La dependencia de ancianos en Europa: consecuencias de reformas sobre el cuidado familiar
- Over-borrowing: the interaction of private and sovereing debt
- Teoría económica dinámica: métodos y modelos en macroeconomía y finanzas II
- Unidad de Excelencia Maria de Maeztu - Departamento Economia
Supervised Theses
- Análisis económico de los concursos de acreedores en España=Insolvency institutions, contract enforcement and firms
- Essays on discrete choice models with fixed effects
- Essays on duration and count data models
- Essays on heterogeneous agent models
- Essays on strategic location choices and pricing strategies in oligopolistic markets
- Essays on the Economics Education
- Panel data models with long-range dependance
- Specification and casuality of distribution models
Working Papers
- An alternative to field-normalization in the aggregation of heterogeneous scientific fields
- Drugs, guns and early motherhood in Colombia
- Dynamic conditional score patent count panel data models
- Estimation of Dynamic Nonlinear Random Effects Models with Unbalanced Panels
- Informe GENET "Género y políticas públicas: claves para la agenda política", Asociación GENET &-Red de Estudios de Género, CSIC (Centro de Ciencias Humanas y sociales)
- Internal cocaine trafficking and armed violence in Colombia
- Multiplicative versus fractional counting methods for co-authored publications : the case of the 500 universities in the Leiden ranking
- Oligopolistic equilibrium and financial constraints
- Optimal Unemployment Insurance : Consumption versus Expenditure
- Real Capital Input in OECD Agriculture: A Multinational Comparison
- Strategy-proof fair school placement
- The energy transition in Europe: initial lessons from Germany, the UK and France : towards a low carbon European power sector
- The role of captive consumers in retailers' location choices
- The welfare effects of asset means-testing income support