Outputs for ECONOMICS Department (Year 2020)
- A model of search with price discrimination
- Assessing the future medical cost burden for the European health systems under alternative exposure-to-risks scenarios
- Confidence and decision-making in experimental asset markets
- Cooking that kills: Cleaner energy access, indoor air pollution, and health
- Cournot equilibrium revisited
- Disequilibrium Trade in a Large Market for an Indivisible Good
- Estimation for Dynamic Panel Data with Individual Effects
- European gasoline markets: price transmission asymmetries in mean and variance
- Incentives for information provision: Energy efficiency in the Spanish rental market
- La sostenibilidad del sistema de salud y el mercado farmacéutico: Una interacción permanente entre el costo de los medicamentos, el sistema de patentes y la atención a las enfermedades = The sustainability of the health system and the pharmaceutical market: A permanent interaction between the cost of medications, the patent system, and disease care
- Literacy and primary school expansion in Portugal: 1940-1962
- Marginality and Myerson values
- Modeling life-cycle earnings risk with positive and negative shocks
- News, sovereign debt maturity, and default risk
- Nonparametric Euler Equation Identification and Estimation
- Oligopolistic equilibrium and financial constraints
- On the relationship between domestic saving and the current account: evidence and theory for developing countries
- Rational inattention and migration decisions
- Recursive lower and dual upper bounds for Bermudan-style options
- Risk attitudes and household migration decisions
- Robots, labor markets, and universal basic income
- Smartphone Identification via Passive Traffic Fingerprinting: A Sequence-to-Sequence Learning Approach
- Social Connectivity, Media Bias, and Correlation Neglect
- Strategic incentives for keeping one set of books under the Arm's Length Principle
- Strategy-proof and group strategy-proof stable mechanisms: An equivalence
- Talkin' About a Resolution: Issues in the Push for Greater Transparency of Medicine Prices
- The Impact of a Permanent Income Shock on the Situation of Women in the Household: the case of a pension reform in Argentina
- The changing nature of gender selection into employment over the great recession
- The geography of linguistic diversity and the provision of public goods
- Trends in distributional characteristics: existence of global warming
- Two-step semiparametric empirical likelihood inference
- Welfare gains of bailouts in a sovereign default model
Book Chapters
- Common and Idiosyncratic Factors of Real Interest Rates in Emerging Economies. In: The Natural Interest Rates in Emerging Economies
- Dual Labour Markets Revisited. In: Oxford Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance
- Growth and convergence among Argentine provinces since 1895. In: Time and Space: Latin American Regional Development in Historical Perspective
- Regional Inequality in Latin America: Does It Mirror the European Pattern?. In: Time and Space: Latin American Regional Development in Historical Perspective
- Spatial inequality in Latin America (1895-2010). In: Time and Space: Latin American Regional Development in Historical Perspective
Conference Contributions
- Auctioning Renewables
- Auctioning renewables
- Covid-19, trust and solidarity in the EU
- Fiscal Rules, Policy and Macroeconomic Stabilization in the Euro Area
- Market Power and Price Discrimination: Learning from Changes in Renewables Regulation
- Optimal Linear Instrumental Variables Approximations
- Risk Sharing, Contagion and Network Formation
- Technology neutral versus technology specific procurement
- The Energy Transition: An Industrial Economics Perspective
- The Energy Transition: a challenge for Industrial Economics
- Almacenamiento en el sector eléctrico: incentivos a la inversión y regulación
- ClimateFinReg: Can we Mitigate Climate Change through Financial Regulation?
- Comprender la función de las creencias subjetivas, las aspiraciones futuras y la identidad de grupo en la desigualdad social
- Credit access and determinants of entrepreneurial success
- Diversificación de riesgos: familias, gobiernos y sus interacciones
- EPPB. Madrid-Economía Política y Regulación
- El impacto heterogéneo de las fricciones financieras, las políticas públicas, y del comercio internacional en las empresas y trabajadores
- Estructura Ocupacional, Tamaño de las Ciudades y Desigualdad Salarial: Un Análisis de Políticas Públicas
- Estudios sobre los determinantes del capital humano y los ajustes del mercado de trabajo en la economía española
- Evaluating policies in Spain during the Covid-19 crisis and its aftermath: The role of DSGE models with heterogeneus agents and sectors.
- Inmigración internacional: gravedad y efectos
- MEI. Madrid-Economía Política y Regulación
- MIMA. Mercados, Innovación y Medio Ambiente.
- MM. Madrid-Economía Política y Regulación
- Organización Industrial en la Frontera: Teoría, Análisis Empíricos y Experimentos
- Procesos de exclusión social: segregación de género y política sanitaria
- RelImprecision: Behaviour, perceptions, cognition, knowledge, organizations. Relational contracting approach to design of contractual forms when information is imprecise
- Spanish Network in Macroeconomics
- The dynamics of the real interest rates
- Transición energética: un análisis del diseño e impacto de las políticas económicas
Supervised Theses
- Conflicts over Land, Labor, and Rent Essays on The Political Economy of Institutional Change
- Essays on Labour Market Flows, Immigration and Persistence of Temporary Jobs
- Essays on Reputation in Online Marketplaces
- Network Dependence
- Three Essays on Collusion-proof Mechanism Design
Working Papers
- Locally Robust Semiparametric Estimation
- (Structural) VAR Models with Ignored Changes in Mean and Volatility
- Biased experts, majorityrRule, and the optimal composition of committee
- Blast from the past: The altruism model is richer than you think
- Degrowth versus Decoupling: Competing strategies for carbon abatement?
- Do Processing Times Affect the Distribution of Asylum Seekers across Europe?
- Dynamic stochastic general equilibrium inference using a score-driven approach
- Estimation of split points in misspecified decision trees
- European Structural and Investment Funds and Regional Convergence: The Impact of Public Deficit in Beta-Convergence
- European gasoline markets: price transmission asymmetries in mean and variance
- Firms and households during the pandemic: what do we learn from their electricity consumption?
- Forecasting gasoline prices with mixed random forest error correction models
- Gender differences in the effectiveness of prosocial policies: an application to road safety
- Housing prices and credit constraints in competitive search
- Institutions, opportunism and prosocial behavior: some experimental evidence
- Intergroup contact and nation building: evidence from military service in Spain
- Irregular identification of structural models with nonparametric unobserved heterogeneity
- Land, water and energy: the crossing of governance
- Lift the ban? Initial employment restrictions and refugee labour market outcomes
- Market Definition and Competition Policy Enforcement in the Pharmaceutical Industry
- Market Power and PriceDiscrimination: Learning from Changes in Renewables
- Nonlinear common trends for the global crude oil market: Markov-switching score-driven models of the multivariate t-distribution
- On Risk and Time pressure: When to think and when to do
- Out of sample predictability in predictive regressions with many predictor candidates
- Persuading to Participate: Coordination on a Standard
- Prediction accuracy of bivariate score-driven risk premium and volatility filters: an illustration for the Dow Jones
- Pricing group membership
- Public-sector compensation over the life cycle
- Quantile Factor Models
- Rational Inattention and Migration Decisions
- Regression Discontinuity Design with Multivalued Treatments
- School Choice with Transferable Students Characteristics
- Social connectivity, media bias, and correlation neglect
- Spurious relationships in high dimensional systems with strong or mild persistence
- Storing Power: Market Structure Matters
- Technology catch-up in agriculture among advanced economies
- Technology-Neutral vs. TechnologySpecific Procurement
- The size, socio-economic composition and fiscal implications of the irregular immigration in Spain
- The wrong kind of information
- USSR, education, work history, fertility choices, and later-life outcomes
- Uncovering regimes in out of sample forecast errors from predictive regressions
- Using Stata to estimate dynamic correlated random effectsprobit models with unbalanced panels
- Worker flows and wage dynamics: estimating wage growth without composition effects
- XTPROBITUNBAL: Stata module to estimate Dynamic Probit Random Effects Models with Unbalanced Panel