Outputs for ECONOMICS Department (Year 2018)
- A capture theory of committees
- A new Cramer-Von Misses cointegration test with application to environmental Kuznets curve
- A primer on capacity mechanisms
- A review of intergenerational mobility and its drivers
- Agricultural productivity shocks, labour reallocation and rural-urban migration in China
- An Observational Analysis of Executive Performance in School Children
- Dynamic pivotal politics
- Early impacts of college aid
- Efficiency improvements for minimum distance estimation of causal and invertible ARMA models
- Empleo y riesgo de violencia doméstica. ¿Importa quién es el sustentador principal?
- Envelope theorem in dynamic economic models with recursive utility
- Equation-by-equation estimation of multivariate periodic electricity price volatility
- Estimation of log-GARCH models in the presence of zero returns
- Evaluating long-term care policy options, taking the family seriously
- Frequency Domain Minimum Distance Inference For Possibly Noninvertible And Noncausal Arma Models.
- Generic finiteness of equilibrium distributions for bimatrix outcome game forms
- Hide or Show? Observability of Private Precautions Against Crime When Property Value is Private Information
- Imperfectly competitive markets, trade unions and inflation: do imperfectly competitive markets transmit more inflation than perfectly competitive ones? A theoretical appraisal
- Inefficient rushes in auctions
- Inference on trending panel data
- Las subvenciones adicionales en la compañía ferroviaria MZA=The "Additional Grants" in MZA Railway Company
- Meritocracy, efficiency, incentives and voting in cooperative production: a survey
- Modeling of Containerized Maritime Transport
- Modifications of the axon initial segment during the hibernation of the Syrian hamster
- Moral hazard with non-additive uncertainty: When are actions implementable?
- News media and crime perceptions: Evidence from a natural experiment
- Nonparametric tests for conditional symmetry
- Nonparametric tests for conditional symmetry
- Path-Breakers: how does women's political participation respond to electoral success?
- Polling in a proportional representation system
- Portfolio optimization in a defined benefit pension plan where the risky assets are processes with constant elasticity of variance
- Sovereign default and the choice of maturity
- Stochastic differential games for which the open-loop equilibrium is subgame perfect.
- The "Additional Grants" in MZA Railway Company
- The Evolution of gender segregation over the life course
- The effect of visa policies on international migration flows
- The impact of subsidies for researchers on the gender scientific productivity gap
- The optimal method for pricing Bermudan options by simulation
- The transmission of inequality across multiple generations: testing recent theories with evidence from Germany
- Tullock contests reward information advantages
- Who actually decides? Parental influence on the housing tenure choice of their children
- Handbook of game theory and industrial organization. Volume I. Theory
- Handbook of game theory and industrial organization. Volume II. Applications
Book Chapters
- Assessing coordinated effects in merger cases. In: Handbook of Game Theory and Industrial Organization. Vol II. Applications
- Auctions. In: Handbook of game theory and industrial organization. Volume II. Applications
- Benefits and costs of the gender equality targets for the post-2015 development agenda. In: Prioritizing development. A cost benefita analysis of the United Nations' sustainable development goals
- Combining physical and financial solidarity in asylum policy. In: The human and economic implications of twenty-first century immigration policy
- Contest theory. In: Handbook of game theory and industrial organization. Volume II. Applications
- Introduction. Handbook of Game Theory and Industrial Organization, Volume I Theory . In: Handbook of game theory and industrial organization, Volume I. Theory
- Introduction. Handbook of Game Theory and Industrial Organization, Volume II Applications. In: Handbook of Game Theory and Industrial Organization, Volume II Applications
- Segregation: empirical findings. In: Handbook of research on economic and social well-being
Conference Contributions
- Asymmetric information with multiple risks: the case of the Chilean private health insurance market
- Centralized Course Allocation Under Priorities
- Externalités des politiques d'immigration
- Long-Term Care across Europe and the U.S.: The Role of Informal and Formal Care
- Persistence heterogeneity testing in panels with interactive fixed effects
- Predicting Spanish emigration and immigration
- Sovereign Debt Restructurings: A Dynamic Discrete Choice Approach
- Subgame Perfect Nash Equilibrium as solution of a control problem
- The implications of intimate partner violence on women's health
- Arquitectura presupuestaria en la UE y Cohesión: Consecuencias fiscales para España de los cambios en la PAC y los fondos Europeos
- ELECTRIC CHALLENGES - Current Tools and Policy Challenges in Electricity Markets
Supervised Theses
in Empirical Political Economy -
on mixed-frequency and casuality analysis in the frequency domain - Essays on occupational choice, intergenerational persistence and structural change
- Intergenerational Networks and job search.
Working Papers
- Measurement errors and rank correlation
- (The Struggle for) Refugee Integration into the Labour Market: Evidence from Europe
- A fair procedure in a marriage market
- A primer on capacity mechanisms
- A simple model of competitive testing
- Campaign contests
- Centralized Course Allocation
- Counterfactual Analysis Using Censored Duration Data
- Cournot equilibrium revisited
- Does limiting internet use among adolescents affect their offline social relationships?
- Gridlock and inefficienct policy instruments
- Incentives for information provision: energy efficiency in the Spanish rental market
- Job insecurity
- Leader identity and coordination
- Long-term care across Europe and the U.S.: the role of informal and formal care
- Minimum age requirements and the impact of school choice
- Model of search with price discrimination
- Optimal informationcensorship
- Predicting Spanish emigration and immigration
- Properties of contests
- Reducing credit constraints to post-secondary technical education in developing countries : evidence from Colombia
- Religion and abortion: the role of politician identity
- Seasonal Quasi-Vector Autoregressive Models with an Application to Crude Oil Production and Economic Activity in the United States and Canada
- Seasonal quasi-vector autoregressive models for macroeconomic data
- Seasonality Detection in Small Samples using Score-Driven Nonlinear Multivariate Dynamic Location Models
- Shift-share instruments and the impact of immigration
- Showing off or laying low? the economics of psych-outs
- Slacktivism
- Spatial mobility in elite academic institutions in economics : the case of Spain
- The Democrat-Republican growth gap paradox
- Tullock Contests Reward Information Advantages