Outputs for ECONOMICS Department (Year 2023)
- Are working hours complements in production?
- Association Between State Antibullying Policies and Suicidal Behaviors Among Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Questioning Youth
- Auctions with privately known capacities: Understanding competition among renewables
- Behind the curtain: How did women's work history vary across Central and Eastern Europe?
- Central banks and climate change (Part 1). Does climate change fit into central banks" mandates?
- Cigarette taxes, smoking, and health in the long run
- Co-integration with score-driven models: an application to US real GDP growth, US inflation rate, and effective federal funds rate
- Competitive Search with Two-Sided Risk Aversion
- Diagnóstico de la neumonía: una necesidad compartida = Diagnosis of pneumonia: a shared need
- Documenting occupational sorting by gender in the UK across three cohorts: does a grand convergence rely on societal movements?
- Effect of class size on student achievement in the COVID-19 "new normal"
- Estimating intergenerational and assortative processes in extended family data
- Evolving market boundaries and competition policy enforcement in the pharmaceutical industry
- Failing Young and Temporary Workers? The Impact of a Disruptive Crisis on a Dual Labour Market
- Firms and households during the pandemic: what do we learn from their electricity consumption?
- Heterogeneous predictive association of CO2 with global warming
- Housing prices and credit constraints in competitive search
- Identification and estimation of structural VARMA models using higher order dynamics
- Information, perceptions, and electoralbehaviour of young voters: A randomised controlled experiment
- Luck or rights? An experiment on preferences for redistribution following inheritance of opportunity
- Marginality and the position value
- Market power and price exposure: Learning from changes in renewable energy regulation
- Mechanism design with informational punishment
- Minimum age requirements and the role of the school choice set
- Natives contribute to the residential segregation of immigrants
- Non-Gaussian score-driven conditionally heteroskedastic models with a macroeconomic application
- On risk and time pressure: When to think and when to do
- Playing with words: Do people exploit loaded language to affect others' decisions for their own benefit?
- Pricing group membership
- Recreational marijuana laws and the misuse of prescription opioids: Evidence from National Survey on Drug Use and Health microdata
- Reforming European electricity markets: Lessons from the energy crisis
- Regression discontinuity design with multivalued treatments
- Save, spend, or give? A model of housing, family insurance, and savings in old age
- Score-driven threshold ice-age models: Benchmark models for long-run climate forecasts
- Sentimental Business Cycles
- Slacktivism
- Social interaction and negotiation outcomes: An experimental approach
- Storing Power: Markets Structure Matters
- Sunspots that matter: The effect of weather on solar technology adoption
- Take-it-or-leave-it contracts in many-to-many matching markets
- Technology neutral versus technology specific procurement
- Terrorism and political attitudes: Evidence from European social surveys
- The Public Health Effects of Legalizing Marijuana
- The Wrong Kind of Information
- The case for CASE: Estimating heterogeneous systemic effects
- The effects of becoming a physician on prescription drug use and mental health treatment
- The role of mothers on female labour force participation: an approach using historical parish records
- Which crisis support fiscal measures worked during the Covid-19 shock in Europe?
- Women's education, fertility and children' health during a gender equalization process: Evidence from a child labor reform in Spain
- mutualinf: An R package for computing and decomposing the mutual information index of Ssegregation
Book Chapters
- Building nations through internal mobility: evidence from Spanish conscripts. In: Nation Building: Big Lessons from Successes and Failures
- Educational inequality. In: Handbook of the Economics of Education
- Expectations and incomplete markets. In: Handbook of Economic Expectations
Conference Contributions
- Risk-sharing with a central authority: Free-riding, lack of commitment, and bail-outs
- Unpacking the Distributional Effects of the Energy Crisis: Evidence from the Spanish Electricity Market
- Convenio entre la Universidad Carlos II de Madrid y la Fundación Loyola Andalucía
- Decisiones Económicas Individuales y Familiares: Asignación del Tiempo, Comportamiento Laboral y la Importancia de la Heterogeneidad Individual Inobservable -INTRAHINDEC
- Dinámicas de Aprendizaje en Redes Sociales, Provisión de Bien Público e Instituciones Democráticas -POLYNETPUB
- Fiscal-Monetary Interactions with Default Risk and Large Central Bank
- Inmigración, Diversidad e Integración -ImmDivInt
- Nuevos métodos para analizar y afrontar nuevos retos en política climática, transformación energética y paradigmas de movilidad geografica e intergeneracional -Nuevos métodos
- Sector Público y Regulación en una Economía de Mercado V -REGECO
- Skill Mismatch: Sources and Consequences (MISMATCH)
- The Evolution of Knowledge in the Market for Ideas
- Unidad de Excelencia Mª de Maeztu - Dpto. Economía UC3M
Supervised Theses
- Essays in sovereign debt
- Essays on Aggregate Macroeconomic Shocks and Their Heterogeneous Effects
- Essays on Family Economics and the Macroeconomy
- Essays on Firm Growth and Financing
- Essays on Household and Public Finance
- Essays on Identification of Structural VARMA models
- Essays on Noncausal and Noninvertible Time Series
- Essays on Political Economy, Social Norms, and Networks
- Essays on Risk-sharing, Default and Fixed-Term Contracts
- Essays on Semiparametric Identification and Estimation
- Essays on labor market adjustment and earnings growth
- Essays on macroeconomic crises and policy responses
Working Papers
- Asymmetric effects of financial volatility and volatility-of-volatility shocks on the energy mix
- Breaking the marriage trap: unilateral divorce and its effects on labor supply of married women
- Energy News Shocks and their Propagation to Renewable and Fossil Fuels Use
- Estimation of characteristics-based quantile factor models
- Heterogeneous Predictive Association of CO2 with Global Warming
- Hidden costs of ban the box laws: unraveling the effects on drug-related deaths
- Monetary trends in the UK and the USA from 1874 to 2020: a nonlinear approach to money demand
- Optimal contracts when the players think different
- Risk-sharing with a central authority: Free-riding, lack of commitment, and bail-outs
- Trends in temperature data: micro-foundations of their nature