Outputs for ECONOMICS Department (Year 2022)
- (Mis)allocation of Renewable Energy Sources
- (The Struggle for) Refugee integration into the labour market: evidence from Europe
- A tale of three cities: climate heterogeneity
- Air pollution from agricultural fires increases hypertension risk
- Anti-Bullying Laws and Suicidal Behaviors Among Teenagers
- Anticipating extreme losses using score-driven shape filters
- Behavior, decisions and ecological transition: experimental approaches with policy implications = Comportamiento, decisiones y transición ecológica: aproximaciones experimentales con implicaciones para las políticas
- Computing decomposable multigroup indices of segregation
- Contests with dominant strategies
- Counting on my vote not counting: expressive voting in committees
- Cross-country agricultural TFP convergence and capital deepening: evidence for induced innovation from 17 OECD countries
- Dependent self-employment across Europe: involuntariness, country's wealth and labour market institutions
- Distribution regression in duration analysis: an application to unemployment spells
- Do actions speak louder than words? Evidence on voter behavior from Madrid Rio Park
- Do applications respond to changes in asylum policies in European countries?
- Do elections accelerate the COVID-19 pandemic?: Evidence from a natural experiment
- Estimation of time series models using residuals dependence measures
- Expanding the measurement of culture with a sample of two billion humans
- Financial access and household's borrowing: Policy perspectives of an emerging economy
- Generalized band spectrum estimation with an application to the New Keynesian Phillips curve
- Geographic Cross-Sectional Fiscal Spending Multipliers and the Role of Local Autonomy: Evidence from European Regions
- Hours, Occupations, and Gender Differences in Labor Market Outcomes
- Improving sovereign debt restructurings
- Intimate partner violence and women's health: the private and social burden
- Introduction to the special issue in honor of Juan Jose Dolado [Editorial]
- Irregular identification of structural models with nonparametric unobserved heterogeneity
- Large-scale battery storage, short-term market outcomes, and arbitrage
- Learning from electricity markets: How to design a resilience strategy
- Life cycle, financial frictions and informal labor markets: the case of Chile
- Locally Robust Semiparametric Estimation
- Macroeconomic and Distributive Effects of Increasing Taxes in Spain
- Mortality risk, perception, and human capital investments: The legacy of landmines in Cambodia
- Motherhood, pregnancy or marriage effects?
- Multivariate Markov-switching score-driven models: An application to the global crude oil market
- News-Driven Housing Booms: Spain Versus Germany
- Nonparametric estimation of functional dynamic factor model
- On the use of social networking services and the ability to socialize: evidence from Chinese children aged 10 to 15
- Optimal arrangements for distribution in developing markets: theory and evidence
- Permanent inequality versus earnings instability and transmission of income shocks to consumption expenditure in India
- Properties of contests: Constructing contest success functions from best-responses
- Public financing and financial frictions and underground economy
- Public health policies for the common interest: rethinking EU states' incentives strategies when a pandemic reshuffles all interests [Editorial]
- Pyramidal cell axon initial segment in Alzheimer¿s disease
- Reexamining the Contribution of Public Health Efforts to the Decline in Urban Mortality: Reply
- Revisiting tax effort in emerging markets
- Robust estimation and forecasting of climate change using score-driven ice-age models
- Score-driven location plus scale models: asymptotic theory and an application to forecasting Dow Jones volatility
- Self-enforcing contracts with persistence
- Showing Off or Laying Low? The Economics of Psych-outs
- Single step estimation of ARMA roots for nonfundamental nonstationary fractional models
- Technology catch-up in agriculture among advanced economies
- Terror attacks and election outcomes in Europe, 1970-2017
- Testing for No Cointegration in Vector Autoregressions with Estimated Degree of Fractional Integration
- The Determinants of Access to Informal Credits in India: An Application of Quantiles via Moments Method
- The effectiveness of prosocial policies: Gender differences arising from social norms
- The heterogeneous effects of the great recession on informal care to the elderly
- The impact on market outcomes of the portfolio selection of large equity investors
- The implicit cost of carbon abatement during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Trustors' disregard for trustees deciding quickly or slowly in three experiments with time constraints
Book Chapters
- Asias corporate debt: assessingits role in financial vulnerability. In: The Sustainability of Asia"s Debt Problems, Policies, and Practices
- Dynamic Bargaining with Private Information. In: Bargaining: current research and future directions
Conference Contributions
- Aplicación del aprendizaje de servicios a la docencia de diseño de mercados
- Efficiency and Distributional Impacts of Real-Time Pricing for Electricity
- Efficiency and Distributional Impacts of Real-Time Pricing for Electricity
- Socio-Economic Aspects of Energy Storage
- "Flujos de empleo y empleo temporal en España"
- Asistencia técnica para el desarrollo de recomendaciones para una propuesta de reforma del mercado mayorista eléctrico de la Unión Europea
- El desarrollo de las finanzas digitales: Oráculos descentralizados para un sistema financiero descentralizado
- Entender y abordar los desafíos políticos contemporáneos
- GREEN AND DIGITAL FINANCE - Supporting medium-sized companies through open source tools in their energy and digital transformations
- Inferencias en Modelos Econométricos de Alta Dimensión
- Políticas para la transición energética: precios del carbono, energías renovables y almacenamiento energético
Supervised Theses
- Essays on Sovereign Borrowing and Default
- Essays in Dynamic Public Finance
- The Macro-Financial Transmission of Shocks
Working Papers
- An ergodic theory of sovereign default
- Asymmetric Information with multiple risks: the case of the Chilean Private Health Insurance Market
- Climate change heterogeneity: a new quantitative approach
- Competitive search with two-sided risk aversion
- Do Temporary Help Agencies Help? Temporary employment transitions for low-skilled workers
- Effects of Policy Mix on European Regional Convergence
- Existence and uniqueness of solutions to the Bellman equation in stochastic dynamic programming
- High-Speed Rail: a panel data impact evaluation by Municipalities on depopulation and unemployment
- Housing prices and credit constraints in competitive search
- Network formation and heterogeneous risks
- News-driven housing booms: Spain vs. Germany
- Norms and the evolution of leaders' followership
- On the General Equilibrium Effects of Market Power
- Score-driven threshold ice-age models: benchmark models for long-run climate forecasts
- The effect of ambiguity in strategic environments: an experiment
- The interactions of social norms about climate change: science, institutions and Economics