Outputs for SOCIAL SCIENCES Department (Year 2014)
- A stochastic approach for quantifying immigrant integration: the Spanish test case
- An analysis of a large dataset on immigrant integration in Spain. The Statistical Mechanics perspective on Social Action
- Beyond strong and weak: rethinking postdictatorship civil societies
- Debt policy under constraints: Philip II, the Cortes, and Genoese bankers
- Does the Spanish 15M have an ideology? Issues of method and measurement
- El provocador Mandeville
- Euromarriages in Spain: Recent Trends and Patterns in the Context of European Integration
- Forensic Analysis of Venezuelan Elections during the Chávez Presidency
- Greasing the Wheels of Rural Transformation? Margarine and the Competition for the British Butter Market
- Guest Editorial on Meeting and Mating Across Borders: Union Formation in the European Union Single Market
- Information and communication technologies in electoral processes: how do they help voters abroad?
- Latifundia revisited: Market power, land inequality and agricultural efficiency. Evidence from interwar Italian agriculture
- Los contratos de cesión de tierra en Extremadura en el primer tercio del siglo XX
- No longer invisible: religion in university education [book review]
- Nurse or mechanic? The role of parental socialization and children's personality in the formation of sex-typed occupational aspirations
- Políticas de la memoria
- Prisión, estigma y oportunidades de vida en tiempos de crisis: representaciones sociales en torno a la reinserción social y el Tercer Sector
- Problemas y soluciones para la construcción de bases de datos de políticos = Problems and solutions in the building of databases on politicians
- Pushed, Pulled, or Blocked? The Elderly and the Labor Market in Post-Soviet Russia
- Relative deprivation and labour conflict during Spain's industrialization: the Bilbao Estuary, 1914-1936
- Spanish housing markets, 1904-1934: new evidence
- Spanning the Globe: the rise of global communications systems and the first globalisation
- The 2012 and 2013 presidential elections in Venezuela
- The Long-Term Consequences of Parental Divorce for Children's Educational Attainment
- The Scarring Effect of "Women's Work": The Determinants of Women's Attrition from Male-Dominated Occupations
- The ripples of the industrial revolution: exports, economic growth, and regional integration in Italy in the early nineteenth century
- Tidsskrift for Landøkonomi og udvikling af moderne mejeribrug i Danmark
- Tithe series and grain production in Central Spain, 1700-1800
- Trust, religion, and cooperation in western agriculture, 1880-1930
- Un repaso a la concepción del valor económico en la filosofía helenística
- Volunteering over the Life Course
- Von Thünen south of the Alps: access to markets and interwar Italian agriculture
- Why Do We Know So Little About Terrorism?
- Aprendizaje y ciclo vital: La desigualdad de oportunidades desde la educación preescolar hasta la edad adulta
- Crisis cambiarias y políticas de intervención en España, 1880-1975
- El coraje de liderar: la democracia amenazada en el siglo XXI
- La emigración de los jóvenes españoles en el contexto de la crisis. Análisis y datos de un fenómeno difícil de cuantificar.
- Metodología de la evaluación
- Sistemas políticos en Europa
Book Chapters
- Are gender equality institutions the policy allies of the feminist movement? A contingent "yes" in the Spanish central state. In: New and alternative social movements in Spain: The Left, identity and globalizing processes
- Capitalism and human welfare. In: The Cambridge History of Capitalism. Vol. 2
- Centralized Funding of the Army in Spain: The Garrison Factoría in the Seventeenth Century. In: War, Entrepreneurs, and the State in Europe and the Mediterranean, 1300-1800
- Compromiso intelectual y liderazgo cordial. In: Josep Maria Vallès : des de l'amistat i el reconeixement
- El estudio de la representación política en el sistema democrático. In: Representación política y parlamentarismo multinivel
- El liderazgo político como proceso: una mirada integradora. In: El coraje de liderar. La democracia amenazada en el siglo XXI
- El sistema político de Hungría. In: Sistemas políticos en Europa
- El sistema político de Portugal. In: Sistemas políticos en Europa
- El sistema político de la República Federal de Alemania. In: Sistemas políticos en Europa
- El sistema político y sus elementos. In: Sistemas políticos en Europa
- Handbook of Cliometrics. In: Cliometric Approaches to International
- La "nuova" Cassa depositi e prestiti. In: Storia della Cassa depositi e prestiti. Un nuovo corso: la Società per Azioni
- La comunicación política. In: Introducción a la ciencia política
- La formación de la agenda como punto de partida de las políticas públicas. In: Teoría y práctica de las políticas públicas
- Monetary and Financial Innovation in the Spanish Empire: Lights and Shadows. In: Explaining Monetary and Financial Innovation. A Historical Analysis
- Spanish Agriculture and the Government Enquiry: La Crisis Agrícola y Pecuaria, 1887-89. In: The golden age of state enquiries : rural enquiries in the nineteenth century
- ¿Anestesia o narcosis? La liberación del ciudadano amordazado. In: El coraje de liderar. La democracia amenazada en el siglo XXI
Conference Contributions
- "The Threat Is Real: Labor-Market Competition, Recession and Anti-Immigrant Sentiments in Europe"
- 130. Transnational Practices, Solidarity, and Political Participation
- Anglo-Asian market integration in the early modern period (1600s-1800s): measuring price convergence for the EIC importables
- Assessing Economic Freedom in the Long Run: Evidence from OECD Countries (1850-2007)
- Assessing economic freedom in the long run: evidence from OECD countries (1850-2007)
- Assessing negative freedom: economic liberty in the long run
- Author Meets Critics: Peter Stamatov, The Origins of Global Humanitarianism: Religion, Empires, and Advocacy
- Beyond the Hidden American State: Classification Struggles and the Politics of Visibility
- Conflict and Religion in Global Culture: The Worldwide Liberalization of Abortion Legislation, 1945-2010.
- Economic Inequality and Population Dynamics
- Economic freedom in the long run: evidence from OECD Countries (1850-2007)
- Economic freedom in the long run: evidence from OECD countries (1850-2007)
- El monopolio de emisión del Banco de España, 1850-‐1891: ¿Pérdidas o ganancias?
- From the North to the South, from the East to the West, the struggle continues whatever it takes: Democracy and transnational networks of 'indignados'
- Global Imbalances or Bullion Arbitrage?: Anglo-Asian Capital Flows in the Early Modern Period
- Human development as positive freedom: Latin America in historical perspective
- Human development as positive freedom: a world view since 1870
- Institutions between Church and State
- Invited speaker
- Las bases sociales de la indignación: una perspectiva agregada sobre los factores asociados a la participación ciudadana en el movimiento 15M
- Long-term growth
- Los orígenes de la integración de precios en la economía española: integración espacial de los precios del trigo a mediados del siglo XVIII
- Los orígenes del valor en el pensamiento europeo
- Organización y funcionamiento de los asentamientos de la Reforma Agraria. La comunidad de campesinos de la Pulgosa en Badajoz, 1933-1941
- Political parties online: What do they Offer? A longitudinal analysis of Italian and Spanish cases
- Presentation of papers (Session 4) discussant
- Producer cooperatives, institutional change and politics in the wine industry, 1880-1980
- Professionals but not experts? Continuity of MPs in parliamentary committees and committee positions in the Spanish Congreso de los Diputados
- Pósitos agrarios y acción colectiva: una visión desde el estado
- Religion and Politics in the North Atlantic
- Roundatble: The Alliance for Historical Dialogue and Accountability (organiser), on Stephen Winter's book: Transitional Justice in Established Democracies. A Political Theory (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014)
- Social movements and the crisis
- The Impact of the Great Recession on Educational Expectations: Cross-National Trends in Social and Cognitive Inequalities
- The Impact of the Great Recession on Educational Expectations: Cross-national Trends in Social and Cognitive Inequalities
- The Impact of the Great Recession on Educational Expectations: Cross-national Trends in Social and Cognitive Inequalities
- The Political Economy of Gold Standard Adherence, Spain (1874-1921)
- The Political Economy of Gold Standard Adherence, Spain (1874-1921)
- The Productivity and Efficiency Effects of Revolutionary Change in Agriculture
- The Recruitment Patterns of the Spanish Constitutional Court Elites
- The Role of Parenting Practices and Preschool Education for Social Inequality in Learning Outcomes: A Cross-Country Comparison Using Test Scores
- The Threat Is Real: Labor-Market Competition, Recession and Anti-Immigrant Sentiments in Europe
- The gravity of information: the rise of global communications systems and their impact on the first globalisation
- The microeconomics of bullionism in Spain in the early eighteenth century
- The threat is real: labor-market competition, recession and anti-immigrant sentiments in Europe
- Why no truth commission was set up in Spain, and what might it achieve in the current context?
- Why do parties use Internet during Electoral Campaigns? The case of 2014 EU Parliamentary Elections
- ¿Campesinos unidos o divididos? La acción colectiva y la revolución social entre los yunteros durante la Segunda República en España (1931-1936)
- ¿Personas o partidos? La percepción del transfuguismo en la clase media española
- Análisis y evaluación de la primera convocatoria de proyectos de i+d+i de la dgt: resultados, efectos,impactos, efectividad y eficiencia de la convocatoria
- Desigualdad y conflicto: estudios históricos sobre el impacto a largo plazo de las instituciones en el desarrollo económico
- Do Welfare Regimes Matter? Migration And Care/Domestic Work In Two institutional Contexts Sweden and Spain: A Multi-Tier Design
- From experiencing Europe to thinking European? The impact of EU-specific activities on attitudes towards and attachment to the EU
- La Globalización Anglo-Asiática en la época moderna, 1615-1830
Supervised Theses
- Construcción y Rendimiento Electoral de la Imagen de los Dos Principales Partidos Políticos Españoles durante la Campaña Permanente (1996-2000 y 2004-2008)
- Los Presupuestos participativos. Dimensiones análiticas y líneas de debate en la experiencia española
Working Papers
- Economic freedom in the long run : evidence from OECD countries (1850-2007)
- Empleo y carreras laborales en el servicio de Correos de España, 1890-1935
- How the Danes discovered Britain : the international integration of the Danish dairy industry before 1880
- Human Development as Positive Freedom: A World View since 1870
- Informe de seguimiento de la actividad de los Ministerios en relación con los programas del Marco General para la Mejora de la Calidad de la Administración General del Estado durante 2012. Real Decreto 951/2005, de 29 de julio por el que se establece el Marco General para la mejora de la Calidad en la AGE.
- Just Add Milk: A Productivity Analysis of the Revolutionary Changes in Nineteenth Century Danish Dairying
- Mismeasuring long run growth : the bias from spliced national accounts