Outputs for ECONOMICS Department (Year 2013)
- Acyclicity and singleton cores in matching markets
- Altruism and Exchange in Intergenerational Transfers: The Demand for Children Emergency Room
- Automatic Specification Testing for Vector Autoregressions and Multivariate Nonlinear Time Series Models
- Boosting scientific research: evidence from a public program
- Certification of corporate social responsibility activities in oligopolistic markets
- Comments on: Model-free model-fitting and predictive distributions
- Competition in prescription drug markets: the roles of trademarks, advertising, and generic names
- Conditional stochastic dominance testing
- Crossing the border: self-selection, earnings and individual migration decisions
- Decentralization, political competition and corruption
- Domestic transport infrastructure and firms' export market participation
- Doubts and equilibria
- Education, language and identity
- Endogenous strength in conflicts
- Entropy and the value of information for investors
- Federal directives, local discretion, and the majority rule
- Financial development and the product cycle
- Games with capacity manipulation: incentives and Nash equilibria
- Generic drug names and social welfare
- Give peace a chance: the effect of ownership and asymmetric information on peace
- Heterogeneous trade costs and wage inequality: a model of two globalizations
- House prices, sales, and time on the market: a search-theoretic framework
- How important is intra-household risk sharing for savings and labor supply?
- Imitating the most successful neighbor in social networks
- La aplicación de las TIC en actividades médicas y servicios sociales: un análisis desde el punto de vista de los costes y beneficios económicos y financieros
- Micro versus macro consumption data: the cyclical properties of the consumer expenditure survey
- Microstructure and tensile properties of oxide dispersion strengthened Fe-14Cr-0.3Y2O3 and Fe-14Cr-2W-0.3Ti-0.3Y 2O3
- Multilateral resistance to migration
- On gender gaps and self-fulfilling expectations: alternative implications of paid-for training
- On the properties of regression tests of stock return predictability using dividend-price ratios
- Organizational structure, strategic delegation and innovation in oligopolistic industries
- Portfolio selection in a data-rich environment
- Precautionary savings and wealth distribution under habit formation preferences
- Quantitative evaluation of alternative field normalization procedures
- Reaction to public information in markets: how much does ambiguity matter?
- Relationships among technology institutes and firms: are determining factors dependent on the type of service provided?
- Strategy-proof allocation mechanisms for economies with public goods
- Strategy-proofness on restricted separable domains
- Tests for m-dependence based on Sample Splitting Methods
- The comparison of normalization procedures based on different classification systems
- The determinants of pricing in pharmaceuticals: are U.S. prices really so high?
- The effect of birthright citizenship on parental integration outcomes
- The identification of a mixture of first-order binary Markov Chains
- The measurement of the effect on citation inequality of differences in citation practices across scientific fields
- The role of statistics in establishing the similarity of citation distributions in a static and a dynamic context
- The welfare effects of location and quality in oligopoly
- Towards a proper assignment of systemic risk: the combined roles of network topology and shock characteristics
- Two-dimensional nematics in bulk and confined geometries
- Understanding different migrant selection patterns in rural and urban Mexico
- Urban accounting and welfare
- When are signals complements or substitutes?
- Youth unemployment
Book Chapters
- Equilibrium in economics and game theory. In: Encyclopedia of Philosophy and the Social Sciences
- Estimation and inference in threshold type regime switching models. In: Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Empirical Macroeconomics
Conference Contributions
- A reform public sector wages
- A stochastic differential game of a productive asset: an Euler Equation approach
- Agglomeration, Segregation and Social Welfare in Group Formation Games
- Agglomeration, segregation, and social welfare in group formation games
- Aggregator Characterization of Implicitly Additive Utility: Consequences for Optimal Growth
- An empirical assessment of the impact of public research contracts on scientific productivity
- An empirical assessment of the impact of public research contracts on scientific productivity
- An empirical assessment of the impact of public research contracts on scientific productivity
- An empirical assessment of the impact of public research contracts on scientific productivity (XXEEP, 2013)
- Asymmetric information in the Chilean private health insurance market
- Carbon Markets, Carbon Prices and Innovation: Evidence from Interviews with Managers
- Co-summability: from linear to non-linear co-integration
- Co-summability: from linear to non-linear co-integration
- Co-summability: from linear to non-linear co-integration
- Co-summability: from linear to nonlinear co-integration
- Communication networks and political uprisings
- Competitive equilibrium with search frictions: a general equilibrium approach
- Consistent and Efficient Estimation of Linear Time Series Models
- Consumption in the Shadow of Unemployment
- Crecimiento a través del ahorro
- Declining returns to skill and the distribution of wages: Spain 1995-2006
- Differences in citation impact across countries
- Diffusion by Imitation: The Importance of Targeting Agents
- Diffusion by Imitation: The Importance of Targeting Agents
- Diffusion by Imitation: The Importance of Targeting Agents
by Imitation: The Importance of Targeting Agents - Dynamic collective choice with endogenous status quo
- Electoral Rule Disproportionality and Platform Polarization
- Electoral Rule Disproportionality and Platform Polarization
- Endogenous party platforms: "stochastic" membership
- Entry with two correlated signals
- Entry with two correlated signals
- Estimation of fractionally integrated panels with fixed effects and cross-section dependence
- Estimation of nonlinear models with unbalanced panels
- External Imbalances in the European Union and International Fragmentation of Production: Is There a Link?
- Financial frictions, occupational choice and economic inequality
- Fractional cointegration rank estimation
- Hotelling meets Holmes: The importance of returns to product differentiation and distribution economies for the firm's optimal location choice
- Hotelling meets Holmes: The importance of returns to product differentiation and distribution economies for the firm's optimal location choice
- Hotelling meets Holmes: The importance of returns to product differentiation and distribution economies for the firm's optimal location choice
- Identification and estimation of general ARMA models
- Industry Compensation Under Relocation Risk: A Firm-level Analysis of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme
- Inequality and asset prices
- Inferring the predictability induced by a persistent regressor in a predictive threshold models
- Inferring the predictability induced by a persistent regressor in a predictive threshold models
- Inferring the predictability induced by a persistent regressor in a predictive threshold models
- Influential opinion leaders
- Joint Portmanteau Test for Conditional Mean and Variance Time Series Models
- Learning by Fund-raising
- Long-run Intergenerational Social Mobility and the Distribution of Surnames
- Long-term care: macroeconomic implications and policy
- Looking for a trend in distribution characteristics: the case of global warming
- Macroeconomic implications of long-term care policy
- Non-revelation Mechanisms in Many-to-One Matching Markets (COST-IC1205, 2013)
- Non-revelation Mechanisms in Many-to-One Matching Markets (EEE-ESEM, 2013)
- Nonlinear Granger Causality in Mean
- Oferta y demanda de la especialización médica, ¿qué está cambiando?
- On the Spatial Economic Impact of Global Warming
- On the estimation of dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models: an empirical likelihood approach
- On the optimality of not allocating
- On the spatial economic impact of global warming
- On the spatial economic impact of global warming
- On the spatial economic impact of global warming
- On the spatial economic impact of global warming
- On the spatial economic impact of global warming
- On the spatial economic impact of global warming
- On the spatial economic impact of global warming
- On the spatial economic impact of global warming
- Optimal Bank Transparency
- Optimal Patronage
- Optimal Patronage
- Optimal Patronage
- Optimal Patronage
- Optimal Patronage
- Path-Breakers: how does women political participation respond to electoral success?
- Path-Breakers: how does women's political participation respond to electoral success?
- Price Cap Regulation with Demand Uncertainty
- Risk sharing and contagion in networks
- Skill‐biased technical change and the decline in low‐skill wages in a signaling model
- Sovereign Credit Ratings and Financial Markets Volatility
- Sovereing defalults and government bailouts
- Systematic analysis of system-caused systemic risk
- Systematic analysis of system-caused systemic risk
- Systematic analysis of system-caused systemic risk (SOE 2: Financial Markets and Risk Management I)
- Technological change and the composition of taxes and public expenditures
- Technological change and the composition of taxes and public expenditures
- The Efect of Electoral Disproportionality on Polarization: Theory and Evidence
- The European Crisis and Migration to Germany: Expectations and the Diversion of Migration Flows
- The European Crisis and Migration to Germany: Expectations and the Diversion of Migration Flows
- The European Crisis and Migration to Germany: Expectations and the Diversion of Migration Flows
- The European Crisis and Migration to Germany: Expectations and the Diversion of Migration Flows
- The Gender Wage Gap: Does a Gender Gap in Reservation Wages Play a Part?
- The Impacts of Cap-and-Trade on Industry: Evidence from the European Carbon Market and German Manufacturing Plants
- The Reaction of Stock Market Returns to Anticipated Unemployment
- The Small World of Corporate Boards: International Evidence from Listed Firms
- The onset of female labor market participation and the role of intergenerational human capital transmission
- The onset of female labor market participation and the role of mothers
- The skewness of the science and the design of research institutions
- The welfare effects of vertical integration with spillovers
- Towards a proper assignment of systemic risk: the combined roles of network topology and shock characteristics
- Treatment Effect Identification Using Alternative Parallel Assumptions
- Treatment Effect Identification Using Alternative Parallel Assumptions
- Tullock Contests with Asymmetric Information
- Contrastes de especificacion de modelos econometricos
- Decisiones individuales y desarrollo economico y social: aplicaciones empiricas a economia familiar, economia laboral y organizacion industrial
- INTINN: Microeconimic and macroeconimic implications of firms'internationalization and innovation strategies: the role of demand and informational barriers.
- Interacciones estrategicas: implicaciones para el sector financiero, la educacion, la Intermediacion comercial y la politica
- La lucha contra los carteles: la defensa de la competencia y los incentivos corporativos,
- Los beneficios secundarios del sistema europeo del comercio de emisiones: un analisis espacial
- Modelos econométricos dinámicos: persistencia y especificación
- Políticas Públicas, Redistribución y Bienestar: Un Análisis Macroeconómico e Internacional
Supervised Theses
- Essays in high dimensional factor models
- Essays in trade, innovation and productivity
- Essays on international finance and macroeconomics
- Essays on investment climate in developing countries
- Essays on labour economics
- Essays on macroeconomics and housing
- Essays on price regulation
- Essays on the role of information
- Essays on two-sided matching and mechanism design
- The choice to become self-employed and the decision to hire employees
Working Papers
- A theory of vintage capital investment and energy use
- Antitrust fines in times of crisis
- Did the Euro Change the Effect of Fundamentals on Growth and Uncertainty?
- Differences in citation impact across countries
- Does the real interest rate drive investment? : a structural-estimation approach
- Inequality and asset prices
- Macroeconomic implications of long-term care policies
- Markov-perfect optimal fiscal policy : the case of unbalanced budgets
- Measurement error in imputation procedures
- Mergers along the global supply chain: information technologies and routineness
- Pass-through of emissions costs in electricity markets
- Revisiting Granger Causality of CO2 on Global Warming: a Quantile Factor Approach
- The European crisis and migration to Germany: expectations and the diversion of migration flows
- The comparison of classification-system-based normalization procedures with source normalization alternatives in Waltman and Van Eck (2013)
- The comparison of normalization procedures based on different classification systems
- The effect on citation inequality of differences in citation practices at the Web of Sciences subject category level
- The effects of children on mothers' employment and earnings : evidence from Spain
- The impact of a permanent income shock on the situation of women in the household
- The impact of extreme observations in citation distributions
- The settlement of the United States, 1800 to 2000: the long transition towards Gibrat's Law
- Unbiased QML estimation of Log-GARCH models in the presence of zero returns