Outputs for SOCIAL SCIENCES Department (Year 2011)
- El sistema civil de carrera en España : desde el franquismo hasta la democracia = The Career Civil Service in Spain : from Franco to democracy
- Espectadores en 3D: ¿El futuro del cine?
- Inception (El origen) : la implantación de una vieja confusión en tiempos de la realidad virtual
- Income inequality in central Spain, 1690-1800
- Legal origin, ideology, coalition formation, or crisis? The emergence of labor law in a civil law country, Spain 1880-1936
- Los determinantes de la concentración étnica en el mercado laboral español = Determinants of ethnic concentration in the spanish ethnic concentration in the spanish labour market
- Migrant Domestic Work and Changes in the Ideas of Childcare
- Mitos y Realidades de las Redes Sociales: Información y Comunicación en la Sociedad de la Información
- The 2010 legislative elections in Venezuela
- Desmontando a Ni Ni. Un estereotipo juvenil en tiempos de crisis
- La organización social de los cuidados y vulneración de derechos en España
Book Chapters
- (Pre)School Is not Childcare: Preschool and Primary Education Policies in Spain since the 1930s. In: Children, Families, and States: Time Policies of Childcare, Preschool, and Primary Education in Europe
- Comparing late working life and retirement in Europe and the U.S.: The development of social inequalities in times of globalization and aging societies. In: Aging Populations, Globalization and the Labor Market: Comparing Late Working Life and Retirement in Modern Societies
- La dimension sociale et politique d'un banquier génois dans l'Espagne du XVIIe siècle. In: Circulations maritimes l'Espagne et son Empire (XVIe-XVIIIe siècle)
- La factorerie générale du roi dans les finances de la monarchie espagnole au milieu du XVIIe siècle. In: Les financiers et la construction de l'État. France, Espagne (XVIIe-XIXe siècle)
- Late Careers in Hungary: Coping with the Transformation from a Socialist to a Market Economy. In: Aging Populations, Globalization and the Labor Market: Comparing Late Working Life and Retirement in Modern Societies
- Latin American Domestic Workers Abroad: a Comparative and Policy-Oriented Approach. In: Cross-Border Migration among Latin Americans. European Perspectives and Beyond
- Los genoveses y la incautación del interés de los juros de Castilla en 1634. In: Génova y la monarquía hispánica (1528-1713)
- Mercados o redes de mercaderes: el funcionamiento de la feria de Portobelo . In: Redes y negocios globales en el mundo ibérico, siglos XVI-XVIII
- Política y Medios en la Venezuela de Chávez. In: Comunicación política y democratización en Iberoamérica
Conference Contributions
- Age and Feminism: The Feminist Protest within the Catholic Church in Franco's Spain (mid-1930s-1975)
- Age and Feminism: The Feminist Protest within the Catholic Church in Franco's Spain (mid-1930s-1975)
- Crisis de los cuidados
- Economic Policy and Output Volatility in Spain, 1950-1998: Was Fiscal Policy Destabilizing?
- El futuro de la Comunicación Política 2.0
- Ellas son... África
- How Much Trade Liberalization Was There in the World before and after Cobden-Chevalier?
- Hunger and Anger: Real Wages and Social Violence in Spain's Early Industrialization. The Bilbao Estuary, 1900-1930
- Hunger in Hell's Kitchen: Real Wages and Deprivation in Spain's Early Industrialization. The Bilbao Estuary, 1914-1935
- Hunger in Hell's Kitchen: Real Wages and Deprivation in Spain's Early Industrialization. The Bilbao Estuary, 1914-1935
- Hunger in Hell's Kitchen: Real Wages and Deprivation in Spain's Early Industrialization. The Bilbao Estuary, 1914-1935
- Improving Public Sector Managers' Working Scenario Undertanding through Strategic Management Software
- Is Feminism Synonymous with the Battle for Democracy? A Contingent "No" in the Spanish Case
- Juan Linz's Narrative of Democratic Breakdown and the Breakdown of the 2nd Republic
- Land Ownership Inequality and Rural Unrest: Evidence from the Latifundia Regions of Spain before the Civil War
- Land Ownership, Inequality and Rural Unrest: Evidence from the Latifundia Regions of Spain before the Civil War
- Las dos vidas de Naima
- Les enquêtes rurales en Andalousie et le problème agraire, 1890-1920
- Measuring the Loss of Human Capital after the Spanish Civil War
- Measuring the Loss of Human Capital after the Spanish Civil War
- Nuevos diseños y herramientas para la gestión de emergencias y escenarios de crisis
- On the Accuracy of Latin American Trade Statistics (1870-1940)
- Oneness versus Diversity in Legal and Economic Institutions: The Spanish Stock Markets, 1831-1936
- Predicting Institutional Collapse? Financial Markets and Political Violence at the Onset of the Spanish Civil War
- Regional Agrarian Productivity in Spain (1919-1931): A Frontier Approach
- Rural Labour Markets and Rural Conflict in Spain before the Civil War (1931-1936)
- Sharecropping Contracts and Conflicts. The Yunteros Land Invasions in 1930s Spain
- Spanish Monarchy's Bankers and the War in Flanders
- The Gender Gap in the Biological Standard of Living. Spain, 1860-1930
- The Regional Integration of Spanish Housing Markets (1904-34)
- The Rise and Fall of Second Life
- The Rise and Fall of Spain (1270-1850) (Dublin, 2011)
- What Do We Know about the International Export Performance of the Americas between 1820 and 1940?
- What Do We Know on the Caribean Export Performance 1820-1940
- Conflicto, violencia y guerras civiles en la España contemporánea. Un estudio empírico-comparativo
- Realidades y espejismos del Socialismo del Siglo XXI en Venezuela.
Working Papers
- Debt policy under constraints between Philip II, the Cortes and Genoese bankers
- Hunger in hell's kitchen : family living conditions during Spanish industrialization : the Bilbao estuary, 1914-1935
- Spanish housing markets during the first phase of the rural-urban transition process
- The rise and fall of Spain (1270-1850) (Serie Economic History)
- Was land reform necessary? : access to land in Spain, 1860 to 1931