publication venue for
- Generalized volumetric energy balance for directly irradiated bubbling fluidized beds. 236:1-16. 2025
- Direct numerical simulation of the global transition in laminar low-density axisymmetric jets. 229:1-12. 2024
- Fluid dynamics of mixing in the tanks of small vanadium redox flow batteries: Insights from order-of-magnitude estimates and transient two-dimensional simulations. 216:1-17. 2023
- Experimental evaluation of a new mini square channel air-cooled heat exchanger for an absorption chiller. 195. 2022
- Bimodal particle distributions with increased thermal conductivity for solid particles as heat transfer media and storage materials. 184:122250-122265. 2022
- Influence of immersed surface shape on the heat transfer process and flow pattern in a fluidized bed using numerical simulation. 178:1-16. 2021
- Ultrasound-enhanced mass transfer during the growth and dissolution of surface gas bubbles. 174:1-12. 2021
- Effects of the diffusive mixing and self-discharge reactions in microfluidic membraneless vanadium redox flow batteries. 170:121022-1-121022-15. 2021
- Modeling diffusion and convection in thin porous transport layers using a composite continuum-network model: Application to gas diffusion layers in polymer electrolyte fuel cells 2020
- Evaluation of heat transfer models at various fluidization velocities for biomass pyrolysis conducted in a bubbling fluidized bed. 160:1-13. 2020
- Experimental evaluation of the convection heat transfer coefficient of large particles moving freely in a fluidized bed reactor. 153:1-12. 2020
- Effect of the horizontal aspect ratio on thermocapillary convection stability in annular pool with surface heat dissipation. 148 (119140). 2020
- Inverse heat problem of determining unknown surface heat flux in a molten salt loop. 139:503-516. 2019
- Experimental characterisation of a novel adiabatic membrane-based micro-absorber using H2O-LiBr. 129:1136-1143. 2019
- Analysis of representative elementary volume and through-plane regional characteristics of carbon-fiber papers: diffusivity, permeability and electrical/thermal conductivity. 127:687-703. 2018
- Evaluation of anisotropic tangential conduction in printed-circuit-board heated-thin-foil heat flux sensors. 127-A:1138-1146. 2018
- Simulation of interaction between a freely moving solid particle and a freely moving liquid droplet by lattice Boltzmann method. 127:474-484. 2018
- Extended proper orthogonal decomposition of non-homogeneous thermal fields in a turbulent pipe flow. 118:1264-1275. 2018
- Effects of the stroke length and nozzle-to-plate distance on synthetic jet impingement heat transfer. 117:1019-1031. 2018
- Wall-mounted perforated cubes in a boundary layer: Local heat transfer enhancement and control. 117:498-507. 2018
- On the role of axial wall conduction in mini/micro counterflow heat exchangers. 116:840-857. 2018
- Thermal explosions in spherical vessels at large Rayleigh numbers. 115, Part B:1042-1053. 2017
- Size and thermal effects on sedimentation behaviors of two spheres. 114. 2017
- A lattice Boltzmann model for heat transfer in porous media. 111:1019-1022. 2017
- Non-Boussinesq stability analysis of natural-convection gaseous flow on inclined hot plates. 109:949-957. 2017
- Simulation of double diffusive convection in fluid-saturated porous media by lattice Boltzmann method. 108:1501-1510. 2017
- Towards enabling time-resolved measurements of turbulent convective heat transfer maps with IR thermography and a heated thin foil. 108:199-209. 2017
- A simple lattice Boltzmann model for conjugate heat transfer research. 107:862-870. 2017
- Direct numerical simulations of particle sedimentation with heat transfer using the Lattice Boltzmann method. 104:419-437. 2017
- Laminar counterflow parallel-plate heat exchangers: An exact solution including axial and transverse wall conduction effects. 104:1229-1245. 2017
- A lattice Boltzmann model for heat transfer in heterogeneous media. 102:637-644. 2016
- Heat transfer and thermal stresses in a circular tube with a non-uniform heat flux. 96:256-266. 2016
- Lattice Boltzmann simulation of two cold particles settling in Newtonian fluid with thermal convection. 93:477-490. 2016
- Effective diffusivity in partially-saturated carbon-fiber gas diffusion layers: Effect of through-plane saturation distribution. 86:319-333. 2015
- Heat transfer enhancement of impinging jets with fractal-generated turbulence. 75:173-183. 2014
- Analysis of bifurcations in a Benard-Marangoni problem: Gravitational effects. 73:33-41. 2014
- Time and phase average heat transfer in single and twin circular synthetic impinging air jets. 73:776-788. 2014
- Wall conduction effects in laminar counterflow parallel-plate heat exchangers. 70:939-953. 2014
- Subcooled and saturated boiling of ammonia-lithium nitrate solution in a plate-type generator for absorption machines. 55:4914-4922. 2012
- Determination of moisture diffusion coefficient in transformer paper using thermogravimetric analysis. 55:1066-1075. 2012
- Exact solution for the conjugate fluid-fluid problem in the thermal entrance region of laminar counterflow heat exchangers. 54:490-499. 2011
- Boiling Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop of Ammonia-Lithium Nitrate Solution in a Plate Generation. 53:4768-4779. 2010
- Laminar Counterflow Parallel-Plate Heat Exchangers: Exact and Approximate Solutions. 53:4885-4898. 2010
- Laminar Heat Transfer Enhancement Downstream of a Backward Facing Step by Using a Pulsating Flow. 51:2075-2089. 2008