publication venue for
- Clustering and forecasting of day-ahead electricity supply curves using a market-based distance. 158:1-20. 2024
- Impact of risk measures and degradation cost on the optimal arbitrage schedule for battery energy storage systems. 157. 2024
- Low-frequency oscillations damping with doubly-fed induction generators embodying grid-forming control with hardware-in-the-loop simulation. 157, (109896):1-20. 2024
- Electric field distribution in natural-ester retrofilled transformers under AC stress. 155. 2024
- Hybrid bipolar VSC-DRU HVdc connection for offshore wind farms. 151:1-13. 2023
- A recursive system identification inertia estimator for traditional and converter-interfaced generators. 154:1-13. 2023
- Analysis of the blackout risk reduction when segmenting large power systems using lines with controllable power flow. 148:1-9. 2023
- A fast data-driven topology identification method for dynamic state estimation applications. 147:1-13. 2023
- Black-start capability of PV power plants through a grid-forming control based on reactive power synchronization. 146:1-9. 2023
- Efficient metrics for the detection of partial discharges under steep-fronted voltage pulses. 141:1-8. 2022
- Moisture dynamics in natural-ester filled transformers. 124:1-11. 2021
- Deep Learning loss model for large-scale low voltage smart grids. 121:1-16. 2020
- EPEC approach for finding optimal day-ahead bidding strategy equilibria of multi-microgrids in active distribution networks. 117:1-14. 2020
- HVDC grids with heterogeneous configuration stations under DC asymmetrical operation. 113:449-460. 2019
- Analytical methodology for reliability assessment of distribution networks with energy storage in islanded and emergency-tie restoration modes. 107:735-744. 2019
- Optimization of the operation of a flywheel to support stability and reduce generation costs using a Multi-Contingency TSCOPF with nonlinear loads. 104:69-77. 2019
- Optimal statistical calculation of power cables disposition in tunnels, for reducing magnetic fields and costs. 103:360-368. 2018
- On the hydropower short-term scheduling of large basins, considering nonlinear programming, stochastic inflows and heavy ecological restrictions. 97:408-417. 2018
- Robust dynamic transmission and renewable generation expansion planning: Walking towards sustainable systems. 96:52-63. 2018
- Optimal statistical calculation of underground cable bundles positions for time-varying currents. 95:26-35. 2018
- Electrical railway power supply systems: Current situation and future trends. 92:181-192. 2017
- Analysis of robust optimization for decentralized microgrid energy management under uncertainty. 64:815-832. 2015
- Algorithm based on the mesh analysis for computing 2-D magnetostatic fields by the finite difference method. 62:583-585. 2014
- Power control for grid connected applications based on the phase shifting of the inverter output voltage with respect to the grid voltage. 57:250-260. 2014
- A novel methodology for transformer low-frequency model parameters identification. 53:643-648. 2013
- Determination of moisture diffusion coefficient for oil-impregnated Kraft-paper insulation. 53:279-286. 2013
- Maximum loadability of an isolated system considering steady-state and dynamic constraints. 53:774-781. 2013
- Optimal re-dispatch of an isolated system considering transient stability constraints. 44:728-735. 2013
- Evaluating risk-constrained bidding strategies in adjustment spot markets for wind power producers. 43:703-711. 2012
- Analysis of the influence of low-frequency heating on transformer drying - Part 1: Theoretical analysis. 38:84-89. 2012
- Analysis of the influence of low-frequency heating on transformer drying - Part 2: Experiences with a real transformer. 38:90-96. 2012
- Aplication of Wavelets and Prony Method for Disturbance Detection in Fixed Speed Wind Farms. 31:429-436. 2009
- Probabilistic Load Flow with Wind Production Uncertainty Using Cumulants and Cornish Fisher Expansion. 31:474-481. 2009