publication venue for Take-it-or-leave-it contracts in many-to-many matching markets. 591-623. 2023 Contests with dominant strategies. 74:1-19. 2022 The multiple priors of the open-minded decision maker. 71:663-692. 2021 The value of public information in common-value Tullock contests. 63:925-942. 2017 Endogenous party platforms: 'stochastic' membership. 62:839-866. 2016 Euler-Lagrange equations of stochastic differential games: application to a game of a productive asset. 59:61-108. 2015 Strategy-proof allocation mechanisms for economies with public goods. 52:315-336. 2013 Foundations for Contest Success Functions. 43:81-98. 2010 On the Imposibility of Representing Infinite Utility Streams. 40:47-56. 2009 Migration with Local Public Goods and the Gains from Changing Places. 41:359-377. 2009 Simultaneous Ascending Auctions with Complementarities and Known Budget Constraints. 38:105-124. 2009 Conditions for Equivalence Between Sequentiality and Subgame Perfection. 35:539-553. 2008 Non-Monotoniticies and the All-Pay Auction Tie-Breaking Rule. 35:407-440. 2008