publication venue for
- Frequency-modulated OFDM: A new waveform for high-mobility wireless communications. 71:540-552. 2023
- Constellation design for multiuser non-coherent massive SIMO based on DMPSK modulation. 70:8181-8195. 2022
- Interference management for K-Tier networks without CSIT based on reconfigurable antennas. 69:8068 -8084. 2021
- A Low-Complexity Double EP-Based Detector for Iterative Detection and Decoding in MIMO. 69:1538-1547. 2021
- Resource Allocation for Cooperative Transmission in Optical Wireless Cellular Networks With Illumination Requirements. 68:6440-6455. 2020
- Channel equalization with expectation propagation at smoothing level. 68:2740-2747. 2020
- Semi-Blind Interference Aligned NOMA for Downlink MU-MISO Systems. 68:1852-1865. 2020
- Turbo EP-Based Equalization: A Filter-Type Implementation. 66:4259-4270. 2018
- Continuous Transmission of Spatially Coupled LDPC Code Chains. 65:5097 -5109. 2017
- DCO-OFDM Signals With Derated Power for Visible Light Communications Using an Optimized Adaptive Network-Based Fuzzy Inference System. 65:4371-4381. 2017
- Expectation Propagation as Turbo Equalizer in ISI Channels. 65:360-370. 2017
- Spreading modulation for multi-level non-volatile memories. 64:1110-1119. 2016
- Short-Packet Communications Over Multiple-Antenna Rayleigh-Fading Channels. 64:618-629. 2016
- Adaptive read thresholds for NAND flash. 63:3069-3081. 2015
- Expectation Propagation Detection for High-Order High-Dimensional MIMO Systems. 62:2840-2849. 2014
- Interference Pricing Mechanism for Downlink Multicell Coordinated Beamforming. 62:1871-1883. 2014
- Tree-structured expectation propagation for LDPC decoding over BMS channels. 61:4086-4095. 2013
- Mean Achievable Rates in Clustered Coordinated Base Station Transmission with Block Diagonalization. 61:3483-3493. 2013
- Tree expectation propagation for ML decoding of LDPC codes over the BEC. 61:465-473. 2012
- Reduction of the envelope fluctuations of multi-carrier modulations using adaptive neural fuzzy inference systems. 59:19-25. 2011
- SINR Degradation in MIMO-OFDM Systems with Channel Estimation Errors and Partial Phase Noise Compensation. 58:2199-2203. 2010
- Gaussian Process Regressors for Multiuser Detection in DS-CDMA Systems. 57:2339-2347. 2009